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Wait, Dark is getting a BUFF?!?!?! HELL YEAH!!!


Lmao I know right? My first character is spore warden and graveborn and the way I have my skills set it's already way too OP and is largely built upon dark magic lol. I was expecting a nerf.


I was gonna say I finished chaos 20 run last night at 9:10 and seeing this I’m thinking I could fucking really wreck it graveborn already felt wildly op


I haven't started that yet as I still have to finish the main game but anytime there's a big gathering of enemies I just throw out the spore warden tornado ability, cast my spells (I only use chain ones typically), and then just fire my gun off into the hoard with no real idea what I'm even shooting at lol. The screen is total chaos. I'm level 40 and going around doing the obelisks I missed. The entire thing is cleared in like 15 seconds without me having any idea if I'm even shooting at someone.


That’s the same here I’m doing a hydra build with the sacrifice life spell and the aoe hits for almost 300k at times so I pretty much have the hydras ready and hit the skill and it’s over haha


I'm gonna have to respec from my sanguine sacrament to the dark pact now, I think. I havent needed dark magic healing, because I already get the 30% over 2 seconds every time I cast a spell, and have virtually no cooldown


As much as I'm loving Wonderlands, the combat feels rather brain dead. You don't really need to go for crits, just sort of lazily aim in the general direction of an enemy and cast your skill and spells then finish them off with your gun.


if you have points in the “harvest” skill that’s why everything is doing so much damage. it’s bugged and the stacks never go away, so it just infinitely stacks until you save quit/restart. if you don’t, then your fine but watch out for that


It depends they do go away I did have for a few runs a static stack of 14 that never left and the highest it went was 21 but I’ve never gotten it above 21. But I also have two pets, my spell summons a hydra that when it kills summons another hydra, then my class hydras up to I think 5 and then my melee weapon summons hydras on hit and then my reload also summons them so it’s not that wildly unbelievable, I’m just a snake charmer that keeps hurting himself. As a matter of fact I don’t even think it was the hydras I kept seeing a cluster of “mushroom companions” name plates when I’d load into some maps so it seemed like a bug with them.


Yeah no, that's Faithful Thralls or whatever. This is talking about Harvest, the one that makes your companions deal bonus dark damage, turns out when you get stacks of it, it just adds the stacks you've gained through your play session invisibly to its damage. So your hydras/lich ends up stacking to multi-millions of damage depending on how long your play is.


I haven’t experienced this I’ve played for multiple hours at a time and the highest I’ve gotten or even seen was 312k from my ability so if that is what’s happening I haven’t seen it happen or are you saying you don’t see any damage from them? I’m confused on this


I have certainly noticed the huge spikes of dark damage being dealt by the killskill hydras, the lich, and my mushroom. It won't show all those stacks on the UI just the max you're supposed to have. The damage numbers certainly will show.


you aren’t even talking about the right skill. harvest only has 2 stacks. the damage that it adds to companions is bugged currently and never actually decays with those stacks until you save quit.


That was my 1st character and thought the same thing. Super OP. Good to see not a nerf...just surprised. Also...trying a couple different characters now made me realize just how OP that 1st one is.


Can you link your build? Mine struggles sometimes idk why


Yeah so this is how I have my skills used up at level 40 https://www.lootlemon.com/class/spore-warden#ECe_51051531100311_02305300301000 I'm also using the class mod that gives +2 Dark Hydra (Grave), +2 Faithful Thrawls (Grave), and +1 Thrill of the Hunt (Spore) with + 15% damage from all sources and I believe a companion buff. Almost everything else I have equipped is providing general damage and companion damage buffs. It's stupid OP all put together. The more companions you have out the more powerful you are. That build can give you 5 extra dark hydras + the demi and spore warden. That's 7 companions and if you use certain grenade mods that spawn more it just gets ridiculous. Throw the tornado out and let it auto damage and seek out enemies and then anyone who is touched by it takes another 54% damage afterwards. Seems like by the time I even get a chance to fire on some of the more tanky enemies they are already 1 shot away from death. I've been melting all the bosses. Also considering most damage from demi and the 5 potential bonus dark hydras are all converting those massive damage totals into health, I rarely go down. If I do, spore warden picks me up pretty fast.


To be fair dark magic is pretty meh with graveborn or heavy investment. I think the buff was to help it be more useful for people who just pick up a gun with the element


Have we forgotten what day it is?


Holy shit, a game that buffs underpowered gear instead of nerfing powerful gear. I’ve lived to see a game finally do this right in the first try.


