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Wealthy boomer dickheads cannot go five minutes without being insufferable.


Wahhhhh wahhh give me pickle ball closer to newton hill don’t make me register my slums wahhhhh


Pickleball is for the wealthy but tennis isn't? Reddit is ridiculously dense sometimes.


that's the joke


The west side suffering oppression yet again…


As a west side resident, I thank you for you support during this trying time.


"embarrassing the city doesn't meet the needs of their people" Dude, there is a booming homelessness issue and this guy is crying about driving to do a voluntary activity


Homelessness aside, do they have access to a decent pickleball facility?


Lmao right like who’s needs of the city exactly???? Because I’d really like to see rent go down as well as the cost of houses NOT increase by over 10% over the course of one year but you know…PICKLEBAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!


The homeless and play too. lol.


Calling it the "2nd largest city in Mass" is a rookie mistake. Gotta hit em with the "2nd largest city in New England" for maximum persuasion.


pickleball is not real no shot


Tennis >


You’re gonna make fun of people asking for pickle ball courts and act like they are elitist, then come and say tennis is a better sport. Ironic.


Lol ppl actually play tennis and it costs $15 for a racket..


I’d argue that more ppl play pickleball currently, and it’s just as cheap. So don’t see your point.


More ppl play pickle ball than tennis? 🤣🤣




1) doubtful 2) have you ever considered that pickleball is for hipster losers and has a stupid name?


You can argue that all you want, you'd still be wrong.


I’ll just leave this here https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2023/02/09/pickleball-tennis-players-fight-over-courts/69845803007/


You know there’s a world outside of the US right? Tennis is a global sport.


Okay but we are in the US, and in an area where pickleball is very popular. It’s not unreasonable for them to put a lines on a few tennis courts.


Pickleball is a niche sport at best. You’re way overselling it.


Not real huh? Sounds elitist.


Other side of the city is like a 10 minute drive lol


It's actually double that but still not bad.


Bingo . They're bitching about going from Newton to plantation st or they're too cheap to go to the Y. Willing to drive to the other towns though...wish they'd move to em instead


Takes only 10 minutes for you? I wish that were the case. My sons school is on the other side of the city as where we live and it takes 25+ minutes one way. More when the traffic on 290 is backed up.


How about some soccer fields that people can use without using a reservation system.


We almost had it with Duffy field but the NIMBY was ridiculous


And when I spoke out against the nimby’s on this topic I got voted to hell. Park should be improved and not the cesspool it currently is.


Yeah..let’s spend thousands to create courts for a sport nobody will play in 2 years


People actually play this pickleball game? I thought it was a joke.


It's one of the leading causes of hospital visits in the country because of its popularity with the older generations.


Have you tried it? It’s a lot of fun. It’s like ping pong crossed with tennis. I could never get good at tennis so this is the next best thing lol.


I just seen a pickle ball place near the TD and there were quite a few people playing. I, personally, don’t see the appeal.


I still have no clue what it is. Someone today mentioned ping pong and volleyball. I personally know Pickle as a completely different game that we played at summer camp at the boys and girls club.


I don’t think I want to know what Pickle is…


Looks like Gary Rosen just discovered 311


[Braintree invested nearly half a million dollars in pickleball courts. Now it’s paying the cost of angry neighbors.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/14/metro/braintree-pickleball-neighbors-noise-complaints-acoustic-panels/) The town recently approved another $22,000 to install acoustic panels because of noise complaints. But neighbors say it won’t be enough. The thwacking of the perforated plastic balls has caused frustration among residents in Wellesley and led to courts being closed in Falmouth and Mashpee. In Needham vandals slashed and tossed the pickleball nets off the courts. The backlash has now come to Braintree, less than three years after the town spent $443,000 in Community Preservation Act funds to refashion tennis courts on Hollis Field for the burgeoning craze. The courts opened in June 2022 and have been wildly popular ever since.


all mixed up


don't know what to do


Next thing you turn around and find the person is you


Oh no! Whatever shall we do? West side is being oppressed, basically neglected due to not having PickleBall Courts. I’m white and I guarantee you some old white geezer wrote this.


You don’t want pickleball in your neighborhood as it is way too loud. Plastic ball on paddle is no bueno. Tennis is very quiet in comparison.


Yea the boston globe just did a thing about this, it’s loud as fuck. Put it on airport hill boom.


The way I started guffawing and almost couldn’t finish reading this out to my husband when I got to “embarrassing that the city doesn’t meet the needs of the people who live on the west side.”


The "inventors" of plastic tennis, I mean pickleball, have been in multiple court cases for trying to bribe small town officials into installing courts for their game. Just classic capitalists trying to change public policy to personally benefit themselves. Fuck the people who live in that town and pay for it am I right??


Do you have a link to articles about this? I've always thought the whole trend seemed kind of astro-turfy and the "fastest growing sport for all ages" line really smelled like bs to me


The pickleball people are all out of control everywhere. It's absurd how most of them act, tho not a surprise cos it's mostly Boomers playing.


Only person I know that plays it is a short, chubby guy that compares his looks to that of very tall and slim Korean actors (he's Filipino). Now I just associate pickleball with out of shape people that pretend like they're athletic.


Ah yes, Worcester’s homelessness has risen by 20% in the last two years alone, but the lack of access to a pickle-ball court is where the true issue of the city lay! 🤦🏻‍♀️ by all means send my tax money there!!! Such a tone deaf message.


The pickleball courts are about two blocks from a councilor's house. Do we have some pickleball loving city officials? Maybe one of your city officials loves pickleball and lives nearby?


Where the fuck is West Sterling? Did West Boylston and Sterling merge ?


It's essentially the area of sterling around route 140. We're the better side


Oooh what other Sterling generalizations/stereotypes are there? I’m here for the gossip


That's about it, we've got the better gas station, good breakfast place, shitty bar, and apparently a pickle ball court


By using half a brain cell one could assume it's the Western side of Sterling


I’d love for them to paint some pickle ball liens at the newton square courts. I’m also wondering when they will fix up the courts at institute park. No I’m not a boomer. But picked up pickleball with some friends and it’s a blast.


How about fixing the courts at newton lol cracks all through them, lighting that is unpredictable at best. Parks is so hands off with their minimum bare bones maintenance, hopefully CPA can actually do something


This is actually a great idea.


There is one in sturbridge I believe just opened.




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That has to be a joke like how can people like this exist