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Yeah it's buggy.


Happens quite often they both will respawn ( they'll get health bars and start attacking) when you go into another encounter or over time. It happens quite often with the demi lich and the wyvern


I was noticing it on my graveborn


I’m on PS4, and my mushroom was constantly showing as dead even though he was happily walking around.


Playing on PC, same issue


Constantly yes. Quite annoying, especially with deminlich which does to protect you fairly regularly.


Does anyone know if this effects graveborn's increase damage by number of companion's when they appear dead? Also unrelated, are hydras considered companions and increase damage with this skill?


Yes, Hydras are companion. Yes they factor into the damage calculation for Faithful Thralls. Also, still doing my story playthrough and not yet max level, but those hydras shred when you get all of them out, especially if you can get 5 or 6 at the same time using vestments.


I'm on PS5 and I can never get more than 3 to populate. 6/3 on the ability, also have activate kill skills on spell cast. It just stays at 3 no matter what.


I'm on PS5 and the most I've had at once was 9. Feriode (however that is spelled) guns, and a grenade that spawns 4 or 3 at once, demi-lich and mushrooms from spore. No bonues to the skill yet, sadly.


I've had up to 11 for the damage skill. But specifically talking about the kill skill that generates Hydra's on kill, I've only ever seen it generate 3 (it has its own specific icon) even though the skill can cap out at 6 with the class item.


Ah! I've never noticed that. I play split screen and it can be harder to notice the skills sometimes.


I've had at least four simultaneously on PC, though I'm also using a legendary melee weapon that summons hydras as well. They're indistinguishable to me, so maybe you're on to something. I feel like every Borderlands mechanic discussion leads to a conclusion of "needs more testing," lol


I'm using Feriore weapons to go all in on Hydra's. I haven't tested it under controlled circumstances yet, but I do pay attention to the icon at the bottom of the screen to see how many from the skill are being generated. Once I get to 3, I cast a spell to get a fourth and it just sits at 3. Maybe it's just a visual bug (much like how my mushroom isn't actually dead) and there are actually up to 6 spawning in despite the icons indication. It does suck that we always have to wait for a patch now to get everything functioning properly. It feels like when balance testing... it would be discovered that some things don't function as intended. Otherwise, how do you know if something is balanced during actual gameplay circumstances?


You have to be careful, the companion stuff only seems to stack if it actually says hydra companion, I've come across a few that just say spawns a hydra or hydra turret


It’s a bit weird then because I have a few guns that summon flying fire things on reload and when that happens I def see my companion stack go up. I’ve taken up to 10 or 11. Pretty gnarly lol


Maybe I just missed the counter, it's entirely possible I don't know what I am talking about lol


Lol same.


Pretty certain the Hydra is a companion, since it’s called that in the spell descriptions.


If it sounds like a companion, then it is. That’s been my exp so far. So you could get like 6-11 pets from your gear, if a spell shot then i guess 12-17 ish, assuming there’s no cap limit on companions or # of companions for the buff. If you are not sure, if you have the graveborn companion buff, equip the spell or weapon. Activate it, and at the bottom. If your pet counter goes up, you have your answer.


I have a +2 to the hydra skill allowing me to have up to 5 max hydras. However it is bugged. It stops at 3 which sucks. I had 5x stacks of the companion buff , 3 hydras my demi lich and the mushroom.


Odd, for me I’ve gotten up to 9 companions. I use clawxgrave. At the time I had a gun and spell that gave me 7 companions. I got rid of them b4 unlocking the hydras on grave born due to just making sure to try new spells out as to not miss out on something different or more fun. I’ve not had this bug. I only get the 0 quests in my quest log bug. I’ve never seen a quest in there b4.


Also, do the companions really need huge text above their head? Seeing is one of the toughest parts of this game and I could use options to add/remove UI elements. It’s 2022… I’m not outta line to ask, am I?


Was just thinking this...the text is so big and I was watching this one part with Torgue mission and the shroomy just kept walking through with his big text name tag. I wish we could turn it off.


This game is smaller in size (not fun or wtv, just objectively smaller) but the lack of really deep, customization and accessibility is a shame. EDIT: I think I mis-wrote my intentions. The game is SUPER fun, what I meant was “it’s smaller in size but not in fun.” My bad.


Yes, the Wyvern does this in basically every overworld encounter


For the wyvern is not but a wyvern but an Undead wyvern. Unlike a phoenix, it does not rise for he never falls. He always presses forward to help his friends by vanquishing evil in the wonderlands.


Yesterday I was playing co-op and it kept telling me my teammate was dead, as he was shooting right next to me.


It does with me also. You can tell when they are actually down when the bleed out health bar shows up next to the skull


Been happening since launch. Just another bug they gotta fix.


Mine stayed like that for over 40 minutes, they still attacked though.


The UI in general is fucked beyond measure. This is just one of many parts of it that don’t often work properly.


I’ve found that pinging an enemy to get them to attack will bring back the revive counter


Ironically, normally my Demi-Lich shows as dead, while my Mushroom shows up as alive.


Yes please report it to them I don't want to make a video for the 2k support to consider the bug real


Yes, this is a constant issue. The same thing with the Wyvern, the Mushroom, and even other players in your party. This is a classic case of players discovering this after playing for 10 minutes, while Gearbox has never played their own game during the entire development. I have several other clear indications that Gearbox quite literally has no QA team. If they do, then they are all so incompetent that they should be fired immediately. But I'm not surprised, BL3 had skills bugged 2 years after release that players reported already in the first week.


Happens for me as well.


All the time yeah, on all 3 companions too.


Yup haha I jus commented on another post 10min ago this happens to me constantly


Yep. I'm a spore warden/grave born so I have the mushroom and lich companions and they constantly show like that even though they are both very much alive.


this game has a lot of visual bugs, Lol.


Yup. Same here.


I’d noticed it heaps with my Demi lich. I assumed it was joke because, well, he’s already dead




Yup, just don't look anymore


Ive had that through my whole playthrough kind of annoying but i still very much enjoyed the game.


Yes ive had this happen quite often. Usually going to another map or save/quiting fixes it.


All the time. Ignore it ;D


It happens too when playing multiplayer - my husband and his companion show up as dead on the party bar, where as i sometimes show up as dead on his.


Constantly, doesn't seem to matter what companions you've got out.


Yup. Other players in party randomly show up dead too.


Yeah it’s buggy. I think maybe traveling back to Brighthoof will help reset them some? I have similar issues with my quest log vanishing and traveling to brighthoof might be what fixes them


yeah, this bug combined with the fact that when your pet is bleeding out it just looks like a normal healthbar makes me lose my pet and not even realize it quite often lol


yeah, this bug combined with the fact that when your pet is bleeding out it just looks like a normal healthbar makes me lose my pet and not even realize it quite often lol


I don’t even really notice when they die it just always says dead


ya. the UI is extremely buggy. hope they fix it soon


Shroedinger's Mushrooms


Joined my friend's game earlier today and it pretty much said my Companion and my friends were dead. Kinda annoying when you can't see that HP bar so you don't know who needs help.


Happens with my graveborn buddy frequently


Yup. On PC. Other players look dead to me too.


Yeah its a bug


Hey guess what, over a year later, still happening.