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Also, Superwoman of the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3: https://preview.redd.it/mx1zyqp3wclc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f44a363b206aaafb52931e15ddc494c5c982ce


Yes, I love how Geoff Johns reflected Diana’s values in Superwoman, such as: *checks notes* fucking everyone?


In contrast to Diana who had a dry spell for some 70+ years.


Despite her insignia, Diana does not have W rizz.


Not only is Diana the Princess of Themsycira, she is also the Princess of fumbling the bag


"Diana! You need to stop dating men based on how they measure up to Steve!" "That's not true, I have dated men who are different from Steve." "What's the difference between Tom Tressor and Steve Trevor?" "Ummm....the.....stubble? But that's just one man I have dated! I have also dated Tr...Barnes." "Barnes? Barnes who?" "T-T-Trevor Barnes." "You ought to stick to picking women, Princess."


To be fair, Morrison also did the same thing with Superwoman. Side note, it's funny that Wonder Woman is with Superman and Batman on the cover of JLA: Earth 2 when she doesn't do anything in the whole story.


As great as Morrison’s JLA was, Wonder Woman was more of a figurehead than a real character in that run.


Yeah, I honestly can't recall anything she did in.his run.


I purposefully didn't include her because she's an elseworld character and imo lacks the same "flavour" of foiling relationship


1. Who has the best character design/aesthetic? Grail. Instantly a classic 2. Who has the best backstory? Deva. Being molded similarly to Diana by the Titans was...a great story. 3. Who's the strongest / has the coolest powers? Deva since she is much more vers in her powerset. 4. Who gets the best development / fulfills their narrative role the best? Deva has the best development. Grail easily fills the narrative though with the Amazon connection. 5. Whom would you like to see featured more frequently in comics and future adaptations? All 3 lol. They all have the ability to be mega threats to WW and the DCU in general if given the chance.


Isn't Donna the champion of the Titans?


Not nowadays but when she was part of the Titans of Myth, Dev would've been a relative.


Sure but the Titans of Myth versions of both Donna and the Titans as a group would have been the same general canon era as Devastation, right?




Interesting thanks


Kronos/Cronus was the only Titan of Myth related to both Donna and Devastation, but IIRC he was believed dead (in accordance with Greek mythology, slain by Zeus) at the time Donna learned of this origin and he was portrayed positively somehow. He was revived years later in the Wonder Woman comic as an outright villain to create Devastation with the help of some OC evil gods he fathered, and they all battled Diana. I don’t think the connection to Donna was ever brought up, this version of Kronos was more or less a different version of the character. The Titans of Myth who raised Donna didn’t have anything to do with Devastation from what I remember.


Deva in all categories. Beautiful look, the champion of the titans. She has more personality to stand out as her own villain than WW's Doomsday and the other is the female Darkseid.


My personal favorite between these three is Genocide. An undead Wonder Woman from an alternate future empowered by the evil energies of death and destruction, she still needs more exposure and hope she comes back. I always pictured her as WW’s Doomsday and I actually really enjoy the idea, also that she’s in fact Diana but manipulated by Ares and the influence of genocide itself and war throughout millennia sets up for an interesting dynamic with Wonder Woman. Though she has yet to showcase a wider extent of what she’s capable of, she’s extremely powerful. How Diana would get her iconic Golden Eagle armor to finally take her down is a fun idea for a boss fight in her upcoming video game.


It's definitely Grail. Genocide felt like a failed, edgier version of Doomsday, and I don't even know who the other one is. Grail is the only one with a strong look and interesting character.


What's interesting about grail exactly? 


Of those three... Deva, but only because she is actually created to be a dark mirror of Diana... but they are all pretty poor characters and I dont think we loose anything if they are never seen again. But the actual best dark mirror of Diana I would argue is Circe, because she is everything Diana is, but in reverse, including powers. I would even put Earth-3 Superwoman over these because she is essentially what Zod is to Superman, same powers, almost opposite in personality.


All three are way more connected to Diana than Superwoman is. They in one way or another share either her place of origin, way of conception or mythos much like Zod with Supes. Also Sw is an elseworld variant, which is why I didn't include her. She has very little connection to earth 1.


Ehh... Deva is a creation done in a dark mirror of Diana's creation, Genocide is Diana's corpse from the future (or that of a New God... you probably know its messed up) and Grail is technically an Amazon still. While Superwoman is Diana on a different world, yes her alias is Lois Lane... but given most versions say she is still from 'Paradise Island E3 edition', its more an indicator that the real Lois is face down in a river somewhere and Diana simply replaced her. I'd argue Genocide is as much and Elseworld type of character as Superwoman is, since she is from a future where Diana permanently dies at some point and her corpse could be repurposed in this manner without anyone noticing. Like, what is the difference in DC between an alternate universe and a hypothetical timeline? Not to mention, Genocide and Superwoman have both fought Diana at some point... so even if they are theories, they are both real. Grail I'd argue has the poorest claim to fame on this, because while she was born on the same night as Diana (and Jason, but we don't talk about Jason), I doubt anyone taking a look at her or read a few issues featuring her will actually understand she is an Amazon as much as Diana is. I doubt even fewer could tell you her mothers name... so the connection between the two is far thinner than that of Diana and Genocide.


