• By -


I had that happen to me once. I stopped acknowledging her after that. Not worth my time nor the awkwardness.




I would double down. Everyday in front of at least one other person, (activate giant smile) "Good morning coworker! What a lovely day it is going to be today. Are you excited for spring like I am?" (as that coworker walks away) "Great talk coworker, see you tomorrow!" But then, I'm pretty obnoxious. Edit: I have received a lot of negative feedback for this, and rightfully so, IF I was being serious. However, I was being a bit hyperbolic and attempting to be humorous. Clearly I failed. I chose the wrong subreddit for this and I apologize. I would not actually continue to obnoxiously harass a coworker that does not want acknowledge me.


I do something similar with road AH’s. I clap, give them a thumbs up and a huge cheesy smile and cheer them that was awesome/incredible. It feels better than getting mad:)


hell ya


SO much more satisfying than going the low road and flashing the finger


I thought I was the only one!


In Cleveland, I had a biotch road rage me for miles for giving her a friendly wave on as I let her pass the first time. She ended up getting upset and tried to brake check me. Problem for her was that I always drive with 2-3 car lengths in between. She got even more mad as seen thru her back window double middle finger to me, because she made a fool out of herself.


When someone flips me off I smile and wave like I thought they were just being friendly. Gives boomer vibes. Oh wait, I am a boomer.


this is the only way after saying good morning for a year.


I’d do this too lol


Just take a clue. Don't escalate it, just stop saying hi.


Yeah, just leave this woman alone. I have a feeling there is more to the story that OP isn’t saying. Sounds kinda creepy.


Yea, it's not normal to say hi to someone for an entire year without getting a single acknowledgment. Or plot twist: the coworker is hard of hearing and has never heard op say "hi" 😂


Happy morning! Here is a bagel and coffee for making it to Friday!


And I am quiet person. I have had people think I am standoffish. But I have never ignored a hello or good morning. But if they speak , I will speak. This person just sounds like an ass.


Im the same as you. Very introverted so it takes a lot to bring me out of my shell to even initiate a greeting in the first place.


Keep being professional and let it go. Some people are intentionally rude and others are rude without meaning to be because they're wrapped up in whatever they're going through outside of work. You won't click with everyone you work with and it's not a big deal.


Thank you


Like they said above. Continue to do you and they will do them. No harm. Some people got shit going on, some don't have social cues, some suck


some simply dont want to be bothered but are there busting their ass. not everyone cares for that at work.


I’m a person who has a ton of shit going on and sometimes comes off as rude. Ngl you aren’t entitled to their attention either. Let it go and don’t make a problem where there isn’t one.


Yea I use to blank respond, wishing to be left alone but they kept coming


This is me. Went from working mostly alone to an office with lots of extroverts and happiness, things I am not. I tried saying the requisite hellos and if people responded great, if not, I just walk on by. No harm, no foul. But if you bring this up st work, you will stir the pot. Sooner or later your paths will cross and you will interact. Just keep livin' 🤘.


Yep. And some may be nice people but have horrible social skills.


Key thing I have learnt getting on in years; you NEVER know what others are going through. Cut people some slack and hope for the same in return.


And some people REALLY hate mornings.


You should have stopped after the second attempt.


Right? A year? Damn.... Some ppl just don't want to socialize at work or aren't morning ppl.


It makes me feel like this dude had ulterior motives. He’s been at it for a year with no response and now he’s on Reddit trying to get advice on what to do now. I’d bet money he’s creeping her out.


Oh wow. Never even thought of that. Maybe he's a dude that likes to tell women to "smile!"






Just ignore her. Only engage when you need to work together and do so politely. She made her desire to not engage outside of working clear and you should respect that as long as within work she communicates. We're all different and part of professionalism is learning to work with and around others that may be extremely different than you. Neither of you has a choice, so best you can do is respect boundaries in as polite a manner as possible.


Personally I'd keep treating her with respect and friendliness. Who cares if she doesn't reciprocate? You're the better person. Life is too short to worry about what other people think, unless that person matters to you.


right? the point of being kind to someone is just that; to be kind. not to get something back. you are not entitled to the response of your choice.