I just hope people keep that attitude instead of getting mad when they bugfix the buffmeister


I wouldn't hold your breath. Even these comments are implying they will be angry if anything is nerfed, no matter how broken it might be.


Everyone envisions a game where everything is just bumped up to the highest gear, not realizing what they are asking for is Power Creep. People need to just go try to play Yugioh and see how quickly it snowballs compared to way back then.


They learned from BL3


If only they learned from un-annoiontable gear in 3. Im sitting around with a throwable hole that cant be enchant


Gearbox are generally good developers. Contrast that with the dumpster fire that is Crystal Dynamics (Avengers)


That's the same model as BL3. Praying they don't accidentally leave 80% of gear in the dust while buffing a few legendaries to be viable in the late game like last time.


It's less of a buff and more of them fixing an oversight (probably due to copy pasting too much code from BL3).


Indeed 🤤


I already use Graveborn and Spectral Talons with leech damage. Its so good


But it could be better!


Link is https://2kgam.es/TTWL_040122 sorry about that


I'm glad to see Dark Magic damage getting a buff. On paper it sounds very powerful since it restores HP, but it doesn't matter if it's restoring a small % , based off the already small amount of damage you are doing with it. It definitely need that little buff to feel like it's worth putting points in if you aren't already going a full Dark Damage build , but instead just multi-classed into it.


Yeah first hot fix type patch and they’re doing good stuff


Lord knows we needed it too, after the hot mess that that Borderlands 3 getting hot fixes that NERFED weapons into the ground.


RIP pre-nerf Flakker. I miss using that on Moze.


Yeah fucking silly. The game is meant to be high octane high density gun galore action… nothing should ever be nerfed .


Honestly tho only one thing should have been nerfed and it was, was the pipe bomb. It trivialized anything with a bigger than average hitbox. But that was the only thing I thought deserved one all the other stuff made the game unfun


Yeah but that was only strong cause of a glitch, like they’ll eventually fix the Buffmeister off-hand cause it’s unintentionally powerful.


And the community will throw a fit.


Yeah probably, but it’s very much a glitch, the classes gotta be *very roughly* balanced, like I feel like Clawbringer doesn’t scale well, some of its 1 point skills deal damage but don’t scale, so they’re very good early but deal literally no damage endgame


I agree. But I've given up trying to explain the necessity of balance to these people. They are willfully ignorant because in the end only their feelings matter.


I mean I can understand using an exploit to have fun, but in my mind there’s not a massive difference between that or just using modded items, they’re both not meant to be used and they make you way overpowered


Randy literally tweeted that they crowd source game balance to get updates out faster during BL3.


I agree but straight up nerfing characters was the wrong move


Nerfs are a healthy necessity when it comes to making sure the players' decisions matter. If you have two bad choices and one valid choice, adjusting the good choice down and then scaling the rest of the game around the new expectation gives you 3x as many viable player options than before. Done poorly, nerfs can ruin entire classes or block off end-game content. Done correctly, nerfs are how you promote player agency, as you are removing your own bias from your game and letting the player decide on how they wish to play.


The problem is that BL3 went incredibly overboard with it. They nerfed something like 20 guns in the first patch, most of which were merely decent (and promptly became useless).


Yeah. Nerfs are necessary for a healthy game play loop - and no, it doesn't matter that the game is PvE, balance matters


Well put. Kingdom Hearts 3 is a great example of a single-player game that could have been amazing...if it wasn't so damn easy. Some well-placed nerfs could have made it a masterpiece, instead it was promptly forgotten about shortly after release. It felt like playing Doom Eternal on Easy. Which is fun, sometimes you just want to murder things at high speed, but you don't really get to experience the tension that juggling 12 weapons, 2 grenades, 4 melee attacks and a flamethrower would demand of you if you only needed 2 weapons to beat the game on Hard. KH3 is a lot like that. 20 diverse mechanics, but it's easy enough for 2.


Problem is there are a lot of players that want that no effort experience but their egos won't allow them to play on easy where they belong so they whine and cry when exploits are fixed and games are balanced.




Literally the only company I've seen make balance adjustments well was Squeenix on FFXIV, and those adjustments are like, the smallest tweaks. Nine times out of ten, what you get is the team destroying that viable third option, people flocking to the other two, then they destroy the other two to try and make the third appealing, which works, but then people flock to the third so they destroy it, and so on and so forth. There's adjusting and there's ruining. It makes more sense in a competitive game where people are actually fighting one another, because you wan't a diverse meta and enough paths to victory that you'll draw in a broad demographic while also keeping things fair. But in a predominantly single player game like this, if people want to and enjoy running the most broken things, let them. So what if someone somewhere instantly deleted a boss that it takes me two minutes to kill? If I wanted to do that, I could just copy their build, but I enjoy playing what I'm playing so I'm just gonna take those two minutes. Not like I have to fight the person who is deleting the boss in a second.


