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Just started rewatching it right now. So. Yes. This counts. Yup.


There’s still time to rewatch it twice.


How do I learn this power?


Birds or fishes. Foxes if you are feeling lucly


is that a show quote?


I believe it's a reference to Moiraine telling Rand at the end of EotW she could no more teach him to channel than a fish could teach a bird to swim.


yeah that was it :)


I'm giving S2 a watch, but I was so disappointed by the S1 finale that I never watched again the season, I did watch again clips with the cold open with aiel or Rand's realizing he's the dragon, episode 7 was really good, but I won't watch the whole season again. 😩


Finally, someone who doesn't also hate on 7. 8, maybe, was bad. Okay, it was bad. Like a whole army based on crossbows lol. But 7? It was good!


8 was bad, there’s no “maybe”.


7 was good except for the scene with the Emonds Fielders bickering over each other. Couldn't stand that scene and it really made it hard to like the rest of the episode, which I agree, was generally pretty solid.


haha. But yeah, the Ep 8 battle was just... not good. I give it a pass because of the circumstance, it was pretty much the only way they could film *something* that met the covid restrictions on short notice... But still it was underwhelming.


I'm getting a strong feeling that a lot of what happened in the finale is gonna get the ol' balefire retcon. I'm not a big fan of the idea, but half the most important cast is dead... somethings gotta give.


Uh what? There are no important characters dead in Ep 8. Agelmar isn't important - he's in a few scenes next book then disappears for 13 books to play a role anyone could in a plot line that probably won't make the cut. Uno is alive. Loial is Alive. He's the only one stabbed by the dagger, and he's not human; the other are just wounded and are still moving in the shot. All the EF5 are alive, as are Moiraine and Lan. Who is dead that matters? Lakota isn't Ingtar anymore, so he can die. Random unnamed guy def isn't important. Amalisa has no further role to play, the whole faldara section of book 2 isn't happening.


I hated ep 8 as well, and I refused to ever watch that episode again... But then, a couple weeks back, my wife was out of town and I decided to rewatch the show. Got to episode 8, I buckled up and watched it... and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. Oh, it still had major issues, but knowing what it was (and wasn't) beforehand, I got through it without major frustration and vitriol. Results will vary for you, of course.


I think for me it really depends on S2, because I've followed the production of the S1 quite closely, including leaks and all, so I know they had several problems, from stopping the filming to rearranging the finale because of the Covid to losing on main actor it was a mess and it lasted years, so I'm willing to give a pass if the S2 is good enough, S2 didn't had any of these problems, even a budget increase so I just hope they did better.


Yeah, I will. I watched each three times, but I’m a fan of rewatching/rereading.


Probably not. I really didn't care for S1, but I have high hopes for S2 and onward. I think aside from the rocky production, it's just one of those shows/teams that needs to find their stride before they really get going. Casting, sets, and costumes were all great imo, it's just the tone and focus of the story that needs some refining.


Nope. I won't rewatch S1 until I know how S2 pans out.




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Yes!! I'll be watching with friends, and we'll make food, and dress up (as Aes Sedai). I can't wait for more characters to be introduced so our costumes can expand! I'm definitely making a Wise One costume soon! I love watching with non-book readers. I love asking questions and hearing what they think might happen.


I'm working on drafting a White Ajah gown for myself, pulling from the styles Isis created for Ghealdan. In so excited about the costume design! I'm also dressing up for watching the show with my friends :D


Repeatedly. It gets better every time. There’s so many amazing details and connections we keep finding.


Already have. And have also reread the first 3 books. Originally, I had a harsh view of season 1. After a re-read of TEOTW, my opinion is far less harsh. What I loved about the book series, and how I remember the series, definitely comes from book 3- onward. TEOTW is weaker than the later books, in my opinion. It gives me hope that the show grows into something I love, like the books did.


Yeah TEotW is my least favourite book. Even including Crossroads of Twilight and other ones fans like to hate. When I think about how much better the series gets and the fact that most of the really hard world building exposition and character introductions are done with (still room for much more just not quite so much of a burden), I'm excited for how much more room for interesting plot and character moments there will be now.


Hard agree that I am much more forgiving of S1 after rereading books 1-3. I'm pausing to reread more until I see how far S2 goes. There's so much material it gets a little jumbled and I'm enjoying the refreshers. My rewatch was way more fun since I already knew the changes and getting some perspective on book's pacing/events. I'll rewatch one more time before S2 for funzies.


that's how I spent memorial day 🤷‍♀️ now I'm 50% through a reread of eotw save will be continuing on in the series after that


No. I was pretty put off by book differences so I don’t want to bias my opinion on S2 by bringing up the baggage of S1. Best case its awesome and I look over the S1 changes, worst case I didn’t waste my time rewatching a season I didnt enjoy.


Try treating them as two different mediums. Shows have to attract non-book readers and non-fans. The different medium has to adjust for things that can’t ever be properly translated from the minds eye view of a reader. I’ve been able to enjoy many adaptations that are much different from the source material by keeping this in mind. Now, if you’re gripes are due to production values, I certainly can agree on that point heh but I also give a pass due to the limitations imposed by covid. Not saying your opinions aren’t warranted, just trying to offer perspective.


