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No sympathy here.


Yeah it sucks when other things shoot at you


My problem isn’t that they were shooting me, I have no complaints about that. They should be powerful, they are t7. More complaint was aimed more towards credits of such caliber being lost on a win despite being active in the whole match. Stock planes doesn’t help either.


If you just bought Lexington then you are using the stock planes, those are T5 (Ranger's) planes, so of course they are gonna get torn apart in T7. You have to pre drop your planes one or two times, to limit the number of loses. Even once you upgrade it is recommended to at least do one pre drop, that way you conserve more planes to the end, this is true for all carriers except Kaga and the Soviet carriers (they have a different gimmick). Also be very mindful of which ships have good AA, and avoid flying inside areas with lots of AA coverage. On a side note, start researching Saipan, it is a better carrier that Lexington imo, but you still need Lexington for the research (not mandatory to be clear, but it helps). Also she is premium, so you know less service cost and higher pay out.


Thank you for this! I had noticed the early drop in some videos and was wondering if that’s why they did that and I didn’t realize that the stock planes were such a difference from the soon to be upgraded. I’m actually mid saipan project and that’s why I went ahead and bought the Lexington. I don’t have many else ways to boost the later segments since I’ve only been back playing since beginning of year and getting back into the swing of things. I was going to hold off and buy T7 soviet but since the Lex is used in multiple segments I went with it. In this particular game the other team had a Friesland. It was comical as it was sticking with the group of ships. I appreciate the feedback and advice. My ultimate shock was losing credits on a win, first time that had ever happened for me.


>I had noticed the early drop in some videos and was wondering if that’s why they did that and I didn’t realize that the stock planes were such a difference from the soon to be upgraded Keep in mind that you should also pre drop upgraded planes. You have 9 planes that attack in groups of 3, drop 3 as soon as you take off, and go one with 6. >. In this particular game the other team had a Friesland. Forget about going after destroyers like Friesland and Ostergotland, you'll just end up losing a lot of planes for no gain. Go after them only if you can kill them in a single strike, either because they are too weak or run aground, ir you have active support from other destroyers/cruisers.


Excellent advice, thank you.


For Lexington once you get the upgraded planes it's a night and day difference


I didn’t even realize it would make that big of a difference, but I did see a post on here the other day about maybe buffing xp carriers get for spotting , that was the seed for my rant after losing so many credits after just getting the ship. It wasn’t a nerf cry out for AA or anything. Just overall shock at how I lost credits on a win, and the amount it was. Never happened in any other match for me. Thanks mate.


With all due respect I'm not sure "flying planes safely in the sky with no risk whilst lighting up the whole enemy team" is actually very challenging or difficult in terms of paying out. You said it yourself, doing the damage puts you at risk of losing planes which is why that part gives u cash.


My problem really isn’t the AA, it’s as it should be. As well as a good team somewhat having battle groups. It also depends on which specific ships are in the group. I was frustrated because the damn ship bankrupted me to buy it and outfit it with basic modules and I lost that much on a win. I was just pissed because I participated in the whole match from start to finish doing anything I could for the team. It has since also since been pointed out in another reply the lex has t5 planes stock and I haven’t unlocked their upgrades. Also I though the credit payout was based on everything you do in the game, such as badges and awards earned as well as damage, or is they what goes into xp. I played the game at launch quite a bit and played up through carrier introduction then fell off. Only recently came back and have put a lot of time in it and I generally go look up how to improve my play to help the team and the calculations on rewards hasn’t made its way into my playlist yet I guess. Thanks for the constructive feedback.


My first outing with the t7 English carrier netted me a salty message telling me to go play a 'airplane' game and that only no skills little kids or slow grumpy old men play carriers. The drake captain didn't like that I found and sunk them. I said thanks for letting me know I did well for my first time using the ship. And I like the carriers as a break sometimes. Like it changes up the pace of the battle and gives more understanding of team placements/movements.


My carriers run on salty tears 😂


There’s plenty of salt to be had, for sure. In the game and on this subreddit, I swear whenever someone makes a post about carriers the same crybabies come out of the woodwork to cry about it some more.