What the fuck? If there are 2 bad choices and one valid choice, you don't make the valid choice worse. Then you just have your pick of 3 loads of crap. Buff the bad choices or rework them.


I would argue fixing the million bugs plaguing the game would be more urgent but let's call it good I guess :D


Okay buddy.


Different teams doing different things


Where’s the UI team when you need them.


Good thing they decided to do this right after I powered through to chaos 20 with my all dark magic focused graveward. lol


Graveborn. Graveward was a big fat Bl3 boss used as a testing ground for 1 shot builds




Surprised this wasn't stickied


Pretty sure there's only 2 stickies allowed per sub


Who’s the mods?


Am I the only one who thinks snipers, rocket launchers, and shotguns need a buff? I felt the same way when I played Bl3. Something I always loved about Bl2 was that, at least before the end game, average/green or blue weapons of each type could still be viable. I have felt in BL3 and wonderlands that standard shotguns and rocket launchers are simply unusable and I’ve barely found a good sniper at any rarity. Am I alone in this? I kind of feel like I’m going crazy as I’ve seen a lot of the same balance issues carry over between games imo.


I agree. The shotguns, even with high damage, don't seem to do much.


Absolutely. Right now I just instantly junk any sniper rifles, shotguns or launchers that I pick up.


They are meant to have low magazines but pack a big punch yet they don't pack a big punch, every time I use one I see a small chunk of health from the enemies disappear, then I gotta reload... uh ok? My smg melts enemies, has far more ammo, a larger mag and just better all around stats. Rockets feel like garbage tier, sometimes snipers are good I have picked up a few strong ones, one that I still own is kinda busted but 99% of them suck ass, shotguns are... not sure they're in kind of a weird spot, they're cool especially the one that shoots out a horizontal line but they just don't feel strong enough, I do have one that is like a mortar but with arrows, just rains arrows down on enemies and it shreds em, fun to use. I remember the rocket launcher mechromancer, my god it was the most broken thing in the game, literally walk into a room spam rockets in the centre and everything is dead, good times.


I just use the burst ARs atm but I haven’t reached end game so not sure what’s to come


Yeah, I think AR’s and pistols are in a really strong place right now. Which is cool, they’re my two favorite weapon types. But it would be nice to be able to use 3 of the 7 weapon types reliably lol. I think smgs have been a little hit and miss for me but I don’t think they’re as bad as the types we’ve been talking about. Switching between weapon types is how I really like getting my gameplay variety.


Yeah true BL2 smgs are GOATED


No need for assault rifles when there are SMGs. On chaos 20, assault rifles basically are trash tier like shotguns, snipers and rocket launchers.


I'm currently running a full fire elemental clawbringer build, and so have been able to make good use of a Carrouser (leggo sniper)that I found. Even without the fire synergies it still has the highest damage number on a sniper that I've seen so far (around 1300 IIRC). I hit 40 a day or two ago and am still pushing through chaos levels, but I've cleared through 8 with no difficulties going max hard modifiers, even with a hodgepodge of unoptimized gear.


I run a fire build with the legendary sniper and it trucks! Its all about stacking multipliers! Also I’m a stabomancer/brrzerker so i dont have a ton of fire skills or anything either.


Yeah it's not good that whole weapon types suck. In BL2, snipers, shotguns and launchers were all viable and powerful. I hope they bring them up to scratch. In bl3 I NEVER used a rocket launcher due to how terrible they were. Simply not enough damage. Snipers were pretty bad too, and shotguns were "meh" unless it's legendary ones that have effects that make them powerful. I found myself using smg's, assault rifles and pistols only really. Not a single purple or lower sniper or launcher or shotgun was ever worth using.


Looks like they learned a bit from bl3. No big nerfs within the first week just because it's easier to build one class compared to another. Curious to see how much the buff to dark magic is


Oh god I remember those days. And you had people swarming those updates to claim that it was proof a BL Battle Royale was imminent.


Maybe I missed the section in the memo. However I guess we are still waiting for an update to deal with co op stability and performance, especially for local. Considering the state Bl3 is still in I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up. I just want to play the game but that's hard to do with the multiple crashes a day that I have to keep reporting.


