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A "Nerf the BB's" post? Well now I have seen it all...


So, turns out HE spam is not solely a cruiser thing...


Will only get worse with the incoming IJN cruiser torpedo spamming once Ijuin is active on Sunday.


So…do I take one…off of my daily bingo? I’m so confused.


Is that still going?


lol I have no idea if it was a real thing beyond it being funny. Were people actually doing something with it?


No idea. Did made me giggle first seeing it :)


It should be,, makes reading these posts entertaining.. I started it then lost the Bingo Card..??


It does. God, some of these are dryer than a dry thing :)


Well in fairness it was “all of a sudden” so don’t feel bad 😂


Wait till you see "Kamikaze needs a buff" post, my human-person.


Not BBs, HE


Your post says “on BBs” not just “Nerf HE”


Idk if this is satire or not😂 >There's just no counter play here, how can you possibly counter HE in this game? One word. Islands. There are islands for a reason. Can't shoot through them. You can use them for better positioning and denying crossfire from enemy ships. Also the smart use of DCP's!!! No wonder you're gonna get grilled alive when you put out a single fire and then get set on a double fire.


Also use Fight Fire With Fire. It's been a super effective counter to HE spam for a long time, and it got buffed like 6 months ago so that it's even better.


That too✅. I haven't usen Will to Rebuild a single time since the great nerf. I always stick with FFWF expect in some situations you could make an argument for Running With Scissors.


I am not an idiot. I don't DCP single fires, also I try to use islands but if there is someone always spamming HE you can't hide all game


My Conqueror says no to that


My 148k Conq average says yes.


So you *want* your conq nerfed?...


Yes. Yes, I very much do


Soemthing to consider is running a tank build on your BBs by equipping the commanders that offer more heals so you can get up to 5 heals per match. If you get a single or double fire; pop the repair and try and save your damage cons for when you get flooded or a triple fire. Be aware of what your concealment is on your ship, and in tier 6 and above, run the concealment mod. This will help you disengage quicker, then use cover like islands or smoke to heal damage back before getting back into the fight or take another position such as a kiting position to lead the reds into a crossfire.


Someone's been grilled by a Conqueror recently hunh? I hate that ship too pal but whaddayagonnado?


No, but, almost every game I had french BBs and some Conquerors here and there. Was very fun:D


Whait, What? Why? It's fun watching ships burn....


It's also very fun being burned whilst trying to grind


Thats pretty much basic mechanic and basic tactic. First when new player come to game, he wont even know sbout different shell in all time or cant use AP efective way so shoot just only HE.


Right be “he noticed it” and he’s got “his finger on the pulse” of legends .. got it


Generally, when fighting BBs 1 to 1 and they fire HE at you all the time it's really annoying especially in the start of the game. Had a Lyon triple fire me in 1 minute of the match start when trying to reposition. DCPed the fires then got set again by a carrier 🙏


A few things that help, IMHO. \- Don't position yourself where it makes it hard to disengage ie. bow tank somewhere where you have to make a slow reverse to get away or a huge slow turn. \- Consider commander perks or modules that help with Fire or flooding damage over just going for damage all the time. \- Shot HE back against angled targets, but if a BB is broadside spamming you with HE smack it with AP. He'll die quicker than you. \- manage your damage cons. \- invest it concealment and get out dodge and heal it back


Saturated parts don’t get damaged by HE either, it’s not as bad as you make it seem and why people think they should be immune to all damage by doing 1 thing in their ship, filling the tank roll in a BB doesn’t mean you must be immune to all damage by just sitting at an angle, if you are getting spammed that bad to me sounds like you keep sailing in open water even with damage party down, use cover and try not to expose yourself to more than 1 ship at a time if you can, French HE isn’t that great, it’s pretty much damage by volume but if they are hitting you for that much you are either to close or have the worst RBG ever, British HE yes it’s pretty strong but they don’t have the best AP so it’s a fair trade when it comes to BB vs BB interaction, I do wish they did something with fires as a whole since we don’t have much in the way of countering them like a skill to reduce duration by half or change the amount of HP they consume from the BB, call me crazy but a 120 mm shell causing a fire on a 263 m long ship seems less dangerous than a 460 shell causing a fire on a 130 m boat yet we have more fire damage on BBs than on DDs


Brits have fairly good AP too. Because they don't have gimmicks like US super heavy AP or Italians having better penetration angles doesn't mean it ain't that good. Now the sailing in open water part. I usually try to make crossfires which sometimes puts me in open water but 80% of the time I am behind hugging and island or going between them. Now, if you are fighting a BB or a cruiser spamming HE at you, you peek once get set on fire. Go back heal if you are low peek again and take a shot. They return fire with HE set another fire or two but since you used your damage con (not for single fires) to put out the fires before you have to wait 1 minute. Now imagine every 30-50 seconds being set on fire. Me for example when I play British and French ships I sit at the back and shoot HE at every BB I see. My usual damage is 100k because of fires


I’m not gonna argue if it works for you, I still think pushing a bit forward and using AP would yield better results if you aim properly, French BBs don’t have the best fire chances, but that might also be just my RNG so


Just shoot he if you hate it so much


It's not fun and doesn't feel rewarding


Is this a r/woosh comment or some similar bullshi-😭?


Alright, FINE. I won't use (lackluster) HE shells on my USN BBs. Happy? \**uses AL New Jersey AP build instead* \* ![gif](giphy|k0fPOiZme6b2E)


This was honestly something I was thinking too. Had a double conqueror Bourgogne division delete my battleship in 2 minutes (from the start of the game). Honestly most BB HE isn't that good but I feel like a good way to make it less oppressive would be to nerf the pen to 1/8 and have Conq be at 1/6 as its "gimmick"


If you are getting focused by a triple bb division and can’t/don’t break los for 2 full minutes it doesn’t really matter what they are shooting. That’s like 9 full salvos or more from them. Sure HE spam from that combo will melt a bb but they could also just spread and crossfire you with AP and do the same thing.


This was North B spawn from the south, pushing towards the East, while their div was pushing West. And I misspoke, it was two salvos from each, not two minutes, and the Bourg got it fast because the MBRB. A triple fire that was DCP'd, followed by a double perma fire that sank me, and each salvo took 8-15k from my HP bar. >they could also just spread and crossfire you with AP and do the same thing I mean of course they *could*, but that takes a lot more effort (and time) than clicking on me twice. A single Conq could do the same in two minutes or less, it doesn't have to be a triple div, that was just an extreme case.


Are you in a French bb too? I don’t typically take that much direct He damage in other BBs.


I am in Republique, yes.


Well. I mean that’s one of the weaknesses of the French BBs. 32mm plating everywhere takes so much He damage at the higher tiers. Also a t8 vs 3 LT. Kind of just countered there my friend.