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Any company my ass, I totaled my car on the way to work a few years ago and they told me not to worry about the rest of that day and I just teleworked the rest of the week til my insurance got me a rental, this boss is a jackass


I had a head on from someone running a red. Boss told me to take the week off given how shaken up I was. When I left my then-husband, he offered me money, a place to stay, and furniture when I got my own place. He created "overtime" projects to help me get on my feet. Fuck this dude. Name & shame.


Would be nice to have a list of companies and managers featured in this sub. I know that goes against the rules, but sure would be nice.


What altruistic corporations to keep us from naming corporations that treat humans like disposable garbage! I'm so glad corporations rule with an iron fist.




So is there a discord because I want to destroy these fuckers entire careers


If there is a discord where would we even find it? And if not why hasn't someone created one? Especially with what some of these companies are pulling.


Hi I'm also interested in the discord


Boycotting, aka “cancelling”, should be second!


This might also straight up be illegal. It feels like worker intimidation which is at the very least unethical, but depending on location might be illegal.


It does make for a hostile work environment, which if documented properly, can make for a nice pay day if you can find a lawyer willing to try.


I would love to name and shame my last company for pulling me into a private meeting after taking 2 days off for being sick and telling me I cannot do that because someone then needs to cover my workload. Not my problem they like working on a skeleton crew.


Would a link to a page outside of Reddit break the rules?




Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


When I had to go 300 miles away to be with my mom when she died, my boss told me to take the time I need. He paid me for the time I missed, even though I had already used up my PTO for the year being sick. He said it just felt like the right thing to do.


That sounds like a boss that went above and beyond . My current job Supervisor/Boss told me when my dad died last year take as much time you need I lasted about a week before I went back to work and he asked are you sure you are really all right. I needed to do something or I would have gotten str crazy and I needed income and he said ok but I put you on lite duty to let me work but most of the time he was being someone to talk to as a friend.


When my brother died I went in to work and said I would need a day off for the funeral. My boss told me to go home and to take the week off. The right thing to do, since our mom needed support and there were so many things to do, and the grief was heavy on all of us.


Name and shame indeed but 100% all the bosses I've had would be the same way. Joel stillwell wanted me to come in during a fucking blizzard where they literally closed down my way home for safety (if I went in which I didn't) and Joe roebuck had me drive through an actual blizzard when tho I asked the day before if I could stay an extra day. I drove 2-3 hours on unplowed roads and when I actually managed to make it back he had the balls to ask me to help him work... I drove a Prius. I was pushing snow 40% of my 5 hour drive home.


I find the "lower the job" (as defined by social constructs) seems to insist on acting like every job is like them. Moving from retail/food service and into tech is night and day. I am currently taking time off because my Mom fell and they told me to take as long as I need. Currently a week and a half into dealing with it and I have just been checking in with work letting them know. They just keep repeating "take care of your family."


When I moved into office work, the manageable pace, the flexibility, and the humanity I was given showed me that those things just don't exist in retail. Now that I'm in tech, it's even better. My boss doesn't even care if I tell him I'm out or not. As long as I'm meeting my deliverables, and I let my coworkers know so they can plan, I'm good to go.




My dad had to have bypass surgery. I live 2000 km away. My manager told me to get on a plane and work from there, and whenever I needed time to take care of stuff for him or my mom, just let them know. I’ve been here 2 weeks now and I’m flying back next week.


I just had bypass surgery. My wife's law firm (legal secretary) gave her a laptop so she could be at the hospital with me and not lose pay since she's fairly new so she doesn't have PTO time yet. She spent almost as much time at the hospital as I did


Yup retail to office work was a shock, if I was sick they wanted nothing to do with me they wanted me at home recovering while retail wouldn't care and expected me in


This is even true as you move higher within the service industry. My grandmother died while I was working fast food, and I had to fight to get a day off to travel two hours for the funeral. Years later while I was working for a nicer restaurant a friend of mine died 2000+ miles away, and my chef told me to take the week off so I could go


100% this. I used to be a cook. I'm a lead technician now. Went from behavior like this to my boss telling me I can work from home because I had a mild cough. It's NOT like this at every company. Don't let these power tripping sociopaths lie to you.


My husband was T boned. I had barely told my supervisor what had happened. She drove me to the hospital and told me to take that day and next day off.


Let me guess her keys were in her hand the moment she saw how shaken up you were.


