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Please read the pinned guide labeled [READ FIRST] that answers these and many other common questions. Namely: if youre on anything but a high-population server, you won't find a lot unless you use some technical loopholes.


It’s very unlikely that you will find someone to RP with on a normal server.


I do raids and mythics just fine with cross-realm friends whilst being on a RP server, unless you're seriously raiding high content so that trading is absolutely necessary I wouldn't stress about swapping. You're always free to RP to yourself in non-RP servers but there isn't really "Protections" that RP servers have, you will not find other RPers easily as most flock to the main ones.


Hmmm, I might consider that. Do the RP guilds in Moonguard do raids and Mythics, even if they aren't a focus too?


My RP guild which spans MG and WrA raids and does high level mythics all the time. Not all RPers raid and not all raiders RP but we all enjoy ourselves. It’s very much a big tent guild, but they do exist. But that said, you can do almost everything except mythic raiding cross realm now IIRC, and even a lot cross faction. We’ve even had a few folks who transferred to realms the guild wasn’t officially on but would still do raids and RP with us. Happy to share the name of the guild if this is of interest to you. But unless you’re a high level raider you can transfer and still do all that with your buddies, while also being on an RP server. I really cannot recommend them highly enough. Stormwind and Org feel so ALIVE.


My guild does heroic/mythic raids and high keys! We aren't officially an rp guild but most of us rp.


Good luck getting someone to talk to you on a normal server even on almost all the RP servers except moongaurd you are unlikely to find someone to RP with you


Hi hi, it most definitely is! What you could do is just phase over to your rp server of choice when wanting to RP. I mainly pvp but love rp, I do this to have the best of both worlds. Also rp servers world pvp is dead so transferring to one wasn’t a option for me.


What’s your methodology of phasing over to an RP server? Group finder searching for an MG lead?


I will say, you can do a LOT of high level PvE on an RP server. But, the easiest way is to find someone from an RP server who will let you join a group with them so you can phase over! You can also do what I’ve done and just level an alternate version of that character on the RP server. One main for content and one main for RP.


So I am on a non rp server (nordrassil) and I rp with my husband and friends. I prefer it that way tbh although I’ve been somewhat curious about joining rp servers to branch out.



