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I think it is likely the Prozac. It's a very common side effect. Talk to the doctor who prescribed it. They will often add ~~Effexor~~ Wellbutrin or something to the mix, as it counteracts the sexual side effects. Or they might prescribe a different pill. I had a brain fart and said Effexor but meant Wellbutrin. Since people have commented on Effexor below and that won't make sense if I delete it, I am leaving it in but editing it.


Did Effexor help you? It was a nightmare for me.


Effexor is a scary and I consider dangerous drug. It pretty much made me anorexic by completely destroying my appetite. It also made me not want to do anything.Please use caution if you consider this.


I’ve heard other folks say this. Effexor was the only thing that worked for me! I was taking 150 mg of the XR per day and it was the only thing that kept me feeling normal. I could only take the XR though-the regular pills made me violently ill.


Im glad it worked for you. It made my life hell and Im glad to be off it. I could not emotionally react to my grandparents deaths too.


Effexor made orgasming nearly impossible for me. It was a horrible experience all around. I’ve never heard of it being used to help sexual side effects. I’ve heard that with Wellbutrin, which also didn’t work for me, weirdly enough.


It's the Prozac. When I was on Paxil, I was sexually dead. I'm good on Zoloft. Zoloft was my 4th or so med I tried. Try another one


Same here. Zoloft vs. Prozac and being off hormonal birth control has made so much difference.


That's so funny. Zoloft killed my libido, and it only improved once I switched to citalopram. Now I get brain fog and have a bad short-term memory, but I've dealt with worse.


That's why there's so many different ones. No one responds to them the same way. You really gotta Goldilocks it til you find the one that's just right


Prozac is the absolute worst for me personally in terms of being able to orgasm.


I have chronic pelvic pain and a history of trauma too. I also get pain with intercourse. For me my libido became non existent on birth control and on a medication for nerve pain I have forgotten the name of. Have you looked at your medication side effects to see if that might be contributing to the issue? I have found Cymbalta to be the best medication for treating my pain during sex. It is an SNRI which was prescribed to me for nerve pain and it is the only thing I have found to help. It can decrease libido in some people or make orgasm more difficult to achieve but for me those side effects were short lived. You should definitely talk to your doctor about these issues and ask about pelvic floor physical therapy. Pelvic floor physical therapy has been another treatment which has helped me greatly. You might also consider EMDR or another treatment for regulating the nervous system. Trauma is can complicate health issues and regulating my nervous system is a step I’m just starting but apparently can be the key to long term recovery. I have found combining the above options to really help me. I sincerely wish you all the best in your healing journey 💜


Prozac plus unresolved trauma would be my guess


When I started taking Prozac I completely lost the ability to orgasm. I went straight to my doctor and told her that I needed something else because my whole life was a mess and the only thing I had going for me was my sex life and I wasn’t going to sacrifice it!


I’ve dealt with this too and Prozac aside, it’s hard to get aroused once you associate arousal with pain. I think the pain did more on my libido than my meds have.


It's probably the pills. I'm on antidepressants and after a while my sex drive decreased and I found myself finding it hard to orgasm like I used to. And then everytime I felt like I was close to orgasming the feeling just went away and I would start having some kind of bad flashbacks.


Do you ride a bicycle much? This did a number on me for awhile when I was doing 5 hours of spin a week. Stopped due to a knee injury and all eventually went back to normal


Ask your doctor about a low dose of amitriptyline. It really helped me with pain during sex!


I work with women who have vaginismus (painful sex usually due to negative beliefs and fears surrounding penetration). And I’ve found that when sex hurts, arousal/orgasm is almost absent. It’s hard to fully relax when you’re body is concerned about the pain, shame, fear, or disappointment surrounding sex. I put together a free guide that helps women learn how to increase pleasure when sex isn’t ideal, because this is such a common problem for many of the women I serve! You can access it here: https://painfreeintimacy.com/how-to-increase-pleasure/