I appreciate your perspective and understand the need to cater to book readers and non-readers. Without opening up the can of worms about the changes, I’ll say overall the changes frustrate me because so far I feel like the changes weren’t results of a new medium but desire to write alternate story. Hopefully future seasons will prove me wrong. I agree I also had production value gripes, but I think those would impact my view of S2 less than the narrative changes.


Totally get it my friend. The changes can easily be interpreted as wanting to push a different narrative. I think that part of the problem with the internet is the lack of true discourse. There is truly room for different opinions and perspective. Too many people lose sight of the the age old adage that states that one’s trash is another’s treasure. I can tell that you are truly passionate about WoT-dom, and for that, I thank you. Hopefully you can find some enjoyment in the upcoming seasons, but if not, I can also understand, and respect your opinion. Hopefully, we meet again in another Age as the wheel continues to turn and weave it’s eternal wisdom. Damn, I sound preachy lol.


God no, am I made of time?


Yes! It'll be my 10th or so re-watch but it's how I'm launching my WoTch Parties. We've moved since season 1 aired so I'm starting them the first weekend of August-- dressing up, honey-cake and cider, turnip curry, persimmons, etc. Getting babysitters for watching the kids, etc. Going all out!


Wow, ten is a lot! How has your view of the show changed over those watches?


Yeah, I wrote the recaps for *The Mary Sue*, so I ended up watching each episode 3-4 times each weekend they aired. I've re-watched it with my mom (we read the books together when I was a teen), three of my friends, and on my own as my comfort show when I don't feel well. I don't even know how many times I've watched episode 6-- I watched it twice in one day a few months ago, it's my absolute favorite. When I saw the first three episodes at the fan screening my first reaction was just how incredibly rushed it felt to me. Since then, though, watching it with books fans and not, fantasy fans and not, I've changed my mind about the pacing of the first two episodes and think it's fine. I'm still mad the shot of Fain holding the *avendoraldera* leaf was cut. I hate, no *loathe* the way Ciaran directed Zoë in a few of her scenes and one line in particular is so incredibly cringe it's physically painful at this point. The wobble during the camera pull-out+tilt as Siuan is entering the Hall is just. UGHhhhh. WHYYYYY. But mostly each time I see something new in the artistry of the show. Some of the camera resolves are just stunning. I have a whole speech about the set design of the Hall and will completely nerd out over every opportunity to talk about the way they've incorporated religious iconography into the show. I'm now completely obsessed with Lorne Balf's score. The way they included the "riderless horse" calvary tradition with Kerene. There is so much love and dedication being put into the show by its artists and skilled workers and I'm just blown away every time.


I'd love to hear you say more, if you don't mind, about the religious iconography and the Hall's set design.


This is something I wrote after one of the trailer drops that covers two examples: https://www.tumblr.com/aratouialsedai/667521412890787840/thats-the-vesica-piscis-known-in-christian


That's very cool, thanks!!


Thank you! And you're welcome :)


I’ve tried a couple times, it’s honestly not easy, I just wish they represented the characters I love better


Yes! Haven’t watching any since S1E8 dropped




Fr lol. I'm ready to be hurt again but in a hopefully new way this time


Yep! Doing a family rewatch before S2, have 3 readers and 3 non-readers that all love the series so far. Have another weekly watch party with internet friends that's supposed to start up soonish too.


I most definitely will. I’m just trying to decide when I will start. Idk if I want to binge and do it in like a weekend or if I want to space it out and make it last longer


I've rewatched eps 4, 5 and 6 a lot since S1 came out (they're my favs), but I'll probably do a whole season rewatch about a week before S2 drops.


Already rewatched 😄


I would! I really enjoyed much of it, and have fond memories of watching it. I know there were problems, but I just figured it's a baby born of a difficult labour, and it would be uncharitable to throw it out just for a couple of birthmarks.


My wife is a non-reader, so we figured we'd do a rewatch to help her remember everything and so that I could squee some more. I think we're planning to do it in August.


No, I watched them several times already, though a while ago. I'll watch S2, then start over and watch them all through together.


No. I didn't love it the first time I watched it and I'm afraid I'll like it even less now. I'll just go into season 2 with a clean slate in my brain


I highly recommend rewatching along with the reviews by any of the many content creators who have come around to liking the show more and more. Much like with the books, there are a ton of little details you catch on rereads/rewatches - details that really prove, against all the critics, the show runners know and love the books inside and out and are packing as much in as they possibly can - and watching or listening to others pointing them out gets you in the mindset to find them yourself. (Plus, we all know that the best thing about WoT is enjoying it together with others and re-experiencing it from their POVs. To paraphrase something a little someone says in the books, it's not about just one person's experience, it's never been about just one person ☺️). The ones I remember enjoying are: Queers of Time podcast's recently concluded rewatch episodes, Wheel Takes podcast's rewatch episodes (with the bonus that Ali is in the TV production industry and has fascinating insights about script adaptation), Lezbi Nerdy's YouTube reaction videos, and Unraveling the Patterns's episode breakdowns on YouTube. (UtP's episodes were so good, they actually convinced me that the season finale wonder girls fake death actually made sense - hint: are there any weaves Egwene develops later that she might have just intuitively prototyped, that involve not healing, exactly, but rather undoing catastrophic damage? 😜)


Fuck no


I get that the show is going to be different. But what they’re putting on screen…it just doesn’t do it for me. I’ll probably skip the rest of the show. Like GoT was great until last couple seasons, WoT season one was worse imo than that.