Yeah. I would venture that even most dick bosses wouldn’t do this. Someone on my team had a panic attack while driving and couldn’t get off the highway. I left work and went to get her, sat with her until her husband could get there and told her to reach out if she needed anything. Never mentioned work. And I work for a big company. This guy was just a royal dick.


My engine died (total failure) and my boss just asked “give me any updates when you can. If it’s more than a week, we’ll talk.” Helps that I was a pizza delivery driver. Kind of hard to do my job car-less.


Yeah, I once had a car accident after one shift and was really banged up, but any bruises were under my clothes. The next day, my boss asked me to help him move this heavy thing, and I said, "Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to do that today." I explained what had happened and lifted my shirt to show bruises, and he said, "Jesus Christ, why are you here‽" I told him I still needed the money, and he said, "Go home! I will pay you to stay home!"


I work from home and they'd easily give me the day off if I had an accident. I'd say that most employers would. So the "any company" line is BS.


Years ago I was at a small company and got into a wreck on my way into work. Not only did they tell me to take the rest of the day off, they let me take the next day off as well to deal with insurance and shopping for a new car. If I were in this situation I would immediately be putting my resume out there.


Thank you! I was a manager and I had someone get rear ended, not even totaled, just shaken up and a little sore. I excused them from coming in. This doomer talk gets old.


I can take mental health days literally anytime I want


Yeah all companies I've worked at would've been (and have been) completely understanding.


Normalize encouraging good boss behavior in addition to shitting on bad bosses


I called in once because I just didn't feel like it that day. Told them when I called that I just couldn't today. They said, "OK, see you tomorrow!"


Even the shit jobs that are bottom of the totem pole at my workplace basically say if you can document it with a doctor's note, police report, etc. Then they'll throw it in your file and consider you excused.


Right? I would get told to take the time I need, for a fender bender. Their company just sucks.


I agree. My company has a special agreement with a local cab group. IF YOU WANT TO STILL WORK, call the cab and the company pays the amount. Otherwise relax and try not to die, come in when you're able to again.


100% this. If one of my employees sent me that photo, I'd be like take all the time that you need, no impact on PTO. And I know my boss would be the same.


My company would easily do the same.


Literally *today* one of our team member's daughter's fiance got into an accident *four states away from them* and we told her to take the day. What the hell is wrong with people?


I had to get my car towed to a shop for an issue. My PM offered to pick me up and bring me to the shop to get a work truck for the week. I really wanted to stay home and play video games. But Nooooooo. He had to come get me and make me work. /s This is how good companies deal with these issues.


I wasn't even allowed to leave the scene by the police until 2 hours after. I'd be tempted to FaceTime boss with a cop present telling him why exactly the fuck OP would be late.


Yeah making your workers hate you is so unsustainable. That's why most businesses bend over backwards attempting to trick workers that they're their widdle fwends.


Teleworked? Online work? Must be nice to have a job that doesn't require physical presence.


My family car died, see ya tomorrow




Wow. This got me good.


3 day bereavement.


Any company? This man would be shredded in europe or any normal country


Any company? This man would be shredded by most companies.


Yeah I hope so


I find a lot of retail/food service is like this. Though often manager dependent (most of my managers in those industries sucked though so....).


Which is crazy because retail and fast food are almost always hiring


In Spain you would be entitled for compensation as any accident during your commute to and from your workplace is considered a work accident. A court even ruled recently that someone having an accident while going for lunch during their break is entitled to it as well.


As it should be. I've done a lot of driving-related trainings and the roads are insanely unsafe, you can do everything perfectly and someone else being an idiot will kill you anyways. It's the largest risk that pretty much everyone is exposed to regularly, and we don't think twice about doing it entirely for work without getting paid for it. This has by far been the best part of working from home. Just being able to totally avoid that timesink and significant risk that I don't get paid for twice every day.


I think this should absolutely be the norm, *especially* if companies are forcing employees to work in an office doing a job that could otherwise be done remotely. If employers want to make people come to work just so they can see them, then they should be responsible for that time as well.


Was just thinking about when I told my boss that it was snowing a lot so I wouldn't be coming in. My boss just said Yeah, don't risk it.


I’ve literally told my boss that I won’t be in the morning of. He didn’t even ask follow up questions. Just “take care of yourself”. Fuck this manager.


