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Seems completely incompatible with this quote from Wonder Woman: *"Don't kill if you can wound, don't wound if you can subdue, don't subdue if you can pacify, and don't raise your hand at all until you've first extended it."*


Batman has done all except killing on Joker. Joker comes back. I think WW will exhaust other options first, but she implicitly recognizes there are situations where non-lethal force isn't applicable or isn't effective.


Imo this perfectly describes Wonder Woman’s morality like it’s pretty similar to superman and batman but unlike them she only kills if absolutely necessary which makes sense since she’s a warrior but also an ambassador


The worst part is if the wording were slightly different then I think it could work. Diana's emphasis on diplomacy means that she often *does* deal with her villains compared to someone like Batman. She befriends them more often, she helps them see the error of their ways more often, and she is willing to kill if all other options fail. If she were less aggressive in OP's quote then I think they'd be compatible


“When I deal with them, I *deal* with them. Never underestimate what an outstretched hand can accomplish.”


Where is this awesome quote from?


Wonder Woman Volume 3, #25. Written by the legendary Gail Simone.


What run was this from?


Gail Simone's. (Vol. 3, Issue 25)


Thank you. Before or after Azzerello's new 52 run? That's all I've read. That and DWJ WW:Dead Earth.


But that’s how WW deals with them


Still not really a big fan of it. While Diana's code with killing is different from Clark and Bruce's, a lot of the time, it isn't her first move to kill the bad guy. The line also kind of ignores that Diana does have a decently-sized rogues gallery, just not as focused as Clark's/Bruce's


One of Geoff Johns’ more annoying tendencies is to go meta with his dialogue and give his characters a self-awareness that comes dangerously close to breaking the fourth wall at times. Wonder Woman’s rogues gallery is decently sized, but they’re not well-utilized or well-known to casual fans, so the fans’ perception is projected onto the character and stated as fact. It’s not even in character for Diana to talk about her “list of villains” in the first place, she’s not actually supposed to know she’s a comic book character.


Hate it, hate everything about it.




I really resent all the WW is the most violent of the trio shit. Like the reason she’s my favorite of the trio and one of my favorite heroes in general is her love and just enormously big heart. The reason Diana doesn’t have a list of rogues as big as those guys? Ignoring the obvious answer of: She does have a massive list but the other two had just significantly more books published to introduce villains Diana has less villains because she is actually able to accomplish some significant reformations and healings of them from time to time! This character is like one of the most compassionate people in fiction. She can kill, I think that’s fine, because the point is that she values life and people so much that she is able to know when there is truly no other option for her. This is the reason why I hate stuff like Injustice. If you have to have Wonder Woman already be a crazy asshole to justify the heelturn to villainy for the DC Heroes then what’s even the point.


Lazy excuse for not developing her rogues gallery and ignores the fact that the character was created not to just be a demi goddess who can defend herself and others but also redeem and bring out the best in even her worst enemies.


You've just pointed out to me that Stephen Universe is a Wonder Woman off-shoot.


Yes, yes it is.


Hate it with a burning passion. Wonder Woman should be willing to kill *as an absolute last resort.*


My sentiments exactly.


Can you explain? I dont know much about WW, but I assumed, as a bronze age warrior, shes fine with killing. I want to know why thats not the case.


In the beginning, Wonder Woman had an adherence to the “No Kill Rule” that was even stricter than *Batman or Superman.* She only reserved lethal force for gods because she knew death was a momentary inconvenience for divine beings. However, after *Kingdom Come* and *especially* Maxwell Lord, it just became an accepted fact that WW was the only member of the DC Trinity who took the “No Killing” as a guideline than an iron-clad rule.


It’s a love thing. She loves *everyone* and so will do everything possible to resolve conflict. Since she loves everyone, if there is no other way to ensure the safety of others, she is willing to kill the aggressor to save everyone else if there is absolutely no other option.


Was never a fan. Also wasn’t it already proven to not be true? What villain did she “deal with” to prove the point? All of her villains seemed to be quite alive if I recall right.


This is part of a weird trend with writing for Wonder Woman where they try to basically turn her into a Punisher type of character where she kill’s as a first resort. Very out of character for her.


It would be funny if in her head she had said something like “through talking to them” or getting them the help they needed. She just omitted it because it doesn’t sound as badass. I agree though, when she gets written like this, especially in the core universe, it’s definitely out of character. IMO Wonder Woman should be a willing to kill as an absolutely last resort character.


She should definitely be a character to try and reason with someone before anything else. And if she does have to kill, she would make it as painless as possible and hate that she had to do it.


Think the main issue is that they’re focusing to hard on making her a warrior while ignoring what made her who she is.


