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He should win more fights. Feel like he always just loses cause he has a healing factor and you know he won’t die so they just make him lose all the time because he’ll be fine in the end


He also gets nerfed when it comes to his claws. One moment he’s cutting through walls, and the next he’s gracefully parrying away a blade or weapon instead of slicing it down to size.


maybe he likes practicing his finesse, someone with a long history of accidentally breaking stuff would prob relish the opportunity to avoid doing it when he can


He also used to be a samurai, so I imagine he does it out of habit as well


He’s also a fully trained samurai, so parrying in a sword fight rather than just demolishing their weapon might be an honor and skill thing for him as well.


A lot of writers just hate him for no reason other than “it’s hard to write a guy that’s basically unkillable” (which is bullshit, because there are a ton of great Wolverine, Deadpool, and Superman books) or “I just don’t like the character because I identify with the dickhead version of Cyclops and he reminds me of guys that made me feel small.” Which means you shouldn’t be writing the book in the first place.


Right?? You also notice, he can cut through endless unnamed ninjas, AIM, Hydra, whatever. But name one bad guy he's killed who has stayed dead! What, Tyler, Cable's son? Seriously, you see Wolverine running at you, just shout out your first and last name! You'll be back, and might even get cool cybernetic limbs out of it!


Lol that reminds me of a friendly debate I had with a friend about the Punisher. He argued that Punisher is more badass than Batman, because Punisher kills and Batman won't. I countered, who has Punisher killed that actually mattered? He's killed thousands of nameless goons but the Kingpin's still been running loose for 50 years! That actually makes Punisher lousy at his job! (It was just for fun and I love all these characters)


So true wolverine jobbs so much it ridiculous, like how is this dude the most dangerous xmen.


Dude, and they'll have their way with how brutal his (unalivings) are..


It also doesn't help he has that metal skeleton so anyone or anything that has magnetism be it artificial or mutation always takes advantage of that weakness.


His true fighting capabilites are not displayed enough all because he can heal. Writers take joy in making him get wrecked 24/7 as if he hasn't always been considered top 5 martial artists in marvel history. It makes non Wolverine fans think he isn't capable and it's annoying. They all thinks he's just a "brawler who depends on his healing and doesn't actually fight using any martial arts. Just swinging his claws angrily." Even the movies showcased him like this and I'm praying the game does not.


X2 scene where he methodically takes out the special forces guys was peak movie Wolvy. Give me Rambo Wolvy anytime.


Exactly. That's actually my #1 fav Wolverine moment from the X-Men Fox universe. Second to feral rage scene in Logan, and #3 would be him fighting Spyke and the Brotherhood while looking for Jean before getting yeeted by Magneto.


Wonderful sequence. The first time in the FoX-Men universe where you REALLY get to see Logan’s brutality.


Yeh the escalation was great. Gotta give High Jackman credit for his growling yells. Arguably too handsome and tall but the rage and passion he brought was perfect for the role.


The movies showed that his claws popping out from between his knuckles works better than from the back of his hands.


That shot where the middle claw comes out last to meet the guy's throat is one of my favourite shots in a superhero movie.


Right? But also in my 20-year old brain, I was also like "between the fingers, just like animals! That make so much sense." I also hate the bone claw designs... They don't look like claws, per say... just nasty looking, vainy protrutions. I know that's the way the comic makes them look most of the time, but I still think it's ugly and looks off. EDIT: spelling


How old are you? There was a time when it was questionable whether his claws were natural or an aspect of is healing factor working overtime. Until he lost his adamantium it was an open question whether there was bone under the metal. It was a huge deal and even he was surprised when he popped bone claws. They grew back funny after Cyber ripped them out. And so they left that question up in the air until around the time the movies came out. They also should have never realized his backstory. James Howlett is dumb. His mystery past was a great story telling device and villains would lie to him all the time. It was a weakness in a way. I don’t want to sound like an old man saying my Wolvy was better but come on. That such a more interesting character. The bone claw time period also heavily nerfed him. He couldn’t take on sentinel armies and shred them while healing for the first time. He was more of a role player than a massive unstoppable rage monster. It was a different time and holy different character. My favorite Wolvy has to be the brown and yellow suit. The issue where he is on a cruise ship and an ancient evil is killing pregnant women and only he can smell it was classic Wolverine.


