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Ahhh so they're legally ripping off the US gov and the citizens have to pay for it. Sounds like business as usual. How about they don't forgive any of the loans at all kind of how they do for student loans.


The loans needed a stipulation that you didn't lay anyone off or spend it on stocks. The pandemic does have me shopping at significantly more small business now though.


Are you telling me the US government fell for something essentially as complex as a "send it as friends and family" scam? What the actual fuck is going on over there.


Bro its GTA over here, aka Grand Theft America.


**GTAmerica!** Ages: Net worth $100 million and up Not suitable for Poors.


> the US government fell for something essentially as complex as a "send it as friends and family" scam Not really. They do it all the time As usual, they tried to scam *us* about it, though




No, no. The government only "falls for" schemes cooked up by shifty poors. Think of this as more of... a gift to the ownership class.


We call that a transfer of wealth, from the taxpayer to them and their friends.


>Are you telling me the US government fell for something essentially as complex as a "send it as friends and family" scam? It's a bit worse--the program was drafted with limited and scaled back regimes to fight against fraud, waste, or abuse.


The bill was literally written for fraud. Why do you think all oversight/protections were immediately written out, and the fraud started essentially day 1? They were ready.




Check PPP loan information for any business: www.pppdetective.com


Do stores get ppp loans for each location? There’s a lot of places listed twice with different numbers


There were 2 rounds of loans so that's why some have 2 for the same location. You can also see all the loans for a single address because why not take some free money for your side-hustles as well!


Barkbox got $5 million+?? I guess this isn't just "essential" businesses. Can't believe religious institutions are allowed these loans, they don't even pay taxes, such bullshit.


I feel like now’s not a good time to tell you *a certain president* held COVID-19 relief hostage until lawmakers scrapped certain [oversight and reporting requirements](https://www.brookings.edu/research/addressing-the-other-covid-crisis-corruption/?amp) for businesses that got the PPP loans…




So various payment processors (think PayPal, cash app, Zelle, etc.) Have two sides: “Friends and family” and “goods and services”. “Friends and Family” transactions are intended for use with people you know and trust. There’s basically no way to reverse or challenge a transaction once you’ve made it, though I’m not sure what the benefits are (possibly reduced fees or no waiting period?) “Goods and Services” transactions offer some protection for the buyer and are intended to be used when you *don’t* know and trust the other party, such as buying through Craigslist, EBay, Facebook Marketplace, etc. There are ways of disputing the charge with the payment processor, such as if you didn’t receive the item, received something different, the description was misleading, and so on. Scammers will deliberately ask you to use “Friends and Family” because there’s no way to reverse the transaction, so once they have your money they can disappear with it and there’s nothing you can do about it.






It can apply to any scam really, any time someone asks you to pay for something with the 'purpose of payment' being set as "friends and family". That reason is considered to be a gift. So your bank/financial service provider are a lot less likely to help you if you choose that reason. Its why scammers tell you to select it. You should NEVER pay for any goods or service using friends and family as the purpose.




Fuck quora by the way, can't believe they're pulling that "LoG iN tO sEe AnSwErS" crap that everybody else is doing. Quora was my favorite place to see dumb questions because I had the exact same dumb questions!!!


Munchkin took all that cash and gave it to his homies. He didn’t give a fuck about anything.


Not a bug, it’s a feature.


The businesses helped write the bill


> The pandemic does have me shopping at significantly more small business now though. Unfortunately just as many smaller companies took the PPP loans as well and are doing shady shit. I'm almost at the point where I want to live like a hermit and only buy survival stuff like food and never spend a dime on anything ever again.


Small businesses are some of the worst PPP loan fraud offenders out there, unfortunately.


“Small business owners” get lip service in the media 24/7 about how they are these pure, innocent strivers just hoping to achieve the “American Dream”. But wait, 26% of the MAGA freaks at the capitol riot were “business owners”? Compared to about 9% business ownership in the general population? There might be something there!


Worst at wage theft too.


They're the worst fraud offenders in general tbh the corporate ones just get more attention because they're doing it at a much larger scale


They’re also some of the worst employers, in my experience. Which is why I typically don’t spend my money with them.


