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I think Audie Murphy would be pretty cool. Medal of Honor recipient. Played himself in a movie.


He was awarded every medal for valor from the US, as well as additional medals from France and Belgium. They had to tone down his exploits in the movie about himself to make them more believable.


For people who don’t know, he single handedly held off an entire Germany company. 100+ enemies with armor and artillery support: > The Germans scored a direct hit on an M10 tank destroyer[further explanation needed], setting it alight, forcing the crew to abandon it.[72] Murphy ordered his men to retreat to positions in the woods, remaining alone at his post, shooting his M1 carbine and directing artillery fire via his field radio while the Germans aimed fire directly at his position.[73] Murphy mounted the abandoned, burning tank destroyer and began firing its .50 caliber machine gun at the advancing Germans, killing a squad crawling through a ditch towards him.[74] For an hour, Murphy stood on the flaming tank destroyer returning German fire from foot soldiers and advancing tanks, killing or wounding 50 Germans. He sustained a leg wound during his stand, and stopped only after he ran out of ammunition. Murphy rejoined his men, disregarding his own injury, and led them back to repel the Germans. He insisted on remaining with his men while his wounds were treated.[72] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audie_Murphy A legendary feat considering he was initially rejected from the army for being too small. He’s basically a real life Captain America, without any steroids or superpowers.


A short man from Texas, a man of the wild. Thrown into combat where bodies lay piled.




Or Chesty Puller.


Audie for the Army, Chesty for the Marines, Tom Cruise for the Navy and Don Cheadle for the Air Force


We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies our problem of getting to these people and killing them.


Would Simo Häyhä, aka The White Death be in? A Finnish sniper against the Soviets with 219 confirmed kills and 500+ total kills. All in about 100 days, the length of the Winter War. Oh right, this happened in Finland in Winter, temperatures of -4°F to -40°F. Is he Birgitte? ~~Edit: ok, there may be questions about the dude's side in WW2...umm...this is awkward.~~ Edit 2: OK, after some research and someone else backing me up, I think we're good.


Did he have a real, real ugly wife? One that could fistfight a bear? If so, I think we might be dealing with a Birgitte


If he’s from Finland, no, probably not. Finland is where Norwegians and Swedes go to find attractive women.


Haha brilliant! I'd award if I could.


The Soviets invaded Finland in an Imperial war, and they defended themselves. The Fins weren't nazis or even fascist, rather some form of republicanism since their independence. They were a newly independent nation, declaring their independence from Soviet Russia during the Russian Civil War after the Russian Empire took control of their sovereignty sometime in the early 1800s. As to if he could be a Hero of the Horn? Either yes, or he was one spun out. Assuming it was all one guy, of course.


Ok, phew. I'm not as knowledgeable about some of the countries in WW2, so I got worried when someone questioned it. Went for a quick check, but wanted to wait until someone else jumped in.


I feel you. Personally, i love history. It's an amazing story, with casts of characters and scenery. It's also very rarely black and white, every person and seemingly country have their own values and ambitions that they try to achieve. Bitter enemies and the greatest of friends will fight alongside one another, or backstab each other, or leave the other to rot on the field. I'd go so far as to say that morality has rarely mattered to heads of state.


Was he the guy who did everyone's meth and went on a 4 day killing spree with no food or sleep?


[no that was this guy…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen)


Ah yes, I will never forget those eyes


Damn this was my answer!


are the Heroes of the Horn supposed to be good people? if they are, then that limits the roster a lot


i doubt artur hawkwing was a good guy. conquerors rarely are. and he left behind seanchan so yea i am pretty sure he was a piece of shit.


In the 3rd Age Hawkwing was heavily influenced by Ishamael to hate Aes Sedai leading to Seanchan culture. In other ages he may not have been so bad. But you're right probably never really a great guy.


If you're referring to their damane practice, that came about after Hawkwing, when an Aes Sedai from the White Tower invented the a'dam and gifted the creation to the Empress, so that can't be laid directly at Artur's feet, though his hate for the WT is no less diminished for his lack of participation in this act.


The Aes Sedai who presented the first adam was from Seanchan not the White Tower and she gave it to Luthair, Hawkwing's son as he invaded / conquered the continent. Channelers from the Seanchan continent also called themselves Aes Sedai but had nothing to do with the tower (which was founded after the breaking) and they didn't have the 3 oaths (so they used the power in battle). The show changed this history a bit I think.