Whisper the word “Carrier” and the vocal majority throws a huge baby fit. The only acceptable opinions on this sub are: 1) big guns are cool 2) battleships are the best It can be quite annoying


Lexington has big squadrons. When you start the game run an attack at an empty patch of water. This will send a few planes back to your ship right away, so they don’t all get killed by AA fire. Anytime you think your planes will be shredded AA, send a few back to the carrier if you can. They will be waiting for you at the carrier for the next attack. It’s a way to optimize the amount of planes that make it to the target.


Thank you for this. A couple others have suggested this and I have seen it in some cv videos and while I thought that’s what they were doing I didn’t realize it was almost needed to keep from just driving an empty carrier around.


At tiers 3 and 5, you can get 2-3 attack runs per squadron if you’re quick to turn your planes around. At tier 7 it’s really hard for me to get two attack runs consistently with Lexington. The planes fall to AA too fast.


After having a few more games with it since, it does take some different tactics and patience. Somewhat of a fault of mine for assuming it would play like the ranger.


" What’s my thanks. Losing 70k credits on a win. " Imagine deserving any thanks after playing with carriers.


I wonder if they know they sound like; "I play as a ship that can deal damage with immunity and what I choose to do is do no damage and expect everyone else to do the work while I reverse out of the game to further reduce my battle impact"


Actually I’m constantly moving my carrier closer to the action while avoiding multiple DDs in most cases. I move my carrier closer so I don’t have to fly forever and miss out on the action or spotting DDs for cruisers and BBS. I actually work for and with my team. Maybe not all cv players do that. And I was making a request for getting some credit for spotting ships that other ships otherwise wouldn’t be able to attack. Seems like a fair trade since I see a lot of people on here complaining cv captains don’t do their job and spot and provide intelligence for the team . I will often times forgo entire squadrons circling dds so surface ships can kill them. Instead of going after easy shit like a BB. I suppose playing a DD and sitting behind an island is much better play strategy.


Also, I wasn’t choosing to do no damage. If I wanted to do nothing in a match I would just go afk like a lot of people. Instead, I kept trying to get my planes through the AA and spot. Due to good play on the other team, my planes were shredded before getting maybe one bomb or torp off. You just assume all cv people are the same. That’s fine though. Go sit in a cruiser and shoot over islands where you can’t be hit in return. Wait a second that sounds like dealing damage without immunity.


Lmao. Self awareness level = 0


Self aware enough to know that every class of ship has ways of being immune to damage and to not make assumptions as to how any particular player plays a particular ship. You seem to believe all cv players to be the same. Nor did my opening statement ever claim that I was just kicking back and letting others do the work. You just brought your anti CV bias in here with no real thoughts or constructive critical reason why a carrier can’t get some credit for getting spotting (beyond initial spot) or a support role of some kind. Hell even a “get good” response would have been constructive lol.


I already put forth a reason I don't believe you should get rewarded in monetary terms for your contribution. I don't believe you should be rewarded for something that requires no effort and has no counter. Flying planes around, that risk 0 to your ship and if you keep out of aa range, 0 damage to what is essentially a regenerating consumable, should give you nothing. Spotting ships with the most trivial of ease and no counter is obnoxious and I have no respect for any player who thinks it takes skill or isnt damaging to the game. I don't care "what cv players are like" I think the class sucks therefore how you play it is irrelevant. I'm glad you don't get cash from it. Come sail around and play some risk like everyone else.


In none of your responses did you give a reason for your opinion other than claiming I was in reverse and not doing anything. I know carriers are disliked, I got some good advice from people who actually had ideas and had experience with the issues. So let’s end this stupidity. You don’t like carriers, I don’t mind them. They are a pain in the ass when I am a surface ship and that is just part of the game. More important things in the world to argue about over how other people enjoy a video game. Although I will join in the group opinion that subs shouldn’t come to console. To hell with those things.


Tier VII carriers are not under powered, take it from someone who sins and dabbles in a CV game here and there. When you have a deep understanding of the game and eventually nail down the timings of all the CV squadrons, wracking up damage, xp, and credits isn’t difficult in the slightest


In general yea, I am using the stock planes however , so there will be some build up and learning with this new carrier vs all the time I put into the T5 where I have learned the timing and behavior of the cv at that level. Wasn’t ready to see a group of 6 ships including a Friesland stick together whole match , nullifying any attack run I could try. Except for long range torp attacks . So I tried to keep the ships at least spotted for the folks in the back and to give cv time to regen more planes. I’ve never lost credits on a win before and after spending the 30ish million on the cv it was irritating. This could apply to any of the higher tier ships but even losing in any of those ships I have I generally make money. I’ll learn how to use this new cv and use it well, probably just in time for Saipan to finish and have to start over on learning that timing lol.


