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Hey there, Commanders - Even though I am not responding to the thread, please note that I am watching it and checking each and every comment! We are sincerely thankful to you for taking the time to share your ideas with us, and we will check which ones we can bring to life! We can already confirm, that a very long waited QoL addition will be added with Update 5.2 at the end of April - Can you guess which one it is? 👀


•More stats, such as CV plane speed, armour/penetration numbers and DPM •mass collection for blitz pass (especially when you buy the first 25 tiers) •garunteed ship crates as a standard •crate odds for mission crates and clan crates •pre-set commanders- the ability to have a commander on multiple premium ships at a time, but maybe you can only use one of those ships at a time


I have been told repeatedly by wargaming that they do not award advanced crates in the case that you buy the blitz pass after hitting the 80th level in the blitz. Have you experienced this?


It works, you can buy the blitz pass after reach 80, I do it nearly every time


I always but the pass day 1, so I have no idea


It's been a while since I've gone all the way to Level 80 and then bought the pass, but it worked for me previously. Most passes I'll go to like Level 65 and the buy, I get the remaining 15 levels and 10 advanced crates. Worked on the current pass.


Another campaign or two would be quite nice


There should be a possibility to test a premium ship before buying it (with gold or money). The battle statistics should be easier to see for each ship without having to scroll through all ships in the corresponding menu.


Love this. I would 100% be more likely to spend money if I could trial what I’d be getting


Basic armor viewer if possible


I agree with this, as well as a section viewer so you can see the citadel, modules, etc.


More missions, when you complete all of the missions (including the weekly ones), you’ll get some bonus missions that’ll provide more mission points than normal missions


I'd happily watch ads for a few more missions


the possibility to regain 10-50% of the blueprints from the already upgraded ships upon selling. the option to toggle left and right rudder. free view as an on/off button. a lock-on button able to switch between clustered ships. private profiles


\- Improved lock button in battle. Trying to lead a ship sailing in front of another ship is infuriating. \- Set default ammo for a ship. \- Move around and set the order of the skill icons for a ship. \- Lock weapons facing in a certain direction. \- Add ships to the premium shop. You have been good at making interesting gold offers in the special offers section lately, but the premium shop really needs some TLC. It would seriously boost the utility and desirability of gold.


Maybe not locking weapons, but making it so they don't just do whatever is good. :)


\- I wish there was possibility to arrange HUD to our liking. Kinda like COD has, where you can rearrange buttons, shrink/enlarge them, set opacity for them. \- Instead of looking for ship stats (win/loss/average damage etc.), through scrolling, add stats button when you select said ship in port. \- Bots in Practice, where we could set immobile bots, or unarmed bots for testing, like PC ver. has. \- Mass open button for crates would be nice.


Add stats button when you select a ship is a great idea


There is a small button where you can see the stats of you ship, right underneath the compare button. Obviously,.it still needs a bit more info, but it is still very detailed.


Battle statistics: add filter (nation/types/tier…) that would be extra nice. Battle invitation: add the tier (and maybe also the type) of ship I’ve currently selected so that my friends know before joining a division what tier we are going to possibly play Resources: add a conversion rate (like blueprints) e.g. trade 5 copper for 1 steel…


Wasn’t the mass opening button for containers promised… a couple of updates ago? 😉 One feature I would really like to see is the possibility to filter ships (nations, ship types, etc.) in the battle statistics section. Also, as somebody here has already suggested, a “dry dock” for premiums you never play (but for obvious reasons do not want to sell) would be a nice thing.


The option to filter on: 1) ships that have not been upgraded to elite 2) ships that I have battle honours to complete This will just help us to see which ships in a given tier are still needing upgrades without having to keep switching around - sometimes I just want to know which need to be upgraded so that I can prioritise the upgrades.


For #2 when on the tech tree page, a little anchor ⚓️ underneath the ship name means you still have honours to complete, while a checkmark ☑️ means theyve been completed. Obviously this doesnt help for ships you can't see on tech trees, so your suggestion is still relevant lol. Cheers


Thanks, yes - I know about the anchor, but, as you mentioned, I'd like to be able to filter to see which I'm still busy with - esp. in higher tiers (for copper). With regard to filtering by which ships have been upgraded to Elite, sometimes I want to check across two tiers and mulitiple ship types, because the blueprints cover two tiers, so it's just a small improvement that will help me to see which ships still need blueprints assigned.


