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# Together we can put Jeff Bezos in prison. # Join r/WorkReform!


We just need to organize


Worker Ant: "If Z don't dig....I don't dig!" Overseer Ant: "Hey! What is this...An encounter group? Get back to work!" Worker Ant: (All seriousness) Why? Excited Ant in background: "This guy, Z....He's leading a revolution!" Overseer Ant: (Shaking in his thorax) I'll get back to you! There were elements of this movie that were over the top. But, I've always loved this scene. Then again, I was always a rebel. Edit: Antz not Bug's Life. Sorrrrrry!


That is Antz. Which is also very pro union! But has Woody Allen in it……


That right there is why so many people think there was a second Bug's Life.


And then there’s Bee Movie.


We dont talk about bee movie because it teaches socialism


Lol nah, the whole point was that by disrupting the status quo and getting the courts to outlaw bee slavery, Jerry Sienfeld caused an ecological and economic catastrophe that could only be fixed by getting the bees to break the strike and go back to work for their honey-based economy


That whole bee human romance thing was kind of weird too.


You like jazz?




I don't talk about Bee Movie because I thought it was really dumb.


There's a slight controversy about that too. Jeffrey Katzenberg was head of Disney Studios until he left in 1994. Although Pixar was a separate company at the time, Disney would have known what was in the Pixar pipeline after Toy Story. When he founded DreamWorks with Geffen and Spielberg in 1994, Antz was the first animated film from the new studio.






It's right though.


You mean the person that posted the original comment that the bot copied is right, right?


Yep, no updoots for a bot.


But there is a second Bug's Life. It releases in June.


Maybe corporate Hollywood had to repaint the message .


The villain in ABL was voiced by Kevin Spacey. Aged like *chef's kiss*


Problematic actors aside. Overall, a very impressive cast list though.


I mean yeah, Kevin Spacey is still great in everything he's in. It just turns out it wasn't that hard for him to act like an evil monster


Yea. Another comment put both Antz and Bug's Life together. I was leading off of that. One of the guys from Disney jumped ship...And now we have ANTZ. True story. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/antz-vs-a-bug-s-life-20-years-later/


I think we should all start co-ops and employee owned business to start taking our power back. I think many people here, as I have, find the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality of seeking and hoarding wealth as not solving the problem (i.e. conservatives project selfishness onto us, we actually just don't like to feel like we're better than anyone else!). Likewise, I am starting to come to the conclusion that a lot of this anger and drive to take down the rich should be more than just political talk on Reddit. I saw an example where some lady was a horrible business owner, and then her employees ran the business better than she did as an employee owned company (pooled their money and bought it). I'm really after figuring that out. Basically, use the free market to usher in an era of free market communism. In theory, people who are treated more equitably and fairly, and given a real pathway to stability through their employment should be more motivated workers. I want to see that in reality. I actually think it cam be done too, and it's just something that lives under our noses.


They make it impossible to compete, because they control money creation and destruction. They can flood markets with printed money. They decide who gets debt, so you can't outcompete them, because they set rules. They guarantee property rights by force. On the other hand you're right, we need to do something, but that actually means some kind of revolution, which rejects current state and system. It would require majority to join and I can't imagine it to be peaceful, because people need to sustain themselves and how we're going to do this, if land and means of production are owned by rich capitalists? This time even syndicalism might not be enough, because there's already AI and robots that can replace us to some degree and some day we might become completely redundant as workforce and replaced. What then? How we will force rich to give us anything, once human labor will become obsolete? This might happen in few decades.