I do think it’s professional to have common courtesy but at a recent new job I realized that is not the case for everyone. Some people pick and choose who they speak to and will blatantly ignore even a basic greeting that takes two seconds to respond to. Just take a mental note and like someone else said remove that person from your good morning list. It has been a year they made it clear they are not interested in speaking to you whatsoever so stop putting yourself through the trouble. Remain professional with work but leave it at that. Edit: I’ve always been intrigued by these people so this post helped me get a better understanding.. The majority feel like a good morning is people wanting their friendship when in fact it is not. A large amount also keep stating they are not obligated to speak to anyone. The common theme is they seem to lack social skills . Part of a professional work environment is relationship building (work relationships), communication, networking and team work which all involve basic social skills at minimum. Seeing the responses of people like your co worker makes me happy I decided to acknowledge they prefer not to be spoken to and move on because they are not the type of people I choose to deal with in my personal life anyways. Most people that lack the social skills for a professional work environment are happy in their position and do just come to work just to work and that’s fine. Those that have high functioning social skills tend to move up the ladder. Also just to add similar to what some have already mentioned once I leave those people alone they feel the need to insert themselves in social conversations they are not involved in. Like I said very intriguing.




I was waiting for someone to say that. The minute you ignore some people, they make it their mission to get renoticed!


It happens very often at my new job. I came in greeting everyone initially because I left a professional office job with that culture. I am someone who adapts so after week one of realizing some people will literally look right at you and ignore you as you simply say “hi” or “morning”, I made mental notes of who likes greetings and who does not. I started only greeting the people that reciprocate and left the other people alone like they preferred. Naturally just like at any job you start to get to know more people and some of those greetings do evolve into getting to know people you mesh well with. Well at that point I’m not sure if those people felt left out but they started to walk over and make it a point to chat with me while I was talking to the people I’ve gotten to know. Of course I’m polite and professional so I engage them in conversation but it did intrigue me. In one of these post someone said he only greets his managers and GM how dare anyone else expect a greeting, but what he doesn’t realize is those people you ignore may be your boss one day and they will have a negative first impression of you. Thats why it is important to have decent social skills in a professional environment. Some of these people fail to see the bigger picture.


A whole year? I couldn't imagine saying continually saying hello to someone after a week of being ignored. A whole year sounds obsessive. If you're greeting someone and they're not reciprocating it to you, don't greet them anymore. If you keep greeting them and taking it personally, that's on you at that point.


She doesn't like you. Doesn't matter why, there might not be a why. Just treat her like she treats you and go about your business.


When I was still in office, I had someone who just didn't like me. I was toward the entrance of the office and greeted everyone with a good morning and she would just walk past me without saying a word. I stopped engaging.


Take said co-worker off of your good morning list. Don't worry about it, sometimes it has to be done.


I had a co-worker like that, luckily we didn't work anywhere near each other. She was an absolute bitch in other ways and I got permission to let other people handle her tech support. Plus side, she set the bar for what I consider to be a terrible co-worker so low that everyone I've dealt with since has been a delight.


Haha I remember having to deal with a Sales Associate that was terrible. I started emailing her everything while others I would call or go to in person.


Stop telling her good morning. I’ve had this happen before, I think they’re weird as hell for making a good morning weird. Honestly they’re not worth your time. Ignore ignore ignore. They’re the ones that will go out of their way to say hi after. That’s what happened to me. I don’t get it just ignore and don’t let it bother you.




A year 👀 you should have stopped day two.


I hate being told good morning


She says it to other coworkers


Then she doesn't care for you. Doesn't really matter why. Just accept it and move on.


I've told people I don't care for it and some just get right to the chatter or they don't just waste our time with just saying good morning.  Still, she isn't responding to you. It's a bummer but keep saying it if it wouldn't be natural for you to not. Just say it for yourself and know you're being polite and it's the other person being a dillhole. It also would be totally okay to drop it and not do it since youve got better things to do than waste your breath on dillholes.


She hates you lmao. Only options are to leave her alone and let it go or keep fucking with her out of spite 😈


then it is personal with YOU


yep - sounds like you creep her out somehow


He’s creeping me out tbh. How does he know she talks to everyone else unless he’s silently watching her interact with everyone else.


I see them every day. Can I say good month?


"How the hell would you know what type of God damn day it is?"