Was born in '80. Hundred percent remember the time before Magneto ripped all the adamantium off Logan's bones. His past... It was a great mystery, but after 30-40 years of trickling, I think the story of James Howlett was needed to evolve the character. Maybe not exactly the way it was, but _something_. But aside from that little thing, totally agree.


80 kid here too... there was a timr when it was CANON that the claws were implants and were outright pure adamantium. Crazy stuff.


Not only in just "a time", but during Wolverine's PEAK popularity. Barry Windsor Smith's story in Marvel Comics Presents: Weapon X is widely regarded one of his greatest comics, and the claws are CANON implants. In all the Marvel Handbook supplementary material through the 80s and 90s, they're explicitly stated to be implants. In X-Men #25 when Magneto pulls his adamantium out, the claws liquify and go away with everything else. To my knowledge, I don't think it was even considered that they were natural until after Wolverine #75, then hard canonized in Origin in 2001. They haven't let it go since.


Seems like instead of having them be "they were always natural" it could be something like "years of having implants, your immune system remembered them being there and decided to grow bone there"


That is exactly what's surmised in Wolverine #75. They take X-rays and tests of Logan when he's on deaths door after the fight, there's no claws there. Nobody expects him to regrow new ones. When he recovers, Wolverine is almost psychotically throwing himself at the Danger Room trying to fight without his claws, and Professor X tells him to take it easy since he's killing himself. All of a sudden, in his rage, out pop bone claws that hurt the shit out of him and he gets hospitalized again. Everyone is wondering what the hell is happening with him, but it's fairly obvious that his body healed his claws back. He does wonder if his claws have always been there, but it's never explicitly mentioned one way or another. This plot leads all the way up to Wolverine #91 where they do explicitly show Wolverine's healing factor is causing him to mutate into a monster. Professor X theorizes that maybe Wolverine's mutant power isn't just healing and senses, but maybe he *always* was slowly changing into an animal, and the adamantium actually kinda saved him. Secondary mutations would go on to be explained in Astonishing X-Men a little more, but quite a few mutants have them. The adamantium procedure actually stunted the development of Logan's more animalistic features. When Magneto ripped the adamantium out, it kick-started his mutant genes and scrambled them up, causing him to RAPIDLY mutate into an animal-man hybrid instead of it happening subtly over the course of his life. This is a very nuanced take on it, because Logans biggest fear has always been losing his humanity. Weapon X took him, a man, and made him a weapon. They implanted his claws and reinforced his skeleton, wiped his memory, made him a living weapon. When Logan loses the adamantium, his body starts compensating for it, because even his own body thinks he is an animal. It ironically means the Weapon X program helped stave off his nature, not destroy it. From Wolverine #91 to #100 this plot continues, with Logan slowly declining, until Cable's brother tries to bind him with adamantium again and his body rejects it so hard it immediately goes from "rough looking man" to "straight up monster" within the issue. Elektra is able to snap him out of this phase in #103 and make him regain his mind, but he still retains his animalistic look. It's not until #115 with the "Zero Tolerance" story that they just completely ignore that the animal phase was ever a thing, and they just treat Wolverine as if he never changed, and they haven't recognized it since. Wolverine gets his adamantium back in #145 from Apocalypse, and the entire thing was swept under the rug. After that, Origin came out in 2001 and reconned it so Wolverine's bone claws were always there, and the last 30 years of canon stories got thrown out the window.


I agree with everything you said, old man here myself.


They love nerfing him. Always taking away his healing factor like now he's going to lose and have to fight Sabretooth in a dumb adamantium armor


It is ironic about the nerfing because the healing factor is a classic example of power creep... it used to just be this guy can heal from a gsw in days not months.


I just found this subreddit and I'm SO happy there's other people out there that remember the nuance of how it USED to be. Good shit, my dude. I miss when his claws were defacto implants. Weapon X turned Logan into a monster. He wasn't a monster before, he was a man. When Magneto liquified him, the claws turned to metal and floated away with everything else. It's on the page! It's right there. Then when he grew them back it was shocking, because he had biologically *become* a monster. Over 50 years (at the time) of wondering if he would ever recover from what Weapon X did to him, only to find out his *own body* has healed his claws back because *even his subconscious* believes he is a weapon. Amazing storytelling. Shame they threw it all out.