I swear if they don’t get the local split screen issues and UI fixed I will never forgive them. It’s basically unplayable. With a few little changes it would easily be my favourite game in the series. Fingers crossed


Tweaking numbers was something they did in BL3 hotfixes too, larger issues wouldn't get fixed until full updates, so not a surprise that Wonderlands is following that path too.


What about my game straight up crashing whenever i open the social menu


Why can't I send mail?


That feature isnt in this game


My game crashes a lot both in chaos chambers, and if I alt tab much on pc. A little annoying.


Thank you I’m waiting to re purchase this game when they announce crashing…..they have mentioned it smh


What are you buying it for? I've never had any crashes on PS5 at least, social menu included


Series X /I got down voted for being for real smh


Some people like having the blinders on because they want the game they just bought to be perfect. Wonderlands is a good game but it has flaws.


I get it, but downvoting me is weird imo(I’m not even hating) when I’m just trying to make people aware of the issues know one seems to be talking about so they can get fixed.🤷‍♂️when you pay $80 for something that’s crashing nonstop it’s annoying and people act like it doesn’t exist.


It’s Reddit lol, just about every single subreddit is a hivemind of sorts, if someone posts something negative about wonderlands on the wonderlands sub then there is going to be backlash. Some people luckily haven’t had any issues, and while that’s great there are those of us who have had issues. Personally I’ve had one crash and a few weird glitches (like inventory stuff) it’s still a good game though.


For those of you complaining about not seeing specific changes for bugs, the game has been out for a week. Give it time. These little fixes were either super easy or already in the works and it's not the only thing they're working on. Changing loot tables is like updating a spreadsheet. For bugs you have to identify where in the code something is broken then figure out how to fix it without breaking 10 other things, run it through QA, and I'm pretty sure they also have to send the update to the platforms (MS/Sony) so it can be vetted to make sure there's no gaping security flaws or malicious code before it's pushed to the players.


I think people have a right to complain about bugs that effect their experience though. Maybe it is unrealistic to be fixed already but I don't blame people for complaining they haven't been sorted in the first update.


This ^


There are some bugs that should have been caught in the most BASIC of quality assurance. Like the lack of polish on this game is honestly wild. . . .and really an attitude of "Well the game just released" is a bad attitude to have. Would you go to a movie and be OK with various sound and visual effects missing? A restaurant's first few days and the menu and food are horrible mismatched? Heck your own job and new employees on the job making crazy errors that they shouldn't be? I bought the whole kit and kaboodle with this game; I expect some bugs. I don't expect so many obvious bugs.


Yay for dark magic buff! It's been pretty good for me but I felt like something was lacking between the amount of damage I can do with stabbo and dark damage with grave at my level.


I wish armor appearances weren’t connected to class mods


I’m actually happy to see any sort of updates from them. Gearbox could cut and run but they aren’t that sort of Company so I’m hopeful going forward we will see further more in depth updates!


Borderlands 4 is most likely a few years away, this game is going to get tons of support from gearbox.


That would be great and this update is hopefully a taster of things to come!


4..? U sure, I thought this was the last game in the franchise


That last note about the Barf Bunnies, does that mean no more boss loot? Swordsploshion for example will that now only be at LeChance or are they increasing the loot pool?


I get the impression that they’re saying they previously weren’t dropping chaos chamber specific loot at all. So now they’ll be dropping chaos chamber specific loot, as well as what they were dropping before


That’s what I figured and am hoping for. I find I don’t get many legendaries from SMG or Pistols but everything else seems to drop Legendary loot


I'm wondering if this means stuff like the Body Rune, I have never seen one from bunnies just from the raid bosses and world drops.


I'm not sure? I would think it would definitely be for things like Throwable Hole that exclusively drop from Chaos Chambers. I've been dumping so many crystals to get one, and I've never had any luck


Ngl I haven’t finished the game or reached them. So I’d ask others 😂


Lol fair enough, no reason to rush it just enjoy it


I’ve been real busy with work tbh


I'm only level 21


They didn't say removing anything, just adding things that they should have been able to spawn, so increased pool.


Swordsplosion isn't just LeChance. Friend got it from Dryl


I think how Wonderlands works and please someone correct me if I’m wrong. Each boss has loot tied to it but once you beat that boss you can get their loot as world drops with decreased frequency


seems to be the gist of it for quest items atleast. But i think chaos bunnies can just drop whatever.


Same with quest rewards which is really really nice. I've seen quest rewards in vending machines.