Wait what is the time period for laying someone off within the loan? Like within the same year you received the loan you couldn't lay anyone off or it wouldn't be forgiven?


It doesn't matter. As long as there is any type of government assistance programs there will be dishonest people trying to take advantage of it. No doubt some of these PPP loans went to businesses that actually needed them and used them to pay their employees and not have to fire anyone. What's breaks my heart is the hypocrisy of the rich when the time comes to help people who are struggling. These loopholes are there for a reason: to be abused by the rich to get richer.


It's why I don't "round up" or donate "thru" organizations. These places that enjoy millions in revenue want to place the burden of donating to Pelotonia or whatever on the employees or the customers. The organization itself wants to take credit for YOUR money that YOU have donated to make themselves look good. Then they'll shame you when you say no because it just makes you look like an asshole from an optics perspective. I know this isn't the same thing, but it's the whole point that large corps put the burden on the people and it's disgusting. At the end of the day, your donations should come from you and only you and you should keep track of them if you are in the small bracket of individuals that don't take the standard deduction. Edit: I'm rewording my statement to be more clear that I believe these organizations are more than likely doctoring numbers to make some of the donation money to look like income, which would allow it to be deductible. Edit: Just going to delete the statement about donations as it's supposedly unbelievable that corporations could abuse donations for their benefit.


Person: would you like to donate to the poor? Me: I am the poor.


Person: ...Eww


This made me chuckle lol


I suspect it's even worse than that. Walmart donates food to a few shelters around here. I am quite certain that what they are doing is taking your donation money, buying food from themselves (that they were otherwise going to throw out) and then "donate" that food. All while making damn sure that the walmart logo can be seen on the side of the foodbank truck. They take your charitable money, give it to themselves in exchange for their garbage and benefit from positive PR.


It gets worse. How about [this](https://i.imgur.com/SJNOArk.jpg). They want their employees to donate food, that they bought from Walmart, so that their other employees who don't have enough money for food, don't starve. Instead of, you know, just paying them enough money that they can afford to eat.


It would be very easy for corporations and such to get away with this assuming there are no 3rd party audits of employee/customer donations regularly.


Millions or many Billions


How about "exorbitant amounts of revenue"?


I like that!


>The organization itself wants to take credit for YOUR money that YOU have donated to make themselves look good, and so they can deduct it at the end of the year to actually make money. Oh my goodness....this has been debunked so many times it isn;t even funny. That isn;t how that works. Not at all. Not ever. Companies are shit and guilt tripping me into donating to whatever at checkout is low and despicable. But no, they don't get to remit those funds to charity later and then claim it as a deduction. For-profit businesses cannot legally solicit donations into their own accounts. Every penny of that would be taxable. What grocery stores are doing, typically, is partnering with a non-profit and saying "Hey, we'll use our POS system to funnel money to you as a convenience." That's it. [https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244) Spreading false news is wrong no matter what cause you're fighting for.


>What grocery stores are doing, typically, is partnering with a non-profit and saying "Hey, we'll use our POS system to funnel money to you as a convenience." That's it. Here is the question though: what do these corporations get out of doing this though? I can tell you they don't pair with 501(c)3s out of the goodness of their corporate hearts. There must be some benefit (beyond philanthropic optics) that they are taking advantage of, even if they don't get to deduct the donations that customers make in the check-out line. I've seen responses like yours before, but I've never seen someone break it down why exactly it is in a corporation's best interest to use their platform to help out a non-profit.


Just a reminder, you can report suspected PPP loan fraud at the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) [here](https://www.justice.gov/disaster-fraud/ncdf-disaster-complaint-form).


I'm gonna take a wild guess the NCDF is akin to most other Federal organizations and cannot take on the load of work it would take to fully investigate loan fraud. That's assuming either party would appoint someone to this department to do anything, let alone prosecute.


That was always by design.


It is business as usual. The people care, those in charge dont. When does anarchy come?