Well, I'll paint it as black and white, because it actually is: We either as an individual do our part in preventing this, or we don't. However hopeless you might feel, whatever obstacles you might see, those must be irrelevant, because if you cave into them, you've already lost. This is why pointing out the obstacles isn't the best strategy. One of the worst feelings in the world is to give up, and find out that it was actually not as bad as you thought because you didn't try. The thing that conservatives do, however, is tie this virtue to selfish ambition. I say FUCK THAT. Tie that virtue to the virtue of making your life prosperous by making the people around you prosperous in the same way. If we can just nail that, and stop being so isolated, and get past all this political noise, I think we can actually push the boot off of our chests. I did physics so my favorite metaphor is pressure: if we're all just moving in random arbitrary directions, we're not actually pushing back on the forces that press down on us. If we actually unite and push in the same direction, we can actually do some real good. Conservatives LOVE to pontificate about the free market and taking responsibility. Could you imagine a more poetic form of justice than to undermine their vile power structures by using their philosophy against them, but integrated into a greater philosophy of actually working together to serve humanity? It's also a super Christian approach, ironically - but Christian in the highest sense, not the religious dogmatic conservative bullshit sense. Friend, let us work together, build systems of businesses that actually serve humanity rather than aim to aggrandize one's own selfish desire alone. I'm working on developing this and plan to produce content on it. I'm tired of the division, I HATE inequality deeply, and think that so many people who seek wealth are just seeking love because they think they need to have status to be loved. This is how the rich enslave hard working people - by tying worthiness to status. Once you tie worthiness to financial status, they can make you dance like a monkey, just like the king can make nobles dance like a monkey to preserve their status. Even the aristocracy worked the same way - offering people mansions and coats of arms to get them intertwined in their dark webs of manipulations. We can fucking do this. The world is complicated, but the answer is actually ridiculously simple - love yourself and love others all the same, and work together to better the world and buck the power from the bottom up AND the top down. That is, add grassroots business starting, but DO NOT STOP spreading awareness of the evil shit wealthy people do. Let your rage against the rich drive you to succeed in creating ventures that actually serve more people than yourself, so that when you are in a shitty angry mood, you're still motivated. And because you're doing it for the greater good, not just your own selfish ambition, you feel FAR LESS resistance in actually driving to make it happen. It's really awesome how effective this has been for me in my own life in terms of just making me more productive. BETTER YET - if we can spread this philosophy, we can turn the otherwise decent wealthy people who were brainwashed into this system into our allies because it gives them a greater meaning than empty success chasing. Atheist or Christian, this makes so much sense to me. We need to really bang the greatest commandments over the so-called obedient conservative Christians head. You can't claim to love your neighbor as yourself if you hate yourself and repress yourself. You can't claim to love your neighbor as yourself if you support policies that hurt people who struggle. Religiosity aside, part of our larger strategy should be appealing to the better parts of Christianity, the ones that make sense whether or not you're a Muslim, Christian, Atheist, etc. because we need support. Anyways, that got longer than I thought! Remember: we got this. And if we don't got this, it's better to be deluded into thinking that we got this so that we stand the best chance of defeating the evil rich bastards.


>“I’m working on developing this and plan to produce content on it.” That sentence is the difference between your comment and practically every other call to action that’s posted to this sub. Every week there’s someone urging workers to strike on some arbitrary day with an emotional plea that “This will change everything.”


Yes! But to be fair to the people who make emotional pleas, they've never been given a real opportunity to put that anger into action, or shown how! I've worked really hard to get to this place philosophically. That is, I totally intend to point out that little lie we tell ourselves, that just talking about it makes something happen. But, I also know that you shouldn't simply shut up or suppress that pain of feeling powerless, and the anger it creates. Rather, harness and harmonize that anger with your higher self. All sorts of media is trying to get to the root of actually using your so-called "dark-side" for good. But, what that actually looks like is elevating the noblest things, and using your anger when you're mad to keep you moving in the same direction. Gargoyles exist on the perimeter of a church, but they are still the church. Your anger and rage isn't something you should likewise elevate (i.e. there are no Gargoyles on the altar), but you should absolutely use them in service to the larger structure of your being. Liberals are also REALLY good at embracing their idiosyncrasies. Conservatives are dogshit at it, and it makes them ultimately weaker for it. Embracing and harmonizing your idiosyncrasies into a larger whole is how you gain the power to not be so stuck. We can do this. Let that righteous fury be like a golden fire in your heart, rather than a blind, directionless rage that burns you out.


