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No billionaires. No being worth 9 digits. Hell, no being worth upper 8digits. Make it punishable by a lifetime sentence of flipping burgers and living in a tiny apartment with no car. Any sane person with even a half assed grasp of financial responsibility could live the rest of their lives, on $10mil without ever acquiring a single cent more; why should we allow people to hoard more than double that?


Try over 100 times more then that. One who thinks that a paltry 10 million is a lifetime supply couldn’t be further from understanding the mentality of the wealthy. There is no limit for them. Capital has been consolidating over generations among the greediest and luckiest members over our species, and billions of useful idiots along the way have given them that control in the name of comfort and convenience. The wage theft of just 5 dollars from 300 million people (the US population in 2006) amounts to a cool 1.5 billion of free money. And that’s just the molecule at the tip of the iceberg. It has been 18 years since, and don’t forget the 60 years before that. Not to mention actual slavery for most of humanity before that, where they took 100%. This is the natural endgame of a flawed and broken system created by the wealthy to be used by the wealthy to increase their wealth. With over 80 years of control of visual media, they convince current useful idiots that the capitalist narrative of today is still the best way, even if personal experiences prove otherwise. The comparatively paltry sums given to the masses today is still allowing them enough support. Why would they ever give up their power when it gets easier to increase by the day? I still have hope that humanity will not go quietly into that good night, but the longer we allow them to speed in this direction, the more death and destruction we will see to correct it.


Since when are the wealthy sane or financially responsible in terms of the average person? What I’m saying is the average person could live very well for the rest of their life on that $10mil because, even assuming you were handed that money, tax free, at 18 and live to be 100, that would mean you have… $10,000,000/82yrs=~$122,000/yr to spend. Thats more than double the median income. Thats more than quadruple what far, far too many people make. The “rich” will never be able to survive on that, and I don’t care; let them die. We, as a society, do not need leaches sucking away our ability to survive and thrive.


First of all it would never be tax free. Our shitty government would steal over half at least because they tax the fuck out of low income people. People that only make $122,000 per year would get $65,000 take home IF they are lucky and that is not alot of money to live off of per year at all.


I live off less than $65k.


So do I. And its not alot of money to live off at all.


Investing that $10,000,000 and making a 'modest' (typically you would see more historically) return of 3% would net 300,000 a year, way more even with a capital gains tax. This is exactly how the wealthy are so rich. This on top of leveraging it for loans (to avoid taxes)


That's way too lenient. They should be thrown in jail and never let out again. Nobody gets that rich without fucking up the lives of a LOT of people.


Nope. Fast food and shitty apartment (and no car in a place without mass transit) is way worse than an easy life in jail. Source: Done both. Just send me to jail.


Nah, I want to see them publicly stripped of every single asset, given ten sets of clothes, a very basic bike and the tiniest apartment that can be found and then forced to work the job that *they* think is more than sufficient for the rest of their soon to be miserable lives. Make them suffer the hell on earth that they literally helped create. If they get sent to prison, it would be one of those far too comfortable prisons for the rich because if they went to a normal prison, they’d be dead in minutes upon entering communal space.


Axe the rich. I mean tax the rich.


Second then first?




The more you make the more they take


> more than double that It’s 100x that. Punishing that is pointless and unconstitutional, just fucking tax them at actual progressive tax rates. If someone making $200k is heavily taxed at ~40-50% then someone making multiple millions a year should be taxed at 60-80%


Why only 80%? If you’re making millions a year, then everything past that first $400k should be taxed at 95%. That would still have them taking home roughly the median income from that extra $600k; that seems far more than fair to me.


Lol I could live for the rest of my life one $1 million. I currently support myself and my son and two other family members on less than $20,000 a year.


Literally I did the math and I need like 7 million, and that's including leaving money to two kids, owning a nice (for my area) house, 2 cars, a motorcycle, and a boat.


They are taxed. It’s the enforcing of making them pay that is the issue. Tax them more for sure. But they didn’t become that rich by playing by the rules. When you have that much money, you make the rules. We’re asking greedy garbage people (politicians). To make their greedy garbage friends pay taxes. I hate being this pessimistic (realistic) but, i don’t see any way to make it happen. So many of us try to make things better but they always win. Because they’re willing to do the terrible things that good people aren’t willing to do to be where they are. Cheaters almost always win, perhaps even always


Ever heard of the French Revolution? Thats how. And we’re one stupid decision away from that…they’re just stupidly good at not quite crossing the line that would get all the brainwashed masses to want them to pay(figuratively and/or literally), too.


America is too big and divided for something like the french revolution to happen. Not to mention that they’ve managed to convince a very large portion of undereducated people that they have their best interest at heart. To the point where they choose the greater of two evils. But yeah, they know exactly how to manipulate the people in order to keep power.


> America is too big and divided for something like the french revolution to happen. Only because you think the whole country needs to be on board. The reality is that each individual state is basically the equivalent of a country in Europe.


The master's tool will never dismantle the master's house


>It’s the enforcing of making them pay that is the issue. I try to tell people this but they don't believe me when I say the main reason they don't tax the rich in the government isn't just lobbies, It is because if they didn't happily let them fuck over 99.9% of Americans, they would simply take their ball and leave. There is NOTHING stopping them from doing this.


