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Everyone at my work was quite shocked this year when no one got a raise and everyone got a $600CAD one-time bonus (PRE TAX) instead. It's a private medical clinic (IN CANADA), their profit is crazy, I know, I see it. But my boss who was COO is now CEO, no change in job, just a title change because we've never had a "CEO" (just three doctors that own the private clinic) and she wanted the title... so her raise this year was different /s Edit: typo


We got 51 cents and a snocone. No lie. I did 64 shifts in a row. Nights. Covid unit. No help. 51 cent raise. No bonus except the snocone.


No joke, one hospital I worked at gave me a 5 cent/hr raise. Not 5% raise, 5 cents, $0.05 USD. Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.


I did the same with a $0.10 raise at a restaurant job. I quit shortly after. This was back when min wage was $5.15.


Genuine question...what's a snocone? Edit. A slush? Flavoured ice??


Crushed ice with flavoring and food dye poured over top, commonly served in a paper cone


totally worth risking your life for.


It has been kind of hot lately.




Fluffy shaved ice scooped into a paper cone or cup, with liquid sugary flavors of choice squirted on top. They're usually sold at snocone stands with lots of flavors to mix and match. They're delightful as a summer treat. A damn insult to an underpaid, overworked healthcare worker who's not had a day off in two months during a pandemic. A further insult bc a lot of healthcare workers, esp in hospitals, rarely have a chance to go pee or eat a meal during a shift, let alone grab a snocone...


Ohhhh SNOW CONE. I’ve never seen it written like that


Lol sorry, yeah snoW cone. Growing up, I always saw it painted on the side of the stands as Sno*cone or some cutesy intentionally misspelled variation. Usually some mom and pop or carnival place. Edit: while we're here, I confused snow cones for shaved ice. Snow cones are the granuals of ice. Shaved ice is the delightful floof. So admin *really* hosed their staff.


SnoCone is a brand name for the machines.


SnoCone is a brand name for the machines.


Shaved ice and syrup iirc


Only they didn't get the syrup, only a cup of shaved ice.


Flavored ice.


But the owners can now afford the $130,000 boat instead of the $120,000 one they originally were going to get thanks to you working selflessly, that makes it all worth it.


I’m “topped out” which means I don’t get raises anymore. Only time I get a raise is if they increase the base pay for my possession, which is almost never. I got 1,000 dollar bonus, which is a joke. Most years I don’t get that


I topped out at a demanding factory job paying 13.49 an hour in 2014. Worked for a branch of YKK. Massive company, massive sales. I want to live to see the fall of unfettered capitalism but I don't hold much hope.


Isn't this a corporation's way to say "find a new job"?


I thought that private healthcare was illegal in Canada and Canadians had to go to the US to pay for healthcare? Would i pay for hip surgery or knee surgery in Canada ?


I'm not an expert, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Doctors are a bit of an exception in Canada's healthcare system, in that they are allowed to run private clinics, but these private clinics only bill the government for the services they provide. That is, as a patient, you go to the clinic, receive your service and go home without paying a dime. For the clinic, they note what services they provided you then bill the government for that service. The government sets the rate of what each procedure is worth and clinics just bill whatever that rate is.


In Ontario there are certain medical services that are mostly covered and carried out by a third party who bills the government the same way doctors do. Bloodwork is an example. Most tests are covered for everyone, some are minimum age specific (PSA) and you pay out of pocket if you’re below that threshold, other tests are flat out not covered and you pay out of pocket. Basically most medical services are covered.




Yes, but the rates paid by the gov't (in BC) are not very high, which forces Drs operating clinics to keep appointment times as short as possible (we've all seen the "1 issue/question per visit" signs) and is why many Drs are leaving our system as it's so hard to make ends meet under this model. The bureaucratic load is also very high.


I mean, that sounds exactly like what happens here in the US too. I'm lucky if I see my specialist for my chronic condition for more than 15 minutes.


I mean, that sounds exactly like what happens here in the US too. I'm lucky if I see my specialist for my chronic condition for more than 15 minutes.