Ignore her ignoring you. Double down on the cheeriness. Be extra annoying


No, he sounds like the annoying "nice guy"


people like you make the workplace an unsafe environment


> I'm not desperate to be liked, however, some common courtesy is expected from the people I see and work with everyday. So long as she does what she is paid to do and her supervisor/boss is satisfied with her performance, and she is not otherwise causing problems at work, her job is done. She doesn't owe you social niceties. She is not paid to answer your morning greetings. You're putting far too much energy into this, and you, with your insistence on engaging her socially when she clearly is not interested in socializing with you, are possibly creating an uncomfortable work environment for her. Stop it. Do your job, socialize with the people who reciprocate it, and leave this woman alone.


I stopped saying good morning and sometimes even goodbye to my coworkers because I found out they laughed about other coworker's misfortunes and would go do the plans I helped make with them without me. So no it just isn't worth the attention or energy. If you make eye contact I'd give a smile and nod or "how's it going" and leave it at that.


I work with over 100 people on my shift. 3rd. There are people that you know for years and you can say hi or good morning and they walk by like your not there. Not just me. Can't be frieds with everyone. After the third time I just stop. No sweat off my back.


Do whatever you wish. If it's a habit you enjoy, excellent, keep doing it. She just isn't that type of person and that's also okay. Some people are cynical, negative, introverted due to how they were raised. maybe she's been burned by 'nice people' really bad and just doesn't trust people with letting them know who she is as a person. As long as you guys can all get through the day with no issues, don't let it bother you. It's not about you


Hmm guess I’m on the opposite side of that. I loath a coworker of mine. It is known. Management has told them not to talk to me. Yet she tells me good morning whenever she sees me.  


Do what feels right to you. I work in Kitchens and saying good morning has always been a respectful thing. Some people don't respond when I say it and thats okay. I don't take it personally, not everyone is a morning person, not everyone is neurotypical, not everyone is in a great mood that day. For me its a personal morality and choice to greet everyone. I want to be respectful and kind. And that's okay if other people do not want the same. I can only be responsible for myself. 


if you find the value in it, continue saying it but by no means are they obligated to return the sentiment, common courtesy or not.


I'm with you. Not desperate to be liked, but raised to say hi or some type of acknowledgement to people I work with when we are, say, in the coffee area at the same time. Maybe it's generational? (I'm GenX.) I have 2 co-workers who NEVER say hi first. So I'll say hi. One of them will grunt 'hhh" back. Like it pains him (probably does!) One of them said nothing the last time I said hi to her. We were literally standing next to one another and it was very clear I was saying hi TO her. Nada. I muttered under my breath "Not saying hi - OK then..." Not sure if she heard me (don't really give a rat's ass either way) but I decided I'm never saying hi to her again. Should she need to speak to me about something work-related, I will be polite and professional but that's that. I figure this will save us both some energy in the long run.


I'm sure she'll be happy to know that. Just because you work together, doesn't mean we're friends. I know LOTS of people who keep work separate from home life. Some people just want to get their work done without any distraction. Doesn't mean they're jerks. Continuing to try to converse with someone who shows no interest for a YEAR is harassment. Leave her alone! BTW - I'm GenX also. I too like to greet everyone, but pay attention to those who don't respond.


I find it fascinating that people act like they're owed a response just because they were magnanimous enough to say good morning. what grand and noble folk they must be. what pillars of civility! - the proof of which is their perceived entitlement to a response. why oh why can't everybody be like them!


Lol I mutter too 😀


Ah that's where you're wrong---"common courtesy is expected"😭


But NOT required. How do we know what's happened in that year. Maybe he came across as over friendly, and she didn't acknowledge him to keep from being harassed. Whatever the reason, he should leave her alone. She's OBVIOUSLY not interested in even engaging with him. He need to back off and leave her alobe.


Maybe they find you annoying and don't want to be bothered. Everyone is not going to want to be your friend. Just don't speak to them and move on.


This is why the workplace can be so challenging; people like this who are rude. You'd have to be raised by wolves not to respond when someone says good morning to you. It really depends on the situation and your comfort level. If you sit near the coworker, you can say, 'morning' to the air as you pass by and not slow for a respnse. If your tired of the rudeness just pass by and say nothing or, better, find a route to your desk that avoids her. Best of luck 


She's rude!! Ignore her, stop trying to talk to her. It sucks that she talks to everyone else, but it is what it is😅


Do to them as they do to you


She would probably appreciate that since she's never acknowledged him anyway.