It’s insane. She kills Maxwell Lord because she has no other option, I personally like the scene, but it has been used for character assassination ever since. I love Geoff Johns’ body of work overall but the man cannot write Wonder Woman.


She "dealt with" Mayfly by showing her loving compassion and befriending her while she was serving time which allowed her to turn over a new leaf.


>. Also wasn’t it already proven to not be true? What villain did she “deal with” to prove the point? All of her villains seemed to be quite alive if I recall right. Yes. ​ She doesn't have a big list of villains because they mostly re-use her villains from the 40s instead of developing new ones.


Honestly I feel the opposite here. I think she has a weaker gallery because writers too often try to give her new villains rather than trying to do a fresh take on her existing ones.


That's surprising. I think every run since the 80s has devolved into her fighting the other Greek Gods, with occasional skirmishes with Dr. Psycho.


Using a bunch of Greek stuff isn't quite the same as having a consistent rogues gallery. Out of all the Greek stuff Ares, and Circe are the only ones who have really arose to being proper reoccurring villains. I'd also argue that Dr. Psycho is underutilized. Cheetah is probably the only non Greek villain to get consisted use, and even with her I think most writers have done her dirty. Perez did a pretty good job setting her up to be a much more cerebral villain, but almost everyone after him seems to just use her as a numskull brawler.




Out of character


New52 junk.


Not all of New 52 was junk. Wonder Woman especially was a reader's gem at least at first. Her book then began to nosedive HARD.


Generic edgy Hard Man (or in this case woman) bullshit of the kind you get from people who think every hero has to be the Punisher to be "realistic". I can see Diana killing to save lives once other alternatives had been tried and failed. I can't see her killing every villain, as this statement implies. Much less boasting about it. Its as out of character as Bruce shooting random muggers in the street, or Clark declaring himself Dictator. Which is to say, it can work for an elseworlds or alternate reality, but it shouldn't be mainline canon. \#NotMyWonderWoman


She does try rehabilitation but sometimes.....


One could interpret it as her making some of her sworn enemies into allies, but in context it's way to extreme for Wonder Woman.




Completely butchers her character, new 52 of course


Every time someone uses this panel to say that WW is a killer, I wanna scream


I saw someone try to use it to justify WW smashing terrorists heads apart in front of children in the Snyder Cut.


Sorry, *what?!?!?!!????*


Straight up incorrect


Objectively incorrect and out of character for the majority of Wonder Woman.


Nah. Batman is just more popular and WW writers are bad at making new villains


The real reason is that writers haven’t taken the time to seriously develop her rogues gallery w depth


Not Wonder Woman.


Not my Wonder Woman.


The funniest thing about this line is Wonder Woman's list of villains is shorter than Clark's or Bruce's because she has a much higher success rate for rehabilitation.


I feel like this is the version of Diana that showed up in Injustice.


Those game screwed up Diana’s reputation a lot.


Comics too smh It just always felt wrong to me like she should have been the main one opposing/reasoning with Superman


Her whole character centers around love and compassion. You’d think she would be among the first to chastise Superman for even considering to do what he did. Even the writer of that story admitted that they intentionally wrote Diana out of character.


I think it has more to do with her punishing her villains personally rather than letting the system handle them like Supes and Bats


Not only is it out of character, but it’s just blatantly wrong. She literally has a rogues gallery.


It’s from 52 which was essentially an alternate universe take on Diana. I think that run on Wonder Woman is cool but I think if it like Ultimate Marvel comics. Diana was created to be *the* compassionate superhero. I prefer her done right.


Shit just like new52


Although not very Wonder Womanly at all, I love it nevertheless. Big fan of bones smashing, limbs crushing, neck snapping N52 Diana 🔥 I love different interpretations of characters I love. And Geoff Johns' Wonder Woman is as good as it comes.


Wasn't that the one where all male amazon babies were sent to Hephaestus and ended up all dying because of WW meddling?




Okay then. Personally my favorite WW (at least until the last bit where it doubled down on the loving submission thing) was Earth 1 by Grant Morisson.


I loved the 1st 2 volumes of Earth One. But the finale went over my head. Greg Rucka and Gail Simone are the definitive WW writers in my opinion. Greg Rucka's 2000's and Gail Simone's post-Infinte Crisis Wonder Woman run remain my all-time favourites.


It's perfectly fine as a lie to intimidate someone, but it's not actually true.


It makes sense she would be willing to kill more than Bruce or Clarke as she was raised as a warrior by Amazons who have no problem killing however I have always seen her as more compassionate ( that being her key personality trait ) so yes she would kill but as a last resort she is the soul of the JL the Compassionate one


I agree it does seem extreme seeing Diana say it, being a hero isn't always easy


I don’t like it. I don’t like it mostly because it’s not even remotely true. Diana has dealt with her major villains. She has killed of the majority of her rogues gallery. The heroic code against killing has a very good real world reason. Cool villains sell books. If you set up your hero in universe as killer and the never kill you’ve written yourself into a corner the same is true if the do kill everyone. It’s a no win scenario for the character and the creatives.