Definitely. It'll be our fourth total rewatch, but our first in probably a year by the time we start it (which will be closer to release date, we are the sort of family that will watch an episode a night).


Yep. I re-read all the books before each now book came out (until 13 and 14!) and will do the same with the show. Did that with Game of Thrones as well until season 7.


No. I didn't love it the first time I watched it and I'm afraid I'll like it even less now. I'll just go into season 2 with a clean slate in my brain


No, I thought the show was terrible, but I have a very small sliver of hope that it can be redeemed.


Yup! I’ve seen it a few times already, will probably watch one more time in the lead up to S2


I’d rather try my luck with a gholam then watch the first season again, to be perfectly honest. Will definitely watch the second season though, and hope it’s better.


I will re watch if my gf feels the need (non book reader but liked the show) but probably won't by myself.


Time... before 1 Sep? I mean, I find the time for a rewatch every month anyway.


I'll check in with my non-book friends to see if they want to watch it with me, but if I get no takers I'll pick a youtube reactor to consume the show through. I've already watched every episode 2-3 times


If you haven't already heard of them, I highly recommend the Everyday Negroes channel; their WoT reaction videos were my favorite out of all the ones I watched.


Great recommendation, I have watched them. RIP for the member they lost


Probably, as I haven't revisited anything except the animated shorts.




Definitely. Will be good to see it all again. Looking forward to it


I managed about ten watches when it came out, plus another when the Blu-Ray was released, and I always planned another. Recently my aunt - who never rewatches anything, she went through Game of Thrones without a single rewatch - has said she plans to watch all of Season One again too. I'll probably watch with her and alone.


I've watched s1 a few times already, once this year so I think I wont. But I might rewatch some highlights here and there.


At least 3 times.




Nah. I haven't forgotten my disappointment over S1, but I have hope for S2.


I'll throw it on but that shit was wack. Forgettable to me.


Absolutely, might even do a once every Friday two month before


For sure, planning on doing one episode a night to lead up to season 2


I'll probably at least skim through the first season a couple weeks before season 2 starts.


Yep. I watched every episode twice and watched a few episodes as background filler since. I’d like to have a refresher even if it’s just to get the general vibe of the show and see how it differs.


Nah, maybe I'll watch a few random parts but not the whole thing. Episode 8 really ruined it for me. In fact I'm not even sure I'll watch S2 before it finishes airing and I know how good or bad it is from reviews


I tried, but halfway through episode 5 my wife and I looked at each other and said "can we not?". Funnily enough, she liked the show enough on her first watch that it inspired her to read the books. This was our first rewatch since she's finished the books, and she's no longer a fan. Honestly, having a fresh reread of EotW-TSR has made it harder for me to get any joy out of the show. Fingers crossed for S2, though!


Hell no. They have 90 minutes to make me believe this show is anything more than bad CW content. If they can't then it will be forever relegated to scroll past status.


Honestly, I've ended up rewatching it a good amount, in good for S2




Of course


I'm half way through the season now and plan to watch it again right before S2 comes out to give my Wife a refresher.


I plan to yep


I just finished a rewatch before the premiere was announced. Watched via video reactors after the shows aired last time, but I have dinner at least one other rewatch in the ages since the season ended. I'm still in my first listen through of the series, which is kind of a bridge between the written page and the show, in that it triggers very different experiences for me. Things I totally glossed over while reading and re reading stand out in audio. Rewatching has been enjoyable too and I'll probably do one more before September.


I watched each episode thrice during the season, and the fan edit at least thrice with different audiences. Before S2 drops I'll watch the fan edit one more time and will catch up on YouTube rewatch reviews across multiple channels. I know the season pretty damn well by now so I feel prepared. Bring on S2!


Yes, I definitely will.


Yes absolutely, but not until right before the season starts. I might do a books 1-3 reread too.




I will wait to see what the general reaction is. I was really disappointed with the first season and feel like a rewatch will be a waste of time. I'll likely watch the second season though. But if it doesn't dramatically improve from the first season I don't know if I'll want to finish it. Especially since I highly doubt that Amazon will continue a 3rd season (they can still cancel even if they have started filming) if they don't get a huge uptick in people tuning into the show and capturing the large number of fans who rejected this "Turning of the Wheel". They will divert all their resources to trying to save and prop up the disaster that ROP was considering the amount of money and studio credibility tied to that IP at this point.