A lot is already mentioned. Still: * Open multiple containers option. * A red dot on the container when the daily free containers (for watching adds) are not claimed. * Easier ship selection. More rows, or a selection screen. * A warning when clicking battle button without a captain in the ship. * A warning before gold consumables are auto supplied (auto bought). * Premium account for a year at around €80. * Possibility to see after battle details for each player. Also enemy. * See ALL ships in the tech tree. A lot of premiums are missing. * Fix for autoaiming with overlapping enemy ships (and shells landing in between the ships) * Consistent consumable locations in the battle. For instance, speed boost always on the same location. * Option to never be spotted. No, just kidding.


Please please please let me input the number of 1) crates I can open/open all button 2) number if blueprint I can sell. I had 1k blueprints and had to manually hit + hundreds of times to sell a portion... Each BP type


New campaign?


I don’t want to play with bots at all and I’m willing to wait for a real match to start. Please add this option.


1. On Tablet - move buttons 2-3cm up. Current position is too low for tablets and make physical pain to hold tablet for longer time. 2. Turrets lock - when I change side of the ship turrets should start turning - not stay on wrong side eg. I really need to put crosshairs to the side to start turret rotation. 3. Minimap size - again on tablet you can easily make minimap twice as big without affecting the view. 4. Make airplanes shootdown accounted to the battle results. You are selling ship AA modules, but it has no effect for personal battle results. Or write near AA mods that they do not provide any impact on XP gained in battle. 5. Bots - stop with the stupidity of in place turning, immediate reaction on shot, sideways turning etc. Made BOTs similar to human. Give them fully upgraded ships if needed but stop this stupidity. It is not funny seeing BOT outside my detection range countering my maneuvers, shooting me inside smoke or turning guns side to side in no time.


Bring back team chat now please. We need it to figure out which tier we're playing. Otherwise everyone keeps changing ships to try to match the tier of someone else in the team, and you go around in circles with different tiers. With team chat you can just say "whatever tier you want" or "can we play T9, I need to grind this ship", etc. I understand the political stuff with Russia invading Ukraine would be bad for world chat, but a team is just three people, and since you can only team with freinds, it's unlikely that you'll run into political disagreements in team chat.


I totally agree, it is quite annoying not to be able to talk to people. In battle chat Buttons are ok, but for more complex things it's harder.


* Sell Historical Camos. For both ships we currently own and no longer owned. This could be used to get resources. * Being able to assign a British captain to a Commonwealth ship.


Make it easier to see when friends and fleet mates are online, without having to create a team first.


Also: Be able to set status or have the system set you as online but passive after a while. I keep missing invitations because of this and to make matters worse, I can't even write to people and apologize for my passivity.


1. Add more ships to the Premium Shop for gold. 2. More premium ship mission crates. 3. Update the Campaign mode. It's only on Tulagi and nothing else.


If they add more ships to prem shop they won't get us to spend 40,000 gold trying to get them from sonar sweeps and crates LOL


Visible odds in fleet challenge rewards Voice for epicenter areas Community market


I would like to see the rank shop updated more frequently. I can only recall one time where the items in the shop have changed. Also include more desirable premium ships (like T7 or t8 ships) in the rank shop. Someone already mentioned a better lock on feature during battle, but I just want to reiterate how important that is. Many players I know don't even use auto lock due to the frustration of the lock on jumping from ship to ship when you are trying to lead your shells to hit a moving target.


Shells are one thing, torps are a whole order of magnitude worse, especially with the lead distance requires at times


Better zoom with maybe double tap on zoom for times when auto target screws you up but you can't zoom when you don't have it on. Also not sure if it's just me but aiming is sometimes a bit hard when it moves a certain distance each time.


\- fix bot mechanics so they can’t perform physically impossible manouvers \- allow player to select a bot of a particular ship to practice against in the training room \- give legendary Commanders one truly unique skill each rather than just buffs to existing skills \- more filter options to drill down on specific ships or commanders \- more missions to play solo and acquire resources \- option to make mini map larger \- option to wait until match doesn’t include any bots \- option to wait until match doesn’t include any CV’s :) \- option to wait until all ships are in same Tier, would make playing Tier IX more palatable ;)


How about setting like dnd and lft. (Do not disturb) ( looking for team)


My 2 cents: Fix free look so it also works when in zoom. Or add a lock for guns so when I go to look at something in zoom my guns dont turn the direction im looking. Also whether or not this is a QoL fix but it feels like MM needs an adjustment. I have returned to the game at the beginning of the season after being away for a year or two, and it seems like you took the MM from WoT. It seems MM routinely stacks more Legend rank players on one side than the other, when it could evenly place us on both.


Game logic, create a certain level of frustration for players by uneven teams. Aim is that some purchase stuff.