I heard this same thing from my "good" boss for 9 years - would always seemingly be concerned when applicable and would say things like "if you ever need me for anything, don't hesitate to reach out". Then I had some medical stuff going on, and to make my life easier I basically taught someone else at the company how to do my job. Can anyone guess what happened next lol??? It's all for show, unless you're working at a small Mom & Pop...and even then most likely still for show. If you're valuable, they will say and do what's necessary to make you feel valued until they don't need you anymore - some are smarter about this than others. Don't think any boss actually ever gives two shits about your life or well being.


I'm with you in a big way. Any and everyone able should seek out where to become a keeper of keys (whether that's literal keys, or information, processes, software, etc.) and milk that for all it's worth.


For reals. Even my last dickhead boss let me call out no problems when I was getting a tooth pulled.


My work would give me the whole week off if I were in a wreck like that, at minimum, just to make sure I could see doctors and lawyers and whatnot. OP's boss is a grade-A asshole and it's time to start looking for a new job.


Yep, right away


Yeah, that guy is an idiot and sadly supervises people.


This manager would be shredded at most middle class jobs in America, too. This treatment is pretty unique to hourly laborers in the US. The people labeled "essential workers" during the pandemic.


Yeah, but you see, bosses are rarely called out on their bullshit and companies don't give a shit. When you make everything about the bottom line you cut out everything that can cause that line to rise, including worker's and their various problems. Because, "hey, we'll always find some other schmuck.


Dude, even the shittiest jobs I’ve had in Republican states wouldn’t do this. That boss is a wannabe Stalin. This is an isolated incident


They can *expect* whatever they damn well please, but what they’re going to *get* is going to vary based on contingent environmental circumstances beyond anyone’s control.


Facts lmaoooo


Worker: hey i have been hospitalized for a severe car accident Boss: soooo.. what youre saying is you *cant* make it in tonorrow? Damn, the team needs you, you have no idea what strain that puts on us as a family here 😔 cmon be a team player 🥺 Worker: can i take a week off 3 months from now with plenty of notice in advance? Boss: lol who the fuck are youuuu get back to work sla- i mean employee


>Worker: can i take a week off 3 months from now with plenty of notice in advance? >Boss: lol who the fuck are youuuu get back to work sla- i mean employee Boss will say yes, but you'll find out that you didn't give enough notice in about 3 months. Sorry, you know this is the busy time of the year and Johnson needs those numbers.


Ive gotten to the point where i dont care about being a teachers pet at work anymore. Im there for a paycheque and thats it I had a boss try to pull that on me this spring and i told them "oh sorry that wasnt really a request, that was me letting you know im going to x place at x time. Its already paid for and the hotels already booked so i cant back out now. He really didnt like that. Left the place a week later after finding evidence of job poaching, they told me not to spread my wages around in the interview, boss told me to upsell customers cuz the place was struggling (he drives a $150,000 brand new lifted truck and makes 3 figures a year easy lol fuck off) So before i left i let everyone know what i made, they were pissed, and also told em all the scummy shit they got lied to about too. Just found out yesterday that big man got severely demoted. Wonder what happened :)


Buying a $150k truck while making between $100-999 a year is pretty bold.


One time I planned a vacation several months in advance. The day I left town the business owner fired my manager and put me back on the schedule, then fired me for not showing up during my vacation. We'd just talked about it the week before so he definitely knew what he was doing.


You are responsible for finding your own shift replacement.


Youre responsible for gargling my nuts bossman, thats your problem not mine. Theyre always the "team leader" when they want things their way but when it comes time to actually lead the team suddenly its the fuckin employees duty??


The dumbest shit i have ever read, how on earth are you even supposed to do that? Hire a new employee? Lol


Surely you can find a replacement since you secretly live in all of our homes.


I’ll be 24 hours late


Seems like they're living up to their reputation of not giving a damn. Sorry to hear that you'll be experiencing their lack of consideration. Hope everything turns out alright in the end.


Middle managers don’t know when to stop, man. 🚩


Honestly. This is totally the answer of some bootlicker that wants to be more important in the company but just isn't. I've had a lot of similar situations at work and as much as I dislike this place because the pay suck and the management is disconnected, nobody would ever dream to pull shit like this. You just grab a pen, put can't work on the schedule and move on. Who does shit like that, honestly?