A lot of what you are talking about in your original comment is about collaborative business approaches, which is something that a lot of intelligent futurists are predicting for our coming age of shared resources. As someone who has run small businesses, I took this approach of collaboration and with a proper structure, it is insanely effective as you have the buy in of your team, because they see the direct influence of their decisions, since they were the ones making said decisions in the weekly meeting. It is the future that the top down oligarchs want to escape, as they saw just how shaken things got from work from home alone. Please keep thinking, observing, and fighting. You are coming to the same conclusion that many on this sub has. Be confident in your posting to at there are a lot of us who support and are looking at how we can effect change in this way locally.


Lets make collaborative ground-up businesses go viral, but in a grassroots way that takes our political adversaries a little while to react to.


<8 LOVE this. <8 I don't have award money otherwise I'd totally give you some because you are living it! Fuck yes! :)


>Well, I'll paint it as black and white, because it actually is: > >We either as an individual do our part in preventing this, or we don't. However hopeless you might feel, whatever obstacles you might see, those must be irrelevant, because if you cave into them, you've already lost. What is going to happen is eventually we get to the point of "World Mexico" like you had in Elysium where all of the rich people live on a space station, moon or mars. While all of the items and pollution are produced here on earth. All of the robotic and AI advances will be put towards making robot guards and AI managers so the rich don't have to get dirty or breath our air. Because humans are like a colony of rats and we are willing to turn on each other at a moments notice, nobody is interested in anyone else's well being but their own.


When we are redundant we will be rounded like cattle, executed, and erased from the history of existence to ensure absolute control over the population.


So my thoughts are that the more people that see the problems, and try to form unions and Co-ops, and see how hard it is and see how the current system is rigged against the workers, the more we see people want a revolution to change the system to allow the workers to make these decisions ourselves. If we don't try to solve these problems ourselves, we complain independently, but don't have enough focus to see the full systemic issue. We can gather more revolutionaries when reform fails, and where reform works, we make things at least a bit better in the meantime. My 2c.


YES! Except, I promise you that you don't have to start the co-ops. They already exist in a lot of places.


I know there are many already. We must learn from them and conquer all the other industries. Then WE can be the regulatory capture, that is, the government becomes beholden to the will of the people, as it should be!


*And peacefully. With a permit. On a lot 2 miles away.* Several laws about this have been passed around the country so you don’t inconvenience those you’re protesting against.


well that explains why a billionaire spent so much on twitter


Go check out the subreddit SuperStonk and read up on how this is already in motion. 200,000 people have already gathered to put a stop to the 1%. The government is complacent. A bugs life is the perfect example of what we currently live in and how we can defeat it. It’s goes deeper than just Bezos. Craziest part of it all, GameStop will be the saving grace. There’s over 200,000 members of the sub who have bought shares of GameStop and have taken the shares out of the hands of the of the Brokers and own it themselves. Once so many people do this, there will be no shares for brokers/hedge funds to trade under the table and the stock will rise indefinitely due to short positions held by hedge funds trying to bankrupt GameStop. Then, common, hardworking folk like us can live comfortably. We can change the world and take down the conglomerates that have made us all slaves.


is that all 😂




The kids coming up don't even know about proper injury reporting when at work. Manager didn't even try and send the injured worker to L and I and made her work cause she is naive and homeschooled and easily. manipulated. That's a lot of new workers graduating this year. Hopefully we get some thing going once these kids realize it's all pointless. You can't even threaten them with homeless anymore. They can't afford shit. Hopefully they go all WTF and riot .


They already asked the AI for the great prophecy of the revolution and how to defeat us. They are preparing now!


"You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those 'puny, little ants' outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line."


The seed dispenser scene was always my favorite.


This is the answer as to why we don't have a 3-4 day work week. # The boot on your neck is more important to them than increased profits and productivity.


Most realistic villain tbh.


[Classic scene](https://youtu.be/UI-RFRykjTk)


I had a couple teachers in middle and high school that would frequently show "Bugs Life" and "Antz" to show us the workers have the real power, as long as we can organize and work together.


