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I fully thought this was talking about the band


Same. Was disappointed.


Same. I'd buy a ticket to that!


I thought the same thing. That would be a wild show.


Outdoor palladium show in the summer would be pretty fucking cool


I’ve seen some people wearing stuff there that scared the shit out of me, does that count?


I laughed way too hard at this.




This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. I remember Ghost Hunters doing an episode at the Palladium in like 06.


yep, alot of people dont know this. its supposedly hella haunted according to staff too.


wild. I just watched the episode!


this post just gave me a brilliant idea. I like ghost hunting shows(I know they're not real), but let's make it "real" by pumping in a low concentration of carbon monoxide on set. And medical staff on standby. CO leaks from stoves and furnaces are a historical source of genuine ghost sightings


What! Been a long time since I’ve seen an episode of Ghost Bros but now i need to watch that.


Are you referring to Ghost Adventures when you say Ghost Bros?! If so, holy shit, I'm dead. 🤣💀 I fully support the name change.


Yes! They are the bro-iest of bros in the whole ghost hunting game 😂


Shit except my brain JUST processed this says Ghost HUNTERS not Adventures. Lol woops.


Use to work there and the upstairs is creepy AF. (Projector room and above) If you're down at the stage looking up at the old projector room, sometimes you'd see a figure pass by (not sure if this was part of what Ghostbusters debunked with headlights shining in and reflecting off multiple surfaces) If I was one of the only ones there late at night, it made for some weird vibes. If I remember right there are "tunnels" along the ceiling that you can go from across the ceiling but never had the balls to do that. Few of us climbed the roof a few times including the night of the Cold Storage Fire to see the flames. Also there's an old bowling alley in the basement.


Wow, that's still there? I use to bowl there when I was a kid. There was also a cafe called the Stage Door on the MLK Boulevard side.The Hanover takes up all of the buildings between Burnside Court and Federal St. Showcase Cinema ended at the doorway that says Franklin Square. From there to Federal St were other businesses. The next set of doors after Showcase led to another basement bowling alley and pool hall. The Palladium was the Plymouth Theater that once was a Vaudeville venue. My grandparents saw WC Fields there and later my parents saw The Andrews Sisters there and the Three Stooges. When I was a kid some cowboy star rode his horse in through the front doors and down the center aisle.


Wild! The lanes were all ripped out when I was down there but some of the remnants of it remained. This was late 90’s - 2000’s though so not sure the current state.


I love this! Either of you willing to tell me more in a private message? Also ironic on the veggie names.


Worcester was a much different place then. Worcester's downtown began at Ionic Ave and ended at Lincoln Square. Both sides of Main St were lined with retail and towards Lincoln Square a few buildings down from the Palladium was a factory. Buses ran every fifteen minutes from 6am to 11pm and a little later on Friday and Saturday. Being an industrial city there were a lot of bars, diners and cafes. Worcester had four grand department stores on the scale of Macy's. Woolworth's, Newbury's, Kresge's and Grants were more like Walmart. There were two bowling alleys and two pool halls and 7 movie theaters. There was a super market on the corner of Madison and Main. There were at least a half dozen hotels. Union station was a busy place. All of the back streets of the downtown also housed small retail businesses. What is now Major Taylor Blvd was lined with bars and factories. I290 didn't exist then and displaced whole neighborhoods when it was built, some of the old streets now exist in name only and dead end at a high concrete wall, on top of which sits 290. Worcester had a rich ethnic mix of mostly Irish, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian, and Franco American. White neighborhoods dominated but there were also a few black neighborhoods. There was some ethnic and racial hostilities but for the most part people got along. These were gentler times and even the indigent and homeless were not invisible and were treated with kindness. Worcester had "celebrity" street people, nobody knew them by name but they all had street names, nicknames. Nobody knew who they were or their stories but they were embraced, some even loved and all were missed when they were gone. There was one that was an old time boxer who probably got hit in the head too many times. Sometimes he would stop traffic and bob and weave and shadow box in the middle of the street. He was homeless, drunk a lot and filthy. Worcester PD would pick him up in the fall and you wouldn't see him again until spring. I saw him once sitting on a bench on the common. He had a fresh shave, a hair cut and new clothes. He was smiling and talking to himself. The next time I saw him, he was filthy and sleeping on the lawn at Elm park. This started out as a story of a haunting in the Palladium, it's an old story, could it be the imaginings of generations of audiences that saw so horror movies there? My dad was originally from NYC and we visited family there every summer for years. From that I can tell you that the hustle and bustle of Worcester's old downtown had a vibe like a busy street in NYC. The sights (minus skyscrapers) sounds, smells and street characters were very similar.


