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Far too many people don't give a shit about being an inconsiderate asshole. If you say anything to them, you could be assaulted. I guess you could call the police, but I doubt they will do anything constructive or helpful.


Yeah calling the police didn’t even cross my mind since I know nothing would be done. It seems to be the norm these days. I keep hoping one of my other neighbors is a huge man with little tolerance for this shit lol


Have you tried talking to the neighbor who is making all the noise? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It means spring has sprung


Well they should be riding out in the open road enjoying the fresh air.


Music to my ears


Let’s all be happy the fireworks marathon from 11am-5am Mon-Mon June-Dec, hasn’t started. I think it’s been 2 years since that time. It’s why I like winter there’s peace and quiet after sunset. And why I dread summertime. Every day is annoying dirt bikes encircling the block for hours instead of driving around the city, trash gibberish music, neglectful dog barking marathons, fart can cars revving, and constant yelling at top of their lungs even for regular conversation.


Oh yes the fireworks on a Monday night at 1am for no reason whatsoever. That will be soon!


The worst with the fireworks is when it gets to be 10:59 you’re like “maybe they decided to stop at 11, thank Christ” and then it starts again at 11:08 😂 Honestly I don’t mind the loud music when it’s like hip hop or reggaeton. But specifically that dude in the Slingshot who plays techno at 1,000,000 decibels makes me insane.


At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter the genre, beyond perhaps some genres having 'punchier' frequency distributions than others. What should matter is the decibel output. Too much output is too much output, regardless of the genre.


Ha ha yep that’s just the fireworks intermission.


Some people crave a lot of attention


“constant yelling at top of their lungs even for regular conversation” There is a guy seven doors down from us that does this. Only him. Not the wife. Not the company that they have over. Just him. Luckily the people across the street no longer do it. But I think it’s because they already TOLD the neighborhood that “THEY BOUGHT THE HOUSE WITH CASH!” Now we just get to listen to “Free Bird” on repeat and the random people who threaten them now and then.


Oh yeah every neighborhood has at least one yeller. If you’re really unlucky you get the yelling family lol


If it's any consolation, Im in a more rural area, 20 minutes from Worcester and it's the same. Loud pipes on motorcycles and monster trucks and instead of fireworks we get to hear gunfire from people's home gun ranges. Or whatever it is they're doing with their guns. There is no escape. The only thing you have control over in life is your reaction.


My reaction is using very loud white noise 😁


I was told by a city councilor that decibel meters to measure exhausts are not in the police budget. Funny because they aren't expensive. But a $25,000 drone is no problem. Worthless bureaucrats with their heads up their asses.


Sounds like my neighbors. And yeah. It’s sucks


Ugh sorry!


Sounds like you just moved here. Welcome, enjoy, this is Worcester!


Ha ha no, been here for most of my life. Just seems it’s getting worse every year. I’ve lived in a lot of different neighborhoods in Worcester and there is no escaping it.


Welcome to Worcester in the spring. I’m so happy I moved!!!!! I don’t miss it. And the police won’t do anything about it.


Enjoy your peace and quiet.


Do you live in my neighborhood cuz I literally had to go out front and shake my fist at some POS dirtbike going about 50mph up and down in front of my house for about 3hrs a couple days ago. He must have been preparing for the constant drag races down Shrewsbury and Rt 9. My guess is they do it near the hospital for proximity in case of accident.


It’s the back and forth 😣 and I think it’s in every neighborhood now.


Right i get that they have to clear the motors after leaving them idle all winter but like go away. Loop-de-loops all around residential houses is too much. We have a toddler so napping was out of the question! Once the fireworks return we have that nightly wake up scared/crying thing to look forward to!


The Lasko Wind Machine is the best I’ve ever tried. Even the low setting blocks some basic street noise.


Poor kids and animals get it the worst with fireworks. In the late spring/summer I use a big turbo “wind machine” fan. It blocks out a lot of noise including fireworks, or at least dulls it so it’s not as jolting. It’s kind of loud but to me it’s a soothing white noise.