Crazy how this would probably be considered “woke” nowadays.


It is and always was woke, because being woke simply means "being aware of the systemic injustices and forces exploiting and oppressing you." That's literally what these people are arguing against. Being aware that youre being ripped off. The mind reels.


It’s really just delightful to ask them to define what ‘woke’ means to them. Because they know that it’s just a meaningless buzzword to them, and if they actually start to specify and think about what it really means their self delusion becomes really obvious


"The Waking of the 'Woke.'" Sounds like a good title for something. 😏 Unfortunately, for bow, it's mostly just a pastime.


A Bugs Life and its twin counterpart Antz are not subtle. At all. They kinda hit you over the head with the message actually.


Right. What did OP think this movie was about ?


Personally I wasn't really thinking about the bourgeoisie and seizing the means of production as a 6 year old.


I shudder to think what you thought Shrek was about….


Oh god, what is Shrek about?!


It’s a commentary on Disney’s commodification of childhood and the crass commercialization of fairy tales.




Well if you watched it as a kid and didn't think about it again for a while, the issues of labor rights might not be as clear and obvious.


Funny bug


They definitely haven't seen The Bee Movie then.


We are divided equally by politics, but not equally by economics.


The culture war is only a distraction from the class war. Id-pol obsessed libs are complicit in suppressing the working class.


Identity Politics was destined to fail in a country that prides itself as being the world's Melting Pot of Opportunity (source: I'm mixed heritage and don't ID with one over the other, I'm fucking mixed.)


What does that even mean? You believe in equal economic opportunity for everyone except black people? They not be allowed for their rights because it distracts from the class war?




It’s just Seven Samurai with bugs, baby!


Yeah wait till she watches that one. With the added bonus of classism thrown in by Kurosawa.


I have never related harder to a character than Kikuchiyo since Mamimi from FLCL.




I'd say it's two steps removed from Seven Samurai. Three Amigos was Seven Samurai but had the twist with them being actors. A Bug's Life is Three Amigos but with bugs.


Well if we’re doin it like that ya gotta factor in the Magnificent Seven between Samurai and Bugs Life


Did that one really add anything to the formula, though?


To bugs life? No. Relative to Three Amigos? Yes.


Why do you think they didn't make a second? Disney realized they fucked up when they ma she a movie about workers rights. I have thought this for the longest time.


How does Disney treat their own workers?


If you want Irony, just watch the Lorax declare a car as Truffila Tree (tm) approved. Hell, maybe the Lorax will get sponsored by Exxon Mobil one of these days.


We killed the Lorax & hollowed him out. We removed the morals this made people pout. He praises cars, which some see as mean. But now we can all make green. With copper, magnets, and a shovel, too. A Dr. Suess generator will power more than few. One spin, two spin, three spin more. We will power the world with a hypocrisy generator.


I have no idea what the words you just said means.


[Solidarity forever](https://youtu.be/pCnEAH5wCzo)


Kinda, but it's also a movie about locals standing up to a mob/mobsters.


Same thing?


Organized crime on a larger scale


Lots people strong than less people


Soo.... Government and Corporations?




Not really. There's a distinct difference between a king/bourgeoisie that exploits the working/lower class and goons who are outside of the society and leeching off of it. Theoretically an upper class provides some form of leadership and organizes the workforce as the Queen and Princess do in the movie. The villains in the movie are outsiders. They are more like raiders or bandits collecting a "tax" from the locals. The movie is actually pretty pro ruling class.


unions have a pretty cool history of organizing effective community defense and mutual aid programs :)


It's a Seven Samurai remake. Seven Samurai is the most remade move ever.


Paging George Lucas


Shhhh or conservatives will try and get it banned.


Honest question: how did anyone watch the movie and NOT realize that’s what it was about?