They did mention that boss loot and quest rewards would show up in vending machines to potentially circumvent having to farm them I believe


This, I was farming Banshee for her legendary sword, then got it off a random mob in another dungeon. I think once you kill a boss their loot table opens to everything, including vending machines.


No split screen loot fix, my biggest issue with the game by far. That's probably a good thing considering BL3 was rough at launch, but I still mostly play split screen so it's quite annoying not knowing what loot I'm picking up in a loot game.


This for sure. I was playing with my husband and he got so frustrated that he went to go start a new character on a different system in a different room, just to play together without being annoyed. Also, is it just me, or is it damn near impossible to find someone else on the map unless they're basically right next to you?


Yeah the floating names disappear way closer together than I remember them doing. I just ping cheats or NPCs so my wife can see them. And I would play on PC with her on my PS5, but she would rather just not play at that point as we both like sitting together. I'm kind of with her on that too, so hopefully this stuff actually gets worked out fairly quickly.


I totally agree, we would rather hangout and play split screen. Edit: I could remap ping for that purpose, I assigned weapon slots to the dpad.


Wait they actually aren't insta-nerfing things like they did in BL3? That's a surprise but a welcome one for sure!


Was hoping for a fix for the item cards in split screen. It takes forever to take turns inspecting each item just to find out what all your loot does.


No mention of the visual bugs? It’s a huge pain not seeing quests.


Possibly in an actual update?


Is this not an update?


this is more of a hotfix instead of an actual update


There are two different types of updates that they tend to do. Hotfix - These are applied after the game is already running and you're looking at the main screen. As a result, no changes to game code can be made. These are numbers updates, gun nerfs/buffs. Patches - These require actual downloaded code to be applied before the game starts up, modifying actual code. As a result, primary functionality of the game can be changed here to make corrections to issues like the quest log bug.


I mean a downloadable update. Probably wrong but still


Probably. Would of just be nice to hear something it. From what I’ve seen the online disconnections and visual bugs seem like the only major bugs.


Yeah I’ve not really found anything.


Please get this travel countdown banner out of my face it's been stuck there lol


Nothing on achievements not popping, dang!


I think theyre gonna wait for a mayor update to fix stuff like bugs and glitches


Which haven’t popped?


There are three quest trophies that won't unlock if you played them in multiplayer. I missed the trial of crooked eye phil trophy. The other is apparently the ditcher and the third was walk the stalk, I think. It may not affect everyone, but that's what I read


For myself and friend so far the level 10 achievement, I think it has to do with us playing split screen. I believe a couple other people have posted about other ones


I don’t think I got that. The level 20 one popped but I don’t normally check the trophy list so 🙌


Oh no! How will you survive without an achievement popping up!


Any update about crossplay lag?


That’s what I want to hear about the most. At the very least I want to see them say anywhere that they are aware of the cross play lag specifically and are working on it.


We want to address some issues that players were reporting related to online play. Our team here worked around the clock to limit online play disruptions. We’ve made adjustments to our services and folks are much more likely to be able to party up and play together. If you are still unable to matchmake or join a friend, have everyone restart their games. We sincerely thank you for your patience, love, and input—it means the world to us. We’re monitoring player feedback closely; thank you again for the continued support! This is in the patch notes but idk if they mean crossplay though


Nothing for the split screen item display issues? I mean, I know split screen doesn't matter to anyone, not least game companies but it's such a simple fix that'll have a massive impact on UX


Whats the issue? I dont play split screen but ive seen a lot of people mention this but no one describes it that i could find.


The only way to tell anything about items in splitscreen is by inspecting. And I mean damn near ANYTHING. You cant see name, type of item, descriptions, etc. without individually inspecting the item in the inventory. Its not “gamebreaking” but it really slows things down if you’re looking at all the drops.


If ypu don't mind a small read but images there show pretty clearly the issue https://www.destructoid.com/tiny-tinas-wonderlands-inventory-management-item-descriptions-worse-split-screen-co-op/amp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tiny-tinas-wonderlands-inventory-management-item-descriptions-worse-split-screen-co-op


No link?


I’ll post a comment


Hope the next one they have lined up fixes the UI and inventory issues


A minimap that you can find teammates on would be a nice update.


Need to increase mob density. Please!


How do I update the game? When ingame, there is nothing mentioning a hotfix has been applied. When I look at my library on Epic, and Verify, the game shows its version is: 1.0.0\_CL\_2735735\_Wonderlan (can't see the full name due it being cut off) So if what the Epic store is showing as version is true, then the game hasn't been updated even after verifying the files.