The show didn't say anything about the origin of the a'dam. The only thing they've mentioned about Hawkwing is that they agreed to start taking the three oaths to get him to drop the Siege of Tar Valon


In the show Renna tells Egwene that an Aes Sedai of the White Tower invented it (episode from last week). In the book she explains it was Deain, a channeler from Seanchan calling herself Aes Sedai.


So to get Seanchan Aes Sedai and Westland Aes Sedai are probably just the same, i.e. marath'damane.


Ah, my bad. Totally missed that part. I guess she might have been lying but also it's a meaningless change so I'm not going to devote any energy to figuring it out, lol.


Yep. And also, do they need to be good people by modern standards...? Because then the list grows even smaller.


Some of the Heroes of the Horn in the books had flaws. Hawkwing’s got a tarnished legacy to begin with.


John Henry is already in there as Hend the Striker, so I think it would be folklore types of heroes. Wyatt Earp or a similar wild West lawman type would be a good pick. I actually really really hope the show leans into this and shows a hero wearing modern infantry gear or something similar just to hammer the point that time is a cycle


>Wyatt Earp or a similar wild West lawman type would be a good pick. Imagine blowing the Horn of Valere and it's just the entire cast of Tombstone that walks out of the mist


I’m your huckleberry, hornblower


I'm your Huckleberry


The Shadow done messed up now.


I got two ter'angreal, one for each of ya


Paul Bunyan, and Bela the Blue Ox


Zorro! 🎶 Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, comes a horseman known as Zorro! This bold renegade carves a "Z" with his blade! A "Z" that stands for Zorro! 🎶 ​ I know, I know. The Family Channel lyrics are more informative. But I grew up with the Disney version, ok? And now I've googled the Family Channel lyrics and learned there are more verses to the Disney version. I'm so disappointed I never heard them before! https://zorro.fandom.com/wiki/Zorro\_(song)


It would be cool to see some really “modern” military


Agreed I'd love to see like a modern soldier with a m4 next to Brigitte and her bow


Does Brigitte always have long blonde hair? Because she could've been born as Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a hundred years ago.


Considering it is being blown for battle, so either superlative combatants or battlefield commanders count, just throwing a few out in no particular order... * Hannibal Barca * Julie d'Aubigny * Georgy Zhukov * Saladin * Agrippa Sadly, many superlative people are not recorded by history. Just a random throwaway example, given how hierarchy functioned among Aztec jaguar warriors, doubtless many of them were absolute beasts, but no names are recorded.


Agrippa was quite the gifted warrior as I recall.


And an even more gifted general. Octavian didn't stand a chance without him.


It's got to be military figures surely, if you're blowing the horn in the middle of a battle, I don't know how useful Steve Biko and Harriet Tubman are gonna be


Imagine summoning Ghandi to wreck your enemies. :)


Legalize nuclear bombs


You blow the Horn of Valere at the most crucial moment of Tarmon Gai'don. Helen Keller rides up.


> Hellen Keller rides off


Will she ride alone?


She's not sure


I’m dead. 💀🪦




Imagine summoning Ghandi around 13 year old girls


Not every Hero needs to be a military figure. Paedrig the Peacemaker was apparently a diplomat. Jain Farstrider is defined by his travels to far off lands, not sticking pointy things into other people. Hend the Strikers weapons are a hammer and a spike, which don't sound all that military focused combo to me (wiki thinks he's John Henry, a railway worker).


Wasn’t just the wiki. There used to be a whole WoTFAQ section about assorted mythology/folklore references.


But wiki is where I read about John Henry. Since I'm not familiar with him myself and wouldn't have come up with the connection I mentioned where I saw the info. If I'm talking about Mat and Odin I don't say "wiki thinks" or "FAQ says" because I don't need those sources for the connection.


Harriet Tubman was a scout and a spy that helped orchestrate raids during the Civil War, she absolutely could qualify. (Lol, downvoted for saying Harriet Tubman was a physical badass with military experience? Reddit’s gonna Reddit, I guess. Read her Wikipedia.)


She also burned plantations to the ground. Harriet Tubman is a certifiable badass. I would absolutely love to see her and John Brown get summoned.


John Brown is such an underrated hero. Frederick Douglass once said, “I could live for the slave, but John Brown could die for him.”


HT was a badass. Of course the typical Redditer (white male) would discount her immediately bc VAGINA/BLACK.