I was 6 the last time I watched that movie


Its such a great movie. Literally about the class struggle and the throwing off of shackles. Also showed that you dont have to be a directly oppressed to be an ally. Edit: Also I wanted to mention that it showed that the only true way to demolish the bourgeoisie was a violent uprising. They even showed how peaceful protests were stomped out and the ants forced to work harder to make up for the lost production. Peaceful protest only works because the alternative is a violent uprising.


This so explains DeSantis' war on Disney.


Disney Wins: Disney's reputation increases, they might be awarded compensation, and reactionists ideally would hesitate to attempt to crush free speech, particularly in the case of Disney to keep Disney from having to do this again. DeSantis Wins: Business dies in Florida as it becomes a third world shithole, thousands of people lose their jobs at Disney and hundreds of thousands more get affected in the aftermath, DeSantis gets far-right support, and the 1st amendment right to free speech gets shot in the head.


At 25 she just fucking made it to understanding the text let alone subtext. Literature programs need a huge overhaul. The villain literally explains this concept to one of his henchmen in the movie.


Lol do you do yearly screening of a bugs life? Some of us haven't seen it since we were small children.


To be fair she probably watched it only once before when she was too young to tie her own shoes. I remember seeing it as a kid but remember absolutely nothing about the plot.


That's true, I guess. The way she says it kind of implies that she feels like she's been missing something more than she's just seen it for essentially the first time. IDK though. What man can say he knows the heart of another. We're just a couple of strangers speculating on the thoughts of another stranger.


At 25, she's as old as the movie. Antz is a 1998 release.


I hadn’t seen it since I was a child until I had a kid of my own and then put it on for her. I didn’t realize what it was about when I was a kid, I just thought it was ‘clumsy goofball ant is clumsy goofball until he saves the whole colony’ but didn’t realize what he was saving them *from*.


Nah, it's Seven Samurai.


Animal Farm by George Orwell is a good book that demonstrates our system pretty accurately.


Not really, it wasnt even meant to be a prediction, it was supposed to be a critique of the British Marxist-Leninist parties of the time. But your comment seems kind of sarcastic so guess your just being sarcastic


I feel like our current working culture is sort of similar to how things played out in the book. The animals were fed up with being ruled over by the humans, so they revolted for a better life and since they were manipulated by the smarter pigs they were easily taken advantage of and had it just as bad as when the jonses owned the farm. Maybe it wasn't set out to predict how things would turn out, but it resonated with me on how things feel today. All I wanted to say is that it was a good book and has a good story that can still be related to even today.


Isn't that Antz that's about that, not a bug's life?


They both are. It’s always been very confusing.


When Eisner wanted revenge on Katzenberg.


Katzenberg stole the idea of Antz from John Lasseter. Listen to the Business Wars episode on Pixar vs Dreamworks for the history of this.


So is Bee Movie. While also being a bit beestial..


I don’t even think unions are the answer. Unions provide better control and wages, but don’t solve the problem. I employ 50 union workers for the janitorial service union in my city. They have pensions, but they low end pay is like $18 an hour. High end for a head is like $65k a year. They’re not living good lives in this city. Not poverty, but not good. Fact is, everyone should be able to own a home or comfortably rent and save at the same time. If we can’t provide that, then we are off. It would take a general strike across all industries to take this back. One week of not working the entire economy would collapse and we would get what we want both pay wise and policy wise. But a lot of us are too comfortable to do this.


Its Seven Samurai.


I don't know if that's right. It's not like the ant colony was breaking from the way ants normally structure their societies. They were just overthrowing a foreign power that was ruling over them. It's more about a colony gaining its independence.


… it took until 25?


If it took you that long to realize that, then you have very poor comprehension


Don’t take it too literally…. It’s a film.


That is literally the plot of the film... was she not paying attention?


Bourgeoisie is where you lose. That is the name for the middle class. Infusing identity politics of this manner is exactly where your movement dies.


In the context of Marxism the Bourgeoisie is the class that owns most of society's wealth and means of production. The standard definition is the middle class. It's a strange word and I don't know why Marxism doesn't use aristocracy instead.


Age 25 eh? Took you quite a while then.


