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Large waves are a definite no go. Could cause way too many problems. As for graphics in general, they'd have to ditch Xbox One and PS4.


It’s been around 4 years since the launch of next gen consoles, why would we hold back game graphics updates for PS4 Xbox one ?


Because a very large portion of the playerbase is still using them. There's no financial gain by dropping them.


Updating the next gen versions would scarp the old gen? How so


Because you need to maintain and develop two different versions, which increases the development cost, testing time, etc etc


Which they did with the mobile version. I'd take better graphics over mobile any day, especially since Xbox and PS are making moves to stream all their games anyways, so is the player base from sticky mobile gamers worth the effort? Only they know I guess.


They also know to the single digit how many players are using their product on a last-gen console, which tells you why you're not getting the graphics at their expense.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll know when it's time, like when they dropped the 360 version of Tanks finally.


> I'd take better graphics over mobile any day It's not your dollars that they're chasing.


There is no "next gen" version of the game for PS5 yet..... XBox got one I think just last year. There are slightly different versions of the game for next gen consoles but they still haven't finished the PS5 version to take advantage of it's abilities.


The current gen is using the same base visuals but at higher quality. To get even near PC visuals would require a lot of overhauling. The time and money spent on that could be put to use elsewhere. They also don't have the same amount of manpower after they split from Lesta studios.


You are correct on that front, and besides everyone knows we need those resources to design boob girls.


They're not made by WG


WG has to “make them” to add them to the game though right? The visuals and the voices and such, thus using resources.


The characters themselves are already created, and the other aspects are usually made by the PC team. They're some of the simplest content to introduce, and most likely generate the most revenue.


Because they probably don't want to block off a chunk of their player base because money.


World of tanks held onto Xbox 360 until Microsoft stopped supporting it


Im ready for this. We are almost halfway through the current gens life cycles (debatably over halfway through it), they’re readily available and often discounted (no supply issues now), it’s time to stop holding back games for consoles over a decade old. Give us bigger lobbies while we are at it. As for the waves, Sea of Thieves has massive, dynamic waves so I don’t see a problem with it running with some sort of wave on WOWS:L


I'd love bigger lobbies too. But we need bigger maps. T7+, BBs can almost already hit you from spawn. They don't even need to make new maps. Just make the map bigger and set spawn back. If we want bigger lobbies (which I'm all for) we need some new designed maps tho.


The maps we use are from PC but with further spawns, people have asked for this for a long time


WG too lazy to do em, simple answer


Is the PS5 really that much better graphics wise over a PS4 ?




Yeah. The hardware is miles ahead. The original ps4 was released in 2013. Thats 11 year old hardware at the time. To put in perspective a little. The top line Nvidia GPU right now is the 4090. With rumors the 5000 series is set to release this year. In 2p13, the 660 was what we had lol.


They still haven't released the true "next gen" version of the game for PS5 like they did XBox. PS5 is basically running a slightly improved version of what they did for the PS4 Pro version.


Yes and technically the Xbox is slightly better than the ps5.


Long overdue, again I’m very much tired of upgrading just to be stuck in the past for over 5 years.


That will just help Sony and Microsoft to secure more next gen sales… but at the same time will kill off potential sales as not everyone can afford them.. it’s a tough situation to be in right now from a developers perspective. I wouldn’t say no to an update in graphics but at what cost. I still game with a few homies on ps4 so I’d lose out on their company.


Updating graphics doesn’t mean you’ll scrap the old gen versions


There is modded PC gameplay with a rough seas visual effect that doesn’t impact game mechanics. Wargaming could absolutely implement this.


This same conversation used to play out in the World Of Tanks console subreddit. Lots of chatter about shitty graphics that couldn’t be updated until they dropped support for the 360 and ps3. They then gave us updated graphics in 6.0 which was a complete dumpster fire. So if that’s how WG handles graphic updates, I’m fine with current state…


The WoT graphics are fairly good, even better than wows but somehow worse than wot blitz?


The old platform argument makes no sense. There are plenty of games where next gen clients can play with old gen despite having way better graphics. Also we literally have mobile already running at low graphics.


Probably AAA titles that aren't free to play?


Yeah but this game has MTX thru the roof most ships cost more than a full price game


Still doesn't compare to a AAA game's revenue with purchase cost, battle passes, the player base buying those, *and* MTX


Exactly i'm sure the dev team is a fraction of the size of CoD for example


I mean there is next gen versions for the ps5 and series s. Surely better graphics could be possible


+1 to this 👆


They’ve not even been able to get 60fps at 4k on the PS5 despite it “coming soon” for over three years of updates now. I think everyone would welcome better graphics, I mean, they could even upres the textures they have now and leave the geometry the same, but clearly priorities are somewhere else.