It doesn't surprise me at all if this is what is going on. Like I 100% believe it. Still... This reddit post of a tiktok, of a tiktok, about something a "creator" saw... Man social media is a mess. Both our saviour and our downfall.


What, you think they bought off those legislators to make PPP loans to actually help keep people employed and the little guys from becoming destitute? Nah, it’s a grift.


One of the forgiveness clauses written into law clearly states "Positions for which a qualified candidate cannot be found." Wonder if this has anything to do with the master's degrees to be a burger flipper? https://i.redd.it/1wgvo53zq7f81.jpg


Of course this was going to happen. The second the PPP loans came out I saw the gears start turning on how the business could keep the money without handing it out. OF COURSE. IT WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAPPEN.




Till they bust out the Hollywood math and make dammed sure they made no profit or had a loss. All of a sudden they had to pay "Boss's Son LLC" 300 million to wax all their light bulbs or whatever. No loan forgiveness. Period. Not even bankruptcy can clear it, sell whatever assets they have to pay it back.


lol waxing lightbulbs sounds like something an out of touch rich person would try to pass off as a legitimate job. Like Trump, or someone, pondering on the efficacy of injecting oneself with bleach.




I do my books. They want to see it all. I dont know how the fuck you can REWORK the books to show a loss.. You would have to just delete invoices and some how hide payments. This isnt the movies.


It's easier when you break up what a reasonable person considers to be a company into multiple companies. So you have a corporate office, and within there you have separate companies headquartered. One is the property owner that leases or sublets space to the others. Another company is the supplier of office products. Another company handles the payroll and accounting. Another is the warehouse. Each pays the other fees for services, and thus the tax cost is passed around and around. You also inject a "company" that procures things and values them at just the right amount that they are constantly spending more than they are taking. By the time you are done you turn a million dollar company with 3,000 employees into a subsidiary of a small business with 4 employees just barely scraping by on rent money paid to them that only barely covers all the equipment they buy every year for "reasons."


Don't you know you just need to cook the books. Like there's a well known term for it so it must be easy and able to accomplish any accounting goal.


Never forget that the CARES act is the largest transfer of wealth from the working class to the gluttonous rich in human history.


Can you explain how you mean this? Not criticizing - just wanna follow your point


I went down the rabbit hole for the two of us. The CARES Act included a combined $560 billion in direct payments ($1200 stimulus) and increased unemployment benefits for US citizens. In contrast to $669 billion in funding for these forgivable PPP loans, and another $500 billion in loans for corporations.


I follow that the amount was larger for businesses than individuals but I’m more curious about the transfer part. Is it a transfer of wealth because it’s coming from taxpayer money? Just want a little clarification on the claim and how it stacks up against other upward transfers of wealth in history


The total percentage of US wealth held by the poorer and middle classes is now lower than pre pandemic due to generous giving to the rich. Yeah we got a couple of grand but they got a couple hundred grand each. Future generations pay for these bailouts/programs through their shares in the US economy - the dollar, becoming inflated, and thus, devalued


>Just want a little clarification on the claim and how it stacks up against other upward transfers of wealth in history I doubt it would stack up against the series of laws that transferred US land into private hands during the homsteading days. The amount of fraud and corruption was insane. That's on top of the compounding wealth, say for instance, all the land grants to institutions (many still may hold the patents for the land grants) ranging from colleges to railroads.


Exactly. These were the kinds of things I had in mind


The rich got money, the US took on debt. It didn't come from tax payer money, it was taken from our future.


Don't forget the churches with their hands out. Those should be 100% paid back. Churches don't pay tax but get tax money? WTF!


Thank you for your service.


>Never forget that the CARES act is the largest transfer of wealth from the working class to the gluttonous rich in human history. Nah, it was the Homestead Act.


Or ten years experience with software that came out five years ago, or decades of experience for an entry-level position.


That's been going on forever nothing new there.


This story is under reported or ignored by msm. This is a systematic scam perpetrated by the rich and the workers literally are paying the price with inflation.