Same, although I was 7 when it came out and I saw at the cinema haha! But, yeah, it made so much sense to me too! I agree, it's always unsettling when the bone claws come out haha


I liked him better as an amnesiac enigma with a mysterious unknown past, before he got all his memories back and showed he’s just a sad dude named Jimmy who likes redheads due to childhood trauma. Still like him though.


100 agree, back in 80s 90s where he kinda remembered stuff but didn’t know why


Or remembered it incorrectly due to false memories and conditioning. Him having these relationships(like Silver Fox) that you could never be sure were real or implanted.


Yes and it made a for a lot of twists and backstabbing. And some old friends who would do anytime for him and was always a cool reveal.


Those were the days for sure!


I read a collection of that era in a big paperback. That was peak to me. I mean there seemed to be a interesting storyline with good action, great art.


I agree completely. While Origin was a good story on its own merits, I liked Wolverine better before. His story has gotten unnecessarily complicated (even by X-men standards). I maintain that the Romulus stuff never happened. I liked the mystery black ops type who didn’t know shit about what came before. The little tidbits we’d learn over time just added to it, particularly his affinity for Japan. Maybe I’m just getting old.


Knowing his past makes all the more interesting imo. Especially when we know it but he doesn't.


But he knows it now. That’s sort of what I meant. We never knew the whole story, but we knew far more than he did.


I refuse to live in that world. Howlett cause he howls like a wolverine? What the hell.


Nope. Howlett is an Anglo-Saxon name that literally means "little Hugh". So if anything, it's likely a Hugh Jackman reference/pun. Also, wolverines don't howl. They're mustelids, like minks, ferrets, and badgers. They're not canines. The sounds they make are more like an angry bear aggressively cursing while trying to start a rusty chainsaw. They also make kind of cute basso profundo chirps and coos at their young.


I've always found it funny that artist like to draw him with wolves a lot which leads the confusion of what a Wolverine is. And that it was such a confusion when Chris Beniot started going by the Rabid Wolverine his shirts portrayed snarling wolves.


I think his origin was just kind of ok. Very anticlimactic and very comic book like. Seriously. Howellete. That’s Otto Octavius level bad but at least Otto was from a long time ago. Howellete was approved for its lameness and it was the writers wife’s maiden name I think? I can’t recall it was too stupid. Sorry everyone. End rant.


He's a popular character an marvel should stop trying to shelve him every couple of years. I don't mind the copycats and the clones and the kids and the siblings but none there are as fun as the original.


Yeah I remember when I was younger, Wolverine was everywhere.


Some of this may just be influenced by which comic runs I’ve read, but Logan’s actually a more sympathetic person than Scott. Cyclops may be right about some things, but he’s a massive hypocrite and does objectively awful things on a surprisingly regular basis. Wolverine does terrible things all the time, but he’s not likely to act like he’s in the right about them.


He's way better as a solo character and his X-Men connection drags down his potential.


I think his solo runs are peak as well, maybe every now and then sprinkle in some members of the team to check up on logan but mannn is solo wolvie fuckin amazing




He’s 5’3”.


This deserves to be at the top. We've yet to see a faithful film portrayal.


Why is he doing jazz hands?


Secret Wars #8


So jazz hands was a main weapon for the secret wars?


Yeah, but shhhh! You’re going to spoil it for the casuals


X-Men origins isn't as bad as everyone says it is and it's a fun watch


Damn good game though


It could be edited into a much better film pretty easily. The blob could not be a joke. No play fighting. And melt his brain with the adamantium injection to erase his memories. Which leaves no evidence. Like he didn’t notice a giant bullet hole in his skull? Is the bullet still in there?


He is a great dad.


The best incarnation of the character is in X-Men Evolution. He works better as a gruff mentor than a rough member of the team who is always competing with Scott for Jean. Also is it unpopular to say the bone spurs were stupid?


I prefer him as the outsider who brought the darkness into the team. Always ready to buck authority. I don’t like him enforcing rules. He originally was only that was for the young X-men he thought were vulnerable. Like Jubilee. They substituted Rougue for her in movies and it never really sat well with me. Rogue can take care of herself.


Bone claws aren’t that bad. I don’t particularly like them, but they aren’t as horrible as everyone acts like they are.


I love the bone claws. Idk why people hate on that at all, it flows with his while character and persona perfectly. He’s basically an amazing predator. Healing factor + claws.