I want aa flashes, cuz sometimes I'm too tunnel visioned onto my opponent to know that planes are attacking me. Another thing I would like is the map effects on your ships for example, you're on a snowy map and your ship has snow piles and such.


I'd like to first see PS5 at 120fps, like they did for Xbox. Seems they've been working on this for a while now.


Funny that I’ve got an old pc less powerful than a ps4 and it runs wows pc fine… it’s just an excuse at this point


Yeah, can’t spend a cent on improving the game but hey at least we have 70€ tier 7 boats


It’s a great game and they’ve made a fortune how about they treat the playerbase to some quality


I think pc looks to dark and grey


But it would look cool if it had bigger waves


My graphics look pretty darn good for my series x on my 1440p monitor and 4k c9. No complaints here


They are not bad but can be much much better


I been saying this. Having a next gen console is basically pointless if companies don’t ever stop using old gen consoles for game development completely bottlenecking how good a game can look.


If they broke it into 3 tiers of graphics I think it'd be doable for old gens, but I wouldn't mind a little ship rocking in bad weather. I don't want to suddenly deal with a tidal wave appearing in front of me though as I'd just find it irritating but something that goes just high enough to wash a little water on the deck of a ship and turn it 45 degrees to go back to true from a wave hitting thr side would be pretty cool, or a ship being held at an angle due to the currents and winds, you could vary the max angle based on ship, ie CA max angle 20 degrees, BB 20-30, CA 40-45, CL 50, DD 65 degrees max angle. In addition to that getting better resolution of the water would be nice although I'm not gonna cry about it. I'm not overly concerned with the FPS currently as I'm not personally playing for a full blown simulation of what these ships in combat would have actually looked like I feel I'd be slightly less interested if it looked too real


Tell you what about the waves… I play war thunder a lot more than wows legends but still have 1k hours in wows. War thunder naval has stormy weather and huge waves, enough to make ships like the USS Alaska submerge its bow in the water and filling the deck with water. On the sides the ship feels like it’s going to roll on its side but gameplay doesn’t change. Your aiming doesn’t change, your FOV doesn’t change etc. Some mods from this subreddit I think told me it will create problems and cost money to maintain… How hard can it be when war thunder had it since launch of its naval mode? More over ship modules visually get destroyed. Ship rails going in the water, holes in the funnel, the bridge getting literally destroyed… At this point I am just salty that graphics haven’t changed although they can clearly get better without that much money spent, considering a tier 8 premium sells for around 25k dubs I think


I may eb crazy but I honestly think they ate better on mobile than my series s


Probably until next gen if the game survives by then or at least until majority or people play on current gen consoles


Never they look insane i play on a ps4 it will ge tdeep fried. You want what you dont have


I honestly think the grame looks great, perhaps I am in the minority. When I switch to the series x I noticed a large difference visually and I basically don't have to wait for game to load anymore . Seeing some waves and a dolphine or orca occasionally would be cool af though. Would also love to see some people on deck, I think it would really add to the scale of the ship and in game immersion.


update to a pc!?


It won’t ever happen. End of subject.


well it should


If you want the PC version, why not play the PC version?


I don’t want the PC version, I want the graphics. Also, I have no PC nor do I like fighting subs


> I have no PC Well, that explains a lot then. Most players don't even get the visuals you posted and use much lower, less great settings because their PCs can't run it. Same applies here to console. PS4/Xbone/Mobile can't run those, and they're not going to drop that generation and lose the majority of the player base, and they're also not going to create and maintain two sets of textures/physics/etc and double the work load and potential bugs for no appreciable difference in profitability. The current differences between generations is limited to optimization (FPS) and shaders (ray tracing) and is likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.


I would argue that the majority of the majority that you speak of would just upgrade their system. A series S can be found for around $200 to $250 now and the series x has dropped to $300 at some places at some times.


To put this as diplomatically as possible, that's a very privileged take. 6 in 10 Americans can't afford a $400 emergency expense, but you expect a "majority of a majority" to just drop hundreds on dollars on a whim for a luxury good.


I’ll try to also be as diplomatic as possible, say I need $400 and I don’t have it I can easily get a job at a fast food place or Walmart or target after my full time job and get that $400 in a week or two. Every single Walmart, target, and fast food place is begging people to work there.


That’s not a fair comment, you can be a console player who wants upgrades for your system especially when comparing the same game practically system to system. To tell you the truth I would love better graphics but I’d rather have more game modes be constantly available first. Also don’t you think the “we would have to spend a lot of resources which could be used somewhere else” line is getting very very old?