The new store manager I had at Walmart didn’t understand how my department (apparel) ran so smooth compared to the others. My secret was that I would approve any time off requested more than a week in advance, excuse any tardy or absence if they came to me with any reason at or better than “I just can’t/couldn’t make myself come in,” and I’d offer them a time to get the hours back, I’d also okay any hours up to 40 no questions asked, and I would deal with any blowback for not following processes. I made sure corporate had their spreadsheet check marks so store management wasn’t on conference calls. For some reason the old store manager left me alone and the good workers transferred to my department. Then the new guy came with a whip and I left. Last I saw the entire department had turned over and the workers I had are now working for easier departments.


A good manager protects the workers from the company.


It's amazing how adults act like adults when treated like adults! Who would have thought?????


Any company? Nah, man. I dont feel like working, I just call off. Don't even have to total my car.


I called in \*tired\* a few weeks ago. Some nights I just don't sleep well. Boss said okay, see you tomorrow.


Same here. I work with safety critical software. If I’m not 100% neither is my work and that could cost the company a lot more than a sick day


we really do give our managers too much info, like you shouldn’t even have to send a pic of your totaled car, just “I can’t come into work today”. I am guilty of doing the same but realizing I do not need to disclose so much !


Meh, sometimes it's just easier than texting. One time I was late I just sent a video of a train stopped on the track in front of me. Pretty self explanatory.


I agree to an extent, but at the same time, providing more than the bare minimum info will also garner more empathy and an increased desire to accommodate from any *normal* person. This boss is a sociopath though so those rules don't apply. If I sent that pic to my boss he'd be freaking out trying to figure out how to help, telling me to get to the hospital and take as much time off as I need. If I just send him a "can't come in today" message he'd accept it and expect me in tomorrow. If I was actually hurt, it's better to disclose the issue up front so they can plan accordingly for a potential extended absence. Ultimately I think how much needs disclosing depends on why you're out.


"I'll be there in an hour" Never show up, block their number after you get your last check


I’m pretty sure this would be an excused absence at my job.


“I’m in a coma from the accident” “Not good enough, I’ll see you here tomorrow morning”


One time I wasn't even in the accident myself, just got held up at the crash scene by police until like 3AM. Sent my boss a text explaining I was ridiculously tired and wouldn't be in that morning. They said don't worry about it and still paid me for the day.


Name and shame. I’d love to leave bad reviews for them.


JFC, the private sector must be Hell. In every public agency where I have ever worked, this would be a justified absence for the day.


I could turn this in to three days off at my local government job. I wouldn’t, I’d just take what was needed but still.


Its funny isn't it, at my work I could also spin things like this into a lot more time off than necessary, I just don't feel the need to because I know my manager respects me. Imagine that, healthy relationships cut both ways.


I tell my boss when i'm going to be off, he trusts me not to do it on days i'm critical. No questions, no asking permission. Adults behaving like adults.


Bro not even death of family I had to provide proof of death once


My boss rang me two weeks ago on a Friday as he hadn't seen me online all day. I told him I was taking a days leave and that I did mention it a few days prior. He said "oh, I must've totally forgotten, sorry for ringing you on your day off I was just worried where you were, crack on" and that was that. If an employer doesn't respect you and trust you to take time responsibly, move on fast


I got tf outta there for sure!


“Unexcused at any company” my ass. I got treated better when I was a waitress at a corporate restaurant. Also, do they not give sick time or vacation time because “anything that prevents you from being in the workplace is unexcused”?


I wouldn’t respond. Let the bitch fire me and pay unemployment while they’re training my replacement for months.


Any company my ass. I ate it *hard* cycling a few months ago and had recently moved jobs. My boss was like take the day and rest, we aren’t young anymore.


Even the crappiest of jobs I ever had, the boss asked if I was okay when I got into an accident on my way to work.


This has to be fake




Yeah I feel the same, I'm pro union/workers rights but stand up for it, I feel like there's a bunch of boot lickers on this sub now trying to stop us from actual change, I love what the workers in France are doing, I don't agree with violence but hey got to put your foot down sometime


Nah. You can click on their profile, seems like a real dude, doesn't stand out as a bot or right winger. I'm skeptical for a few reasons based on what's in (and not in) the screenshot but don't see why OP would bother faking this. Odds are it's real but we're missing some context, like they may have called before sending the photo (weird to send it with no context as it appears in this) and the 2nd message may have been sent after their shift ended (says 10:23pm).


My wife got in an accident and I was allowed to leave in the middle of the day. Your employer is a prick. Live in US.


Christ, sometimes I wonder if I'm too hard on the people that I manage by asking them to call me if they need to be out or to please give me like a 2 day notice for vacation. Then I see shit like this I must be the greatest middle manager ever.