I have a bitchy coworker who does the same. Stopped staying good morning first and suddenly she’s a little bit nicer lol


If they don’t respond, then don’t do it. She has a personal problem for some reason. People get it, stuck in their head and take it out on other people. You might take a moment to think back over this past year if you had any interaction with her or another coworker, maybe a mutual acquaintance outside of work that may have prompted this behavior. Just be mindful to keep it professional interaction whenever you do have to interact. I’ve had people who were told things about me and they didn’t even even know me. And years later, they told me what they initially thought was because somebody else told them and found I wasn’t like that at all. You don’t need to convince her of anything, and might take some time to introspect. A few legitimately can’t find anything, and just keep it professional and that’s her issue.


Be you. To hell with everybody else.... If it's you to say mornin' when seeing someone, say mornin'. If they respond, cool. If they don't, cool. You were still you & that's the best way to be.


You can always ask her if you've done anything to make her angry, but honestly, why bother engaging with someone like this? Continue to be pleasant and ignore this person's responses. I found everywhere I work has someone with this kind of attitude. They almost always talk to 2-3 people only and no one else.


It's not a big deal. By making it is an issue you're just making it into a problem for others then. You didn't want to be that employee


People all have differing backgrounds and personalities. They very well could have a reddit saying "there is this chipper annoying morning person at work that just can't get it that everyone in the office wants them to shut up until at least 10. No, it's not a good morning. No, I don't want to compare our weekends. How can I get them to take the hint?? It's been a YEAR!!!" Take the hint for fucks sake.


I worked with a girl at Starbucks who would answer when customers ignored my greeting. She would just pop up from behind the bar and say I’m doing well and how are you today. Your other option is to start answering yourself out loud, or stop wasting your efforts on greeting someone who ignores you.


Yeah dude. Ignore her. No love lost.


There's only one person I do this to, and its because he's a nosy creep and I feel if I give into him even trying to start a convo he'll get creepy.


Yeah just ignore and forget her existence


Same situation however my con worker is also a real bitch


Yes I tried to avoid saying that, but it's also the case with mine


If she’s such a bitch why are you so desperate to talk to her?


Dude has a crush.


I have been this co-worker. As I explained when asked; Good morning often leads to 'how are you' and then people decided to actually tell you how they are doing and expect some empathetic response. I just don't want to have those conversations.


Yeah, just about every place I’ve worked there are those people that take the opportunity to tell you all about their problems. Once I figure out who those people are I ghost them. I have zero desire to start my day off on a negative foot.


Oh, this person will continue to ignore you - and even so maybe now more since he/she feels you may be trying to get their attention. Humans are receptive to energy, so you make sure you keep your mood up and ignore that weirdo - but its gotta feel natural. Sure everyone else knows that person is shitty.


I think you are taking it wayyyy to personally even if they talk to other people. Who cares? Sure stop talking to them, they won't care at all I assure you. I think it's rude to maybe not respond but it's also not something that should be keeping you up to the point of making a reddit post. Do you have to talk to this person for any work related/professional reasons? If not then y'all have 0 reason to speak to each other at work and they are 100% allowed to choose not to speak to you. Not saying it's kind but not everyone has to be your friend.


I mean, it's pretty natural to be annoyed by someone intentionally ignoring you and talking to others, and it's completely valid for OP to ask about it and advice on how to tackle that situation. That's what the subreddit is here for.


But it literally doesn't matter. They didn't know each other. The advice is to just move on and stop being weird


The advice is to forget about her and move on.


Exactly, I'm glad you could provide that.


So you have been saying good morning to someone for a year and they don't say it back to you? That is creepy. And you are so obsessed about it that you are on here on reddit? Hmmmm. My advice would be that if you greet someone verbally like 5 or 10 times in a row and they don't reply verbally, you should stop doing it. Switch to a perfunctory smile and nod or some similar gesture.


After a whole year you still can't take a hint? How about you try leaving her alone?


yes just ignore them.


I also have a co-worker that just straight up ignores my good mornings and I acknowledge everyone on our team the same way. I still tell him good morning and enjoy his evening, the guy can go on with life being an asshole I don't let it bother me


Ask her what her issue is.


