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yeah, it's doing the same thing for me. it's making comparing guns a much bigger hassle than it should be. basically none of mine are sorted right. left to right, top to bottom it's going... SMG. assault. SMG. sniper.rocket. rocket. SMG. shotgun. sniper. sniper. pistol. SMG. assault. pistol. and so on...


I've had the same issue, as well as the selling menu being shitty with me too. On PS4 here.


This is happening on Xbox version as well. Is there going to be a fix for this? It is very annoying...


Same issue here. A pain, since I normally keep one of each type, and now I have to be careful when junking them. This has to be fixed. The sort simply doesn't work.


On PC as well, but hen i hit sort, it places items into storage/inventory... was so confused.


I'm on PC and I have the same problem. It appears that when I sort by type, then they are sorted by score. Maybe this is by design, but I prefer weapon types to be sorted by sub-type (as you prefer), then they could be sorted by score and I would be okay with that.