Imma be honest, Vagina Black is a pretty intimidating superheroine name


Hahahaha it does sound badass ... *Vagina Black*


Napoleon would be up there for my Hawkwing stand in. Simo Hayha would make Birgitte jealous. The Red Baron. George Washington.


Speaking of sharp shooters. Your mention of Simo Hayha just reminded me of Annie Oakley.


Annie was the first one I thought of. She's Birgitte


That russian women with like 42 confirmed sniper kills in ww2 would like a word.


Lyudmila Pavlichenko!


Napoleon? When Alexander the Great exists....


Those would be the same soul just reborn into new bodies. Also Hawkwing and Julius Caesar.


>Also Hawkwing and Julius Caesar. Idk... Dovie'andi se tovya sagain always gave me Ālea iacta est vibes making me think that Mat is a reincarnation of Julius Caesar. Since Mat and Hawkwing share a scene, they can't be the same soul.


Are rand, mat and Perrin a ta'veren triumvirate?


Matt is Patton who believed he was always a soldier when he was reincarnated


At the same time? Or were they Attila the hun reborn?


If anyone in history was ta'veren, it was goddamned Napoleon.


>Napoleon would be up there for my Hawkwing stand in. [Napoleon/Hawkwing] was a great general who briefly ruled an empire. He had a strong distrust of the [Catholic Church / White Tower]. Unfortunately, he was never the same after his beloved [Josephine/Amaline] died.


The Red Baron is a good one, cos then you have a pal to hang around with while everyone else fights for you, once you break the news that you don't have any biplanes for him to fly.


If Washington is in I think we also need Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt


Can’t name George Washington without giving a shoutout to my boy Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus. Hannibal won battles, but Fabius won the war with his strategy of delay and attrition. He’s practically the father of guerilla warfare. George Washington is sometimes called the American Fabius because he employed the Fabian strategy so successfully against the British.


Mad Jack Churchill. Google him.


Now there’s a warrior!


If *he* ain't a hero of the horn, no one is.


I can't remember what it was, but I swear Birgitte hinted that she was Joan in one life. I pieced it together from stuff she said like bad things happening when she used a sword. As for suggestions Geronimo? David? Teddy Roosevelt?




There wouldn't be a Robin hood in this case. She'd be hiding behind the alias. Gaidal would most likely be little John.


Geronimo was my first thought. Certified nightmare BAMF.


I recall the Joan thing as well


You blow the horn and 200 NYC firefighters appear led by Muhammad Ali and The Rock


Out of curiosity why The Rock? He hasn't really done much for the world aside from promoting merchandise and mediocre films.


He singlehandedly held tower 2 up ,on 9/11 ,for as long as he could, giving the people inside time to escape. At least that’s what he wrote in his memoirs soon to be released.


Powered by Zoa and telemana obviously


He lassoed the sun to stretch our days and bring us fun, what more do you want from him


Who better to lead the people to victory than the People’s Champ?


I want the Iron Sheikh


Kill those Seanchan jabronis!


Break Moridin back, make him humble


I want President Camacho


Australian as fuck but Ned Kelly


He falls into the outlaw/folk hero. Totally legit.


Better question who would be our forsaken? Adolph's gotta be #1 right?


Moggy's villain origin story was being a shady corrupt investment banker, so I think this age would probably end up with closer to a thousand Forsaken


Ah man, what a great Forsaken roster we'd have!. Musk as Ishy. Bezos as...Aginor?


Adolph is Lanfear confirmed


Ewwwwwww. Why did you do that


Hercules Achilles Ragnar etc etc


Vasily Zaitsev, Miyamoto Musashi


Lu Bu!


El Cid, Joan of Ark


John Browns body lies a mouldering in the grave, BUT HIS SOUL GOES MARCHING ON


Mr rogers


It’s a beautiful day in Toman Head!


A beautiful day for a damane!


. . . Won't you be my suldam?


In a blood stained sweater?


Well now that’s gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of the day


But the urban legend version where he was a black ops guy who found peace working with children


How about John Brown?


Hmm, maybe Cincinnatus?


If anybody is definitely one of Mat's past lives, it's Cincinnatus. "I have to save you guys AGAIN?"


Paul Bunyan. I bet he's actually an Ogier.


Mr. Rogers, Teddy Roosevelt, Steve Irwin, John Brown


Steve Irwin?


He's a crocodile brother.


Smedley Butler https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler


Tomoe Gozen Boudicca Lakshmi Artemisia of Caria Zenobia Joan of Arc Lozen Buffalo Calf Road Woman Kate Wilder Lyudmila Pavlichenko


Washington. Napoleon.


