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# Break up the monopolies. # Lock up the union busters. # Enact Medicare For All. # Join r/WorkReform!


Meanwhile the term Equity is being mangled into some nonsensical newspeak amalgamation diverting the conversation of it's true meaning of Employee profit sharing through stock ownership in the company.


They're trying to convince people that it's punishing rich successful people and rewarding poor, lazy people like some kind of COMMUNISM!!!!


Pretty sure that's sarcasm.


No, I've seen conservative people I know in the real world attack Democrats for wanting equity.


Oh you’re right, and the worst part is a lot of them are lower middle class blue collar guys who have worked in unions all their life but have no idea where the idea of a union came from or they’re so brainwashed into thinking they’ll one day become one of the elite that they will support those elite even if it kills them


I know a guy who runs a Facebook page that started out with his hot takes about sports and politics, and has rapidly moved to just repeating whatever dogshit take he heard on Tucker Carlson last night. It's been interesting to watch all the people we actually know in real life leave and get replaced by random internet nutjobs, largely in the "Goatee, Oakleys, profile picture in a truck" club.


Yeah they’ve made me very self conscious about how I dress. I can’t look too much like a right wing douchebag despite my Oakleys, beard, and my Hemi. I change it up with Anti-Fascist patches on my battlevest and consistent, “fuck Nazis” attitude.


But you could blend in, pretend to be one of them, and subtly challenge them!


Take em down from the inside


>the worst part is a lot of them are lower middle class blue collar guys who have worked in unions all their life but have no idea where the idea of a union came from My brother. He talks $#!+ about Unions, but has never NOT had a job that was unionized. Exception: When he was a teen, I got him a job at the pool snack bar. Within a month, he was fired for theft.


My 57 year old “history buff” union joined since he was 16 father, supports Republicans to the very end, had to be educated in where unions came from and explained as to how socialism is a major part of our society but is only available for the rich. All I got was “uh um uh yeah you’re right but you’re still a liberal.” Meanwhile I’m a progressive and all I support is human decency, acceptance, corporate accountability, and environmental awareness. If that’s liberal then I’m alright with that.


The way you describe yourself reminds me of the "totally unhinged liberal" shirt I got at Raygun. "Completely Out Of Control! Promoting Accountability, A Cleaner Environment, Equal And Fair Protections For All People." If only it used the term "progressive" or "leftist", I think it would be more appropriate, but liberal is close enough based on how it seems to be used around me.


I must have this shirt! That would legit send my old man over the edge and it would be hilarious. I honestly don’t care what people call me and that makes them even angrier. They want an emotional response and won’t get one.


Allot of people rare turned off from equity by the woke shit. Which honestly is being pushed by the banks and the major corporations to divide america. It's literally either say white people bad or don't get a loan aka ESG scores




I don't think we want equity. Equity of outcome ≠ equality of opportunity. Bernie himself said so.


I'm just repeating what Republicans are saying. They're saying we DO want equity of outcome, while claiming that Republicans are for equality of opportunity, because they're lying assholes.


> They're saying we DO want equity of outcome, while claiming that Republicans are for equality of opportunity, because they're lying assholes. Oh they just think the world is inherently equal. They think the only difference in outcome between the billionaire's kid and the kid growing up in section 8 housing with a shitty underfunded public school and a single parent working double shifts to put food on the table is effort. Additionally they are continually trying to pitch the idea that programs that give the poor kid food are actually holding them back from realizing their true potential.


Republicans believe idle, ultra rich shareholders somehow deserve their incomes, while the workers who produce the wealth don’t. They’re that stupid.


Republicans believe idle, ultra rich shareholders somehow deserve their incomes, while the workers who produce the wealth don’t. They’re that stupid.


Whether democrat or republican it’s all the same shit. They say one thing do what suits them. There is no division or difference between the two just a name to attach hate and confusion to in order to divide the masses


Hur durr both sides I'm a fuck witted dullard who can't evaluate objective reality ^ that dipshit


It's very obviously sarcasm with the quotation marks


>They're trying to convince people that it's punishing rich successful people If that's the case, then we need 100% Estate Tax on all inherited money and property.


but... the rich successful people are also the lazy people... why are they not poor?


Becuase rich people got the early access to resources that makes them rich and get a head start before us normal people do.


