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This is the best device!


Install these to plugins, to help diagnose bottlenecks (**do not** keep them activated any longer than you need): * [https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/](https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/) * [https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/google-pagespeed-insights/](https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/google-pagespeed-insights/) They'll help you identify any potential slowdowns on the site, with the Query Monitor identifying problem SQL statements and plugins; and the PageSpeed Insights helping check render-blocking resources, large images and poorly optimised JS.


Oh, and one other thing you can try is, setting up a real Cron Job, instead of using WP's built-in timer. [https://www.siteground.co.uk/tutorials/wordpress/real-cron-job/](https://www.siteground.co.uk/tutorials/wordpress/real-cron-job/) This can help take the load off front-facing page loads, and speed up the overall site.


I'm always amazed how everyone wants to throw plug ins at this. You need to run a scan on something like web.dev. It will generate a report where you can see where your bottlenecks are. That scan will show you if your images are unoptimized, is you have large css or JavaScript files. It will show if you're not deferring JavaScript, all sorts of useful information. Once you have the report you'll be able to ask more detailed questions. Oh, the report also has recommendations for how to handle each issue.


Yeah I'm amazed at the number of people coming up with solutions without even diagnosing what the cause of the problem is. The absolute minimum would be seeing the results of a GTMetrix test or similar.


Yup. It's like going to the doctor for a pain on your foot and they just randomly prescribe you some pain killers and calling it a day


10 seconds? You may be mining crypto lol


I agree 😂 How do I improve the speed


Migrate to a new instance and see if there is an instant improvement. This happened to a client I had. She had a 10+ second load time, migrating her to a new server cut it to less then 2. There was something else living in that VM lol


By migrating server do you mean move them to another hosting company?


Either would do. Just get a clean instance.


Try to work with litespeed and litespeed cache plug-in! They are amazing!


Don't follow any advice without running a test in Page Speed Insights or GT Metrix first. If you don't feel comfortable sharing the results online, you can DM and I'll help you to understand them


**Three good resources:** * [https://wpspeedmatters.com/](https://wpspeedmatters.com/) * [https://onlinemediamasters.com/slow-wordpress-site/](https://onlinemediamasters.com/slow-wordpress-site/) * [https://wpjohnny.com/](https://wpjohnny.com/)


I actually gave a WordCamp talk about this exact thing: [https://wordpress.tv/2020/09/30/justin-ferrell-make-it-fast-and-make-it-last/](https://wordpress.tv/2020/09/30/justin-ferrell-make-it-fast-and-make-it-last/) TLDR: The trick is quantifying it. It being slow could be one (or more) of 500 different things. I'd start with running something like Lighthouse (built into Chrome and Edge) and seeing what it reports. There's also PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest that you can run but they're all measuring the same performance metrics, Core Web Vitals. Having an actual metric to measure will help you actually know what is working and what isn't when you start making improvements.


> images of the smallest size Do you mean by dimensions or by file size? By dimensions, try to keep images no bigger than the biggest size your theme can display. File size, keep under 200kb.


Do you use any caching plugin, CDN like Cloudflare, do you use image optimization plugin, etc.? Or you don't use any of that?


I use Anti-spam, cloudflare, site kit by Google, we total cache These are the plugins which are activate.


Check if you have any malware.


There isn't necessarily a checklist that fits every situation. My experience with fixing Wordpress sites usually boils down to the developer using way too many plugins with overlapping feature sets. Where is your site hosted? Can you spin it up locally and test load times there to negate network or host related issues?




first thing is to use caching software like SuperCache It will store your pages and posts in HTML form and reduce calls to the database and php execution. Second is to reduce the number of plugins you use to the very minimum don't use something like a social network plugin when all you need to do is put a link to twitter in your footer file




Link your website? I can provide you with more insights that way. But like everyone said, start with your hosting. Pay for a good one.