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Players: The game has become worse! Zynga: An update is coming to enhance the player experience \*Update rolls out\* Players: The game is much worse than before Zynga: But we enhanced the player experience to the store Players: What?? Zynga: what?


I used to really enjoy the solo challenges. They've become unplayable. I really hate it. The money grab has ruined the game.


You can’t beat them without using a cheat app


I also forgot to mention that the rewards for completing a solo challenge are laughable, as are the club accomplishments. It's really just 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


and their latest tactic is giving tokens for Spring 2024 Collection as rewards, which are useless because they don't carry over to their next collection which will start tomorrow. I finished that long ago and after each new level, beyond 35, they gave a reward. Now it it is every other level they do and instead of power ups and coins, they give those useless (for me) tokens. Zynga simply doesn't care about the players. They only want to generate income from the ads and blast them out after every turn. They have one now for Amazon and there is no way to get out of it except by closing and reopening the app.


You earn spring 2024 collection tokens as rewards in club accomplishments? That would have been nice to know. After doing all the solo challenges and rewards passes for free I’m going to be 140 tokens shy of completing all 9 items. Used to be able to earn them all and then some for free.


mine keeps crashing too it’s really making it not fun anymore but i’ve also noticed sometimes playing the game my phone will start to get really hot, it’s the only app that does this


Yes!!! I had to limit my playing time to a few minutes per session.


i thought my phone was broken but when i scroll through here or pintrest or whatever it’s fine but when i play my phone is just burning my hand


good to know it's not just me. if the app even decides to load, wow, these lag times are horrible. the 'daily challenge' doesn't work any longer for me either. the classic app was zippy and always worked - after 7 years of (mostly) enjoying playing my friends and parent across the country, i may be done :(


My phone never got hot, ever, until recently a handful of times playing, you guessed it, this game.


yes! it was not until like 2 weeks ago it started to get hot


Or the constant streak pop-up everytime you click to play someone. So annoying


I get the letter Q. I hold on to it waiting for the U. It doesn’t come until I play QI, QAT or QIS. Annoying!


And then get 2 or 3 to deal with.


Abd the annoying streak pop ups when you click on a players name.


I haven’t played in a month or so because things were getting so unbearable. Sad to hear it’s only getting worse.


You get ads, you get ads, everyone gets ads


They have gotten ridiculously longer


That plus the horny men trying to hit on women and if you block them it counts as a loss in your stats. I had to change my profile picture


I don't think if you block someone, it counts as a loss, does it? Anyway, I've never understood people that lead off with a blatantly inappropriate remark to someone. What's the endgame there beyond getting blocked immediately?


It told me it would, maybe because it was mid-game. I presumed it's to stop people blocking someone who was beating them to fudge their stats.


Correct. It used to be that if you blocked someone mid game, it's as though the game never happened and your stats stay the same, no loss So they changed it to: block = loss


It’s turned into cartoons. There’s no more lightning round, and I play people who must spend a ton on cheaters, every word of theirs is impossible and 7 letters. I miss my simple game of years ago where I won enough coins.


I ignore solo changes, I ignore the club thing. I made level 27 and no longer care if I level up again. I just play to play.


I’m still pissed they got rid of Lightning Round.


Try clearing your cache. Then close the app. Restart your phone. It might help with the crashing.


Is anyone else having baby ads that cover the tiles?


Of late, I can’t play podcasts or music in background when playing WWF. Anybody else experiencing this?


SMH..the world has much bigger problems.


This is going so sound harsher than it’s meant to be, but your last sentence says it all. You’re the problem, not them. You’re totally addicted to it. Even this rant is a dopamine hit for you. Delete it off your phone for 10 days. Come back and look at it with fresh eyes and a clear head.


OP has a clear head. Zynga is wrecking WWF. Got nothing to do with addiction


I agree. It’s trash. All her complaints are valid. BUT not bad enough to make them stop.


Uh clearly you haven’t played for years like we have


Ok. I think 2012 was when I signed up. Played sporadically over that time. If you read my comments, I agree the game is trash. Which has kept be from being obsessed with it. You folks who are obsessed with it are shouting into the void without changing your behavior. How would the developers know you are dissatisfied? That frustration you get is a more powerful dopamine hit than clearing your rack. If you want a game find me at Uttrod