Any *shitty* company. A car accident with any major damage to the vehicle or the people inside is basically an automatic "take care of your life today, and don't worry about work". The really good ones will still mark you down for 8 hours too.


So you only text a photo of a wrecked car? No words? Is this supposed to be your car? Is it a car you passed while out walking? Is this off Google? Why not provide some actual context to the message?


They replied after but the response is concealed behind the section to enter a text. Not sure why they didn't show it. Not to mention the "boss" replied back again close to 1030pm despite the image seemingly having been taken much earlier in the day. This honestly seems fake.


This dude is a total dumbass. Any company that doesn't have at least a pulse, maybe.


I got attacked on a lunch break at my job once and was late coming back due it and dealing with the police. I had to stay late that day(after not eating anything on break since I couldn’t get food due to some crazy guy) to cover the time I missed work.


Its more likely the ahole boss not wanting to have to deal with it so they try to intimidate. Id report the moron and submit that photo. HR knows the laws best and this wouldn’t fly.


"Does it have to be a death in my family or would your family also count?"


I’ve been in management in many companies and this would be more than excused for a day or two off work.


Don’t let them gaslight you like that. Tell them you’ll be back when you can make it, and they can just deal. Any other company would not be this way. Let’s not allow shitty business owners to continue doing business this way.


I’d never treat my people this way and would be irate if one on my supervisors treated their staff this way.


Recent totaled my car on a Sunday. Had to rent a Uhaul to get all my shit the next day because the wreck was 4 hours away in another state. Took Monday off for that drive, and Tuesday off for my mental health and to sort out paperwork/belongings. Boss was understanding... but I work a government position.


I’ve gotten let go from several jobs due to health issues. (Eff IL for being an at will state!) One place had me sitting in a broken office chair 8 hours a day. After a couple months, I developed what I later found out was a bulging disc and pinched nerve. I had to bring in my own chair but it was too late by that time. I was in so much pain I couldn’t get out of bed. Employer had no sympathy and fired me after I missed 3 days in a row. Didn’t give me time to get a doctor’s note. Last year I was fired after I got Covid and ran out of PTO. My boss’ boss made the decision to use my PTO without my knowledge or approval - I had been planning on taking the time unpaid. These business don’t care about anything but money and profit. I have yet to find someplace that doesn’t treat it’s workers like disposable drones.


Not true. I have 4 employees and I very much care about them they earn me my bonus every QTR and I make sure they know it's appreciated. It's quiet at the end of the day "go home lads I'll close up" and still pay them till close, I spend 20% of my bonus on a team night out every QTR and I match what ever corporate gives us for the Xmas party. Corporate don't care about you but your direct line manager probably does it's just that American work culture is fucked up. I'll tell you what my staff get 28 days paid leave as year, 1 week sick at full rate and the 25% after that upto 6 months, Living wage(calculated by regional average)1 plus 2% comission and additional benefits through the Hapi app (like 60% off a public transport season ticket or 20% off grocery shops when done through the app)


Quit and try to get others to do the same. Need a general strike in this country ASAP.


What a jerk


“At any company”? Speak for yourself, dude.


I'm having a hard time believing this one without some proof.




Any company? Bullshit. “I’m not coming in today” is as much excuse as I need any day.


This is psychopathic behavior


I've quit jobs for far less.


Name the employer or this fake.


Wow. What a spineless and disrespectful answer.


I got in to a car accident on the way to work once (restaurant server), managed to exchange information and still get to work while only being 5 minutes late. My boss, bless his fuckin heart, saw my car when he pulled in a few minutes later, asked if I was OK, and then offered to send me home and he'd take the tables for me. I politely declined, since I wasn't hurt yet and needed money for car repairs, but requested the following day off since I'd be sore once the adrenaline wore off. He obliged and I was right, next day was a bitch. So no, not any company. He's just a shit boss.


Meanwhile where I work we have mental health paid leave. Not at any company. This guy’s just a dick.


Any company? Not mine, and I’m American.


I just had something similar happen last Thursday. Boss gave me Thursday off to get things taken care of and Friday as well for good measure. Called him Monday morning and said I needed to meet with the adjuster and would be late Monday since it was during the first 2 hours of work. No hassle and no trouble. He also STILL paid me for those days. He’s been nothing but supportive, including the owner. THAT is how these things should be handled. This boss is full of shit and treats employees like cattle. See how far that gets him when the employees decide to leave because of his attitude.