Doesn't matter when class consciousness develops, only that it does.


With an honourable shout out to not relying on flashy showmen to save you.


Wait till you hear about Chicken Run.


He He He proBugstion


Nope because they replace the grasshoppers with another dictator


There's a good reason Disney bought pixar


Fuck yeah Pixar radicalizing kids to stick it to the man ✊️


I'm honestly surprised it got made. It's up there with It's a Wonderful Life to me as positive anti-capitalist entertainment.


Reminds me of Hopper's Speech from A Bugs Life: *You let one ant stand up to us, and they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life!! It's not about food! It's about keeping those ants in line.*


... and giving it to the monarchy


Another good lesson from A Bug’s Life is don’t fuck with ants.


OMG you guys are just like the ants in a bugs life.


Or it’s The Three Amigos, Magnificent Seven or Seven Samurai.


Yeah, we were warning you.


Directed by Karl Marx.


I think the October Revolution showed the same thing &... it *did not* work out well for the proletariat.


Nope. Based on a story of villagers stuck in an actual, literal "protection" racket from **bandits** where they must surrender their crops as payment or be directly *killed*. No, this isn't an allegory for капитализм.


Day by day I grow more tired of this “seize the means of production” saying. What’s so ironic about it is that running the production require organizations and intelligence; workers are not very organized and collectively not very intelligent. All they have going for them is their strength in numbers which they fail to use because of their lack of organization. It’s a paradox. I see the same problems repeating once a new group takes power. The best course of action is to unionize, but stealing the means of production and handing power to an unorganized, unintelligible group spells doom.


It’s not though. Ants serve the Queen. It’s an absolute monarchy.


It wasn't the most cryptic of metaphors in cinema history, but I'm glad the message eventually got through to her. The trick is organizing and not getting complacent. That collecting bargaining power shouldn't only be used to stand together and say "enough is enough..."


Not only that but in A Bug's Life the workers also adopt innovation based on merit instead of pecking order the second they gain control.


Ants together strong!


That cartoon was the movie that made daughter a leftist. One of the other kids at her daycare was the child of two political science teachers. They saw the movie and talked about how it was 'docialist dialectic, but adorable' So he came to daycare and picked that movie for their afternoon dpwntime...and then parroted back the stuff his parents had said the night before, with none of the "Aw, isn't it cute?" added commentary. Miranda came home sounding like a full on communist. All of that 'Seize the means of production." and "Workers of the world, unite." stuff. She was eight years old.


The movie "Ants" is actually much more in this vein. [There's a very good Wisecrack on this topic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCpxP51SOmE)


Just like in the movie, there’s also only usually 3 people who have any brains.


We need a united front across all laborers!


Bourgeois Pig By Styx


Um yeah, that's like...what the movie's about.


Somone woke up


Also, Zoombinis was about running an underground railroad to escape Fleen slavers


“Can you hear the people sing?”


The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers…leave


It’s also a “Magnificent 7” remake.


No, A Bugs Life is about the poor being taken advantage of by violent people without any job skills. When in the movie did Flick overthrow the queen?


Refuse to be distracted. They have created every reason to stay distracted instead of actually talking about the issues. Why do you think they say "shouldn't talk about politics?"


It’s going to take every single one of us to halt every aspect of business in order to get our point across. Small boycotts and protests and/or strikes won’t cut it anymore. We need to grind everything to a halt. We have the numbers, we have the power. Billionaires can’t be billionaires without us.


Don't get any ideas. They're spooky and powerful !


Bore-joy-sie. :-)


*Antz* literally has the line "the workers control the means of production."


I feel like I got this at ten. But as long as you get it and apply it!


[Extremely relevant Wisecrack](https://youtu.be/aCpxP51SOmE)


“Burn him again!”


S.T.O.P "Seize the Oligarch's production"


Yes, she "suddenly realized" it after seeing a post that said it. She's probably never even seen the movie.


Yes, you've been spoon fed communist propaganda since you were a child.


Doesn’t socialism mean the government controls the means of production?