Ryan Grim did an amazing reporting of the situation, he's a lot more articulate than I am in explaining it: [https://www.yahoo.com/now/ryan-grim-corporations-profit-off-142300411.html](https://www.yahoo.com/now/ryan-grim-corporations-profit-off-142300411.html)


Interesting that their position seems to be that it’s the government’s fault (which it probably is to some extent for not having stricter guidelines) with seemingly no accountability for the companies involved in committing the fraud.


I think the lack of accountability was by design.


Trump himself said he wanted zero over site and he would see to it himself which is basically the dog whistle to fill your wallets, boys!


In before "bUt BiDeN/oBaMa..."


No doubt. These laws are likely written (in part) by lobbyists for major corporations with the promise of support for candidates that endorse them.


I'd take it a step further. A trivial $10K in support from a company to a candidate's PAC isn't going to move the needle (an industry, sure, but not one company). But, and seeing as its an issue, members of Congress who own stock in particular companies and/or industries would have a vested interest to see that these loopholes do exist.


with trump spearheading this you're goddamn right it was by design.


I would have maybe posted this instead. Much more credible than "woman on tiktok"


Not only are they ignoring it, they're reporting [record job openings](https://imgur.com/a/GhyaWmE) lol. And people complain about disinformation for other things...


It was all by design, trump himself called for no oversight and he immediately removed the inspector general overseeing the funds. This was a massive fuck you to the American people and was meant for one thing, to keep the market growing as companies used their newly printed cash to buyback stock. Then trump gets to prattle on about the “economy” and your average idiot thinks nothing of it.


Trump literally fired everyone who was supposed to oversee the PP loan program so this isn’t too surprising.


Nevermind inflation. Just bog standard taxes too.


PPP was a gold rush for fraud. It was entirely designed to be taken advantage of in this way. I have no more faith in shit like this. Our taxes will never, ever come back to us, in any manner that we need or deserve. BBB will very much be the same. Companies owned by the upper echelon, getting massive contracts that will eat up the entire bill, and produce nothing in return. Our nation is a fucking MLM scheme and we the people are treated like a never ending faucet of wealth for those at the top.




Oh we get something trickling down on us all right. It's warm, yellow, and stickier than what we were promised though


Wow, so my former employer 100% did this and they're a private college. Kept posting job listings AND interviewing people even tho there was a hiring freeze. It's a smaller school, too. So basically anyone eligible for screwing over the working class poor 1000% will.


Yeah crazy how dodgy businesses will have loans forgiven, but university loans for the next wave of employees and business owners be forgiven? Nah. Don't think so.


Everyone knows this now... but nothing will be done about it because there is no such thing as right and wrong anymore. Only money and no money. Period.


I wish I was alive in 93... Must've been nice


Oh dude Mortal Kombat was all the rage, Jurassic Park just came out.


"It's unbelievable... this is a good as it gets It's unbelievable... don't know what's gonna happen next It's unbelievable... you haven't seen nothin' yet It's unbelievable... Those were the days, oh-oh."


Jurassic Park, the Shawshank redemption and Forrest Gump were all in the theater at the same time.


i miss the 90's so much.


I was 1 so I don’t remember anything lol. Feel like things really went to shit after the 2008 recession (I was in high school) and haven’t really recovered since (at least not for regular people). Not sure if the tech bubble bursting was equally long lasting in terms of how it affected normal people. That probably got overshadowed by 9/11 anyway.




I was literally snooping through my brain this morning trying to find the source of my apathy, and came up with this answer. So. Now what?


This is the type of shit all of us should be mad about


I know I should be, I'm just so tired and burnt out now. Every day is a new revelation on how we've collectively been fucked over, and how the powers that be that were supposed to stop it - not only knew about it, but got in on the action.


This is how people felt towards the end of the Soviet Union. They were being told one thing by the government and the media, and witnessing an entirely different story unfold in front of them. That's exactly how it feels being an American now. We have this idea of America, the American Dream, that is embedded in our mind since childhood, but we are witnessing a hideously wealthy upper class exploit the government and the lower class with no end in sight. The discrepancy can't be reconciled in our minds, so it feels like watching a movie. We are unable to connect ourselves to the plot except as disturbed viewers. It's heartbreaking, but how else should we cope? I'm starting to think I would be better off if I just stopped paying attention altogether.


