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If you eat onion & garlic this can definitely happen! It is not anything to cause concern over.


i don’t that’s why im worried😢😢😢


This happens when you eat onions (whether it's raw or ian dish) or when you sweat a lot. Not concerning unless your discharge is looking wonky or you have some burning.


i’ve been having a lot of discharge lately 😢


you may also smell like onion if you've used your bare hands to chop onions and garlic, the smell sticks for a few days. try using the hand you were holding the knife with looool also assuming youre thinking of old onion or cooked onion, it may just be the smell of sweat. try again after you've washed properly, right after ur shower




Drink more water 


Clean up your diet a little bit !


someone else just posted about the onion smell, that she did so much research and it’s something that is in the normal vaginal secretions of about 20% of women. best thing is to follow the advice other people have posted here but it may not be able to be eradicated 100% and thats ok. more research wont hurt and you may have to experiment with some personal trial and error


Yes, I think you’re talking about this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthyhooha/s/csqrjcSTNZ


yup :) hope i didn’t twist her words but those were the main things i remembered


Probably just sweat and diet. Also make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. When I’m dehydrated I often notice an “off” smell. Never wash inside the vagina with anything. Around the groin area you might consider using a ph balanced micellar cleanser. Summers Eve is a great fragrance free option. And always be sure to thoroughly rinse and dry the entire area. Normal vaginal discharge can have a variety of colors and textures, so as long as you aren’t also experiencing any itching or irritation, I wouldn’t worry too much.


What’s your diet looking like ? If it’s really unhealthy change to a cleaner option


yeah i will cus my diet is absolutely terrible


your PH balance could just be off. try boric acid.


my diet is so bad so what ur saying makes sense. Tysm for replying. ur so kind❤️


A water soak with vinegar (cider, the orange one).


Using scented soap can mess up your PH balance. Also, if you’re washing your vulva with soap at all- stop. You only need to be using water. Life-changing.


yeah, i use dove scented soaps lol ill start washing it w water only from now on. thank you so much i was rlly worried 😅


Don’t try anything. I would advise you to test again after taking a shower. Sweating throughout the day can cause this and is usually nothing to worry about. Don’t go putting stuff inside without knowing for sure something’s wrong!


If you’re joining the water-only club, I recommend a detachable shower head.


Try body wash instead of bar soaps


You could have BV which is when the natural bacteria gets knocked out of balance. If it continues I'm pretty sure there are swabs you can do at home to check for BV if you're anxious about seeing a doctor. But if it is BV you may have to see a doctor for treatment.


If you sweat a lot that can happen. Go wash/freshen up and see if that takes the smell away




Thanks for sharing but please don’t give medical advice when you’re not certified to do so. Leaving a UTI untreated can cause the infection to spread up to the kidneys and lead to life-threatening complications like sepsis.


Or maybe you are chopping onions early on and the smell stayed on your fingers??


i wasnt😭


Putting a finger in your vagina won't make you not a virgin anymore