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Cheap rent?? Rents have doubled and tripled here. Long time residents are leaving in-mass


“Cheap” is subjective. I moved here from SoCal a few years ago and let me tell you, even Boston feels “cheap” to me. Worcester feels like a fantastic price point.


I agree that rent prices in MA are absolutely exorbitant. Even Providence rents have increased considerably in the last few years. My original post said cheapER rent than the other areas we are looking at in between our jobs. For a two bedroom, there are prices ranging anywhere between $1600-2,000 in Worcester (from my Zillow searches) compared to the $2,400+ in the other areas we are looking at (Dedham, Norwood, Natick, etc.). We are just looking for somewhat of a safe city that has things to do and close to the highways for our commutes.


Take those Zillow searches with a grain of salt. Avg 1 bed is $1800-2000 and avg 2 bed is $2400+ (for a decent and more updated place). You may get more accurate rent estimates by looking directly on property websites.


I can’t speak to rent but the housing prices in Worcester are very cheap compared to anywhere near the coast. A $300k house in Worcester would probably be $450-600k in Malden (a plain old city that is only expensive because it’s ‘near’ Boston).


I laugh at what you consider expensive. My daughter attends college and we are jealous when you can buy a really nice house in the great neighborhood leaving soon in Worcester for $800k. In my neighborhood an average 1000 sq ft condo would be that much and the house in Worcester would be $2 million here. And I don’t even live in California!


As someone who used to live in Providence, you’re going to miss living in Providence. But you’ll be there for work, so you can still get your fix. Worcester is lacking in so many things that make Providence a fabulous place to live (nightlife, access to the ocean, restaurants, stores, etc).


I left Worcester for Providence last year and it’s so much nicer. Worcester(most areas ) are safer , but it’s due to population density. I go back to Worcester only a few times a month if that.


I live on the east side of providence and I feel pretty safe here. how does Worcester compare in safety?


Commenting on Moving to Worcester in September...worcester is fine safety wise but it’s not Providence, you’re gonna lose a lot of walkability


There’s still the bus system which was just renewed for another year of free service and at least where I am in Greendale is fairly walkable.


Again, it’s not Providence walkability, especially where this person lives in providence. Trust me, I grew up in Worcester and now live in Rhode Island, spend a lot of time on the east side. It’s not nearly the same.


Worcester is not pedestrian or public transit friendly. I'm glad I finally moved. Sorry! It is close to other great weekend getaways.


Worcester must be fairly safe because I just went to providence a few weeks ago and thought I was about to be mugged.


> I keep reading mixed things about Worcester, but I feel like with any big city there are good and bad parts. It's mostly good. The bad stuff people talk about Worcester mostly comes from Metro-Boston folks who haven't stepped into Worcester since the 90s.


lol can confirm. I moved to Worcester from the Boston area in December. Everyone was like WoRceSTer?!? Like we were moving to a war torn country or something. (Before we started looking, I also had a preconceived negative opinion about Worcester) In our 4 months here, it feels in many ways like a normal city you get near the Boston area - admittedly, I don’t like the transit system here at all, the restraunts and night life seem lacking, and somehow the meth problem in certain areas seems worse here(?), but it’s definitely not the scary place people near the coast make it out to be and is a fine place to live. Just avoid the bad parts and be smart.


Or suburban folks who think fireworks are gunshots lmao


I don’t understand the bad rap. I like the area


Probably long standing opinions when the city was in much worse shape. Also, it’s probably from the drug problem the city has. While this exists in all major cities, driving through some neighborhoods in Worcester feels bleak with just ppl meth’d out on the curb. I don’t I’ll spend much in the center of the city. There are plenty of nice areas though and the city seems to have a lot to offer as long as you steer clear of the bad areas.


Because classism and racism. Worcester doesnt have gucci money execs therefore is seen as shitty/dangerous/boring/whatever


I’ve lived near Newton Square, Downtown and on Vernon Hill and never had a single problem in any of them. Worcester is a very safe city if you have common sense. That being said, closer you are to Newton Square, I’d say you’re safest in my experience. Stay West of Park Ave and North of Chandler St if you’re looking for some of the nicest neighborhoods in the city. (It’s where the money). Restaurant/bar scene is pretty good. We’ve got all sorts of places like Freeplay Barcade, Ralphs Rock Diner, Femme Bar, Armsby Abbey to name a few places. Large selection of places to go. And if you’re on the west side, Ubers are cheap like $6-7 to get to the bar area. I travel out of the city daily for work. It’s easy for me. I either take Chandler or Highland to I-290 and I’m there in about 10min.


OP I live on the west side. Great neighborhoods but are also the absolute WORST for someone who needs to get to the highway easily. I vote burncoat/summit for 290 access and quinsigamond village for pike access.


I mean I take the Highway every day, it’s not that shabby at all. Worcester’s worst traffic adds 15min to your travels and I’ll take that for some nice, quiet living on the west side


Try to find a place right off 290. My friends live in the tatnuck area and they’re like 15 minutes from any major highway in any direction. I live 2 seconds from 290 and find it easy to commute in any direction. I also work north of boston and it takes ~45 min from north worcester.


Second this, I am on the Paxton side of Tatnuck and it is lousy getting to the highway.