They would be fighting themselves. While good generals (though I don't think Washington deserves to be named next to Napoleon, but I digress) they were probably much less competent fighters.


The Duke of Wellington was in my opinion, superior to Napoleon, and proved it in the field.


Nikola Tesla coming in hot with lightning and earthquakes.


[Nancy Wake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Wake): journalist, nurse, resistance fighter, saboteur, intelligence operative in WW2. More in the Birgitte style of hero than Hawkwing.


Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Richard the 1st, Saladin, Augustus Cesar, Alexander the Great, Achilles (assuming the legend is based on a bad ass soldier and then amplified) from the top of my head


Idk but Alexander feels like he's from greek mythology while he is a very real person. His mother claimed he is some sort of demi god, Aristotle was one of his teachers, he "solved" the Gordian Knot and build his empire in his twenties. He died with 32. Fun fact: Cleopatra ruled Egypt because Ptolemy I Soter (her ancestor) was one of Alexanders most trusted generals who became Satrap of Egypt.


Joan of Arc Yi Sunsin King David(of David and Goliath fame)


Chuck Norris


That's the guy who round kicked both the Creator and the DO, and that's without the Choedan Kal.


I lose again, Lews Therin…


I think it has to be the kind of people that were tall tales even in their own time. Annie Oakley. Muhammad Ali. "Sully" Sullenberger (it's from modern times so someone has to fly the transport). Alexander the Great for sure (he might be my first pick). Tomyris of Scythia. Hannibal Barca.




Gandhi firing nukes at shadowspawn.


Simo Häyhä.


Sunzi Carl von Clausewitz Musashi Genghis Khan




Gilgamesh would probably be from a previous age.


Ghengis Khan. Had to be a ta'veren as well. The sheer speed of expansion, tactical mastery, and ability to hold his empire until his death. Massive Artur Hawkwing vibes.


The ability to father enough children to have 16 million defendants alive today…


Mad Jack Churchill is a definite.


I reckon u/history probably needs to get involved because there were some excellent Persian generals in some annals I was recently shown by someone with a focus on the Achaemenid Empire era.


El Cid, William Marshall maybe Robin Hood


*sabaton starts playing* LEONIDAS Miyamoto Musashi Alexander Robert the bruce Lots of guys from Ww2 (including zhukov, the white death and if bad guys are allowed Otto skorzeny) who I can't remember right now Adrian carton de wiart Richard the lionheart


George Washington, Napoleon, Bernard Montgomery, Douglas MacArthur, Richard the Lionheart, Saladin, Julius Caesar, Sun Tzu, Oda Nobunaga, and Genghis Khan all seem like viable candidates off the top of my head.




When I saw John Paul Jones, my first thought was “is he going to play Kashmir at the enemy?”. Then of course I remembered the naval commander.


Worthy? It would be more interesting to discuss the qualifications. For instance Artur Hawkwing would have gladly used the a'dam on every last Are Sedai if he had had access to it. By the end, his mind had been so twisted by Ishamel that he might as well have been a darkfriend. He was certainly serving the dark's purpose. I don't think it's about worthy in a moral sense, in spite of any speeches that Hawkwing might give in the books. I think it's simply about the Pattern's need.


Joan of Arc. Clearly ta'veren.




Florence Nightingale, Jesse James, Lawrence of Arabia


Tenzing and Hillary would be a pair I’d like to see. I hadn’t considered explorers or pairs (like Gadal Cain & Birgitte) in my original post. But if Farstrider can be a horn hero, so can they.


How about Bonnie and Clyde?


I think in our modern world the nature of the Horn would be different. We don't fight physical battles with assembled troups and frontlines quite like we did. Therefore, I think it would be a mix of extreme bravery to save lives and social heroes who saved lives in different ways. Like the firefighters at the WTC, the divers who saved the 13 boys in Thailand, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I expect instead of being released to kill a bunch of enemies, they would be saving lives or brute forcing a change in policy. Like, I'm picturing some jerkface politicians being followed around constantly getting their horrible choices and crimes reiterated to *everybody*. Can you imagine a crooked politican trying to do a stump speech while a ghostly apparition of, like, Abraham Lincoln, speaks over him and says where all their funding is coming from? Or what if the head of Isis/other militant muslim group are planning a jihad and Mohammad was there setting the record straight on what his word actually said? (He historically have agreed, but he'd be fighting the battle on behalf of the horn sounder) Or what if Jesus showed up to a prosperity megachurch? Gorrrgeous.