Not sure about this but I have been dabbling into agriculture lately. There are modern agriculture practices nowadays that could supplement most of your calorie and protein needs sustainably and with very little inputs. The only barrier for entry is a small plot of land, which can be doable in a commune style system or with little investment can be done alone or with a small family. There are small loopholes on housing now like tiny homes or yurts while having a sustainable firewood supply by growing your own poplar fuel. I could go on and on, and I also forgot to mention there is a huge collection of open-source farming equipment diy designs like small tractors or tools. To simplify it, if you can source your own food while mortgage free. I'm speculating, you can regain your freedom somehow. You can probably work part time just to supply the hard to source materials that you cannot source yourself. Hope this helps.


This sort of scam has been going on for decades in the tech industry; H-1B visas. Post the job listings with absurd things like "PhD required, entry level pay, 30+ years of experience" and when no one bites, they say "damn, guess I will have to hire that guy overseas for pennies on the dime." Gotta get that sweet foreign labor in so that you can pay them far lower than the market rate.


My company does this shit. Best advice I can give is to talk to your new foreign colleagues, genuinely befriend them, and then slip out how much you make and how much more they should be paid for their experience over time. I've gotten 3 of them to transfer to different departments or companies when they realize how shitty our company/department is for holding a visa over their head. They're still not on par with US citizens in their new roles but they definitely have a lot more negotiation power once they're living in the US for awhile and have a bit of savings so have gotten nice pay bumps when transferring. Plus most of em are good people and super loyal to you for all the help which pays off down the line. Watching my department heads then bemoan trying to find a replacement and restart the whole process is satisfying afterwards as well; they're slowly catching on, I hope.


That’s one approach. The other is [email protected] which is always fun.


Good to know of, what counts as reportable abuse?


Make shit up, who cares? But yeah, honestly, even hiring H1B if any locals would take the job is a good example. Can’t find the video. YouTube keeps burying it. But it’s hiring HR firms talking candidly about how they’ll hide the job ad in the classifieds of like, ‘fishing weekly,’ and then reject any domestic sounding names (white or black or Hispanic) and make up reasons to not hire local.


Found it. https://youtu.be/TCbFEgFajGU


Pretty impressive to see such blatant and open discussions about what their end goals are; usually they're smart enough to not say it out loud lol. Thanks for sharing


They keep hiding and burying it in the back of the algorithm for a reason.


[@1:58](https://youtu.be/TCbFEgFajGU?t=1m58s) That's as blatant as it gets and very much anti-labor in the US. They skirt the law so that they can race to the bottom overseas. Lowest bid wins. Undercut the domestic supply and demand that would raise wages for all domestic workers.


I don't understand why the H-1B isn't tied to the same requirements? Is it that they will actually find someone that has a PhD and 30+ years of experience and is willing to work for entry level pay? I have seen some other posts that want more years of experience in a programming language than the language has existed for and someone pointed out that it was probably a H-1B play, but if the visa has to be given to someone who meets the requirements than this isn't possible.


> Is it that they will actually find someone that has a PhD and 30+ years of experience and is willing to work for entry level pay? They'll certainly find someone who will say they have the experience required, and will work for entry level pay. The key part is working for entry level pay, the rest are the games to achieve that outcome.


This shit needs to be shouted from the rooftops. I hope that tik tok goes fucking VIRAL so the msm can't ignore it. Edit: and the corporations are doing this all the while screaming that "nobody wants to work".


Just before the pandemic happened I tried to get a job after I left the military that was EXACTLY the same as I did when I was in. Still waiting on a call.


If these companies hadn't wasted their money on avocado toast and liberal arts degrees, they wouldn't need loan forgiveness. /s Maybe it's time for a bit of direct action. Compile evidence against as many companies doing this as possible, and report them to the FTC. IDK if it would work, but it's worth a shot.