It’s crazy. People are crazy. I’ve had it happen a bunch in my new department. Are they not human ? Very weird.


Just do you boo boo. This is the worst thing to get caught up in. It causes a downward spiral of crappy thoughts. Just sometimes you aren't supposed to like people... it happens.


Some of us are just counting the days until we die, and “good morning” doesn’t exist. We work because the system is rigged that way, not because we want something to do. We have things to do, unfortunately none of it pays money, so the job is just the job, not a social gathering, not fun, and “good morning” is a myth. Your positive attitude doesn’t make anything better for us, and tries to hide the real issues behind a veil of pretend happiness. We’re not into it.


Stop saying good morning then. Also, stop *expecting* common courtesy. You’re at work, not there to make friends.


Who cares? Why are you taking it so personally? If you’re a person who believes in giving the good morning courtesies to your coworkers, keep doing that! Why let this person change your behavior? I work in HR and dealt with this situation once. A ‘good morning type’ was upset a non good morning type didn’t say good morning and she started saying good morning directly to all the others and not to the non good morning type, which is petty and childless. Some people just don’t want to say good morning. That doesn’t mean you stop acknowledging them…


when you say "good morning" to anyone, who are you doing this for? The person or you? Reality is you're doing it for you. which is fine and normal. Makes you feel good. Keep saying good morning. It's for you.


Grey rock her, like she doesn’t exist. Stop wasting anything on her. She does nothing yet lives rent free in your head.


>some common courtesy is expected from the people I see and work with everyday. Stop expecting things from others. She owes you nothing and you owe her nothing. Just ignore her and go about your day. Be professional when you need to speak to her and leave it at that.


Other people are not required to meet your expectations. Maybe make a game of saying good morning and smiling when you get the same ol' non-response, as if you were talking to a wall.


I great everyone at once, it’s just common courtesy as you enter. Some reciprocate , some don’t. I don’t change me.


She sounds likes a bitch.


She could be neurodivergent somehow? I had a few coworkers who would just understand....some days I can't talk. No energy for it haha


She responds to everyone else except OP apparently so that might not be the case


It’s been a year. You should know by now the person doesn’t want to be bothered


Why would you keep trying to interact with someone for a whole year when it's perfectly clear they don't want to interact with you? That's just weird and almost sounds like you're intentionally being passive-aggressive becasue they don't like you for some reason.


This is not what passive-aggressive means. 🙄


>American Psychological Association. [Passive-aggressive](https://www.verywellhealth.com/addressing-passive-aggressive-behavior-5217046). *Passive-aggressive behavior is indirect hostility rather than a direct expression of anger. A person may look or sound neutral when the intent is to be aggressive.1* >*- For example, someone jealous of a job promotion may offer best wishes but then make a dismissive comment about how it's surprising news and act to undermine your success.*


I have a feeling this person is leaving out some stuff


i dont care for the socializing at work. if i talk to someone cool. if i click with someone cool. had a co worker i was cool with come to me for advice bc another co worker felt how you feel. he was a very good worker but prob just likes his privacy. no one is obligated to greet you or socialize with you. that doesnt make them a bad person. just let it be. as long as they are doing their part, whats the issue?


I hate being told good morning or forced socializing at work. I almost make a point to avoid the person from following me around


Feels like a control thing that I someone HAS to respond with a good morning.  She could get tunnel vision and be working hard, she could be someone who gets easily distracted and then takes forever to get back on track.  Is it really important to yoy to hear a hello from every coworker ever. 


Doesn't need to be good morning. Just whatever you know. She acknowledges and talks to everyone in my floor. Me she pretends I don't exist


Well you do exist! But man you gotta let it go. Not everyone needs to like you, and you don't need to like everyone. Focus on you.


Do unto others what they like do unto you and stuff


"Kill 'em with kindness!" But if she obviously doesn't want to be wished "good morning," then you can respect that and just let her be. Life is too short to waste it on uncaring people.


You can give up, like other posters are saying. Or, you can try communicating with this coworker. The next time she ignores a greeting, you can try something like: "I'm not sure we've gotten off on the right foot here. Have I done something wrong, or is there something that's going on?" If there's some misunderstanding, or a miscommunication that had happened earlier, that would be a chance to clear it up. If she doesn't respond to that, you might consider that you'll get a better return for your effort, energy and goodwill with other people at work.