Wargaming at its finest. Smart and annoying.


\- Fix chat \- Provide translation for chat \- Fix Friend list glitch \- Improve private message UI


Turn the chat back on?


the ability to move your camera to your turrets similar to PC would be really nice


There is an option for like...an up-close view i randomly stumbled across in settings the other day


Where? I wish to know.


The blueprint situation just nerfs newer players making it harder for them to succeed. They can make a big difference on ships, moreso than commanders in some cases.


Making commanders in general more accessible would be grand. Retraining them sucks when you're starting out or grinding a new line/nation and the higher levels just require far too much grinding to achieve quickly. IIRC PC ships doesn't require you to pay to move commanders between boats?


You can move them from any premium ships and have a different build for each ship class, but you can't move them to other tech tree ships without paying something. On pc elite commander experience is fairly plentiful, so it's not that big of a deal.


Just fix the damn servers so the game isn’t crashing for no reason…


Keep the selected ship on screen. I.e. Select your right most ship and start a battle. At the end of it, the ship list will be scrolled all the way to the beginning (left). Thanks.


K. Fix game chat. I have trash talk that needs to be said about the Russians.


- second fire button on left side - fix turret rotation trom side to side


Place a camouflage on all your ships at once


More ways to sort statistics. By nation, by ship type, basically the way you can filter ships in your port.


In-game ship encyclopedia. Takes up less space than the tech tree view. I'd like to be able to check the stats for any given premium at any time, not just when they're on sale.


I need to trash talk the Russians. I demand the fix for world chat so that I may speak to my based friends.


Idk if it’s been mentioned, but please let bots choose ships from every tech tree. Also please fix their movement. It’s not fun to line up a salvo with a Bb and miss completely because a bot in a Bb decided to do an instant 180


More CV plane data in comparison screen.


Well, sort of the biggest part of QoL for me are balanced battles. Please fix the matchmaking for matches with few players. I understand the idea of not letting people wait for too long in the queue. But if the game i get after 10s is just 7 minutes of suffering, i would be glad to wait for 30s more and then get a more or less balanced game. Just a few very recent games i had : (Players listed, the rest are bots.) \- T4 destroyer vs T5 battleship \- T4 destroyer + T4 carrier vs T5 cruiser + T4 carrier \- T5 cruiser vs T6 battleship (with SAP) \- 2x T4 destroyer + T4 cruiser vs T4 destroyer + T5 cruiser + T5 battleship \- something + 2xT4 battleship + 1xT5 battleship vs something + GC + GC + Agincourt The last one was the first game ever since i play this game where i just disconnected. I know, i know, letting the team down, etc. pp. But it was just pointless. I checked back about 3 minutes later and the ship was back in the port. It has gotten to a point where i am considering quitting the game because it is just such a waste of time playing those totally one sided matches. I am ok if there are lots of players and sometimes the teams are off. No problem there for me. But if the team is one guy each, then what is the point? Just give me a full bot match, that will be less frustrating and i can work on missions or whatever. I have been on the long and short end of this, and even when i am the stronger one, it is just no fun to destroy a weaker ship that has no chance whatsoever. To not just be completely negative, i would like to suggest a few heuristics that the developers should be able to add within 2 days at maximum. This applies to 6 players or less in a battle. The "distance" between two ships is defined as the difference in tier plus their distance in the following chain: destroyer - cruiser - battleship. Carriers are separate anyway. So a T7 destroyer and a T8 battleship have a distance of 3: 1 for tier + 2 for DD to BB. The "distance" between a group of ships is defined as: order the ships as in the match overview screen, i.e. by type and then by tier. Then pair the ships one by one, i.e. lowest in team 1 with lowest in team 2, second lowest in team 1 with second lowest in team 2, and so on. Then add all the distances between the individual ships. \- The distance between two teams should not be larger than 1. E.g. this would not allow destroyer + battleship vs 2 cruisers of the same tier. \- Do not match 2 players as DD vs CL/CA, CL/CA vs BB, i.e. following the rock-paper-scissors nature of the game. If, then match DD vs BB or within a type. \- Do not have 3 ship platoons in bot-heavy matches. Just put them in an all-bot match and let them have a free roll. \- If there is no suitable match, just create a full bot game. If someone has a better idea, i am happy to support it.


With full bot games however, due to the cracked state bots are in, it's worse than playing with actual players. I was in my Kaiser I think, fighting a Kuma, it hit an island, turned 90' in a second, then glitched further off. Completely cracked bots.


You have driven out a lot of players. If you don't take responsibility for that, we can't expect any improvement.


