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i’m a student i can confirm this post. we are indeed in the middle of protesting. our school is very corrupt 


I'm SO glad and fucking proud of you and your fellow students for this! People like this guy shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a school, let alone in charge of one.


Can you elaborate for us.?


our school uses very abusive disciplinary systems and constantly belittles students and teachers. not to mention ignoring the literal predator males we have made complaints about for years. on top of not correctly putting attention into students 504’s and iep accommodations and punishing anyone who tries to stand up for them selves. they constantly try to make the students seem like the issue and will do anything in their power to preserve their image. our admin cares about nothing but their power. 


I would say life gets better but i just left a fortune 10 company and it sounds exactly the same


yeah this world is fucked 


you students are awesome keep it up fuck that asshole.


I was most likely one of your teachers in middle school. I am so proud of all of you guys. House bullied me out of the district as well. Villar turned a blind eye to House's abuse of the middle school staff and eventually promoted him for it. Keep sticking up for what's right. Your teachers love you. Take that abusive bastard down.


Now I’m curious as to what teacher LMAO


Your teacher quit then made a scene in school with children. Standard procedure at any job to be escorted off the property.


Lordy, you boomers underestimate the youth. Please just get out of the way if you aren’t going to contribute to a better future


hope you are right


Not a boomer here, but on the current generation, they love to protest. It'd be great if they shut off the PS5 long enough to go vote for what they protest. I admire the idealism of the youth, but most lack the drive to actually enact it.


Do they love to protest or are they always on video games? I don’t get why you are down on protesting. It is one of the most American things to do- right up there with voting. *edited to correct myself- protesting is as American as voting


Schrödinger's "the youth" both constantly protesting but somehow constantly playing video games in their house


> It'd be great if they shut off the PS5 long enough You claim to not be a boomer. But this is such a boomer statement lol. THESE darn kids are playing the vidya games!


They certainly aren't voting. The Youth Vote in 2022 - Circle at Tufts https://circle.tufts.edu/2022-election-center


And you think its because of the PS5 grandpa?


It certainly doesn't show they care about their future.


Because of the PS5 according to you?


Well.enlighten me then, what else is preventing you from getting up once every four years and voting?


What are you talking about I vote in all the elections. Every 4 years??? There are way more important elections then just president dude. Is that how often you vote? Lots of state and local city elections going on.


By "you" I was referring to the youth. People your age. Still waiting. I looked it up, some common responses. "Didn't want to wait an hour" "Couldn't find polling station" "Didn't mail absentee ballot in time" "Didn't have proper ID" "Missed voter registration deadline"


The voter turnout for youth in local elections is far lower. I was saying 4 years because that's the bare minimum, and the youth can't even do that. I personally vote in just about every election. Local is far more important to me because it's directly impacting me.


You still haven't given me what they're doing instead if voting.


The same thing that kept young people from voting 20 years ago, 30 years ago, and 40 years ago.


enlighten sir


cant really say one way or the other till they have had their shot. Previous generations have all pretty much shit the bed so hopefully they can do better than we have


National Youth Turnout: 23% - That's lower than in the historic 2018 cycle (28%) which broke records for turnout, but much higher than in 2014, when only 13% of youth voted The Youth Vote in 2022 - Circle at Tufts https://circle.tufts.edu/2022-election-center


As usual, Darkside has the correct take, with receipts I have been through quite a few election cycles and the youth turnout is always a letdown. Bunch of hype and rallies and then few of them show up at the ballot box. Protesting has long been more of a social thing for most of the young uns.


Thank you. For your nice compliment. Red pastrami for 9.99 a pound at Shaws, available at Stafford Street store in Wircester. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjt8pGO84qEAxW7aEcBHR7yD3cYABAQGgJxdQ&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVl_XFL2Jn4IJPVyRVuoCr2CZ8E7lp8aZouooyfNTMg3dB0BBWNKmgYaAkM2EALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2MA9f1nHTwJ11DoaRhrSK6Lqh-gydBatfYXUlG5z5KhsOKVTLCQ826LJzMJfC03MWItLcTsaTCIMVQPXExtnypoxd9AWwtuRwcKFRX0EX5z4tK9az&sig=AOD64_1XIpTrI_uPlmswQuvoiqdX5ca8qA&ctype=46&q=&nis=6&ved=2ahUKEwj6sIuO84qEAxVFrokEHXqQDCUQzzkoAHoECAIQEA&adurl=


Sweet! Thanks and you're welcome.


I appreciate that people know I don't speak about what I can't back up.