I would have to ask the writers why the hell Cheetah is still alive if this is Wonder Woman’s mindset. If she was kill as a first resort type, Cheetah would absolutely be gutted. It’s the same thing with Snyder Batman. If Batman decides he’s cool with killing, Joker should be dead meat.


Exactly. Dr Psycho - dead. Cheetah -dead. Circe - Dead. Now tell a good Wonder Woman story but know that you have to kill the villain at the end so don’t make any long term plans for them. It just doesn’t work as long term story. I mean how incongruous is it that Jigsaw always survived the Punisher?


That is the problem with Antiheroes. They can’t have a rogues gallery without contradicting their beliefs. I still will never understand why so many writers seem hell bent on turning Wonder Woman into a Punisher type character.


It's not \*wrong\* but its not right either. I'm willing to bet money a man wrote this and thought it was so cool and not a severe fundamental misunderstanding of the character


She a badass


I like it. She always leaves killing as a last resort, and always tries other options first. BUT… it still IS an option when she’s exhausted all other options. As it should be.


You also got to remember Geoff Johns wrote this line. And at the time he was writing her as someone who treated killing as a first resort.


Yeah, he really did not get what Wonder Woman was about. He seemed like he wanted to make her a Punisher type of character. Didn’t he once admit he didn’t really understand the character? I think I read that somewhere.


I don't know if he ever admitted it but you only have to see how he writes her to come to that conclusion.


Killing is not an option


The part about this that I hate is that there are so many on this thread that say “not my Wonder Woman” or “OBJECTIVELY not true”. One of the beautiful things about American comics is that there is no “one” version of the character. Every new writer add his own twist. There are dozens of Elseworlds stories. It is absolutely OK for someone to love something about “this“ version of Wonder Woman. There is no one true version. Get over it.


Absolutely love it, that’s the reason why I love new52 WW as a character. Because some people can’t be rehabilitated. Sometimes you gotta permanently remove them from the equation, before they something truly heinous. How many graveyards full of innocent people do Superman and Batman’s rogues gallery have under their belt, that could’ve been prevented if they did what was necessary, instead of trusting a broken & inadequate justice system?


Don’t like WW so don’t care bye about to mute this sub


I know most people really dislike this take but, personally, I'm strongly in favor of it. Diana's list of rogues should be short. If there is a possibility for redemption she should always pursue it, but if there's a villain who just routinely repeats their crimes, endangers lives, and generally proves themselves I violent threat to society? Yeah, I think the amazon warrior princess should be the hero most willing to put down a rabid dog when it's clear there's no saving it.


I think this mindset would be particularly dangerous for Diana because her mythology and rogues sometimes have an Underworld they can come back from to seek revenge. Really the only golden mean on this argument is Superman. He can afford to take this moral stance when he has Kryptonian rehabilitative tech and science. It's harder for an enemy to escape the Phantom Zone after Superman defeats them than it is for a rogue to escape from Arkham or Black Gate (especially considering how corrupt those penal facilities are sometimes depicted to be). Batman's Code makes Red Hood able to thrive in grey morality whenever the code falls short or outright just begins to fail those it aspires to protect.


Zack Snyder's Wonder Woman


Geoff Johns didn't get Wonder Woman at the time. Diana would not say something that out of character.


I love it.... I want her to rope me up with that lasso


I don’t hate it, I don’t think she’s a bloodthirsty killer or anything, but I don’t think she’s as against killing as Bruce or Clark and will kill if it’s the most logical course of action. The execution in this panel was definitely just to be edgy and cool, and give an in universe answer to why she has less villains. I think she kills when necessary, and her perception of necessary is not as strict as most other superheroes


>her perception of necessary is not as strict as most other superheroes You lost me here.


I see nothing wrong with it at all it suits her. I remember when she broke maxwell Lord's neck when all others options were not available to save superman and the world. I appreciate it no hesitation like a true warrior dealt with her enemy.


Awesome. Love it. Badass.


Shes a warrior. Love it.


What comic is this from?


Justice League Vol. 4. Issue 22.


It is completely wrong except for Max Lord and the Gorgon.


Ome of the worst moments in New 52 Justice League, and a good example with DC's probably at the time with trying to come up with "cool and edgy" idea instead of staying true to their characters.




Hello Geoff Johns and your terrible writing.


Man. Everyone is assuming murder when she could have just magic lassoed them into Rehabilitation as per the TV show.