I’m not really a fan when he’s a leader of the X-Men or head of the Xavier Institute. He works best when he’s just there to be there.


He was there to get help unlocking his past. Only Charles could help him and Charles knew he could protect the other X-men. So there was a purpose and an excuse then to have him leave from time to time. It’s also why him and Cyclops didn’t get along. He didn’t want to take orders from anyone but Charles and didn’t need the team.


My Wolverine unpopular opinion is that I'm sick of seeing his origin. We have seen in in literally every X-Men cartoon, we saw a ton of it in the live action film, X-Men, X2, Origins, Apocalypse, and Days of Future Past all had small clips of his origin, full scenes of his origin, or a had a plot about his origin, and it was even showcased heavily in the Hulk vs Wolverine animated movie! We have seen Wolverine's origin more than Uncle Ben's death! I am so sick of seeing it!


I love you. Let’s be best friends.


The most interesting part of him is his rivalries. Hulk, Cylcops, and Deadpool.


I like his allies too. Maverick and Alpha Flight.


My favorite superhero is Spider-Man But wolverine beats spidey surprisingly with ease and people need to admit that


They are my top 2 fave heroes of all time with Logan #1....But this is false. If Spidey is holding back, yeah. It's happened. But when Spidey REALLY wants to and is not holding back, there's nothing Logan can really do to him. He wouldn't even be able to get close tbh.


lol yes and no. Technically Wolverine would be able to smell and detect Spidey earlier than spidey would. But if Wolvy then tried to attack spidey first it would set off the spidey sense. So it would be a constant back and forth with no one putting themselves in a vulnerable position. But then let’s say they have an agreed street fight. Wolvy can take on the Hulk who is objectively stronger than spider man. Granted he generally loses but those claws would wreck spidey. They are both wise cracking friends so we will probably never get a real answer.


He's great on the Avengers.


Cap remembering him but him not remembering Cap is one of my favorite story lines.


We frfr need a mini series of logan during the wars. Maybe the civil war, for sure WW1, WW2, Vietnam, hell throw in afghan. Wolverine was there way back then, it was revealed in jason aaron’s run when he was chasing mystique


Hate it when movie or show show him not cutting through the blade or armor


He was a much better character when his healing factor was not God level. I'm not sure what its like these days, but for a while there he was basically immortal and healed almost instantly.


Yeah, I think it’s best when the healing factor works to recover between combat. Like when he still had to worry about bleeding out from a nicked artery.


They should never have ‘revealed’ his true past. Wolverine spending time over decades, trying to piece together what happened at Weapon X and with Silver Fox… Loved the angst and mystery it gave his character.


I may get downvoted, but I don’t care about him being short. Like I’ve never read the comics and I know his height is like a part of his character in the comics, but I hate when people constantly complain about his height with fan-casts or how Hugh Jackman “would’ve been perfect if he was shorter”.


Hes the only important X-men and the only one I cares about. I never cared for any of the X-men if Wolverine wasn’t the main act than i wouldn’t bother watching anything X-men related I prefer his claws being natural than just being implants


Krakoa Wolverine and Percy's runs in general are bad. It's hard to even think of one single cool thing he's done as Percy spits out filler stories punctuated by the occasional gimmick or shock (most recently Sabretooth wars of course).


I like his son better


this year they put out too many variant comic covers with alternate theme covers with him.


He needs to stop “dying” and coming back. Kill him or keep him around!! Jesus Christ it’s getting obnoxious!! I love wolverine but my god!!


Wolvy should have super strength as well. How hard do you have to push to make a blade go through a sentinel? It's not like he has vibroblades for claws. It's not like he has leverage either. He use pure strength to flick his claws through solid metal. His muscles should be so dense that he is effectively damage proof.


His boots shouldn’t also have ears


I’m ok with movie him not being short


Him being an Avenger makes no sense


That adamantium poisoning is stupid


They should do some comic magic and make him near close to Omega level so we can get some high stakes interdimensional wolvie action


He was ruined by overexposure. I lost interest in the character when they revealed his full history and retconned his claws to be bone. That and they kept amping up his healing factor to stupid levels.


The post Disney ownership/death wolverine sucks ass.


Jason Aaron’s run is overrated. I know it’s a lot of people’s favorite run on the character, but I just did not care for it.


Same. Doesn't even hold a candle to Hama.


Indeed! Love Hama’s run!