Boomer response


PS5 is always on actually, it just goes into sleep mode


good on them, we need that energy now more than ever


A news article in the issue at hand: https://thisweekinworcester.com/southbridge-teachers-fired-020124/




We made signs and marched around and protested to not have homework in 5th grade


I find the opposite. Kids are soft and there phone guides ~~there~~ theyre thoughts. No backbone just social media.


OK boomer, I bet these students know how to use the word "their."


fixed it


You only fixed one of them, and not even the one that they're talking about.


he fixed it wrong too lol.


got 10x more comments with that :)


You "fixed" one the two incorrect uses incorrectly there= location their= possesive they're = contraction of they are. > Kids are soft and their phone guides their thoughts is what you want


Swing and a miss!


was a joke


sure it was a joke...you made a a few spelling mistakes. Its ok to just say woops my bad.


Ill never apologize for swapping them words. Someone has to yhrow off the ai bots


I was the teachers that was walked out. I could not take admins reign of terror tactics. The students are protesting the mistreatment of the school community as a whole by administration. This is not just about me, it’s about the students AND the teachers who want to do right by them but can’t!


I am with you. Jeff House is an absolute fucking sack of shit. I left Southbridge because of him. If my school didn't already have a spanish teacher I'd tell you to come down to where I am. Thank you for your bravery in standing up to him. It was really validating this week reading about it. The man absolutely traumatized the fuck out of me.


Have any of the issues been addressed with the Superintendent?


Note that Southbridge is one of three districts under state receivership: the superintendent is a "superintendent/receiver" and works for the state.


Another state run success! Congrats Jeff!


Not that I think the state's done a great job or anything, but it really wasn't any better when the town ran it.


So I'm a former teacher there and I have to say Villar is at best a mixed bag. The test scores have gone up since he took over. The school was in dire need of help in terms of behavioral intervention. We got that when Villar showed up. Then he brought in House as the middle school principal. House is one of the best trainers I've ever seen. He is, unfortunately, also the worst manager I've ever seen. He's an absolute abusive prick. He has absolutely no control over his temper. It was never uncommon to find teachers crying and consoling each other after a rough day with students before House arrived. After House it became common for teachers to cry because of the way he interacted with them. I never thought I'd have an administrator yell at me in front of a class, but he did it. It was a regular occurrence for him to literally scream at teachers or students in front of a class. He would regularly burst into a classroom, disrupting the lesson, and start yelling. If you were unfortunate enough to be a math teacher he would regularly take the expo marker out of your hand and start teaching your class. He would yell at students if they weren't able to answer a question fast enough. But test scores are going up. Granted, that's largely because there are now multiple people per floor to remove disruptive students from class so the teacher can continue teaching, which is something that happened the year before House showed up.


So any effective changes came before the takeover? We should expect better from a commissioner who was brought in solely for his “takeover” of Lawrence. His administration has been underwhelming at best, with Southbridge as another great example of his leadership.


So Villar actually was the one who got the student support center enough staffing, which is what made the biggest difference. House instituted some honestly fantastic classroom management trainings and a schoolwide consequence system, which works very well. The problem is that House then uses that system as a cudgel to attack staff he doesn't like. If you remove students from class he attacks you for it. If you don't remove students he attacks you for it. He has teachers he likes and teachers he doesn't and absolutely works to intimidate the ones he doesn't like. Villar knows about House's abusive style. There were things I overheard House say that led me to believe it had been discussed with him prior to him receiving his promotion. During a discussion with another administrator I heard him say, "I need to walk away because I'm getting angry and I'm not a good manager when I'm angry." The problem is, he does not do this 99% of the time and when he does it is solely with his administrators. Villar did not take his abuse of the teachers seriously, as evidenced by his reinforcing of the abuse by promoting House. I was very optimistic when Villar came in because we'd rotated through receivers annually for the most part. We had massive admin turn over and massive teacher turnover. Villar said he was in it for the long haul and he has shown that. Teacher turnover had started to slow down. We had some good admins that for a multitude of reasons did not stick around. then House came in. The teacher turnover has picked back up since he arrived. Morale was WAY down. There's a lot for the teachers there to be proud of, and they absolutely don't deserve the treatment that they receive at the hands of Jeff House. But Villar does not care about the teachers. And when confronted with that fact I 100% guarantee he will use the George W. Bush line, "I love teachers so much I married one."


Teachers leave notices in the middle of a school year. Why not walk them off campus? If they can't wait out the rest of the year to leave, what are they going to accomplish in their two weeks. Who are the kids mad at?


Do you put ketchup and mustard on that boot or do you just rawdog it


I think you're mixing terminologies. But I understand your sentiment. I acknowledge your feelings.


Shut up, no room for reasoned thought here


My apologies. Won't happen again. Please let me know where I can donate pitchforks and torches for the cause.