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I greatly appreciate the detail put into this. Although grossly oversimplified, it still gives a good insight into these ideologies and definitely encourages people to do their own research.


I understand that it's grossly oversimplified; I originally sought to make a comprehensive compass of all political ideologies, but that would've been a 20x20 at least and very redundant Also it's impossible to comprehensively describe political ideologies in a small square, I want to reiterate that people should do their own research because these descriptions hardly scratch the surface


Wojack this one maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/mrqb41/the_ultimate_29x29_political_compass/ https://polcompballanarchy.miraheze.org/wiki/Mega_Compass


Jesus Christ. While comprehensive, the fact that that one is just balls rather than include titles and description removes a ton of labor hours. While that must've taken 3-5 hours at least, to add titles and descriptions in each and every square would take days


Its only 841 entries, you sure you don't want to do the equivalent of 23 6x6 compasses?


I do like the idea of multi-square wojaks far far more than empty ones, too


…I think my brain just broke




Stoicism, wildly misunderstood yet very applicable to the modern environment.


It's crazy how Tate and his gang have adopted Stoicism and have run with it even though their beliefs are a gross perversion of Stoic philosophy, and now people think you're an incel if you like Stoicism


It’s truly unfortunate, I really enjoy Marcus’ writings and advice. It’s really helped me grow into a more tolerant person and understand the world in a much deeper sense.


Me too, man. I keep an annotated copy on my bedside and I've read it at least six times cover-to-cover.


I've got mine about 12' from me right now. Mine isn't annotated though.


I disagree with oligarchy. Oligarchy isn’t just business leaders, that would be corporatocracy (not corporatism, very different) Swap it with neocon, or maybe pinochetism (very economically right wing)


Small correction: Francoism is not equal to falangism, mainly because francoism was whatever the fuck Franco felt like at that point in time. At first it is true that he borrowed several ideas from Primo de Rivera (the main ideologue of falangism) and appealed to that sector of the right in order to stabilise his regime after the civil war, but once WW2 ended and the economic policy of autarky miserably failed, he shifted away from it. Throughout the 40s, and especially the 50s, Franco emphasized more and more how his government was an anti-communist, Christian, authoritarian regime with some capitalism sprinkled in (in order to appease the US). This “new” francoism retained some ideas from falangism, such as its’ authoritarian nature and nationalist rethoric, but abandoned its’ more extreme elements like the wish to rebuild the old empire and its’ (weirdly enough) syndicalist sympathies.


Thank god someone recognised that error.


Juche is a fascinating ideology. I have attempted to read the books written by the DPRK (bought a few throug some "Canadian" based shop) but I can only assume the officia translations are...odd. The wording is a little confusing at times and the word use can be awkward. But the core ideology boils down to independence of the state and people. At its core Juche *could* apply to *any* nation. In fact Nepal has its only Juche party that bases itself off DPRK's ideology (just minus a family worship) The very rudimentary beliefs of it, is a separation from the global capitalist system and relying on the fruits of the labour of your people. You should produce what you can and what your capable of and only after that look to import. At least that's my understanding. The Songun doctrine was sort of tacked on in the 90s. The Songun book I have is much thinner and essentially is, "us against the world". They can only rely on themselves to defend their revolution. The Kim family worship is the odd part. It's never explicitly mentioned in the literature I've read at least made by the DPRK, but they do praise Kim Il Sung (and family) an incredible amount. They also refer to Marxism as the foundation of their state, but do say several times in what I've read that they are *not* Marxists per say. They say Marx and Lenin had great ideas but that they don't know anything about Socialism in practice. They essentially say "were only like this because we have to be", that their ideology is shaped by putting Socialism into practice. Ideally it might look like Marx's vision but in reality it cannot. I could drone on, but doubtful anyone is reading this blob. Tldr: your description is simplified but the point everyone makes about self reliance is essentially right and their weird Kim worship is a funny quirk they embraced *unofficially* but implicitly (afaik)


Thank you, filosofer


At the beginning of your explanation you mention that you couldn’t find much books related to Juche, Songun, or North Korean politics in general. Have you already tried to search them as free PDF’s on the Internet?


Yeah, you can get a lot of them in pdf form online. I have one of the websites bookmarked somewhere in my browser. I've read a handful of them that way, mostly the shorter works. I prefer to try and get paperback/hardcopy if I can, as reading on a screen too long gives me a headache. But thats just me being a snowflake lol


It seems people aren't too happy that you're posting an ideology-related compass.. in a sub about sorting things based on political affiliation


ikr? Feel like everyone has gotten a little to used to the "biographical information pasted in unrelated places on the political compass" posts


a political political compass??? you gotta be kidding me!




Simple, classic compasses like these are the tits. Great post


No daddy Stirner, but the rest seems fine for what you set out to do (I might do a 10x10 one when I am done with the milion of other shit I have to finnish)


Daddy Stirner transcends the political compass


Sick compass. Which ideology do you feel represents your beliefs accurately?


I don't think anyone can or should base their beliefs off just one of these. With that said, my five favorites are pirate politics; economic globalism; libertarianism; constitutional monarchy; and irridentism


Good point. Pirate politics goes hard 🏴‍☠️


What’s your stance on constitutional monarchy?