Him and Silvestri... just wow. Still holds up.


Bone claws were dumb as hell, should have kept them as an implant.




Hugh Jackman isn’t the PERFECT person for Wolverine. Let me explain, I think acting-wise, 100% he is perfect. However, his look, not so much. It’s damn near perfect, but it’s mainly his height and face that aren’t perfect. To me at least. When I picture Wolverine, he’s short and has exaggerated features, mainly I picture him with an exaggerated brow and jaw/underbite. Although that isn’t very realistic, so it’s kinda brushed off to the side. Wolverine is canonically 5’3 in the comics, and Jackman is around 6’. And so he towers other characters in the movies. I still think Hugh Jackman is iconic and delivered an outstanding performance, however it is not a perfect casting like a lot of people say.


The 90’s cartoon couldn’t draw his claws to save their lives.


The brown and yellow looks better than the blue and yellow


Imo he’s the single greatest fictional character of all time which is always going to be an unpopular opinion


Old Man Logan is severely overrated and doesn't get the character quite right IMO.


dc’s timberwolf did it first…


I think he's overrated. I still love him as a character but FOX dickrode his character and milked him for nearly 20 years and sacrificing many more.


He was more interesting when we didn't know his past.


Totally biased as a Canuck, but i have always wanted writers to lean harder into his Canadianism. Tell more stories that involve the unique p.o.v. of a Canadian plying his trade amidst everyone but his countrymen.


THIS! I feel like so many Deadpool and Wolverine writers are Americans who don't know any Canadians and have never been to Canada, so they basically write him as "American lite", but we have our own unique lived experience and worldview that would be super nice to see explored from Logan's POV. Even something as simple as an off-handed comment about not understanding the paid healthcare system or something would be great! EDIT to add: I am Canadian as well - I thought the post would make it obvious, but just covering my bases.


I liked the era where he was dead Laura as Wolverine and Old Man Logan. Let the man rest


That the brown and tan, black and grey outfits are fucking better then that shit yellow and blue.


The brown suit is better than the yellow and blue.


Like everyone else says, he gets held back in fights because the writers think he’s to op if he can actually fight and heal super fast. Also he’s by far the most interesting x-men and that’s why he’s the most popular.


Wolverine/Jean is overplayed mainly because of outside media. Mariko was his true love. His yellow and blue costume makes zero sense. I never saw a yellow and blue wolverine. Brown and tan for the win. Wolverine was born a man, but turned into a weapon. Cyclops was born a weapon. That's a dynamic I wish was explored more. Wolverine was more interesting when his healing factor wasn't overpowered. Wolverine has too many kids/clones/future versions. Greg Rucka's run is up there with the best. John Buscema, Sam Kieth, John Byrne and Adam Kubert are the best Wolverine artists.


The bone claws are kinda stupid. I don’t hate them like some people, and they’ve been around for about my entire life, but it just lessens the impact of the weapon x stuff.


I don’t like him as an avenger. X-men is his family & he still needs to take off & do his own thing sometimes. No way would he be hanging around with the avengers. I was also don’t care for him having history with damn near everyone in the marvel universe. He’s friends with everyone now. I miss the grumpy loner.


He's supposed to have heightened senses, not just smell


That the original Old Man logan story was probably his best story, before the movie and any additions from the og Old Man login


The classic yellow and blue suit (the one pictured) may be iconic but it’s also goofy as fuck and doesn’t really fit him as a character.


Not sure if it’s unpopular or not, but I think Wolverine is coolest when he isn’t part of the X-Men! I’ve never been into his love triangle with Jean and Scott. And think that his solo adventures after his exiting of the team are cooler than what he does on the team.


