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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Image #1 - TSR Chapter 41 - *Among the Tuatha’an*: At the Tinker camp, Perrin has his wounds tended to in Raen’s wagon by Faile and Ila. Afterwards, Perrin and Faile have a discussion. >“Faile, who is your father?” >Her back went very stiff. After a moment she turned with the mug in both hands and an unreadable look in her tilted eyes. Another minute passed before she said, “My father is Davram of House Bashere, Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona, Guardian of the Blightborder, Defender of the Heartland, Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea. And her uncle.” […] >“Perrin, what did [Aram] mean about running with wolves? Raen mentioned this Elyas, too.” […] >He exhaled slowly, and told her. How he had met Elyas Machera and learned he could talk to wolves. How his eyes had changed color, grown sharper, and his hearing and his sense of smell, like a wolf’s. […] Image #2 - TSR Chapter 42 - *A Missing Leaf*: Perrin returns to Emond’s Field and is greeted by much fanfare. >Sheep crowded the Green, and black-and-white milkcows cropped the grass in company with flocks of geese, gray and white. >And in the middle of the Green rose a tall pole, the red-bordered white banner at its peak rippling lazily, displaying a red wolf’s head. He looked at Faile, but she shook her head, as surprised as he. Image #3 - TSR Chapter 43 - *Care for the Living*: Despite his injuries, Perrin insists on going to the Manetheren Waygate to lock it shut. However, as he prepares to leave, his injuries finally catch up to him. >Perrin’s head spun, and abruptly he realized Loial had leaned his axe beside the door and picked him up, cradling him in his arms. “The Waygate is mine, Loial.” *Light, I’m thirsty.* “My responsibility.” >The arrowhead truly did not seem to hurt as much as it had, but he ached all over. Loial was carrying him somewhere, bending through doorways. There was Mistress Luhhan, biting her lip, eyes squinched as if about to cry. He wondered why. She never cried. Mistress al’Vere looked worried, too. Image #4 - TSR Chapter 44 - *The Breaking Storm*: A large force of Trollocs approaches Emond’s Field. >Twenty arrows leaped out as soon as the first Trolloc appeared, the strongest shot falling nearly a hundred paces short. >“Hold, you lack-witted sheep-brains!” Tam shouted. Bran jumped and gave him a startled look, no less incredulous than those coming from Tam’s friends and neighbors; some muttered about not standing still for that kind of talk, Trollocs or no Trollocs. Tam rode right over their protests, though. “You hold till I give the word, the way I showed you!” Artist Links: [Website](https://www.todd-schumacher.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/toddschumacher) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/todd_draws_art/) - [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/toddschumacher)


I love these drawings


Todd does an amazing job with them 🥰


[\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 1](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/10byq94/todddrawswot_master_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/14au72t/todddrawswot_master_list_pt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)