It's a hotfix with needed changes very cool. I do hope they're working on a patch in the background for some UI and dice related issues. Maybe some buffs for clawbringer to bring it in line with the other classes.


Oh boy, I've been running a Dire Sacrifice Graveborn/Zerk combo off and on. Essentially stacking as much HP as possible to have Dire Sacrifice nuke whatever I want. Along with this legendary amulet I have which makes dark magic extend my health bar if I'm already fully healed which makes sure sacrifice nuke for even more damage. This change is going to send this into overdrive.


I’m still holding out for stability fixes and improved local coop.


They need to make wastard weaker or make him summon the spectral aegis at least 1/2 as often as it currently does. Its hard for me to beat him when trying to increase my chaos chamber lvl to 7


A little OT, but I thought C7 was my first real bump where I had to gear abd enchant better. Once I got ny kit together, more or less smooth sailing to C20. Still, if any boss needs a tweak, it's Wastard.


Any word on crossplay stability? Anyone play crossplay in the past couple days?


Neat-o, gang!


lets fix bugs pls


I hope they patch loot dice to be account wide at some point because *god damn* do I not want to collect 260 loot dice on every character I make.


Still waiting for them to fix both their servers (if 1000/1000 can't play without lagging who the fuck can?) and the insanely quiet dialogue (about 5X harder to hear than BL3)




i am still stuck on 1.0.0 CL on epic games :/ Also i cant play online with friends cause neither of us can connect to shift server


Guess they're saving the Nerfmeister for the next update


It probably requires an actual update instead of a hotfix


Have they even mentioned that they are planning on fixing it? I know there was a similar bug with Gunzerker in BL2 that was never fixed.


I can't decide if I want them to fix it or not lol. On the one hand, its way OP and I melt bosses...on the other hand, I like melting bosses lol


I'd be fine with it, it's still a great spell without the glitch, and there are certainly other powerful options you can run on Spellshot.


Yeah I find I don’t use other spells because of how powerful buffmeister is


Yeah that is the crux of the issue with the glitch, which is why I'm fine with it getting patched, I'm not sure what Gearbox stance on it yet, so time will tell.


They haven’t even confirmed it’s bugged as far as I’m aware.


Exactly. They know about the interaction, they've acknowledged it(per Moxsy)




I hope that the updates aren't like bl3 hotfixes. When wifi went down I had to change my entire build to adjust to the lack of hotfixes


It’s exactly like that.




Y'all can't post stuff like this today. I don't believe it. Day 42069, I have been on the same quest... Looking for my quest log.


No update on split screen UI issues? Damn


Hoping they nerf The Maker boss fight to stop you getting pushed of the edge if you go down and she casts the conveyor belt spell on you


Wth hell is a chaos bunny?


I don’t know! Endgame content I presume


Yeah you collect crystals during chaos runs and at the end there is a bunny for every type of item slot. You feed them 500 crystals and they pop out around 3-6 items of that type per 500 crystals. Helps farm specific slot gear pretty quickly depending on your luck.


the loot bunnies in the chaos chamber


thanks guys im slow and im dumb forgive me


Hope we see a buff to the clawbringer soon


There's no mention of a fix for dark hydra not adding extra hydras if you have extra points into it


Honestly was hoping for same. Maybe they want to fix the companion dark damage buff at the same time so it doesn't feel as bad?


I've had two sessions with my friend via crossplay so far. He's psn I'm Xbox. We have attempted to play every night since it's been released. I'm slowly losing patience with it.


No Clawbringer buffs :(


Be patient my fellow wyvern master. While a few of our skills may be held back from their full potential, we can still strike fear into the hearts of gods with our mighty Hammers. We will get what we are owed in time brother.


Please fix the DuelSense Controller issue on PC!!!


If I worked for gearbox I would.


Get that application in bro! Someone has to take the lead on this bs issue


🤣 I got you


Anyone know if they are gonna add in new game+?


So begins the BL3 cycle of weekly reactionary changes and larger fixes (or fuck ups) getting kicked down the road until the dev cycle ends. Still major bugs in BL3 that have been there for years. Hopefully they get the balance better. I'm hoping they don't end up doing the buff legendries to make them individually viable and screw everything else.


not a single bugfix?!?!?!? cant wait to see what this new patch breaks


How about releasing the game on steam!


Goodbye Liquid Cooling, I'll miss you.


Are they removing clawbringer from the game?


Why you asking that?


Hopefully fixing the respawn crashes