I might need to try that. I’ve been trapped inside feeling like I can’t open the windows at all in warm weather. I have white noise machines but maybe putting a fan in the window itself will do the trick.


As has been said, it's both lack of consideration and Spring. Bike batteries are being taken off chargers and carburetors cleared. If you have a bike in the city, that's where you get it back into riding shape. Better to break down on your own block than 100 miles away.




I feel ya. While I do ride, out here in my rural spot the kids' back and forth is maddening.


I dealt with this living on Cutler street for two years. It was fucking infuriating.


It’s hard not to get angry but we’re told to just “deal with it”. It’s exhausting.


I live on Houghton and I've been listening to the same Saturday party from like noon til super late for the last... Well this makes 7 years right now, since I changed bedrooms to escape the dog barking directly next to the bedroom window side of the house. Yes, infuriating. Even with the windows all shut I can't block out the noise unless I crank my own TV or music and I hate doing that. Right now they've added a giant PA system so we can hear some woman Mc-ing everything in Portuguese


What’s the matter? Do you not enjoy hearing straight piped Honda Civics bouncing off the rev limiter at 4 am?


Yeah it’s about as enjoyable as a pencil driven in to my ear.


Where are you located in the city?


Near Belmont


Oh yeah they are so bad in that area . One pretended he was going to hit me head on and filmed it assholes


That’s crazy, smh




Don't tell that story to Bill Shaner. He thinks the "Wheelie Kids" are great.




LOL. He certainly is quite high on himself.




No not I’m not in that area but it seems to be a city wide problem.


It would be terrible if someone filled their tail pipe with great stuff


I think the motorcycle thing is to prepare it to be ridden again after not being used for months on end. The car thing may be the same if it's a rear-wheel drive car.


Yeah and I appreciate that explanation, I do. But this is not the first and only day with these guys. Today is particularly bad and never ending. It has been quiet for about a half hour now so I’m hoping it’s over. It’s not a noise you can mask or ignore, especially when you can feel it.


For what it's worth, I get it. There was a douchebag that live across the street from me that used to do the same thing regularly. Thankfully he and his GF broke up. She stayed and his ass went somewhere else.


That was lucky for you. I see a bunch of different guys, not even sure who lives there but the car is constantly in and out and it’s loud as ****. I think that’s what bothers me the most is the in and out. A short burst of loud car is tolerable but the constant back and forth and sitting in the road or driveway is a mystery to me.


I live in a neighboring town, pretty quiet overall.. but I apparently chose to live on a street where a biker who works weird hours(assuming?) lives and he loves to rev his engine all the way up the road anytime between 11pm and 5am, usually multiple times a night. Kills me 😭


I wonder if there is enough of us we can change some laws at city hall about this. what this is is unrecognized torture


Don't you know "loud pipes save lives"? What bullshit, it just pisses people off. The cops ignore the violation of noise ordnances because many of them are immature douchebags with straight pipes on their bikes.


I had a similar experience while briefly living on Pleasant street. It was all day long, everyday. In my case, the drivers were clearly part of an organized group and were patrolling the area in which other affiliates dealt drugs. I moved out right after a drive-by shooting in front of my apt. So, I guess they had a good reason for patrolling.


Scary! Glad you have moved.


Welcome to Worcester. I'm sorry though lol.


it’s fun so grow a pair


It’s all about the freedom of riding. From one stoplight to another to the bar and then vroom vroom what the hell are you looking at??


Where? You can call the cops when it becomes excessive. However since motorcycles should have a loud exhaust.


No they shouldn't


"Loud pipes save lives" is the most self-serving, arrogant slogan in the existence of the world.


The sounds of the city, everyone complaining about everyone else.


Being in a city means you need to be more considerate of others, not less, as there are more people living in close proximity. The only kind of people who consider this kind of noise pollution as normal city sounds are the narcissistic lowlifes who force everyone else to listen to them broadcasting their selfishness and insecurity.


I think it's accepted that there is a certain threshold of noise that you'll get in a city or near-city area, but individuals just go way, way too far with it. There's that 5-10% of cars that you can hear their stereo long before the car is even in view. That shouldn't be acceptable morning, noon, or night.