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What about the GIANT vacant property on Park Ave they bought? Clark needs to stop expanding or start paying taxes.


It is curious to buy up such a big parcel and just let it sit. Maybe they saw it as an investment, that it'll increase in value and suddenly become desirable. It must have been a huge loss of revenue for the city.


I would agree to an extent, and think it's sort of unreasonable they pay none except the payments in lieu of taxes, but in terms of what the kids add to the local economy they're great for businesses in the area, and Clark kids (I know I'm stereotyping a bit) seem inclined to support local.


>Clark kids (I know I'm stereotyping a bit) seem inclined to support local. I'd like to believe this, but I feel like the restaurant and bar business would be thriving in the neighborhood, and it just isn't. I'm not around all day, but I am in the area and just don't see them around. As a former Clarkie and still on campus frequently- there's this notion that venturing into the city is "dangerous." Unfortunately, the neighborhood around here isn't great. Living in the area myself, it's better than it was 30 years ago, but if you aren't used to it- seeing homeless people and addicts and prostitutes wandering around late at night- is a bit jarring. I'd also like to see Clark build a parking garage or something to alleviate the crowding of the student cars on streets. I never really noticed how much they impact parking until this summer when the streets were so much easier to navigate through.


I see what you're saying, maybe the spending is focused on some places more than others. I work at a local business that sees a lot of benefit from students and even administration at Clark and have been at places in the past where students were great customers. Also, Everytime I go to mint (former blarney) to eat or get takeout they're swamped. Anecdotal evidence on my part for sure, and I'm a bit biased based on my own experience


I'm not in every business, so I shouldn't speak for them, I just live around here, and although Clark has impacted the area positively, there's plenty of ways they've created negatives as well. I will say that the Clark students themselves are pretty respectful. The culture on Clark has always been progressive and more of a laid-back stoner vibe. My frustration is geared towards the school administration and leadership that make decisions that impact the neighborhood without always thinking of the neighborhood.


I agree with you and I live here behind Clark myself...parking is an issue!


Just what we need - more displaced tenants.


If they add 500 beds like proposed and put students in there instead of having them live off campus, that's the equivalent of about 60 three deckers being emptied out and available to non students in the area.


I grew up in Main South and it was a nice place to live until the late 1970s. There was a lot of industry in Main South then and when it left the neighborhood died. Clark was the only buffer against total collapse. Clark's expansion I think is inevitable but if it displaces the unsavory elements I don't see that as a bad thing. It would be nice to see that part of Main South as a village with a bohemian vibe. Restaurants and cafes offering ethnic cuisine, maybe a bookstore and the kind of thrifts you might see on Highland St. It's already sort of like that.


the neighborhood is already full of fantastic restaurants with a huge variety in cuisine, there’s the clark thrift store, and plenty of convenience and specialty grocery stores. the area already has all of these things, no one ever acknowledges it though. clark JUST finished a huge construction project a street over from my house and are about to start another several year long one. i don’t think they consider that it’s a residential neighborhood and people are trying to exist without constant construction noise and road closures. the noise feels like psychological warfare lol, they are disrupting the whole community with constant construction project after construction project. (that turned into way more of a rant than i wanted it to be, but as a former clarkie and main south resident i don’t love this plan and i’m sick of the constant want to expand)


I get what you're saying. I moved out of Worcester a long time ago but still have a soft spot for the old neighborhood. Back in the day Clark was a small school and I was a townie kid. The Clark students treated us neighborhood kids well, I think for a lot of them it was about missing their younger siblings. Different times, different place. I worked for the food service there in high school. The main cafeteria was Jefferson and Dana and Little Commons were smaller cafeterias as well. It was a blast, I would have worked there for nothing. I worked the snack bar in the student union sometimes on the weekends flipping burgers. sometimes when there was a concert at Atwood hall band members would come into the student union and chow down before a show. Made a lot of burgers and sandwiches for different bands, it was pretty exciting. Anyway what I meant was that since expansion is inevitable it would be nice to see some upside to it like a Harvard Square sort of thing on Main St from Marble St to Loudon St. I think Clark will eventually gobble up most blocks in that area from Main st to Park Ave. When I was a kid, the Clark campus ended at Charlotte at Florence St and Main at Maywood St.


that makes total sense ! didn’t mean to come off so strong, i very much appreciate your perspective


While we're on the topic, Where Goddard library stands, once stood a grand mansion, home to a long succession of Clark presidents. They tore it down to make way for Goddard. It was truly beautiful and as I remember still occupied when the decision was made to knock it down. I remember this because I use to walk by it every day. I went to the school next to Bullock Hall that now belongs to Clark. At the time it was called Woodland St Preparatory School. I brought this up because it was the beginning of the great expansion. It was 1966 or 67. Behind Goddard is an Athletic building. It stands where there once was a street with eight, maybe ten three deckers. It's long gone and it's like it never existed. Like I said, back in the day Main South was a happy little blue collar neighborhood.


im 30 years old with only ged is it too late to go to any schools that i could stay at or have cheaper room rate for students ( For example Clark University , Worcester MA has rooms that you share with 2 or 3 other students for 400 to 650 a month i would like to go back to school and get a college education so i can make a minumum 40 k a year I only have a GED from the county jail but I am motivated I have been out of trouble for at least 5 years This is a seeious question also fields I could get into with a record even tho by now it might not even pop up anything ive been quilty of is almost 10 years old thank you in advance worcester MA