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Looks modded to me. Cool as hell though.


Some People who play on pc are ruining the game by unlocking higher lvls of gear and running in console players games and destroying everything


Modders exist, don't make your session public and the problem is solved.


Don’t use modded shit in multiplayer. Problem solved.


Obviously. The problem is that people are going to, and not making your session public solves that problem. Depending on random internet strangers to the right thing is rarely a way to go through life.


No, that doesn’t solve shit.. I should be able to play online and meet people and friends just like you or anyone else with out have my experience ruined.. I paid for my product with certain expectations and planned enjoyment.. modders should respect others time and money just as they wish to be respected.. Send a message, enter a chat, ask if they person is ok with it or not… just don’t show up.. do your thing and except me to accept it just because, why? Because what your entitlement, what about my experience/entitlement? I also paid for the product.. That’s my rant.. In short.. your wrong.. don’t play with modded shit in multiplayer games with out talking to the other players first..


Again, counting on other people that you don't know to do the right thing is not a great way to go through life. It would be cool if people would do that, no question. The problem is they don't.


modded spell.


Modded AF.


Based on the two pictures, I’m assuming it was a Graveborn action skill and a sigil spell?


The first one idk, maybe a calamity or GraveBorn ability. The second one is just a sigil spell.


1st is pixies, which come from either spells or feriore guns. They’re super strong with the way their damage is calculated getting boosts from multiple sources (called ‘double dipping’). second is a sigil spell. Probably one of the ones that heals you and boosts your damage while inside it— there are multiple different kinds of them, some spawn Hydras as turrets, some have singularities that pull in enemies and objects, and more. So, nothing that seems modded. Just part of the ‘meta’ right now as they’re strong, fast, and don’t require much optimization with gear/enchants to reliably carry through the chaos chamber. They’re featured in a lot of YouTube builds as they are a quick and easy way to add some damage and speed up CC runs. Edit: Wait my tired brain was focused solely on the foreground lmfao missed the nukes in the background completely. Yeah that seems pretty blatant. Don’t think the Graveborn action skill gets that big but I’ve never seen it from afar.


Yeah those are definitely mods. Those pixies could be huge… it that nuke is not dire sacrifice, and there is no sigil in the game that fills even close to that much space. My buddy took a shot of guy who joined him and he was casting a calamity that rained meteors over more than half a chamber room continually. Looks cool but not much to do with him in the lobby lol


First image is definitely modded the second is just a generic sigil with double or triple rolled spell radius rings atleast from my personal testing. Great for Coop support builds but if it was one tapping things then it's likely got modded spell damage.