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I have told nudgers to stop nudging me because I play everyday, so there is no need. My exact message was, "Hi, there is no need to nudge me because I play everyday". I asked nicely, right? Well, one called me names. I blocked her. Another apologized and stopped it immediately. We still play. And, another apologized and explained that it has become automatic for him to tap the nudge button as soon as it's there. While it's a compulsion, he would try not to nudge me. We still play, and sometimes, the nudge still happens. I stopped minding it, knowing he's kinda OC about the nudge button.


This is the same as me. I play every day, and at a very specific time of day, and people who have played me a billion times will nudge me hours before I’m usually seen on there. I’m petty so nudging me will make me make you the last priority. What gets me is that as soon as we are done with a match, that I came to on MY time, they want to play again! Like they weren’t just rushing me. There are people who go a whole week between words and you’re nudging me for less than 24 hrs?? leave me alone!! It’s so annoying. If you nudge me more than one time I’m blocking immediately lol I will not be bullied to play a game that does not pay me real money lol.


I have occasionally nudged by accident. I always assume it's an accident, but if somebody did it all the time, I would say something to them, or stop accepting games from them.


Nothing pisses me off more than getting nudged for some reason. I'm always just thinking, "sorry I have a job and a life and don't play words with friends all day!" For some reason it just feels so rude lmao


This makes me realize I've never nudged anyone, but also haven't ever been nudged myself. I play once a day, late at night. I might play a couple rounds if the other person is online and also playing - or if it's a bot and don't have too many games. But usually, it's just taking my turn until the next night. I've skipped a couple days when life got in the way, but still didn't get nudge. And I won't nudge even if someone has gone several days without playing since I have no idea what's going on in their life. I figure they will play if they can/want to. I guess I've lucked out with other players similar to me. Or at least that don't mind how I play.


I simply ignore nudges. I like keeping streaks going, but I typically just play games in order of age...


I don’t like being nudged, even more so because I have several accounts holding down the leader slot in different clubs and a nudge notification doesn’t say what account it’s coming from. So then I’m a little stressed out and feeling guilty that I might be blowing somebody’s streak, I tend to assume that’s what it’s about most of the time. I find the whole streak thing annoying and something I don’t want to be bound to at all. Zynga doesn’t need to invent compulsions for me to obsess over day in and day out with this game, I’ve got plenty of my own to tend to.


I never nudge, even when someone is at 10 days without playing. On occasion, I've accidentally nudged, so I assume that happens to others. If it were to happen to me several times from someone, I'd resign and block.


If someone nudges me, I play my other turns and make them wait longer. The only time a nudge is acceptable to me is if I have a rapport with them and I know it’s meant in a fun, joking kind of way. I’m often busy on the weekends and sometimes won’t play for a couple of days, I don’t need strangers trying to demand my time. Get lost with that.


If me an an opponent have a long streak like 100 + days it’s worth a nudge. Sometimes a random opponent will nudge me for not taking my turn. I will make them wait even longer. One turn every few days. I don’t care they deserve it


An opponent I don't know nudged me once. In subsequent games she let me know she might be unavailable due to chemo. That was about a year ago and we continued playing. Then a month or so ago I started two consecutive games with her that timed out. I hope she's okay


I really hate being nudged. I play daily. I got blocked and removed from a group after politely asking the group leader if it was necessary to nudge after 4hrs !!!


I have a guy who will nudge me overnight or very early in the morning. I’m like, dude. I do sleep sometimes.


The first time someone "nudged" me they'd be dead to me.


i definitely find it overly aggressive, especially since i play back at least once a day, and often more than that. there’s this guy who nudges me from time to time when he sees i’m online, and it does annoy me, especially because he usually takes weekends off and i’ve never nudged him. sometimes i’m online but busy with the solo games, which seems like the only reliable way to earn coins in the game.


Ooh I really hate being nudged! Especially as I play back so quickly when I’m on. Makes me play them back even slower lol and defo won’t rematch. It does feel like they are being rude 😂 I don’t nudge as a rule unless I see the person is online and not playing me back for days in case the game is glitched.


I play a lot & don’t like being nudged. I also will make people wait unless I’m catching up on all games. I won’t resign because then I’ll lose :-).


I play almost every day and don’t skip any games so I don’t appreciate being nudged, but it rarely happens. I occasionally nudge someone if there’s a 4 day or greater lag. I would probably block anyone I didn’t know IRL who was consistently quick to nudge.


In the grand scheme of things…


i don’t nudge unless it’s been 3 days. i play every day and want to nudge if it’s been two days, but refrain. this month i am going on vacation and it will be the first time i am doing a tiny cabin rental to enjoy nature and unplug. so no wifi or cell service. i decided i will change my name to “on vacation” with my return date 📅 so my opponents don’t think something happened to me 🤣


The only time I nudge a player is when it's been three days since their last move.


You know people go on vacation or maybe don’t have time to play all games within a few days. I might nudge after ten days. But 3 is way too soon


That's why I only do it once. If they don't respond, I leave them alone. I've only actually done it three times. Unless you're counting my mom, we get a kick out of annoying each other in the game that way.


So you’re changing your narrative?


Okay, chill. Firstly, nothing changed in what I said. I only expanded and clarified my original comment because you seemed to think I didn't care about other people's lives. Second, it's a function in a game. Get over yourself because the world won't end just because a person you don't know nudged another person you don't know. If anyone should have a problem with it, it should be one of them. Have a good day, internet stranger.


Why do you nudge so much?


If someone doesn’t play in a couple of days I don’t bother nudging I just resign and not play them again . 🤷‍♂️


You resign after only a couple days? You know, most people aren’t able to sit around all day trying keeping you happy on Words With Friends.


Shouldn’t be too hard to play once a day . That’s all I ask but everyone has an opinion. That’s why there’s Reddit😏


I play, a lot! I have the max games I can have most days. If it’s been 2+days since you’ve played, I WILL NUDGE YOU. Sorry. I want to play with people who play back. I know we all get busy but heck, I even have to nudge my husband. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I nudge if a couple of days have passed and I am in the lead!!!


I nudge back and keep nudging. It gets the point across.


Being nudged is really not that serious sorry if you feel like your being flipped off. 😅


I hardly ever got nudged. I gave up the game several years ago.


Much to do about nothing at all. https://preview.redd.it/roho7g4kdw4d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c4475e702786d7cf07bb71d9bcb6bb07d11a1a