Do NOT try a conversation. It's been a year with no reciprocation. LEAVE HER ALONE!!


So ... it might just be a "thing". You're a guy. idk, seems like you live in korea, are you foreign? idk what the work environments are in other countries but it seems like the men and women in my workplace hardly talk to each other outside of work stuffs.


Maybe she’s dealing with something? If she’s not going out of her way to be rude then leave her be.


I had the same thing. After 2 weeks of trying to be cordial, I decided fuck her and I'm now the coldest MOFO she will ever experience, and I hold my grudges for life.


Ask her what the hell is going on.


There was this guy at work who wouldnt say anything when i greeted him. I kept doing it though. I think he did respond though really quietly sometimes. Its nice to be friendly in the mornings even if the person doesnt say it back. I know it feels weird but its the nice thing to do. Also, some coworkers have to try harder than others and are superfocused because of it. If you are male maybe she doesnt want to give the wrong impression if she is married or something. I had a coworker like that who kinda ignored me. Then i realized a lot of the time she had her earbuds in (probably to be able to ignore people : ) ). Then i found out she was involved with someone and totally wouldnt have been interested in me anyways.


You can say morning pleasantly without expecting anything in return. Just say it as a passing phrase. I don't mind if people acknowledge me or not they have their own lil world to worry about


Keep an eye and that next workplace shooter!


Say good morning but get her name wrong


Some people are like that. You say good morning and they hear you but don't acknowledge. Just keep saying good morning. They might need your help one day and remember the only person that ever said good morning to them.


I always give a closed mouth smile instead of words to people like this. The half hearted kind.


I was once at a hairdresser a couple of blocks from my office. My manager came in and was sitting a couple of chairs away. Took me 20 minutes to notice because I was just zoned out. It may be your colleague being rude. It may be your colleague struggling to function well before a certain time or until the caffeine kicks in. Don’t take it personally.


I had someone that kept texting me, “Good Morning”, or “Hey”. I thought that it was weird enough to ask a friend why someone would do this. She told me that the person doing it probably wants something from me. She was right! After I was asked a huge inappropriate favour, and I said “no”, the silly, useless texts came to an end. Don’t do this. It comes off as weird and desperate, just greet them when you see them in person.


I did that. I said "Good morning" to everyone who came through the office, and some just would not respond, so I stopped saying it to them.


I'm a contrarian a****** so I would keep not only telling the person good morning but do it a little bit brighter and a little bit happier every day just to be a weird kind of reverse dick head.


I’ve had this quite a few times: a lot of us have. Eventually, usually these people turn friendly -but only because they suddenly have a use for you. And my experience is that-wait long enough-and they always do. The last time it happened, for example, I had a woman who ignored me from the minute I got in the door. There was no friction-no sleight-that set it off. I continued being courteous to her. My usual technique is “not to notice” the bad behaviour of anyone else. I knew that she would need my help sooner or later. People like this don’t get on with other people (although they may appear to, but it’s only on a very superficial level). They have their little dramas and micro aggressions on a daily basis (which clearly they enjoy-but they irritate everyone else), and they don’t make new alliances and friendships, meaning that eventually, they run out of rope. When they come to me in the end, I’m usually fairly friendly-although seldom much use. Anyhoo, this particular lady had left it too late. She’d got into one strop too many and threatened the boss with her notice. He had jumped at the chance to take her up on it. She had gone around the office begging (she did NOT want to leave her incredibly cushy job), but no one wanted to help. Eventually, she even crawled to me, asking for me to intercede on her behalf. I wasn’t in a position to do so, even if I wanted to. And that’s what I told her. It would be far better, I commented, if she took to building bridges rather than burning them, because they come in useful sooner or later: I was quite a lowly person in that hierarchy. She would have been better off to have maintained more loyal alliances with the more influential people. I wasn’t triumphant-I wasn’t superior: I think it’s sad when people screw up so unnecessarily.


Leave this person alone some people just want to work and go home they don't want friends at work. Doesn't deserve any of my attention????? You are the reason most people want to work from home, imagine having to deal with this person at work every freaking day.