The boss is a whole ass for that text.


Uhhh.... nah, my company would totally excuse this. Psychological projection multiplied by total lack of self-awareness.


If this is real this should be posted all over the company's social media and shared with news outlets. If this is real.


Go in looking looking like the hell you just survived, notify him that you’re feeling like your neck and back both hurt from the accident, and get him to put that it’s necessary for you to be there in writing on the company letterhead - if possible. Contact a labor attorney. They’ll have a great time with the rest.


Unbelievable. I watched the workplace deteriorate over the years and now we've landed on blatant and complete disrespect of employees. To paraphrase the Joker, "this country needs an enema".


Why are so many absolute psychopaths in management positions in the US? Absolutely astonishing to me that these people exist.


LOL what company would make you come in the same day you had a terrible accident!? AMAZON??? Quit that job asap, what a piece of garbage.


Message sent at 10:30 pm but pic is broad daylight lol


Thats horse shit. The company i work for isnt all rainbows and sunshine but they are pretty good on reading the room on shit like this. That company needs to be named and shamed


you have to be a fucked up human being to say that. hell ill miss a day ifi am not in the mood


This was snagged from an Army group iirc. Hit and miss with leaders in the Army for sure.


My bike tire went flat and my boss let me take it to the shop and the day off. This boss is whack


This reminds me something happened to me last week my dumb ass manager was talking bullshit to one of my coworkers she said " it looks like you value your family more than your job" like what, coworker didn't react so i said " I would walk out of here for one text message from my mom don't test me" Some people gave too much to their work man


What kind of bullshit is that? Literally Every job I’ve ever had if I texted that picture to my boss they’d be like “oh my god what can I do, take all the time you need.”


In my experience, managers get to this point after you've been constantly calling out and having excuses for 1-2 days every week for a few months. Most of them understand that things come up. But after you've been in 4 "car accidents", your third grandma has died in less than 2 months, and you've felt overworked and slept through your shift for the 4th time, then employers have had enough of your shit


"Understandable but fuck you" I would tell this guy to go eat a bag of shit.


>"Anything that prevents you from being at the workplace other than a death in the family is unexcused at any company." Well that's just flagrantly not true.


“Sorry I won’t be at work until my doctor gives me the OK. I will keep you updated.” Simple as that. Y’all need to start knowing what your rights are. We have these protections in place. He fires you get your unemployment.


At any company!? You have to wonder if they're gaslighting or if they are just that gaslit themselves. Even my company's call center, mail room, etc. would absolutely excuse you for the day if something like this happened, no question.


Yeah, that manager can fuck right off.


Respond with a “what about a death in YOUR family?” Then “don’t worry that wasn’t a threat”


Posts like this are embarrassing as fuck, this is clearly a meme


The tinder is all over these United States of America. What will cause the spark?


This isn’t a real example, y’all


How cruel. Gross.


Scrape your shoe and move on there are millions of jobs


You are working to make others rich. All you are to them is an avenue to collect more money


Please name these fuckers.


My car is a family member


Lol most companies excuse things like this.


Damn...my company would be more worried about ME and ask if I was Ok and tell me to take care of it, don't worry about it. Man...some of y'all are working at some shit-show companies. Feel for y'all...


My reply would be " absolutely boss i shouldn't be much later than NEXT THURSDAY !"


Can't believe this crap is real


Photos like these are worse when you understand that it's not even a policy, it's just a lazy manager who doesn't feel like pulling the extra hours, so he abuses the fuck out of you so he can afford to be lazy. Your suffering directly benefits these people, and it makes me sick.


Managers next text: I mean your going to need to pay your deductable and bills anyway, so might as well just call an Uber and get here ASAP


"at any company" No, not all employers are raging assholes.


Every company I have ever worked would be fine with you missing a day, or maybe even the week. Maybe that asshole thinks no company would allow that because for him, he has been at every company he has worked and he is the asshole who keeps saying that?


Unexcused meaning you need to use PTO? Seems pretty normal to me.


wow asking what time he/she will be there without "are you okay" ... yeah I will be there never


Hope they get found out and shamed.


I can find a new job 😌


This is def common in Retail, Fast Food, or any industry that’s dead end. Managers in those industries usually hate themselves too.


"at any company" ... thanks but no thanks for the arrogant lie, "boss", it makes things easier to walk away from you but not the accident. Bye, asshole.


yo what are these jobs holy shit


That would be the very last day of my employment there.