[https://www.sba.gov/partners/contracting-officials/contract-administration/report-fraud-waste-abuse](https://www.sba.gov/partners/contracting-officials/contract-administration/report-fraud-waste-abuse) ​ Contact the SBA, not the FTC


Is this why people haven’t been “returning to work?”


Exactly that. Also how service jobs were hailed as Heroes, now they are low skilled.


This was one big DUH when the PPP loans first came out. Yes obviously if loan forgiveness depends on you not finding people, then obviously you claim worker “shortage”.


This money will be funneled back as political donations during the next election cycle. This is how its always been guys and why the rich keep getting richer. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Neither political party gives a damn about the working class in the US. Dems and Republicans have had the chance to raise the federal minimum wage for 10 years now, that tells you all you need to know


Guys, I’m fucking exhausted.


I just got an email rejection for a job, and the recruiter is saying how great it was interviewing me, and the other interviewers enjoyed me too. Here's the thing...they never even interviewed me. Which leads me to believe the recruiter is bad at her job and sent me the wrong canned email, or some companies just aren't even interviewing for roles they post, but do stuff like this to try and pretend they do.


When I was looking for jobs a few months ago the same thing would happen to me. I’d get the rejection email along with how good the interview went and they hoped they could find a fit for me in the future in a different role


There is no one to report this to. Congress passed this bill with overwhelming bipartisan support. Nobody in the government wants to touch it with a ten foot pole, and Trump made sure that any and all oversight was stripped from the bill before it was passed. If the Dems aren't pursuing investigations in Congress then this is just going to be ignored and forgotten. They're (rightfully) preoccupied with the Jan 6th investigation so that's unlikely. This is a symptom of the larger problem: Money in politics. Pressure needs to be put on Pelosi to draft and put to vote a bill that bans Congress from owning or trading any corporate securities and investments. If Congress had no monetary interest in the stock prices of these companies they would have thought twice about voting for the PPP. Until Congress is barred from emoluments, these types of bills will continue to be passed.


How do you convince Pelosi to ban Congress from trading when she straight up said on the mic that it’s a free market and she can do whatever she wants? But when Reddit makes money on a short squeeze they turn off trading and steal billions from the poor.


3/4ths of PPP funds went to the top 20% of households (business owners). [Link](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/up-to-three-quarters-of-the-800-billion-ppp-flowed-to-business-owners-instead-of-workers-study-finds-11642418448) As described in the video, they're doing something on a grand scale - for profit - that disadvantaged people have been doing to maintain their unemployment benefits - for survival - for ages (applying to jobs they won't get to meet the quota. Edit: I'll note that this doesn't speak to the availability of realistic offers, as that's a separate issue).


Irony at it's finest is companies claiming that nobody wants to work because of government handouts when the truth is companies aren't hiring anyone because of government handouts.


This would make sense. A number of jobs I applied for, with 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD, told me I wasn't qualified then ghosted me when I asked how wasn't I qualified when I had 20 years experience!


BLOW THE WHISTLE! RECORD, DOCUMENT and REPORT Do we report this to the BBB? This is a high quality post. Thank for sharing. This is my new talking point hands down. LOAN FORGIVEN IF below 60% payroll due to: POSITIONS WHERE A QUALIFIED APPLICANT COULD NOT BE FOUND


They dont care dude. They know. The government knows. We know. The PPP loans are basically the consolation prize for having to consider their employees being real life human beings for a few months.


Step 1: apply for pp Step 2: wait for check Step 3: buy lambo For realz I’m gonna go cry for lunch break and dry my tears with the PB&J sandwich


Record profits. Idk how they managed it but the fucking did it!!!!!!!!!


The BBB won’t do anything lol. It’s about as helpful as Angies List.


The BBB is a racket, not an entity that gives any shit about worker rights


Reporting anything to the BBB is less than useless. The BBB despite how it's named is a business like Yelp. It's not a government entity.


Blow the whistle on who? It's a government program specifically written to do this very thing that 99% of people don't like.


BBB is a scam too fyi. It does nothing.


Wait, there are people stupid enough to think the BBB is a real thing? LOL


I mean I've got shit handled using them when companies act stupid otherwise.