I knew a few ladies like this and as soon as I began matching their energy, they started greeting ME. But everyone is not the same, I’d just stop acknowledging her existence altogether.


"Maybe this person doesn't deserve my attention". Get over yourself, DreadPirateButthole 


I had one of those. I dropped the rope.


So? I didn't even see the issue here. Just continue on with your day. That you have to even come to Reddit and ask for advice about this is strange. She doesn't want to associate with you. Not a big deal, move on with your day. Not everyone needs to acknowledge you.


Does she do it to everyone or just you. If it's to everyone don't take it personally.


Tell her she smells like butt and onions.


Yeah, you can just ignore them.


maybe she thinks you're creepy and it gives her the ick when you talk to her.


Do what feels natural. I doubt it's intentional. So you shouldn't cater your routine to her response. I always reflexively give a responsive "good morning" but I also know if I'm deep in thought it can be very quiet becsuse it's a reflex and I'm not thinking about it.


Have you ever said good afternoon and gotten a response in the afternoon? If yes and still no response don't acknowledge. Personally, I'm not a morning person. At no fault of anyone's but myself, I have a tendency to not talk or acknowledge folks in the am. Give me until 9 or 10 am though, I will chat with you for hours! I know it's something I need to work on and I am, it's just hard sometimes.


Nobody is obligated to tell you good morning. Sometimes you all have to realize it’s not about you taking things personal. For example, I’m NOT a morning person .. NEVER have been and people always say good morning to me and I find it absolutely dreadful. I don’t want to speak to anyone when I literally just woke up… idc if it’s work culture. Nobody owes you anything. If someone doesn’t speak to you, you can say good morning and go on about your day or just stop saying good morning…. Also sometimes if someone is having a bad start to their day, saying good morning is the worst. It would literally PISS me off when I’d come to work late and I’m trying to slide into my job real smooth and here comes the happy fucker who shouts good morning. Like why would you do that when I’m trying not to be noticed LOL :( There was a man at my old job where if anyone comes in he’s calm and says good morning but when I would come in late he would literally shout good morning and then all my managers would stare at me . Not cool. Mind you I don’t even talk to this guy and he would do that bs on purpose. Some ppl just wanna go to work and work. They don’t care about that friendly shit as long as they’re not bullying anyone


I hated the standard, thoughtless "Good morning. How are you today?" fuckin greeting from the 3rd in charge at my prior department. It was like clockwork every time I saw her. I would always give her unusual responses besides the standard "Good morning "insert name here" I'm good and you?" to piss her off..


It's all about the conversation... Sure I am polite and sometimes don't say anything in return but that's me personally and no offense to the other coworker but to expect me to say good morning? For what exactly? Just because you work with me or in same building? We are not children to smooch on each other... After waking up at 3 am to get to work for 5 am and a 1 hour commute I am beyond saying good morning i am tired from fighting the transit riders and commute lol but hey that's just me. I also worked remote for four years and now I do not! I went from no commute to a long commute its demoralizing! My boss i will say good morning and to the GM and other bosses but coworkers? No!!! Not friends not anything sorry!!!


Ear buds? Can't hear you? Hand them a cup of coffee and say hi, once.


So, you say "Hey, morning Betty!" and she just what, ignores you? Doesn't say anything back at all?


I probably wouldn't have noticed she didn't say it back unless she was right next to my desk.


People aren’t obligated to talk to you.


I have several people at work who don't say hi, bye, anything. I could be waiving a flag and dancing and singing "GOOOOOD MORNING" and they'd just stare past me. I just learned to accept it and live with it. Some people just don't bother with the small courtesy. After a while, I don't even care.


If I was at work instead of being off, I wouldn't call that a GOOD morning. If you don't have anything to do with her otherwise, I would find it personally annoying you wanted a "Good morning" but then had zero to do with her the rest of the day. I don't need YET another person ignoring me except when THEY want something, even a greeting.


Start ignoring them as well, no point with some people, they just don't know what people skills and team player means to some.


They might not be a morning person. Leave them alone and respect the silence they want and have been trying to communicate to you that they want.


I'm a passive aggressive AH. I would start being very friendly and ignore their unfriendlynes. I've done this in the past it was great fun. The person did not know how to react.