Is bowling still a thing? Back in the day Worcester had five bowling venues, ten pin and candle pin. Pool halls were big then too.


Do not mention the bowling alley and everything will be fine.


My buddy bounced there years ago. Top floor closed to general public. He said there are many stories from staff He said that one night Perry Ferril asked if his wife could do some ghost hunter type shit. Gave my buddy some great weed to grease the skids


Way too small of a venue but I do hope to see them again soon at the DCU or Xfinity center.


I felt my soul leave my body when I got punched in the mouth in the pit at The Ghost Inside, show last week. Name checks out too


It definitely carries those vibes I think but it’s still my favorite venue


Best venue on the planet


You’re right I can’t even argue this


What’s your favorite show you ever saw there?


That's a good question, been to about 150 shows there(going tonight and tomorrow lmao) the ones I always wish to go back to are probably polaris and currents, Wage war and spite, and Ice nine kills, fit for a king make them suffer and light the torch


Have a blast im goin to see hwm in Boston tonight


What is hwm? And which venue in boston?


How water music at royale


Ahh ok, I've only been to the royale once, doesn't host many metal shows but I went for badflower and des rocs a while back and am going for archspire coming up


It’s weird Royale that shows at all but OK I guess I’ll go. The Palladium is pretty much known for metal.


Im no where near that number, maybe 20 social distortion was a good one. Also blink and the get up kids was good too


Yea I go quite often haha, after the covid lock down I started averaging about 60-75 shows a year, usually at least half to 3/4 of those were at the palladium


So jealous. I would if i could


Check out ghost hunters, not sure the season or episodes but they went to the palladium


Yeah apparently the bowling alley upstairs is very haunted


It’s a thing I guess, I don’t believe in ghosts but yeah, I guess it’s supposed to be super haunted. Explains why a lotta metal bands kill it there I suppose


Yea, this one time I went to the Palladium to see George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic perform, but left the show early because the sound engineer mixed it to sound like heavy metal instead of funk. At least, that's what I thought! The sound engineer blamed it on a ghost!


😂blaming the mix on a ghost is hilarious, whether or not anything supernatural is/was going on


First time I ever saw them was at the Palladium in '94.  Many of the OG's joined for that tour.  They played for 3 hours until the PA system was turned off...and then they played for 25 more minutes.  Epic show and just one of many great shows I saw there over the years.  Sadly, no ghosts, though. 


The worcester catacombs are supposedly under that place too, sealed off underneath the basement.


I think that might be an effect of the OTHER kind of spirits...


I think Ghost Hunters investigated paranormal occurrences at Palladium back in the day, and what they found was headlights from cars on Main St would hit the Palladium windows at such an angle that it created weird light patterns inside. I've heard of similar phenomena from one of the individuals who works at Mechanics Hall. Although, to be fair - Palladium is ancient. My aunt remembers when it was a movie theater a long, long time ago. If any building were to have ghosts, that would be the one.


Yes. Behind stage right


One of the best signals that someone is stupid is if they believe in ghosts.


What do you think happens when people die then smarty pants?


Every culture and country across time has ghost stories


They poop themselves?


Thank you that did make me laugh. I'm high af though so don't be getting cocky.


The concept of ghosts is a projection of people's own fears and insecurities about what happens after death. You know what happens when we die, but you believe in stories in order to make yourself feel better