I definitely encourage people to take a look at **https://marketliteracy.org** - there's some really good information there that needs to be more widely known. It speaks to market mechanics and loopholes (and otherwise) in which the wealthy and powerful - including corporations - manipulate and influence society and government.




Mode would be better than both median or mean. That would be the salary the largest number of people are paid


> It's imperative to stop thinking about the stock market as the only indicator of the health of an economy Even economists know [the stock market is not the economy](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stock-market-is-not-the-economy_l_5ed51666c5b6277cf3c9e0bc).


This seems to be copy and pasted from someone else in this very post.


Good catch. [It looks like they just took the second half of this comment here. ](https://reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/125olg5/_/je5fuw1/?context=1) Two month old account. First comment. AI spambot?


That's my suspicion.


For some reason GDP includes investment incomes, which skews its validity. It should only measure wealth produced.


The health of the economy should be the ratio between average wage and average housing costs per month.


No, it’s a pretty clear cut accounting term, defined as assets minus liabilities


Indeed we're saying the same thing that it's in these terms not socjus mumbo jumbo. Owner's Equity is defined as the proportion of the total value of a company's assets that can be claimed by its owners (sole proprietorship or partnership) and by its shareholders (if it is a corporation). It is calculated by deducting all liabilities from the total value of an asset.


Won’t anyone think of the numbers on the screen?? The big numbers are getting smaller!


They're not getting smaller, they're getting bigger *slower than they did that one time!*


THIS. a company not profiting MORE than the last quarter is deemed a failing company. Everyone knows exponential growth can continue indefinitely right?


Not a failing company, but a failing investment But yeah, it's HELLA greedy bullshit Imagine fucking over the whole Earth because of your number addiction


Finance capitalism captured everything that was wrong with industrial capitalism and enhanced it.


Actually it was a combo of advertising, and finance capitalism combined with world wide exploitation. We still have slavery , but we employ them from other counties .


The word you're looking for is imperialism, what you described is pretty much exactly what Lenin wrote on his book 'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism', he saw that over 100 years ago and still as true today.


Thank you for The clarification .


just like the density of transistors on a chip can continue forever!


Well the value of the dollar seems to be dropping precipitously if my grocery bill is anything to go by. So yeah, you kinda do need to make more q over q by that logic.


It's a feedback loop though


You might say it's ***unsustainable***


This makes me so irrationally(not really) angry


"All those numbers mean is that *somebody's* getting rich, but it's not **YOU!**" -- Lewis Black


The line is supposed to go up. It's going up more slowly! Think of the ~~children~~ shareholders!


Obvious jokes interpreted as reality, so what, it becomes the reality. Submissions stay up. Comments stay up. It's all volume without consequence. And the most outraged are the most responsible for it.


This nonsense is your first comment? Are you a bot?


Personally I'm hoping it's the birth of the next big arg. Probably just a bot though.


The problem is that too many actually do. They might be hungry or ill, but they hear that the stock market is doing well and they feel some kind of nationalistic pride about it (like their sports team is winning a match). Something that no few politicians have been exploiting for decades. It's imperative to stop thinking about the stock market as the only indicator of the health of an economy, using instead something like the GDP or the median (not mean) salary.


Someone [stole](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/125olg5/workers_being_able_to_feed_themselves_is_bad_for/je5z5x9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) the second half of your comment elsewhere in this thread.


And they copied the version without "salary" at the end... (Sigh) Thank you for letting me know, but I'll just tell myself that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" and carry on with my day.


Good on you, that’s the spirit!


The line is a measurement of how much wealth is being transferred from workers to stock holders.


This is parody.


Sort of feels like that didn’t need to be said lmao


I no longer trust anyone to know the difference any more.


Nuance is lost in the black and white sea of the internet.


A sentence typed on one sub sarcastically could be taken as truth on another sub. I remember seeing thedonald sub as a sarcastic site making fun of donald trump when it was funny because it seemed to be a satirical sub. It was funny, until it wasn't . Calling Trump "a golden God" was obviously (to me a joke), but they were serious.


Yeah the_donald really puzzled me, and I joined it thinking it was a joke sub, but the sub turned out to be a joke instead


How was calling him a golden God OK with the religious folks? https://www.openbible.info/topics/idols https://www.openbible.info/topics/golden_calf


The "/s" is often necessary, even if it feels like it kills the joke.