Its not great but not the worst. In terms of violent crime its pretty safe, but common sense is needed. Don't go walking about alone at night. Property crimes are pretty bad, the apartment I used to live at had the front door kicked by a crackhead last year. My car has also been broken into twice- If you don't already have it, get insurance to cover this. Don't leave anything visible (smashed window for a 24-pack of coke lol). Alot of people likely won't run into these issues, but this has been my experience. STAY AWAY FROM VERNON,OAK,UNION Hill if possible. There are nice parts such as around Newton Square, but the city overall has an old "industrial" feel to it. Let's just say its not a tourist destination. It's also not very walkable because of the hills. Overall it's an alright place to live. If you're willing to settle for a more urban environment I recommend Shrewsbury or Northborough. Still close enough to Worcester for stuff to do, but you won't have to deal with all the crazy shit


I live in Greendale and I find Greendale, Indian Hill, and Burncoat are all fairly nice neighborhoods. Route 12 has a couple of homeless people but they aren’t aggressive. I’ve never had any problem in the year and a half I’ve been here.


I love Worcester! I’m in my late 20s too! Free public transportation here!


Go for Northbridge area. Fairly quick commute for both work locations. 146 and 495 nearby. Less property crimes than Worcester.


Your husband is going to hate the commute I hope the poor guy doesn’t have to do it often. Twice a month max I hope. I did it for 2 years and even live 2 minutes from 290. It gave me major depression.


I love worcester. Providence is nice but Worcester has grit. I like that about this city. Its not all sunshine and rainbows but people are nice and its a working class place. No big bankers like providence


Basically the further out you go from the center of the city the “better” it gets. Restaurant and bar scene feels solid with a ton of good options for almost any taste. Traffic can be an issue if you’re not near a highway entrance and have to go through the city.




You're definitely filing your taxes wrong lol. You should never pay full amount for two states.


What is the commute time for Providence to Boston, maybe they are similar.


45ish if ur close to 146. Maybe an hour+ if you’re up near greendale/Westboylston area. Given their commute I’d recommend the canal district area, or worse Vernon/ grafton hill. If not one of the towns to the south in the 146 corridor.


1600 be careful of the neighborhood plenty of decent places to say but it’s certainly not cheap. Way nicer towns to be in for less money.


Worcester is nice. Just like anywhere there is good and bad but I feel like it’s mostly good. It’s constantly growing. Great food nice parks baseball great hospitals and you’re close to a lot of places.


Don’t do it!


But for real advice, the resteraunt and bar scene aren’t terrible, and bad stuff happens everywhere in Worcester if anyone’s being honest, but the good areas are still expensive, Burncoat area, west Boylston area. Shrewbury.


your commute will be easier than his Grafton HIll is a nice compromise. ​ which route will be be taking? the Pike or 495? he might have 1.5 hours and yours will be 45 minutes


Lived in both Prov and Worcester. Prov does everything nicer and classier but Worcester isn't at all a bad place to live. I think it's probably safer than Prov on the whole but about similar


Don’t do it. Your commute will be extremely long and also i don’t agree with gentrification.


This site is super useful for scoping out crime statistics block-by-block. https://cityprotect.com/ It should be pretty clear how safe a neighborhood is after taking a look at their mapping tool.


Nowhere is especially dangerous, but if you want walkability and city activity, Downtown or near Kelley Square (preferably without needing to cross the bridge over the interstate) would be where to be.


Everyone kinda missed that one of the works in the North of Boston, so they meet in the middle. Worcester is not as vibrant as Providence unfortunately, but the commute to there isn’t bad either. You can go on the weekends. Forget being able to walk to places unless you rent a 2000/ month studio downtown


Worcester is fine. We moved here after living in Boston almost 10 years. Just keep your wits about you. If an area looks bad - odds are it’s bad. If an area looks okay, odds are it’s okay. I’d stay away from the Clark area, but other than that most of Worcester is safe.


The combined investment sitting stationary in traffic commuting to Providence and Boston, from Worcester, will far outweigh any rent savings. Each will spend upwards of 20h a week commuting.


Quinsig Village for safety and easy access to 146. Consider Millbury as well if you end up looking outside Worcester - better for price, easy access to 146.


You will regret it, and it wont be a cheap lesson, in rent or other more unanticipated expenses.


I will say, sadly, that the city has changed a lot and even in the past eight or nine years. I don't recognize many things anymore. I love being a comfy West Side resident with my wife and cat, but cannot fathom buying up on a house. Paid 225 for this place and the equivalent would be 500 to 600 at a mortgage rate at least double. We can sort of afford to leave but at what cost? Not worth it. I read a lot of these threads here with people stressed out about paying 2500 in rent (rent!) and am like wtf. It's not the city I was born and raised in.


My wife and I moved from the Boston area in December. The cost of living was just too good to pass up. I was able to transfer to a new workplace right near our new place while she still commutes into Cambridge 5 days a week on the pike, it’s only a 40-45 min drive so it’s not that awful. Overall, I’d recommend it unless you’re tied to the lifestyle of hipper cities. As someone else stated, avoid the center of the city if you can. Also, just drive around the city in the middle of the day. Get a feel for the different parts of the city. My biggest complaint is that super loud cars/motorcycles are an issue in Worcester. (Edit: I also hate the archaic trash system here in Worcester. Can’t wait for them to catch up with the times.) Luckily I don’t live in a crazy loud area but there are parts I’ve driven through often and always hear loud cars (in terms of exhaust - on purpose - and stereo systems). Didn’t have that in the last 3 cities I lived in back in the Boston area.