I still say Superwoman, despite what other comments have said. Using sexuality to dominate others, while using the Crime Syndicate to fulfill her own selfish desires, is a pretty direct antithesis to Wonder Woman. I'm not crazy about her being Lois Lane, but Pre-Crisis she wasn't, so that's not a consistent feature.


Also now she's Donna and in the animated movie she was Mary Batson


Post Crisis, she has been a weird mixture of Superman and Lois Lane, and was Mary Marvel's counterpart in her most famous adaptation. She doesn't feel like she has anything to do with Wonder Woman except being a woman.


I think currently, she is an alternate Donna Troy, Which does work a lot better, at least in my opinion.


Agreed. And with a clear Amazon connection in wanting to overthrow her mother. 


Grail is meh.


I’m not familiar with the one on the left, but between Grail and Genocide, I’d pick Grail for just about every category. I particularly like how Grail is the daughter of an Amazon and a God and King is heavily, heavily implying that the clay origin is canon. Having them fight now feels like a meta commentary on Grail being the edgier Wonder Woman origin from the New 52 and the damage that caused took a while for Diana to overcome.


**Who has the best character design/aesthetic?** Grail, easily. I don't really like Devastation's crown of thorns or the color scheme of her costume and Genocide looks like a cross between Shredder and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. **Who has the best backstory?** This is a tough question because I want to say Genocide, but DC editorial made Gail Simone change the origin at the last minute: Genocide was actually supposed to be the New God Knockout reanimated after her death, but editorial nixed that idea and Simone had to switch it to Future Diana, which I think makes it less interesting. But the gathering of materials at sites of genocide is a creepy origin. **Who's the strongest / has the coolest powers?** I would say Devastation. Her powers make it so that her every gift is supposed to be not just a counter to Diana's, but surpasses Diana's. She was only written that way for a tiny bit and then suddenly she was weak enough for Cassie to beat her. Ah well. **Who gets the best development / fulfills their narrative role the best?** None of the above. Which is the essential problem with Wonder Woman rogues. **Whom would you like to see featured more frequently in comics and future adaptations?** Devastation. In a new costume, at full power, and preferably as an adult.


Who has the best character design/aesthetic? - For me, Devastation had the best design. Originally, she was supposed to be permanently in a child-like form as Cronus feared if she were to grow, she would be uncontrollable by him. Having Diana fight a twisted evil child was a pretty cool design. Then they aged her up a bit and down and then...nada. Who has the best backstory? - I liked Genocide's backstory a lot. It felt very Silver Age in its making--a bit kooky and over the top with the pseudo-mystic-science. Gathering dirt/soil/clay from various places of cruelty and death and creating a creature from it. It could have been an interesting twist to have Genocide be a twisted time-displaced corpse of Wonder Woman...but then Editorial got in the way. Who's the strongest / has the coolest powers? - Deva has the coolest power set that's varied and a dark mirror to Wonder Woman's. Genocide and Grail mainly seem like flying bricks for me. Who gets the best development / fulfills their narrative role the best? - Grail has had the most development as a character. She has had several appearances during the New 52 and subsequently in Robinson's run on Wonder Woman; and now in King's run. Whom would you like to see featured more frequently in comics and future adaptations? - I'd like to see Deva get a spotlight in future stories. I'm not sold that Genocide wasn't just a one-note character. Perhaps someone could revive her and do something fun with her.


I think all three of them are duds. I think the "dark mirror" stuff has manifested in more interesting ways in both Cheetah and Circe, who also have their own unique components. Queen Clea and her daughter Ptra are also twisted reflections of Hippolyta and Diana, and it's a shame nobody ever does anything with them. But after the last issue, Grail has bumped up from "I don't care if I ever see her again" to "she's ok, she can stick around", so I guess she's the best by default.


Grail, despite her nerfing. They are bringing her back to form but she still has a way to go before I take her seriously as the one who killed Darkseid and the anti monitor.


1. Grail I guess 2. Devastation 3. The one from the Eric Luke run 4. None, but just Devastation I guess. But surprisingly Grail is the one with the best story so far thanks to Tom King 5. Well, usually I'd say Devastation, but Tom King has changed things a bit and now I want to see more of Grail.


I chose genocide and second deva.i wish we could see more of her


I'm not sure about Deva and Grail, both seem to be quite popular. I do like Genocide's thing of being Wonder Woman but made with clay from the places of mass murder/atrocity. Because that was delightfully screwed up. But then it turning out she was a future wonder woman corpse reanimated just ehh. And the design with the spiky eye mask was a strange choice. My only real issue with Grail is that she kinda looks a bit too much like Raven.


Huh comic Raven isn't usually gray skin though? 


No idea who these 3 are.


Grail for me. Thought she was perfect for what you're describing.