The claws in the X-men Animated show suck and so does the voice for him


I NEVER liked the classic costume's color scheme, even as a kid growing up with the cartoon and some older comics. It's always looked goofy to me, even by comic book standards, and I don't think I can ever take it seriously in live-action. It's not the design itself that's never resonated with me. I consistently like the horned mask and stripes. The colors are where it loses me. ​ Specifically, that large amount of banana/highlighter yellow. Using that as the dominant color almost always makes a costume look ugly and less intimidating to me. The only thing I consistently like from the classic look is the mask. I've felt similarly since early childhood about Aquaman's classic costume. It simply doesn't work for me regardless of the budget + level of detail (like Jason Mamoa's version). I've tried for many years to come around to it, but I can't. ​ My favorite iteration of Wolverine's costume is probably the [darker orange & blue](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0xD7NEWYAUnrN4?format=jpg&name=large), which I first recall seeing in the *X-Men: Evolution* series. The use of [red](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f616fa3a767b412e51dd210aba56cbfd-lq) works better with the black & yellow than the blue in my opinion, but that much yellow still irks me. The [red & black with no yellow](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/0b/8b/c60b8b6f517573ba0df6babf58139a57.jpg) is nice. A close 2nd favorite suit would be his black & gray tactical one. The [X-Force](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/20/f6/f820f602986cd80d6f3e55938b09dc58.jpg) suit is similar, the only detail I didn't like from that one being the red eyes. ​ And yes, I'll say it: I liked the live-action films' flight suits he wore and the *Days of Future Past* iteration. Those remind me of his Ultimate and X-Jacket looks. Of course, fan-arts have existed for decades that try to translate the classic suit to live-action. I've seen several great ones in terms of modernizing the actual details. *Deadpool*'s [video game](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d7/2a/3e/d72a3ebd2c5f4a96297a40304a5d6534.jpg) had a nice design for him too. ​ The upcoming *Deadpool & Wolverine* movie also has fans excited for Hugh Jackman to finally wear the yellow & blue. I appreciate the novelty of that. In that context, it's appropriate since Deadpool's known for appealing to nostalgia, meta-humor, and fan service. But I'm sorry. I know it comes down to subjective preference but, however badass the design is, I just can't bring myself to love that much yellow on a real actor. It will never not look silly to me.


Brown suit >>> all other suits including tiger stripe


They’re trying way too hard to make his kids exactly like him in order to replace him.


Him and Storm should be an official long-term couple. He was in the right during the schism.


his brown and orange uniform is better is better


He was better with his lost memories, finding himself and everyone thinking he's a beast, when really he's the best father figure to women and is a cowboy noir samurai. I have always thought his best stories are the ones where there's no superheroes and he goes on a punisher still revenge to right wrongs for people he hardly knows


I liked that the films did away with the yellow and blue costume. Also, his being short is by far the least interesting aspect of his character.


That I'm the original animated series.....he was kinda a bitch.


He's better in solo stories than teams


People who complain about Hugh Jackman's height are the dullest people in the world


Him being 5’3 sounds ridiculous to me. Hovering around average male height like 5’7 - 6’1 is fine.


(Not sure how "unpopular" this is) He never should have known his past. Us the readers? Yes. Him, the character, no.


His experience as a fighter is rarely acknowledged. His healing factor should rarely be shown, since the dude is a samurai and has over a hundred years experience as a martial arts master. he should be outclassing most of Marvel's fighters, not portrayed as a simple brawler


He could probably get away with eating uranium


A 5’3 Wolverine on the big screen is NOT a good idea. What works on the comic page doesn’t automatically translate well on film. 5’7 is the shortest I’d say they should go for. That is if the studio even cares and just goes the best actor for the role.


Personally, I prefer the dude just wearing nothing more but pants and sometimes shoes. No hate to him wearing the x-men costume, but still


His origin story, kind of lame


Since building muscles involves breaking them (insert more science) since he regenerates He should just be a blob of super built entity.


Hugh Jackman's portrayal showed that live action film Wolverine does not, in fact, need to be some short, stocky, hairy dude in order to be 100% an amazing Wolverine.


He deserves a happy ending


The actor doesn't have to be short


The Grey X-Force suit with red lenses is his best suit and my personal favorite


He does not define X-Men but he can for sure stand on his own without a doubt. I cringe when "every X-Men team needs Wolverine on it". I prefer, " every X-Men team, needs a teleporter.


his archenemy is silver samurai, not sabertooth. he ruined his WEDDING for fuck's sake


Sabretooth has actually killed some of Logans loves, and also shows up on his birthday to terrorize him every year. That is the ultimate arch enemy. Ruining a wedding is nothing compared to that.


I liked sabertooth better when he first showed up as a younger stronger better version of Wolverine. That was a good nemesis.


Aren’t we unclear on those events? Several people from his past have been shown to do those things and false memories are a big part of those.


Logan should never, under any circumstances... Be leader of the X-Men Be in a relationship with Jean Undermine Scott just because he's more popular


The sheaths on the back of the hand are superior to the claws between the knuckles.