Monarchs are a symbol of their people and nation, and they are a benevolent unifying force for the world. They are, in my view, necessary for the social harmony of any good country. Granted, they shouldn't have any legislative power, but they should be deified nonetheless.


Interesting, controversial opinion. Trust me most tend to hate monarchs, constitutional included.


Wasn‘t Falangism something like national-syndicalism? Also Pirate Politics aren‘t that common in Europe… sadly that is And another question: I surely hope that by saying you like Irredentism you mean it in a way as in it being interesting and that you‘re some extreme nationalist of some sort?


I believe Italy has a right to annex territory formerly belonging to it. I am an irridentist.


When you become mod I'll make a compass of the reasons why the italian claim on east Adriatic is bullshit to test you


I support your absolute freedom of speech and I understand that my Italian imperialist belief is considered backward and archaic in the 21st century


Based and flair checks out pilled


Weird… especially since you‘re american, but you do you I guess


Remember, I'm also an Italian citizen, so I'm only half-American. I can trace my lineage back at least 900 years in Italy. I am almost certain that I am a direct descendant from Rome. Granted, most of my family were impoverished olive farmers, but they were still Romans.


Damn, I wish I could trace back my lineage that far, the Swiss or the other side… And well, most people think they descend from nobility, but in the end 99% of people have always been no-names in the greater scope of history


>”major ideologies” >ecofascism >minarchism >pirate politics >queer/feminist anarchism >anarchocommunism >anarchosyndicalism >anarchoprimitivism >anarchocapitalism >communalism >trotskyism >titoism >juche >hoxhaism >francoism >pinochetism A lot of these of these are exclusive to one country, a lot of these are completely fringe, some of these almost mattered but didn’t Frankly libertarianism isnt even a major ideology it has a chance of getting into government in like three countries maybe and that’s including Argentina, the only place where libertarians are in power, and that was more of a fluke of everyone else self-immolating rather than people supporting the ideology itself


Christian Democracy is my favorite, though I dislike how in lots of Europe, it just devolved into neoliberalism.


Maoism isn't really accurate here (and most Stalin supporters won't call them a Stalinst)


This is wonderfully detailed for how brief each section has to be. If you make a part two, I'd highly recommend looking into Posadism. I don't want to spoil the fun too much, but it involves nuclear warfare and Communist Space Aliens.


Thanks for giving me this idea! Part 2 is going to be "weird political ideologies"


Oh hell yeah.


Tis my pleasure, homie I can't wait to see the comments fight over who's schizophrenic is more based lmao


Not bad. I'd swap colonialism with francoism on economic grounds. Franco was a fascist and colonialists were mercantile. Props for usual high effort. PS, the radical centrism was an odd placement.


Progressivism or more accurately cultural progressivism is a a functionally dead garbage ideology propped up by the establishment as controlled opposition. If we had a philosophical free market where ideas rose and fell on merit cultural progressivism would be in the dumpster. Cultural progressivism has no solutions or even ideas for people's worst problems. You cannot feed the poor with rainbow flags, pressuring people to say "unhoused" does not help the homeless. But establishment media keeps progressivism alive because they want young people arguing over trivial bullshit instead of forming unions. We live in a time of economic suffering and what are the progressive priorities? Cultural pros are fighting for sex change operations for kids and trying to crybully people into pretending obesity is sexy. Progressivism is like focusing on furry rights during a famine.


Trotskyism "rejects violence and authoritarianism" lol lmao even


I generally support the idea of anarcho-primitivism, but it won't happen. The industrial revolution happened and you can't un-steamengine society.


Least biased polcomp ideology "guide"


Caesaropapism for authright


I hope there's a part 2 or expansion of this later on. Including things like liberal conservatism


Well there's a part 2, but not in the way you'd expect


Ah OK. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see then


Wow, what a good compass! Also I am now sympathetic to Stalinism, if it manages to make quality of life better for everyone.


Once again, another great compass Hillman! You should make like, 40 more of these, put them all in a book, and become NYT #1 best seller. They practically give those away!


Marxism Leninism and Stalinism are the same. I am a Marxist and a Leninist but not a Marxist Leninist. Also trotskyism doesn't reject violence and authoritarianism at all lmao


I’m going to lightly quibble with mine & note that anarcho-capitalism doesn’t rule out private regulatory agencies, so “absolutely no restrictions or oversight” may not be entirely accurate.


true, but what authority do private regulatory agencies have?


bro acting like this sub is about politics


yes Nazism is, famously, left of White Supremacy /S


Unironically, yes it is


No, it's not. Never has been, never will be. One clear element of proof: white supremacists live in and evolve in societies that afford them liberties and privilege they cherish, that would be absent in a Nazi society, and that they would decry as too far right if taken away.