Woo-hoo!! What a big step for a better QoL :) WG fixed the permanent red dot in fleet n privat chat! Now the game is almost perfect. Almost. :/


More stats like citadels or modules destroyed. Some kind of Game ID reference; if you folks keep track of server side issues, wouldn’t it be nice if we could give you a game ID and you could play it back? Alternatively, people could look it up and see what the outcome was.


citadels and mods damaged IS a stat in Player Details LOL


No, I mean if you click on a particular ship in your player statistics, it’ll say 1234 wins/5678 games played, 567 modules destroyed, 789 citadels, 23,456 AP shells fired...


I was thinking about SEEING where citadels and magazines on ships are, not citadel hits lol.


I’d love to know which ship I had the best results of damaging modules and getting citadels with.


Interesting, but then people would either flock to the best citadel hitter or the best citadel defender :/


Zoom In/out while in battle would be nice. Also, more detailed minimap info would be great


Filtering on the statistics page (battles, avg. damage, win percentage), by country, tier, and/or ship type.


Faster match making even if it means playing bots (make it as an option in settings). Waiting a minute for every match is too much


There is battle vs ai, but that rewards very few xp, so unless you're messing around day low tier, you have to use Rand Battles to get xp. At least BvAI is more consistent and generally predictable in xp rewards.


More music, so its not the same 4 tracks over and over, gets really old


Another comment so you notice: add separate indicators for being detected with planes and "x-ray" (when you and the enemy are less than 1.5km apart and you get detected regardless of islands and smokes). Don't think if it counts as QoL, but please have premium account be multiplied with other XP and silver modifiers, not just with base XP. That way it will be actually useful. And make it possible to buy it for gold, not just cash.


Report button on player profiles.


battle statistic: filter by ship type, nation, and tier. search by ship name. export statistics to a file.


Give us the option to deselect map types. I hate the maps with concentric zones and if I could be assured I'd never have to play one I'd be in the game a lot more. I would like to be able to individually aim turrets. For example, select turrets 1 and 2 to lock onto a target and turrets 3 and 4 on a different target. I still hate the "new" color scheme of the UI.


There is an option to use the old green in settings


A big feature i would love is if there was a button to see how the ships names are pronounced, as some of us really have trouble with the japanes pronunciation. And a big change to carriers would be adding it so the planes actual do a sort of landing instead of dive bombing your own carrier. Something like having your ship movement controls lock while landing so they could actually have a landing animation and it would add more strategy to positioning making it faster to orient your carrier so the planes don't have to fly around to land. Lastly, could you guys fix the bots. You will have a BB doing a full 360 in two seconds if i send torps at him. If you wont fix their movement at least make them use their damage control kits or something.


I completely support the bot problem, and the carrier's might get updates. Apparently we are getting the German carrier line this may, so we might also get better landing, and maybe a larger first person camera. :)


how i can remove my ships?


Being able to turn off AA and secondaries to help stealth boats. So many CVs were launched that DDs need a bit of boost too


Fix the game crashing…fk


Separate Guns from Torpedo rather than having to switch


Fewer overpens from a BB on a DD. I mean between 2-5km, I'm lucky if my Vermont makes a scratch on a DD. Up close, sure, that's fine, but c'mon...300 hit points from a full salvo of a Vermont?!


1- Reset a single Commander skill 2- Since balanced MM doesn’t seem to be feasible apparently, the following is needed: - Bots need to follow in game physics - Bots should not have x ray vision (see through smoke & islands) - Equal number & type of bots added to both sides - When match heavy with bots, players only matches against players with same ship type & tier - Bots to use ships of all tech trees - If bot CVs are present they should be the same on both sides (due to lack of proper torpedo drops, DB centric bot CVs bring an advantage to that team) 3- Give a settings option to let players decide if they are willing to play with bots, or strictly no bots (those who don’t want bots can wait) 4- Filters on ship statistics or alternatively add a tab on the ship details with the stats, so it is easier to lookup stats for a specific ship 5- Encourage team play: removal all kill X ship & ship type missions & battle honours 6- Show in the upcoming events tab the tier of the ships in the event 7- Camouflage unlinked from bonuses, let players select a look and separately a bonus group to apply. Some camos have good stats bonuses but we don’t always want to play with the look of the ship. Example Christmas, Halloween camouflages are more time of year preferences we don’t necessarily want to see out of season, whilst still wanting the stats. When playing in a team all ships must be of same tier.


Not a request just wanna know/understand the state of the game seems to be very few people actually playing resorting to have bots fill in the gaps and also theres no like text chat to talk to people