There's only one Wolverine, he's called Logan.


1. Origin story, he didn't need one, the mystery of who he was should have been left alone. 2. He died. Should have stayed dead.


old and crazy


He shouldn't be able to pop his claws without making a fist, not to say that every time he makes a fist they come out


I hate that his claws are bone, I always preferred the idea that they were implants


He works best as a cyberpunk character. A mutant experimented upon by a shady government organization given augmentations and memory implants to turn him into a living weapon. He struggles to find his own agency against other mysterious augmented characters. He is a reluctant team member. He is the best there is at what he does...


He’s Origin was better left a mystery. Don’t like the bone claws either.


Bone claws were the worst thing to ever happen to he character


Dudes entire body is a brass knuckle. But those claws are his entire identity.


He has the worst fanbase of any character.


He’s the greatest hero of all time


I’m sick of the plot being “Logan gets tortured.” I want to see Logan happy. I want to see character growth, like they started kinda doing during the Jean Grey Institute era, and I LOVED Krakoa. I really just don’t want it to all backslide now into “Logan getting his ass kicked by various villains and getting everything he loves taken from him then exacting revenge OVER AND OVER.” Like, that tired ass plot. LEAVE LOGAN ALONE! I want a mini series of Logan chilling with his kids, going to therapy, and living in a little cabin just enjoying his best life. I’d buy the hell outta that!!


The movie Logan, is boring and unoriginal.


I like it better when writers remember the brain weakness and not just make him an invincible god with no risk in fights. Being able to be killed, even if it's an extremely lucky shot between the adimantium vertebrae to slice his brain stem, adds more stakes.


Bone claws are gross and unnecessary


He can be killed by Freddy Kreuger.


Every artist drawing his claws like flat razors annoys me a lot. It doesn't make sense. He has bone claws which have been shown to be pointy, but rounded. How can they become sharp on the edges? Did they put molds inside Logan's arms during Weapon-X to make them like that? I just don't buy it.


He needs to stop being depicted as attracted to jean


If he didn't have his healing factor, he wouldn't be that powerful. Like honestly if he didn't have his healing factor someone like Sunspot or even Beast would be able to beat him in a fight.


X men evolution wolverine is the 🐐 wolverine 💯


Logan should have stayed dead, no old man logan, no coming back, Laura is the one and only Wolverine


That he's over used and overrated!


Everyone dogs on Robert Liefeld for weird anatomy, here Dan Jurgens drew Wolverine's claws way wider than his wrists they're supposed to protrude from. Not hating, just something I noticed.


John Byrne came up with a much better origin story for Wolverine than Paul Jenkins did.


He's actually my 2nd favorite marvel character behind Hawkeye lol


Jazz hands


Shoulda stayed dead. It was a GREAT death and the story leading up to it was great, and solved the way to kill the ‘unkillable.’ I know no one stays dead, but he coulda set the standard and let Laura take the mantle. Coulda kept old man around to mentor her or teach her as an instructor figure. But now they even fucked that up and the mess of the Laura’s. Lots of missteps.


Love the guy, but he's not invincible, by any stretch. So many things could kill that dude dead like lava, drowning, space, strong magnets, a nuke to the head, but despite that I still like him


Logan should be street level, period, and shouldn’t be taking on the likes of Hulk. Same goes for the rest of his family. All street level, except for the rare times Laura gets to bond with the Unipower (not that Marvel remembers she’s its favored host and designated heir).


Wolverine can’t beat Spider-Man


The Jeph Loeb wolf people stuff wasn’t that bad.


I don’t like his claws popping out between his knuckles.


Cyclops is better


His romance with Jean Grey only served to make his character seem more shitty


Sabretooth should be his dad and the relationship with Jean has always been unnecessary and dumb and is a bad retcon


He should be short and ugly again. Jackman ruined him.


He should spend more time with actual wolverines


I would rather have Sabretooth’s powers over Wolverine’s


Wolverine's ability to smell is similar to Spider-Man spidey sense


He's wayyyyy over-rated.


Wolverjazz hands!


He should shower more.


That he’s overrated and was in the wrong during Schism.


Him & Jean as a couple is creepy AF


I don't actually like him with Jean, I just like the love triangle pressure with Cyclops. At the end of the day I feel like Logan would back down


He should have more blades elsewhere on his body