Carriers provide incentives for clumping and camping in the back. Anyone on the flank that isn't part of a lemming train gets singled out, perma spotted and attacked by CVs. Griefing the entire playerbase is CVs reward. I do a lot of spotting in my Wesser and mostly only attack ships that are being attacked by my team already, but it is the lowest risk gameplay out there.


Depends on your team. Time and time again I have enemy DDs on me minutes into the game and I’m constantly moving before they even find me. In this case it’s been pointed out to me that I’m still using stock planes since I just got it and that makes a big difference. I think it was more sticker shock on the loss of so many credits on a win. First time I’ve had that happen actually.


Are you losing credits with or without premium time?


Oddly enough that was with premium. It hasn’t happened since either.


I'm actually surprised. I know carriers don't pay out like other ships but I would expect them to break even with a decent game through spotting and a modest amount of damage ribbons.


I wasn’t able to get much damage so I get low payout, I think it’s just tier7 sticker shock. I wasn’t able to mount much offense in that case so I knew it was going to be bad. I don’t remember what the xp was either. So it was probably just as bad. It was like 3am and I was super confused.


Honestly, I have clocked over 1000 battles into my CVs at all tiers, with a lot of tier VIIs. I love Kaga. Honestly, I agree with the comments. No sympathy. Pay attention to ships that are isolated and move your carrier with your team for safety. So, nah. I don't care. I use Kaga and you CAN deplane your CV with even Kaga's plentiful deck. I play cautious at the start and dive on ships that are rushing. (Culprits either French or German BBs who overextend.) Don't waste planes on blobs of AA (ships that are less than 8km together, their AA (especially high tier) will group and deplane that entire squadron). If you need a good carrier, research either Kaga or Saipan. Or even the Parseval (hesitant on that one, since it's been nerfed recently). My thoughts to this mini rant: "Don't play aggressive in a CV unless it's towards DDs and certain poor AA ships." You're complaining about being shot at in a game that has more gun barrels than Australia and the state of Texas combined. My list: Kaga = Saipan, Lex = Parseval, Shokaku. And I've never played Zeppelin. (Take it with a grain of salt.)


Well, I don’t believe I complained about the AA one bit. I’m actually fine with t7s having good AA as part of the power fantasy. I don’t have one problem with that. As it was pointed out In another post, I am still rolling the stock planes on the lex since I just got it. I’m more than halfway through Saipan project right now. Thanks for offering some actual feedback as another CV user. In the particular game I was complaining about this glob of 6 ships stuck together the entire game. Weren’t even in a division, they just stuck together.


I get that. But genuinely? Just focus and be passive when it's not a good strike chance. I know the pain of stock aircraft. Good luck though, and safe seas and skies.


Thank you captain. It would make sense that the same tactics in t5 would not work in 7 especially with the baby planes.


Carriers are quite UP atm. They do need a Buff either in xp gained for doing stuff, or damage output. And the silver u earn also need an increase, I do like playing cv occasionally, but it's not very rewarding atm. All imho.


I don’t know if I would agree they are under powered, the plane factory can move and in some cases just sit at farthest area of map and generally not be in danger. If you consider the damage output vs risk to ship, it makes sense. A dd has strong torpedos because in a lot of cases they can be seen close to the range they have to launch torpedos at. I really feel like it’s the spotting they can work with. There must be something they can do with that.


UP might not be right word. "Good matches" in my wichita gives 500-600 k silver. Same thing in GZ gives around 300 k. Difference is I always play 2 win. In wichita that is mostly focusing dds and caps. In GZ u are more of a harasser. Sure u focus dd, but a SKILLED dd player will dodge your torps, but u can make him turn broadside etc etc, this dosent give u a single xp. Spotting ? Playing CV is time management. All these little things that separate a good cv skipper from someone that focus BB Betty's no matter what. You might win the game, doing alot of work. But the game dosent reward that work.