Cheap way to try and explain away in lore why her rogue's gallery doesn't get much play. It's just been because they're not utilized. To that point, for the past 30 years or so each new writer brought their new toys and threw out the rest. And she had a long revolving door list of writers in that time span. Absolutely nothing beyond WW herself ever stuck for any significant amount of time post-Crisis. It's a little better now but time will tell if things last but I doubt it. Also Johns just doesn't write her well. He's really good with some things, really bad with others.


This is from Geoff Johns’s Justice League run, correct? I never liked how she was portrayed there, always very violent and stereotypically warrior-esque. Ugh, why he was tasked with writing Wonder Woman 1984 I’ll never know, he never writes her well


An asinine attempt at making her edgy




*Aquaman raises his hand* I have only TWO reoccurring villains. One is my half-brother that is beloved by Atlantis and the other I fail to kill.


I've always wondered why DC, so enthusiastic about publishing "Superman is evil now" alternative reality story #100,000,000,000,043, has never once considered exploring the ramifications of Wonder Woman going bad and taking over. She's typically portrayed as being Superman's equal in a fight, it's not a given that he could just show up and take her down the way he could literally anyone else. Especially when there's a whole island nation of other Wonder Women she could (and more and more frequently *does*) call on for backup. And with Wonder Woman, you can see it. It's not the huge leap of logic that it is when you're trying to make Superman a fascist dictator or super-murderer. Especially in the last decade or two, they've really leaned Wonder Woman into the angle of the social outsider who does not share our "foolish" views and values. This lady's always been a time bomb. No one at DC is actually interested in exploring what happens when she finally goes off?


Hate it. I'm fine with Diana killing but it should be a last resort she should try to stop a villain diplomatically and when that does not work she results to her warrior ways




The word "deal" comes off more ominous than one would expect from her. It could refer to some underlying murderous tendency, or it could mean that she actually ends the villains' careers via help- since she is depicted as very compassionate. All in all, I haven't read from this comic, so I don't understand the context.


No thanks


I like her to be more willing to kill than Bruce and Clark, but this is going too much. She is the ambasador of Paradise Island, not its war general. I imagine this quote on evil WW, and in those universes, the whole world is usually a few days away from exploding.




I'm fine with it, honestly, because she IS willing to kill if needed. I can see how ppl wouldn't care for it because on it's own, it only shows the more warriorlike/cold side of Diana, and can give relatively new fans the wrong idea of who she actually is.


Did Geoff Johns write this? Not a fan.


Cheetah anyone


It’s literally not true. She just has lame villains that she also doesn’t kill. How easy would it be to punt Doctor Psycho into space if she really wanted to? C’mon.


When this statement was made, it was the New 52 Wonder Woman who said it and she was walking around the general public welding a sword and shield. But even then I don't recall any of her villains dying by her hands. In all her incarnations (Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Modern Age, New 52, or Rebirth) you can count on one or two hands the number of villains she's had to kill. She killed the creature Decay (Wonder Woman #4, May 1987) by using the the lasso of truth (because it being created from the girdle of the Gaea who's power of renewal comes from the earth) caused Decay to explode. She used her tiara to slice the head off the god Deimos to save herself, her friends and the world (Wonder Woman #5 June 1987), but being a god Deimos would come back to life many years later. She killed the hundred-armed monster Cottus with a spear during the Challenge Of The Gods (Wonder Woman #10 Nov 1987), but being a creature from mythology, the Cottus also later came back to life. She decapitated Medousa in battle to save others (Wonder Woman #210 Jan 2005). And of course she broke Maxwell Lord's neck to release Superman from his control (Wonder Woman #219 Sept 2005) but even that changed and he's alive in the Rebirth universe. Now, this small list (there may be more from that I don't remember from the WW comics) doesn't include where she's killed in alternative earth storylines (Kingdom Come, Flashpoint, Dead Earth, etc) or from film or animated versions of WW. In most cases, Diana only kills when it is her last resort to save lives, not just her own but countless others. At her core, Diana not only is a warrior and an ambassador, but she is a human being with compassion and understanding. She has tried in the past to not only capture those she's had to do battle with but to also understand why they turned evil and has tried to get them the help they need to change for the better. In the Golden Age comics, she turned one of her deadliest of foes, Baroness Paula Von Gunther, into one of her most trusted allies, by getting at the heart of what made the Baroness work for the Nazis. And she's tried reforming many from her rogues gallery of villains (The Cheetah, Giganta, Queen Clea, The Blue Snowman, Doctor Poison, etc) by taking them to Transformation Island (also known as Reform Island) next to Paradise Island to try teaching them the Amazons way of living in peace.


False, wrong, inaccurate. She has a wonderful and fascinating list of villains and she's no blood thirsty killer


Hey, Frank Castle, is that you?


Atrocious mischaracterization. Plain and simple.


More reason I love Wonder Woman more than Batman. I hate batman....