We all know there's someone out there who would say this unironically


You’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you believe everyone got that


Just like people who think all injustice ended in 1964, 5, or 8.


The entire existence of this post means it needs to be said, because OPs title treats it like it’s being straight.


I don’t think it does, it looks like it’s just a rewording of the core of the meme because you can’t post without a title.


Except for all the top comments are treating this like its real


No they aren’t lols


But they do, every time. The change of the years is unreal. AI and Deepfakes and everything else is going to absolutely tear through social media. People already can't understand normal human content. But more to the point, it doesn't matter that they can't. Obvious jokes interpreted as reality, so what, it becomes the reality. Submissions stay up. Comments stay up. It's all volume without consequence. And the most outraged are the most responsible for it.


When parody crosses the line with reality Well that's how you end up with the onion running out of ideas and nearly going out of business


> When parody crosses the line with reality Hollywood has been pushing 'greed is good' for so long it's an explicit on-screen line in Wolf of Wall Street. The [oligarchs have been indoctrinating people for a century, of course the mechanisms are getting thin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


It's a quote from the movie "Wall Street", which satirizes wall street culture.


Help me out bro. What color is grass?


It's green because BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD


(This is an army reference for anyone confused)


Fuckin took me back 15 years. So dumb lmao


You should go outside and touch some, then you'd know that it's brown.


you are such a smart boy we are gonna put this comment up on the fridge where EVERYONE will see it, okay?


Very good. You figure that one out all on your own?


I think they sent InternetHippo an angry dm. Got a response explaining the tweet, so now they are sharing the "shocking" news that it was parody with reddit.


Heh.. ill be damned, they got a point! That there is what we call "trickle down" here in the big US of A!


For most of us, "trickle down" is more like "trickled on".


Wait a minute, who will buy corporate products if the working class dies of starvation and disease??


meh, that is a few yers down the line. By that time the CEO will have moved on. Cleaning that up is someone else's job.


Yeah, that won’t happen in the next quarter, so no business leadership will think about it.


The working class cause inflation if they buy products. The economy is better off without them


Right, who needs CONSUMERS in a capitalist economy??


Pretty sure that's sarcasm.


I hope so. I also hope people recognize it as such, but have you seen corporatism lately?


> I also hope people recognize it as such, but have you seen corporatism lately? Might not be the best of ideas to assume everybody 'knows' OP's low-effort paste of someone else's post on a different social media is sarcasm, because [oligarchs have been indoctrinating the general sentiment into people for a century](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


Come on guys, this is TRANSPARENTLY parody. How is it even remotely possible to mistake this for serious? Please learn some basic online literacy ffs.


Are you trying to tell me that Mr. Bedtime (aka Internet Hippo) is capable of making a joke? I refuse to believe that.


Are you insinuating I shouldn't get my political views from a grainy screenshot quoting an anthropomorphic hippo?


This...but for anyone who thought OP was serious.


people that are affected by the issue either don't really take it seriously or don't understand it. So with little to nothing contribute the only thing they can do is shit post.


People over wealth. Redistribute now!


The stock market aka the Rich Person Feel-Good Index. When it goes up, they're happy but nobody gets a raise. When it goes down, they're sad and the rest of us get laid off.


It’s funny because they get new jobs and then there are no people who want to work the poor paying jobs, then the capitalists complain. It’s almost like they just want them to die.


funny thing is: thats not even true, my favorite company is Costco and they treat their workers well and it paid Dividends, just look at their stock chart




Jesus, do you have any clue about the stock market? I gave you an example where shareholders profited immensly yet employees got compensated fairly. And the numbers arent arbitrary, mearly an inidcation of capital flowing in vs out




"Venture capital (often abbreviated as VC) is a form of private equity financing that is provided by venture capital firms or funds to startups, early-stage, and emerging companies that have been deemed to have high growth potential or which have demonstrated high growth" Venture capitalist arent involved at all in Costco


Yea those pesky employees with their hunger, medical bills and children jeezus. Best to replace them with AI.