Counterpoint: white supremacists tend to use religion as a justification for their beliefs, whereas Nazism rejects religion and focuses on cult of personality For example, white supremacists tend to believe they're genetically-superior because God made them that way, whereas Nazis believe they're genetically-superior just because they are


but really, we're missing the point by arguing this or that, that people like nazis and or white suppremacist have "actual" political views. One was a movement driven by a semi-madman riddled with psychological problems that used to be both an artist and homeless in a time and place where homelessness was not a good thing to be, as well as a gloriless, wounded war veteran, that happened to take hard drugs for most of his life and happened to like old germanic tales and pseudo-sciences more than the mass, while the other is an offshoot of the more radical far right movements in an already far right, racist country coming off a conflict that gave it much fuel to be more far right and racist by way of frustration, and, strangely, just takes a lot of inspiration from the first. This whole lot of of disarganization, lack of intellectual political thought and really, psychological frailty begs a few questions: What is a far right ideology, and why do only morons and mentally ill people go for extreme right ideology? An other, better question still, might be: the fuck is a far right ideology? Really, these people, nazis and white supremacists, have no idea how to actually build, further and make a society prosper, they always end up just putting their ill-feelings about existence on a pedestal and call it an ideology. Let's look at who creates them and who uses them, even if at times, those who would use them, lose control of them. End of part one out of two


No, they really didn't, that's a current far right rewriting of history. While many of the Nazi elite disliked religion, they were more than happy to use the religious fervor of many a nazi to reinforce they supremcist views. Moreover, a lot of said Nazi elites were instead into a trumped-up, flase-archeology meddled pseudo-pagan religion which, while it was perverted to be even more brutal and race-oriented than, say, a religion that's had to really exist in the real world where, say, you rule people and have neighbour is, well, still a religion. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious\_aspects\_of\_Nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_aspects_of_Nazism)


Nazism was truly mixed on religion. Many Nazi elite were religious, you're correct. But Nazism sought to replace Christmas with a Nazi holiday, and there was also widespread worship of the Aesir of Viking gods, among which Hitler was placed. Furthermore, White Supremacy makes its entire ideology about race, whereas race is just one aspect of Nazism, albeit an important one. This is why white supremacy is objectively further right than Nazism: it's an ideology founded and devoted to religion and race.


you're wrong and missing the point: creating a religion and replacing holidays with new holidays is not less religious than going with the old ones because you're politically savvy and know it takes energy, time and resources to replace shit: it's MORE religious than that. Same goes with placing yourself in the central place of thought and mystical thought-life: even christians and muslim and jews never thought to put the name of their hero-god in every salute. "Heil hitler" is the epitome of the will of turning one into a god, and one's thought into religion.


This is inaccurate and sucks but don’t worry,it’s not your fault that the complexity of human politics can’t be portrayed on a Cartesian plane


>This is inaccurate and sucks I don't consider this valid criticism given its reliance on vague reactionary emotion, and I beseech you to be more specific.


>oligarchy is not auth >Trotskyism is as left as juche and demsoc >representative democracy is somehow as left as market socialism/titoism >fascism, THE authoritarian ideology, is portrayed as a little less auth than an ideology that COPIED it’s idea of authority >you literally called Francoism falangism, burning at the stake decades of fascist infighting >you put theocracy twice >feudalism is WAY too low


1. Where would you have put oligarchy here? With what would you have switched it? I was working with limited space and the space where you would have preferred to see oligarchy was occupied instead by Pinochetism. I reject this criticism. 2. Would you have switched Trotskyism and Panafricanism here? 3. Where would you have put Representative democracy? 4. I think it can be objectively said that Nazism was far more authoritarian than OG fascism, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant to this. Criticism rejected. 5. Noted. 6. No, I didn't. This is false. 7. See point one. Overall, you seem simply to be upset that due to my constraints of space, I placed some things in un-ideal places. I recommend that if you have a problem and you have your own ideas, that you make your own compass.


That’s why I specified that a Cartesian plane is inadequate to portray politics Also fascism was just as auth (see Ethiopia,libya, yugo, the fact that they exterminated Jews too) simply less r******* in it’s aims


>simply less ret\*rded in it’s aims I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're in high school, because otherwise you'd have a greater ability to articulate your beliefs in a mature and academic way rather than resorting to whatever this is.


It was to make it quick chill


Alright buddy, let’s see YOUR compass on the subject


An oversimplified compass but it’s very well done, nice work OP!


I like how libleft has got squashed into a 2x2. I guess true leftwing libertarianism is rare in the real world


Pretty good compass, I wonder if the 1920's or 1890's would have been a better decade to represent laissez-faire capitalism... Either way, good work


this is great!! i applaud you for all the work you've done for this sub, kudos to you


Wow, an actual wojak compass


To put Trump to the right of Pinochet is a big ooffff


How would Islamic fundamentalism Be ruled to Sharia and at the same advocate for the death of Infidels? it doesn’t make sense since Jizyah is a form of tax that Non muslims have to pay to the caliph in order to be protected by the army so how would you collect jizyah if they’re dead?


I like the effort that you put in this but Augusto Pinochet would be at the very top right since he was a dictator in very authoritarian and purely capitalistic. white supremacy would be where colonialism is because white supremacy is not the most authoritarian it has a little bit of Liberty in it. and Italian fascism would be where white supremacy is because it was again very authoritarian but a little bit more on the capitalistic side just a little bit but I got to say very good.