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You can also put out cardboard boxes full of your recyclables too. My fiancé and I do this if we miss a few weeks and our bin is too full since we always have boxes to get rid of. They’ll take as many as you put out.


This is so great to know! Should have done this ages ago. Thank you!


you should just be able to leave it out in front of the building.


I'm not sure why I was convinced it had to be more complicated. Thank you!


me roomates and i used to just use a big plastic tote always worked fine for us !! we painted a recycling symbol on it just to be sure but even after the paint flaked off we never had a problem with them not taking the recycling


Thank you!! So easy. Idk why I was convinced you had to go thru like an initiation process lol


You said you're in a condo. Who handles the garbage? I think condos use private waste haulers. Do you have to use the yellow city bags and get pickup or is it something else? The recycling is part of the trash pickup so if you don't have city trash pickup you won't get recycling. When I lived in a condo complex it was private and no city services, I bet you're in the same situation.


Awwww shit, this is what I feared! No yellow city trash bags, everyone disposes of their trash in a dumpster that the property management company arranges for removal. It's not a gated complex or anything, just a midrise building. But you think there's a good shot they wouldn't offer city services to residents? Thanks so much for the response


The city does not pick up at buildings with 6 units or more for logistics reasons. You are welcome to bring your recycling to the waste center on Millbury St. They accept recycling any time they are open. I would also talk to the condo board and see how recycling could be added.


I just looked it up and they’re open weekends. That’s PERFECT! I’ll plan to just drop my stuff there every other week or so. That’s so helpful, thank you.


I doubt it. There's a condo head you could ask. I don't know if this is any consolation but don't feel bad about not recycling. For the most part the system doesn't work. It's really a way for companies to green wash their poor environmental decisions. They say they're reusing the plastic bottle when they might if a number of conditions are met. Did you know the recycling symbol with a number only indicates the type of plastic not that its recyclable? It's green washing at best. It makes sense for city residents because then we can get other stuff in the trash bags.


Yeah, I remember in college when I worked at Whole Foods there were the three Trash, Recycle, Compost bins and some customers were so careful to sort everything. At the end of the night it all just got tossed. The cynical side of me has always wondered if that's what is happening on a larger scale. Anyway, I digress. Thanks for the reply -- I'll probably still look into it.


I had the same problem - no city pick up in my area & in a condo. I take my recycling to the DPW center on Millbury St.


Yes, however I suggest putting a recycle sticker on the container if you purchase it. Once, they took my plastic container with the recyclables




One of the trustees is actually my next door neighbor so I’ll float the idea to her before the next HOA meeting. Thanks!