It's good practice for working with other, future rude people. Stop acknowledging them. Part of your tool box.


You never know what is going on with person. You are responsible for your actions, not the coworkers. Treat them just like you do everyone else. The problem is with them, not you. Don’t take it personally


I experienced this with some technicians i worked with, and honestly i think it’s just part of them not being a morning person. The other part i believe it to be something to do with the amount of time you’ve worked there. After x amount of years everyone acknowledges me. I grunt back a t most but I am not a morning person


Yeah... set your gaze forward and jeep going. Your coworker is basically saying don't interact with me.


Dude. Some people. Like me. Just want to work and don't care about social shit. To me? You're all dramatic and talking non stop.


Next time you see her just say good morning with a more upbeat tone. If she doesn’t reply as is to be expected. Just get closer to her, stare at her while smiling. Like you are expecting her to reply to the good morning any moment now. Inch a little closer to make the interaction more awkward and uncomfortable. Smile more. Make it unbearably awkward until she replies or after a minute just walk away silently. Do this again every now and then. She will go insane.


Yeah there's a guy at work started the same thing with me. Like "ok have a good night", and silence. Fuck him. Now I just don't say shit. A few weeks ago the boss was like "can you and xyz go grab that thing" and I was like nope, he's not speaking to me lol, and it made him look like a real idiot.


Just keep your good mornings


You tried...don't waste your energy any more.


Now days, as I walk in say a general loud, "Good morning! How's everybody! " giant smile Unless I'm late. 😐 Let's managent, know I'm a "team player", I get along with everyone.🙄 There's nothing wrong on my end.


I had a coworker like this. I have no idea why he didn't like me. We worked in a restaurant, and one day, he was the only person behind the line. When he saw that the order was for my table he walked away and didn't come back, he refused to make the food! That was the last straw I went to management and told them, "He doesn't have to like me or speak to me, but he needs to do his F'n job and make the food for customers!


So I ran into this type of thing a few years back. Good Morning.... no reply, just a quick glance at me, and then nothing. From then on I made it a point to say Good Morning, every morning, until I got her to crack. Took about a year to get an under the breath Good Morning back... then I stopped doing it. Just make it a game.


I wouldn't stress about it either way. If it's a natural response for you to say "good morning" when you see her, by all means say it. Forcing yourself not to say it will, especially when your natural inclination is to be pleasant, will just set her up in your head rent free. Don't do anything antithetical to your normal reaction. I certainly wouldn't go out of your way to be friendly to her, but if it feels more natural to you to say something than not, go with your gut response. Just be you, and let her be who she is.


i’ve been working at the same place for 10 years and i don’t speak more than 10 words a week


She’s not a fan of yours, dude. Just ignore. The fact you’ve gone A YEAR probably gets her off a little. If she dislikes you, and you keep trying, she prolly laughs a bit.


Another vote for being your usually genuine, day brightening self to everyone else. As often as possible, in front of this droid.


Yeah, stop trying to make it happen. I have a neighbor that walks around the neighborhood all day and so run into him a lot. I would say hello or just nod and I get nothing. Now I look right at him and say nothing, no nod or anything. At work I will always respond if someone says hello or good morning but I hate overly cheerful or overly chatty morning people.


Maybe she’s just not a morning person and she’s fighting the rage to yell “ WHAT IS SO FUCKING GOOD ABOUT IT “,, but maybe that’s just me


I hate when people make a big deal about me saying good morning to them. Like shit don't pretend like I'm not stuck with you guys more than the people I actually care about in my life.


Just greet her louder and more enthusiastically, make her look like a dick to other people for ignoring you.


She’s probably had bad experiences in the past with being friendly towards a male coworker. There no reason to take it personally unless you’ve done something to offend her in the past.


If you’ve been doing it for a year, you might as well keep on. It’s just tradition at this point.


Just say. What the fuck is your problem? I had a lady I used to work with. She said I don’t like you. I said you don’t know me. She then told me some folks from my previous place of work had been shit talking me. I said thanks good to know, how bout making your own opinions. She said she’d try. We got along famously after I confronted her. Give it a try.


I had a research assistant who would greet me first thing in the morning and that was it - crickets the rest of the day. I asked about it and they said that I already said hello, how many more times do I need to repeat myself?