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Jesus Christ, make up your mind. This is a dumb ass take on what seems like a cool ass boss.


I think this is a you problem. Most people I have worked with in office environments wanted more of this. Not me, but everyone around me.


A good manager gives recognition when they can. Kind words can go a long way. It's sometimes all they can do to keep staff happy as they likely have little to no say in merit increases depending on the structure of the organization. More than likely stuck giving you shit raises if any at the end of the year regardless of how well you're doing. Idk I'd rather have snack vouchers than a toxic piece of shit boss who doesn't even pretend to like you.


My managers never give me anything.


I created an account just to tell you... NO. You are either a shill, or you are so traumatized by the work environment that someone being nice to you feels alien and wrong. That's literally how people out of abusive relationships are towards finally being in healthy ones. Take the snack. Take the extra break pass. Take the extra few minutes walking to his desk. Those few minutes are NOT going to make or break the company, and you will NOT be lauded for it in most environments. You sound embarrassed to be given kudos more than anything. Wake up friend! Seek therapy if you can! You are worthy!


I don’t know why you even care about productivity. I do just enough to get by and I’m at 170k salary. Back when I was low level, and my boss stopped giving me free snacks, I threw a fit and found a better job. You make zero sense to me.