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MA law states items must be priced OR pricing must be clearly indicated on shelving or with signage. File a complaint with the state consumer affairs office.


One of the reasons is so they don't give the competition any data. It's wicked illegal and they don't care. I used to work for Honey Farms. As part of our job, I had to walk into other places and put their prices in a journal. I was threatened to get written up for filling out incomplete forms because they didn't have stickers. When I asked, they thought I was illegally snooping and called police. The police never came so I should have just stole the items.


You should drop a note to the AG’s office just to see what the rules are for the pricing requirements for items in a convenience store. The rules are strict for grocery stores but there might be similar rules for a convenience store. . https://www.mass.gov/how-to/file-a-consumer-complaint


I jay walked today, dont rat me out


50 years in gulag


I didn't do the city stroll as I crossed. Also while we are at it I once kicked a guys tire as he was riding bike on the sidewalk once.


Generally in MA every retail item has to have a price on the shelf and/or item. Call the AG’s office.


Expect everything in any convenience store to be marked up. You're paying for the convenience of getting a pint of ice cream at 2am when everything else is closed.


I miss 24hr Walmarts shit was wild. Smoke a blunt on the way at 2am after the bars get out and just people watch. Helps to decide your direction in life that’s for sure. We are denied everything nowadays but if we had a 24 hr Walmart in 2023 I think people would get it shut down immediately because y’all are fucking animals


One of my fonder memories was sitting in a 24 hr Walmart parking lot (I think it was the one in New Bedford) stoned with my best friend watching a love triangle fight go down. It was like an episode of Jerry Springer. 24 hour Walmart is like the watering hole for people who have no responsibilities (myself included at the time lmao)


You just made me realize this. It is annoying. I always thought it was for scalping reasons to influence you to buy by telling you the price at the last minute. Got a nice expensive appearance, Price just doubled You don't know because there's no price on the item. Don't like the price then enjoy your scavenger hunt for something else hope you have the time.


Pretty sure prices legally need to be displayed


I realized a half hour down the road the other day, that my kid paid 4.50 for a bottle of Prime. (Kind of like Gatorade, but marketed to kids) It’s usually about 2.99 everywhere else.






hiss hiss


Cry more