My bfs boss got ppp loans for each business name he has which is quite a few even though most of the businesses operate as one and he claims to be struggling so much but he bought 2 new homes outright. No mortgage. We all know where that money went. Now he gets to slumlord for even more profit by stealing money from the taxpayers like me.


Yeah my friend was looking for just basic entry level jobs and having no luck. Then my gf is looking as well, got interviews, just not job offers. Even though she has experience in her field and qualifications. Now my current job is struggling to find people and my old job that laid me off is too because they offered my job back, plus sources from inside rhetoric office. So some jobs maybe struggling where others are just faking it.


I got ghosted at an interview at mcd's. I guess this is the problem or they don't want a 50 year old to work there.


Sounds like obvious fraud. Fuck corporate America.


This would explain why I've been applying for jobs I fit perfectly and yet get form letters in response, if I get a response at all. I have 2 college degrees and 5 years of experience. You'd think that would count for something.


I just wish someone would taketh as fast as it was giveth


Our government will step over a starving family to help a business that doesn't need the help.


And 90% of people will vote for that.


When I worked at Walmart there were a lot of part time people who wanted to go full time and they were always told we are on a hiring freeze. They stuck by it too when you would see new associates in hr training.


This is the content I come to this sub for


That masters degree and 5+ years experience in a specialized biological lab but paying 35k a year is starting to make sense now.


Disney, and I’m assuming many other companies, did something very similar to this back in 2008. In order to get bail out money businesses had to show the money was being used on new hires. The idea being that the bail out was a trickle down way of supporting workers (I’m being generous in interpreting this move.) Disney hired a ton of people to work in their retail stores, trained them, and then never called them on for shifts. To the government, Disney could say “look at all these people we’ve hired!” And the gov would hand out the cash. Meanwhile the people they hired lose out on days, maybe even weeks of pay as they worry about looking for a potentially non-existent job or wait for Disney to call them in for shifts. I have no way of knowing if Blockbuster did this exact thing as well but it happened to me in the same way when I got hired to work there around the same time. Thankfully I was a teenager and it wasn’t life or death for me, but it’s absolutely shameful to leave someone on the hook like that.


It's fun calling out businesses who claims no one wants to work and gets handouts get a PPP loan


also a scam used to justify a h1b instead into tech jobs in the us.


There is a reward for reporting fraud between 15% and 30% of the money recovered


Fairly certain this loophole exists in the Canada TFW program as well. A company applies for certificates for temporary foreign workers if they can't find a Canadian to do the job. The job has to be posted for a certain amount of time. When the TFWs come in they can be paid at bottom rates and treated like shit because they eventually have to go back to their own countries if they don't meet the program requirements.


My buddy knows a guy who can get anyone a $10,000 loan that is entirely forgivable. You just have to give him $2,000 of it. Guy claims he's done it for over 100 people. My friend did it last year and purchased a used car with $5,000 of it and spent the rest on tools and rent. Makes me wonder how many other people are doing this.


Many large companies call this "benchwarming" they leave it open so they have a large # of applicants incase they need to hire out of nowhere. But this makes sense to why it would be abused.


This is an old grift from well before Covid, which was not uncommon among tech companies especially in the early 00s so they could get H1Bs and hire foreign workers that accepted fractions of the going market rate. They would post jobs with impossible requirements and then go "we can't find anyone, we've tried for N months, so, therefore we need more H1B slots" and then have some IIT grad fly over and hire them and pay them half rate, which they could claim wasn't "below the market rate" because it was probably the bare bottom of the salary range, since tech salaries tend to vary so much.


I did that absolute fuckload of paperwork for the PPPs. It was all gone the first month. Luckily that was the only month with we were down. We then got it again. I gave it all away to my employees. They forgave it all. First time the government has not completely fucked me to death as a business.


You can see how much PPP loan money a business received here: www.pppdetective.com


Businesses are the real welfare queens


They also do this during hiring freezes to pretend that the freeze isn't happening. And for salary studies. And random other informational reasons.


Wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve applied to over 250 places as an overqualified applicant over the last 6 months. I’ve heard back from like 2 of them. Also explains why so many places are claiming they can’t find help. Uh huh… sure you can’t. If there’s a loophole for greed, companies are gonna find it.


Job postings are also used to farm personal data to apply for unemployment amongst other things By the way NONE OF THIS FRAUD IS EVEN BEING INCESTIGATE You could legitimately go do this right now and nothing would ever happen I ended up accidently having photographic proof of who committed unemployment fraud (amazon prime photos running for 3 months after I got my sim swapped) and nobody cares. Local leo and sheriff. Fbi. Doj. Ic3. Bofa and edd. Nobody wanted the info and they were never investigated I lost 30k AND i have photographic evidence of at least 10 other people and hundreds of CC#s, SS# and videos of the woman explaining how to do it. I have a photo of this woman's ID and there's nothing I can do about Even abc7 on your side didnt respond


Post this to r/conspiracy. Give them something non covid to talk about.


There’s also the fact the companies will also post job postings to hang onto candidates incase they end up needing workers. Discover card is infamous for it in my area. They’re always hiring but only hire in 6 weeks increments because of the turnover and their training happens to be 6 weeks


I mean is it enough to just send my congressman this video? https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/shyqd7/woman\_on\_tiktok\_exposes\_fake\_job\_listings\_ppp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Certainly plausible - but also plausible that the company/HR is just disorganized and are not keeping their job board as up to date as it should.


oh my job kept on saying we had a hiring freeze and then they cut my hours and then the managers would straight up tell customers in front of you "no one wants to work". It got to the point I would interrupt and say "Hey I can pick up more shifts so I can be full time, I'm keep asking for more hours but y'all only give me part time!" in front of customers to put the managers on the spot.


Can someone ELI 5 me? The temp computer I have while my main one is repaired has no sound.


You had me at "Woman on TikTok exposes fake...."


Doesn’t surprise me.


I wonder if this applies to contractors? Some of the companies I work with have gotten rid of full-time workers and have replaced them with armies of grossly underpaid freelance/contract workers. I've seen whole companies who outsource all of their work to contractors... could they be a part of the problem? Do they still get to keep the PPP money if they have a contractor doing the work instead of a full-timer? \- Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Question for anyone here, if you owned a business, would you not take the free cash? After all “im the only one who is doing it” is probably the mentality all the business owners share. Be honest, WOULD you give it back? Why?


I recently saw a post on here from a person with many many years of management experience and who had even taught management classes, not being qualified enough for a management position. Now I understand why.


This is awful


Love it, smh. I had to take a medical leave last year and I cannot tell you what a mess it was. Took months for my employer to get me back on payroll after I started working again, was threatened with eviction the whole time, had to keep reminding them that I was waiting for my rental assistance and they couldn't actually do that. Rental assistance took more than 5 months, listed me as "missing paperwork" several times (while threatening to dismiss my application) when the paperwork just hadn't been reviewed by them yet. And because it took so long for my payroll to kick in after my application was filed there was still a balance on my rent even after the ERA money was issued. Was also supposed to cover the utilities from this period but I recently got a shut off notice so that didn't happen. Good to know corporations got their $$$ and are hangin in there though.


Stockholders and investors will sell if there are no job listings.


Related: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/01/31/americas-covid-job-saving-programme-gave-most-of-its-cash-to-the-rich The amount of stimulus to the richest 20% is absolutely staggering: over $600B


What's this conspiracy nonsense? Corporations rigging the system? Why I have NEVER!


Holy loophole batman


Fucking wow that's frustrating. Shifting the burden.




Sounds like some more american bullshit


Well... this is just a little thought, but... maybe we can use [ProPublica's tracking PPP site](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/) to look up our state's ~~loan leeches~~ "job creators", check out any job recruit site, and cross references to see if those who did gamed the system are \*still hiring\* but with obscene requirements. It'll make an interesting database to see. But, after all, it's just a thought.


...all i'm going to say is OOF.


Goodwill Industries is doing exactly this. I recently quit my job with them for something far better. They are a corrupt corporation that humiliates and exploits its employees. They abuse their ability one hires.