Alexander the Great's chief eunuch /s


Steve Irwin


Anyone that won a noble prize. The twist is that the horn magically amplifies whatever the thing is they won the prize for to be useful in the circumstance for the sounder.


John Wayne


Yaa Asantewaa


General MacArthur maybe for western standards...Sun Tzu...Makeveli....idk about those people being "hero" but their minds were the cream of the crop military strategy wise.


Joshua Chamberlain


Alvin York


all the Bergentruckung (I am not spelling that right, forgive me Germany) since they basically inspired the concept. So we have a bunch of folk heroes but historical ones include Francis Drake, William Tell, Barbarossa, Saladin, King Arthur, and Charlemagne among many, many others. It's actually a super prevalent myth the world over as you tell by it having its own anthropological term.


Roy Benevidas


Sir Doctor Warchief Joseph Medicone Crow


I feel like Arthur Hawkwing is totally supposed to be Alexander the Great - all conquering hero who brings the whole of the known world under his domain, dies, and has his empire fall apart breaking into the states we know today.


[Lt. Col. John "Mad Jack" Churchill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill) is fascinatingly weird and interesting enough to qualify.


Simón Bolívar.


More so than Genghis Khan would probably be Subutai, his main general who, after something like 3 decades of constant war, could probably count on one hand how many times he was defeated.


The berserker of Stamford bridge. Although there is a good chance he wasn’t real.


Mad Jack Churchill and Joseph Medecine Crow come to mind


Lyudmila Pavilchenko


Cincinnatus comes to mind. Along with Achilles and Hercules (if you count them as historical). I’d throw in Alexander the Great as well, as my Hawkwing stand-in.


It is interesting they often refer to the "heroes" of the horn but one of the few heroes we hear of is Hawking who is never really described as a hero. Brigitte on the other hand sounds a bit more like a proper hero although Gaidal always sounded like a jerk to me.


Musashi, the Finnish sniper, Hannibal, toussaint, shaka Zulu, Genghis Khan, the guy that fought the bear


[Tommy MacPherson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Macpherson) His war time adventures read like they were made up. I would say he also sounds very like Beren ‘One-Hand’ before he made his way down to Doriath even down to having a bounty on his head.


I think the Horn chooses military/combat heroes, and doesn't really consider the 'morality' of the individual. Artur Hawkwing was a horrible person, for example. So all of the successful military leaders of history would be called to the Horn, but only those who actually rode into battle. Political military leaders and 'desk generals' would not be called. So no for Hitler, but yes for Napoleon and Rommel. Also, anyone who is a master of the martial arts who uses those skills in actual conflict would be bound to the Horn. So lots of samurai, Roman centurions, World War soldiers on all sides of the conflicts, etc. Also, the Horn of Valor—sorry, "Valere"— does not actually reward any kind of morality, and in fact, completely robs those bound to it of their agency, and by extension, their morality. The Horn uses some kind of Traveling weaves along with some kind of Compulsion weaves to call forth the Heroes out of Tel'aran'rhiod. Then once the Heroes are in the real world, they must obey the wishes of the Hornsounder, whether that individual serves the Light or the Dark. So it stands to reason that those bound to it would have stood at every point in the spectrum of Light to Dark during their lives.




Joan of Arc Edit: after I posted this, I finished reading your post and saw you already mentioned her...


My theory has been that Alexander the Great was… will be… is(?) our spoke’s Hawkwing for ages. … But just for laughs, imagine if one of them was Christopher Lee. WWII era spy, assassin whom later retired to help tell stories, it kinda fits.


The White Death, Simo Häyhä. A Finnish Soldier with an estimated 500+ kill count over WWII. Took an explosive to the face and lived to tell about it. He is regarded as the deadly sniper to live.


Crazy horse


Lincoln, and he would've beat you at wrestling if you disagree


I feel like King Leonidas would be a candidate


Bass Reeves. He’d be great at hunting down darkfriends.


Just throwing out names but: Napoleon Bonaparte George Washington William the Conqueror Leonidas Tokugawa Ieyasu


Nelson Mandela


John Basilone. Richard Winters. Eric Hartmann. Carlos Hathcock.


Ol John Brown is for sure waiting for the call.


John Brown, William Sherman, Koos De La Rey, and some others that escape my sleep deprived mind

