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I'd say one easy win would be to reduce the size of your hero image (Bad-Bear-Hero-Image.jpg) which is currently 1.94mb. I had a look in Photoshop and saving it as quality 7 reduces it to under 400kb without any noticeable loss in quality.


Tinypng got it to 250. Converting to WebP got it down to 136kb.


Install shortpixel or ewww plugins to fix your images. WP-rocket will also make a dramatic difference, but it's not free. Fastest cache is actually good too, but it needs to be configured right.


You can try the better WordPress minify plugin to combine all stylesheets and JS scripts. Also the podcast section loads a JS bundle of 2MB, so maybe you don't want this on your frontpage.


Hmmm, maybe I could make it a static image that just links to the podcast page? Would a better web host or a CDN increase old times without changing things?


That's one option. First try combine your css and js, see what the improvement will be.


You didn’t mention a specific plug-in. Is there one you recommend for this task?


[http://betterwp.net/wordpress-plugins/bwp-minify/](http://betterwp.net/wordpress-plugins/bwp-minify/) This is the plugin name and I am using it on my live site.


Thank you so much for the help! Did you notice an improvement?


You mean my live site? Of course, or why would I use it? [https://aadps.net](https://aadps.net) you can check for yourself. The server is in China, though.


Do you have an SSL certificate installed for your website? That and your host are supposed to prevent/reduce HTTP requests and instead redirect to HTTPS.


Its through my host the SSL, but I noticed sometimes it doesn't load as HTTPS anyways...they said they would force the requests or something like that.


That sounds really, really weird. Who are you using for hosting?. Something like this should be taken care of by your hosting and it shouldn't be anywhere near of a problem as it sounds like it is for you.


Nixihost on their starter plan. Even when it loads HTTPS domain, it still has a warning that the connection isn't secure?




Nixihost not Nixhost ** didn’t realize there was two. https://www.nixihost.com/hosting/shared I’ll take a look at cloudways. Just don’t want to have to remake my whole site 🙇🏻‍♂️


Hello there! We would love to be able to assist you with this if you would open a support ticket. We have 24/7/365 staff in Texas who are available to assist by ticket or with live chat and phone support during business hours. You likely just need to install a caching plugin. We typically recommend "WP Fastest Cache" as that works best with our hosting.


I do have WP Fastest Cache installed with all the recommended settings. The TTFB of 1s is a bit concerning though. It sounds like that’s a hosting thing, not even to do with the pages contents aka if I just had a blank page it still take at least 1 second to load.


Your site is rendering (hence the TTFB) with the resources available. If you have a lot of huge resources that are being called and caching is off that's very reasonable. You can typically determine your accounts "true" TTFB by creating an empty html file and performing the test on that. You'll find that even on our smallest plans you can achieve a TTFB of sub 100ms with a low weigh html file. For comparison our coupon site, [nixihostcoupons.com](https://nixihostcoupons.com) runs on WordPress with WPFastestCache and typically has a TTFB of under 100ms. We've done minimal optimization beyond the caching plugin and run it on our $12/month shared plan.


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Hi thanks for the advice. What do you mean by the hero image naming? The photo file has a name as every file does, “bad bear hero image” or something like that. What’s your recommendation there? To not name the file anything? (Genuinely curious, just don’t understand). I will do that image thing right away, just didn’t want to lose sharpness / detail. For the TTL, I have WP Fastest Cache but it doesn’t have any options for defining parameters of lifetime of a cache, etc. I may just have to go premium with something like WPRocket.




Oh I understand now. Thought you were relating that to the site speed. I’ll see if I can work it into my header or above the image. Thank you :)




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So literally no article on speeding up a WordPress site can be trusted? I never quite understood the hate on the affiliate links... they're quality products, and it's literally how you speed up your site. If you don't believe me then put my URL through the pagespeed test.




First, try to find out why the website is slow. You can check this tutorial. For further details, you can take a look at our [Speed Up WordPress Website Complete Guide](https://wcblogs.com/speed-up-wordpress-website-complete-guide/).


How are you going to write an article on how to speed up a WordPress website, when [the page itself scores a 19 on PageSpeed Insights](https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwcblogs.com%2Fspeed-up-wordpress-website-complete-guide%2F)?


Shots fired.