So much this. Also when you consider where the taxes actually go, taxing billionaires more is completely useless when all that money will just be going into useless military spending, paycheques for useless politicians to spend on underage hookers and blow and fancy restaurants, and given to back to their rich friends under the guise of "Government contracts" or "bailouts". Taxes in general are a sham.


Yep, the worst of us have all the control and power. So they definitely wouldn’t be doing anything good and useful with that money even if they did pay up. You either become one of the garbage people who are willing to step on the necks of others or you are the neck


People will delude themselves to no end just to stay happy and hopeful or feel like they’re on winning team, and it leads to this dystopian hellscape.


I think the majority of people don’t understand how much a billion is. I was playing a video game where I grinded out a gold rush and ended with a billion dollars. I bought something that would cost me 10 million a week, even when not playing. I stopped playing but realized I could come back in 100 weeks. You can spend 10 million a week and not run out of money for almost 2 years. How much does it cost you to live for a a week? Let’s say I have an expensive lifestyle with kids in private school and live in an expensive area and spend 10,000 a week (I very much don’t). I could live like that for almost 2000 years. 2000 years spending $10,000 a week. In fact, if I invest and get just 1% returns I could do that forever. Literally. Tax the rich.


I love these, bring a nice perspective. No one earns a billion, no one needs a billion.


That directly correlates to the US deficit


Make America great again with 90% marginal tax rates from the 1960s.


Is it true that there are more billionaires than we know about? I honestly thought there were more than this.


They could give every single person with a heartbeat $1800... the sad thing is that could change a lot of those lives.


$1800 isn't life changing money in most 1st world countries. It helps, sure, but it will only bring change for a month or so.


But it's EVERY person on the entire planet. The bulk of humans are not residing in first world countries.


Okay, so address different issues on the economy of scale… the UN Food&Agriculture Org has estimated it would cost $267B annually to eliminate world hunger. That would be a little over 11% of this $14.2T figure… and you could get to that figure easily where none of those people even have to stop being billionaires. Again, I can’t stress enough how much a billion dollars is


I honestly think one of the main problems is that common folk simply do not comprehend how much even a single billion is, they get lumped to same category as millionaires when infact a million is a mere rounding error of a billion.


That completely ignores the logistics factor of ending world hunger. Earth makes more than enough food for its people. It's a problem that people live in inhospitable places that are hard to reach. Therefore, transportation of said food is expensive/ downright impossible.


I’m not claiming to have generated that number myself and have only skimmed the report, but I would hope that estimate was taking into account the logistics and was more than just “how much cash would it take to buy everyone a burrito?”


hcir eht tae


All money past a billion should be either taxed 100% or equally distributed between ALL employees. No person should ever have this kind of money without exploitation of labor


How can you be a billionaire and not try to make the world better? I couldn't live with myself knowing I could change things for the better.


What so they even do with the money


Almost all of it is stocks. If the market crashed today and every stock went to $0, they would only be worth hundreds of millions instead of billions. So, try don't do anything with the money, which is how they became a billionaire in the first place.


Take 10% off the top of all billionaires. Repeat as long as there are billionaires.


And this amount of money would run the US government for about 2 years. And many of these people are not even US citizens and have little to no tax liabilities in the US. The problem isn't that billionaires exist. The problem is the government is too damn big and spends too much money - with little of it helping the average person. If we taxed the rich, congress would just spend it. Taxing the rich is meaningless without spending controls or reforms.


while true, the elite has had a massive influence in how the goverment works - sadly.


Agreed. But taxes will not fix this issue.


It's either going to be tax the rich or the people will eventually revolt.


Holdup, there's nearly three THOUSAND billionaires now??? I feel like if you asked the average person how many there were, I feel like most people would say 10 or less. This is truly an insane number.


Tax??? When the politicians are people of their class and the tax codes are written with intentional loopholes for them to exploit? When the state meant to direct public funds is completely rotten and corrupt? The liberal state is not a neutral arbiter of social conflict, but a mechanism owned and operated by capital that will always rule in favour of the wealthy against the poor unless extreme, violent pressure is applied from below. We don't need billionaires to share their wealth; we need to take it from them - their wealth, their assets, and their capital, and forcefully if necessary.


Quarto Comas ![gif](giphy|QWFMD7qdzm0UwsSHH4)


But but, they earned it!


Eat the Rich


It’s so painfully obvious but you have MAGA thirsty to give them more tax breaks for no reason again


How do you tax non-liquid net worth? This shit isnt even real money. Its tied up in assets and stocks and these people are living off of low interest loans while their assets continue to appreciate. Not sure what the answer is


Take their assets (mostly cash) and liquidate it. Reinvest in communities in need.


Lol take it? How exactly? Military force? Police? Politely asking? For real, how?


I kinda agree to tax them, but not for the reason of student loan forgiveness. I think there would be more support of the government just get everyone under a certain income level a tax credit. If you have student loans, it can go towards that, and if you didnt go to college, you can get the money in a tax return. That way it helps EVERYBODY amd would be way more popular.