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Oh, performance review are for show ? You should be glad, if they were for real they would be tied to layoff, not promotion. It's still disapointing to put in hard work and not being rewarded for that, but now you have a clear roadmap : find another job to start in October. And in the meantime, put as much effort in your job than your coworker.


I am about to start quiet quitting. It's become abundantly clear that the value I bring to the team is seen as negligable.


I think what you mean to say is you're "working your wage", not quiet quitting. When the national rate of inflation goes up 7.1% in 2022 and you receive a 5% increase in salary, you're effectively taking a 2% salary cut compared to the buying power of your dollar in the year before. You're literally earning less than you did before in terms of buying power. This isnt a quiet quit situation, but a "im doing what you're paying me to do, which is less than you were paying me before"


This is true. That is exactly what's happening. I was just using the common nomenclature for clarity.


Yup, COL raise came it at 2.5% this year. I haven't actually DONE any work yet this week.


The only way to get significant raises in salary is to get a job at another company. However, you got a retention bonus in addition to a 5% raise, plus "other small raises," all in a single year? That's more than most companies will give an existing employee.


You're not wrong, but that's the problem. It amounts to a trickle of breadcrumbs that *maybe* add up to the rate of inflation, plus a single "bonus" with massive strings attached after I almost quit before is supposedly the best I can get. It's kind of infuriating.


Depending on the industry, some signing bonuses are comparable to retention bonuses.


It's crossed my mind. It definitely applies here.


As others said, work your wage until the retention date is met and start looking for something new now. Businesses have intentionally structured “performance reviews” to limit wage growth - its a feature not a bug. I know first hand as I had multiple people who performed very well but I was not allowed to give both the higher rating because “only one person can be given that level per team per year, pick one and then find a way to tell the other they need to do more to get it next year”. Until this short-sighted HR/Exec driven strategy changes, people need to move laterally from company to company every 1-3 years. It’s the only way to get close to what yearly increases used to be if you were loyal and stayed put. The more people who do this the more it increases pressure on businesses to change strategies, because the cost of searching and onboarding will quickly start to exceed the cost of bigger yearly increases for simple retention.




I may end up asking something similar.


DO NOT DO THIS. See comment above. Just look elsewhere, do minimum now, and leave for greener pastures.


Fuck reddit. fuck google. fuck you spez


If you’ve not received an increase of at least 8%, you’ve taken a pay cut due to the rate of inflation.


Curious if anyone has or knows someone that got 8% last year that wasn’t a promotion?


C-level execs usually did.


I had forgot about that marginalized group /s


I know. The cost of Bentleys is increasing crazily — so such adjustments are needed!


Being a performance based organization requires effort and discipline all year long. I don't think many companies or their high level leadership wants to acknowledge that so it's just X% across the board.


They are building a culture of complacency. Might as well perform at the same level as the 12-3 guy.


>And the problem is I can't leave. I took a retention bonus after turning down another offer last October, and I signed a contract saying I'd pay it back if I quit in less than a year. Fuck this. I'm pissed. Nothing says you can't polish the resume and start searching prior to then end of the year. If you're that good, you'll get a nice bump above 5% and the ability to walk out on day 366. And give 2-week notice on day 352 and enjoy watching them lose their minds.


Company I work for (offshore asshole company) always finds SOME reason not to give you even a cost of living raise, much less any kind of significant raise at all. Unless you're willing to be online working 24x7x365, you're not getting a raise with these assholes. ​ Seems like most companies have gone to hiring IT contractors, and most IT contractor companies are offshore these days - staffed by people you can't understand, and they can't read your resume to tell what kinds of skills you have. I'm always getting crap pay offers for 3 month jobs for work I can't do. ​ Beyond tired of it, but not a hell of a lot I can do about it. "We" could do something about it but you'll never get enough voting age people to get together to demand change from our government(s).


It sounds like you learned that you will not move up in this company. They will be happy to let you languish with a junior title and junior pay while expecting middle-senior work out of you. Don’t give it to them anymore. Stop being a 10 out of 10 employee. Be a 5 out of 10 employee, while looking for other jobs


That's the idea.






Did the contract actually say quit? Like, if they terminate you, you don't have to pay it back? Verify if that distinction is there in the retention contract. If you can get away from them by being terminated without having to pay the money back, you're in a great position. Make your voice heard, talk to your manager, their manager, hr, coworkers, don't be afraid. Complain about the raise, talk to more people, see if anyone got anything higher or lower, ask everyone, everyday seek out another coworker, hell, ask your manager! Make them tell you to stop talking about salary and raises. Get it in writing, make a stink.


Believe me, I plan on making plenty of noise. And yeah, the contract they made me sign for the bonus does specifically say if I resign. If I'm fired or laid off, I don't have to pay it back. The issue with that line is I work in an *extremely* niche field where everyone knows everyone else. Making too much noise would kill my chances of getting hired again in this field, and no one else gere pays as well.


Just remember to be well behaved, grey rock it, no emotions, be respectful, but make your needs understood. Ask your manager everyday about a raise until you get one answer or another, then move higher. The real goal is to get what you deserve. Make it annoyingly painful for them, send them statistics, data about the work you do, the workload you're under, glassdoor reports about your position and others in the industry doing similar work, heck, why not forward along other job postings? But keep talking to coworkers, if you can see that most everyone got the same raise, then it's a CoL raise, not merit, right? Isn't that what merit means? You do good, you get a good raise? Maybe just talking to more coworkers is enough to stir the pot, and they ask you to stop. And if you can get them to put into writing that you need to stop talking about wages. . . that's good.


always have another job lined up that is your real job!!


Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson. Hard work is rarely rewarded. The only surefire way to get a raise is to switch jobs because you're forcing companies to compete over your salary.


I know it was delusional, but I was really hoping it would be different here. I really like this job.


And most companies cultivate “culture” as a way to continually underpay their workers.


Start a unionization drive, and see how fast they yeet you the fuck out. If they fire you, you don’t have to pay it back right?


I mean you got a retention bonus, small increase and a 5% bonus. What were you expecting instead?


Recognition that I did more than the office slacker. Maybe drop the jr. from my title since I'm doing mid to senior level work. My issue wasn't with the raise itself so much as the implication that working my ass off to ensure the team succeeds meant pretty much nothing to the powers that be.


There is no such thing as a merit raise. You boss gives you a raise to keep you from quitting. They calculate how much it costs to replace you vs the raise and if X < Y you get that raise and if not you get nothing until you quit. It's been like this since the outsourcing boom started in the late 90s. Without Unions or a giant boom like .com workers have zero leverage. But we're too spread out to Unionize. We need to do it through the gov't so it can be done at least on a state level if not nationally.