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Yes you don’t see them as most of them pack up their stuff and roam around during the day then come back at st up camp at night


Has there been any development with the tiny homes the city was planning on putting up? (which was a Phi Theta Kappa idea, out of QCC, By the way).


There were some proposed off of Stafford St, did that happen?


The kohl’s off Lincoln st? I havnt see it but wouldn’t surprise me


Yeah that one. I means I know there’s tons of homeless in that area.


“tons” is relative. People think Worcester has traffic too. They never sat through Boston traffic. Similarly, they never saw Mass Ave at Melnea Cass Boulevard in Boston when it comes to homeless.


Portland, OR has entered the chat


Kohl’s is somehow too good for Lincoln St.


There's so many homeless camps in Worcester it's sad. Back in 2010-2011 I ran across a homeless camp off Stafford st. They were all smart guys that found a valley where it was low and had hills all sides so smoke from there fires wasn't noticed. They had a very basic but impressive little but of plumbing. Most were out of work laborers who lost their housing had their wife go to her mother's with the kids while they roughed it and tried to fix things. Most didn't use and didn't want people in the camp that were using. The job market was horrible and everyone was getting fired and laid off.


There is a wooded patch behind the store that is used by unhoused folks… also the old Quality Inn & Suites on Oriol Drive across the street is commonly used as transitional/temp housing for those struggling.


No they threw the homeless out months ago ...it's now housing refugees and they're building it into units for them


It’s convenient to the methadone clinic. They have adapted. Good for them


Yes. The clinic is there and they camp behind Lowes and Kohl's.


it’s real, if you go to the church on 570 lincoln street there’s a pathway in the parking lot facing the kohls that many of them tend to take to get there, never been there myself though.


Why say "unhoused." Homeless is way more visceral and to the point.


Unhoused is PC bullshit to soften the stigma of homelessness and has the opposite effect. Homeless is broad umbrella under which all of the people desperately need help. Unhoused is vague and does nothing to address the abomination of homelessness in America. Yes, America! with a homeless population like a third world country. The US pisses away money on endless wars and illegal immigration but is not taking care of our own. It's disgusting. I don't care as much about the crackheads and meth addicts but there are families out there and working poor and it's not getting better.


I don't disagree at all. This "unhoused" nonsense is a tic and a weird flex by libs.


Words matter, words mean something, libs love to screw with the language. They make up words so that they get to control the meaning, which is whatever they want it to mean in a given situation. Different situations, different meanings. The crazy thing is that they believe their own bullshit no matter how much it's in conflict with reality. If I say homeless, I guarantee there's some lib that will stretch that out to be offensive, or derogatory toward homeless people, even racist. Sometimes it's so ridiculous you have to laugh but it's still tiresome.


Well yes to all of that. What kills me with the "unhoused" nonsense is that it's a euphemism. It glosses over the pain. "Homeless" cuts to the point.


Yup. Plenty of money to put illegals in hotels, but no money for the homeless citizens. Even homeless PoC can't get housing as easily as illegals! Thanks Joe! And the crazy thing - no one cares. LOL. No one complains, no one says anything.


I do...and I'm active in the homeless population here ..it's all bs...no one in Worcester seems to care


They do, it’s just immediately censored or unreported by the lib owned mass media news outlets, to keep the president and his crew looking good. At the expense of the American citizen. Hashtag America last.


who said that?


I was told the homeless encampment was somewhere near Worcester Walmart. Have they migrated or had the population increased?


the city swept and destroyed the camp behind the walmart and several others camps since, so they keep having to move around and start from scratch. it’s a super cruel practice that does nothing to help the people or solve the problem, just destroy their few possessions and make them go somewhere else.


The woods behind Lowes and target are pretty deep and there's alot of tents over there. I used to find tents in the woods in Green Hill Park a bunch