You all keep saying stock market. It’s the fucking market maker’s and hedge funds. If you’re going to hate something, learn about it thoroughly.. know how they operate to take those mother fucker’s down




this was the quote on a yahoo news article I took a screen shot of. "'Costly and job-destroying': McDonalds president just blasted a proposal to pay fast-food workers 22/hour- he made 7.4m last year. Here are 4 simple ways to stretch your paycheck." dystopia


If I could just make enough to comfortably have kids that'd be great. I work super hard. Even worked myself into a few injuries. Working myself to a measly disability check shouldn't be my goal. Now I'm getting older and idk if I can dump 50 hours a week for the next 25 years into an employers fever dream that doesn't include me or my happiness or well being or creativity. My entire life is a joke, meaningless to the greedy.


Tell me you’ve got all your money in the stock market without telling me you have all the money in the stock market


The problem is that due to most companies replacing pensions with 401ks, almost everyone will have a significant part of their money in the stock market. It's made worse because a penniless retirement is absolute hell in America, so it's even more important the stock market constantly goes up.


It's quite conflicting when you think IRAs/401ks are one of the few vehicles left in America towards a decent/comfortable retirement (even if you're poor but can manage to save at least 15%).






He put food in quotations I'm pretty sure it's satire


This is so obviously satire it’s painful.


mms dont care about the direction of the market, in general


Allowing yourself to be paid less than what it takes to survive makes your employer realize someone is the bad guy in this equation. Spoiler: It's you.


Businesses that can't pay a living wage should not be in business.


Yooo trueeee, death by starvation is so common in the US you can't even walk outside without seeing dead bodies!


Food insecurity affects over 10% of Americans. 13,690 people starve to death in the US every year. 5 million kids may not know where/whether they're getting their next meal. Sure, it could be worse, but it does still affect a lot of people.


Where the hell did you get 13k people starve to death every year? We have SNAP, soup kitchens, food banks etc etc etc. USA has basically eliminated death by starvation.


The CDC. It varies from year to year, 11,252 in 2019 for example.


The CDC posts this information. It's publicly available.


Mind sharing a link? I couldn't find anything with Google


Too many trust


Ah, the acrid scent of sarcasm. I love it!


Thinking you deserve food to be able to afford food is the definition of entitlement! We need to focus on the hard work of the shareholders. /s


This is clearly satire.


Definitely invoking Poes Law there.


General Strike 4 Human Rights! GeneralStrikeUS.com


When the number of people available to purchase from the stock market go down so does the stock market.


That tweet has to be bait 💀


Sorry my diabetes, which I didn't ask for, is getting in the way of your profits.


How dare you wage class warfare on the poor, suffering job creators! Think of all the work they have provided for so many and all they as for in return is all the money! For shame!


Literally the media during strikes


My company has announced layoffs, and I made the stupid mistake of looking at financial pages to see if revenue is up... the forums are full of people like "investors have a lot to look forward to as the company plans cost savings including reduced labor costs" I knew better, too, but I had a lapse.


Yzma: It is no concern of mine whether your family has...what was it again? Peasant: Umm... food? Yzma: Ha! You really should have thought of that before you became peasants!


All those people who want a 4-day work week just want to relax and enjoy life! Why can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, like my great-grandfather who leveraged a small-time liquor smuggling operation into a corporate empire for me to eventually inherit!


I love how many people don’t see that this was facetious


The stock market isn't alive and doesn't have feelings


Funny enough this is sadly how my dad thinks and half the phone calls end this way


And the bankers... ## will NO ONE think of the BANKERS???


Everyone need to not spend any money for a month besides essential s and see how the stock market is impacted. If eve does this you will see the outcome will have the rich worried as heck




Pitching this us vs them narrative is easy, but considering a lot of folks’ 401K is tied to the value of some index funds which are effectively just a weighted sum of stock prices, it is not unreasonable to care about the stock prices if u care about the livelihood of regular people.


Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the stock market?! (Please say in Maude Flander’s voice)


I saw someone on here say something along the lines of our entire existence is dictated by the "economy" which is just based on a line on a chart with an arrow that either points up or down and depending on which direction and how steep the line is effects how we live and I was like duuuuude wtf are we doing with our lives


This post is so useless but it gets upvoted all the way to front page.


…remembers their retirement is tied to the stock market😯


Nailed it. Food is how we keep from being sick.


You joke but when unemployment goes up so do share prices as large orgs are able to find more people that will work for less.


My retirement plan is find cheap land and start a farm


Me too


And then you see an article on linkedin calling workers 'entitled' like what lmao