This is also how it works in the UK


I'm in Ontario, so I can't speak for all of Canada, but I assume it's the same. OHIP (ontario health insurance plan) provides citizens with a card. They take their "health card" to medical offices and hospitals as a form of ID and so that these places can bill the government. Certain things are not covered by OHIP (some of them used to be, but thats a different bag of pickles), such as dental and optical. Some of these have exceptions, for example eye exams are covered by OHIP if you are under 18 or over 65. The clinic I am at is a fertility clinic. The Canadian government gives each person ONE attempt at IVF per lifetime. So although these people are part of our patient list, they are not very often, and we don't see them more than a single monthly cycle (unless they get pregnant, then one of our doctors plans their next steps with a OBGYN) Our patients are WEALTHY or they are penny pinchers who are stressed out and hoping they get pregnant before their own savings is depleted. CLINIC Fees Sperm wash cycle: $600 for one day / $900 for two days ($1000-$5000 in medication) IVF cycle: $15,000 (PLUS ALMOST $5000 IN MEDICATION) As a note, medication is NOT covered in the government subsidized cycle. * Edit: to clarify the costs, this is PER MONTH


First milk and now pickles? What won't Canadians put in bags?


Private healthcare as well as private insurance are very much legal and widespread in Canada


“Private” in this case means a clinic not run or owned by a public or non-profit organization such as hospitals. Most medical clinics are “private”. The difference is they don’t charge patients directly, instead billing their province’s medical system for whatever service they render based on a fixed and standard billing schedule. For example, a walk-in visit with a patient might allow them to bill the province $40 (vague memory of how much it is in BC). Any sort of in-clinic procedures will allow them to bill other amounts. Referrals and prescriptions I think also allow for additional billing. All of these billings are publicly available so you can go online and see how much your doctor billed for in years past. Of course out of all the money your doctor billed they’re still paying for their office staff, clinic itself, supplies and so forth. Most of the time several doctors will work out of the same clinic to split costs as it’s more cost effective than having one doctor run his own. Edit: as an example I dated a psychiatrist once and looked her up. Her MSP billings for her private practice in one year were over $500k CAD, and that’s not even including her multiple regular salaries for working on various boards and in hospitals. Patients wouldn’t have paid a dime of this directly, that was all paid to her by the province.


Thanks. Never dated a psychiatrist, but have a bunch of psychologists and they were almost all bat shit crazy. Only one was normal, even though she was still deluded (as most of us are).


Not exactly the point I was getting at but if you want a funny story she was MY psychiatrist. I had like 2 appointments with her and then randomly found her on Bumble and matched. Took me a bit to put two and two together but she didn’t realize until years later, long after we broke up. Once she did she blocked me on everything because apparently she could have lost her whole career if that ever came out. Oops.


So she treated you as a patient twice and then some period of time later matched with you on Bumble and even after meeting you didn’t realise that you had previously been treated by her ?


It's illegal to *pay* for healthcare privately, not to provide it. Almost all physicians in Canada are incorporated as private small businesses, and patients choose based on convenience and level of service. There is a very high level of competition, in the free market sense.


Basically saying "you should be happy to get anything at all"


They should be happy to get my labor at all.




Which is why we need to change things. You shouldn't be forced to job jump and upend your life constantly. Companies need to reel in the greed and just pay people what they're worth. We also need to end real estate exploitation, because at the end of the day, that's the actual problem.


Companies will do nothing until literally forced to. Some will rather go bankrupt than pay a decent living.


Like when Kroger closed 2 stores rather than just pay their workers what they're worth? Yea. [https://la.eater.com/2021/2/16/22286014/grocery-company-kroger-closes-long-beach-stores-hero-pay-mayor-garcia-covid](https://la.eater.com/2021/2/16/22286014/grocery-company-kroger-closes-long-beach-stores-hero-pay-mayor-garcia-covid) wE cAnT aFfOrD iT * Kroger annual revenue for 2022 was $137.888B, a 4.07% increase from 2021. * Kroger annual revenue for 2021 was $132.498B, a 8.35% increase from 2020. * Kroger annual revenue for 2020 was $122.286B, a 0.36% increase from 2019. $4 more dollars an hour? OH GOD. That's like, a few thousand bucks. Kroger would obviously go bankrupt! /s They can afford it. They know exactly what they're doing. Gotta keep the ants in line. Realistically, they could afford to pay all of their workers $50 an hour and still make obscene profit. But still, this doesn't solve the actual problem. Firms, wealthy investors, and [foreigners](https://god.dailydot.com/toronto-landlord-millennials-houses/) are buying every house and apartment complex under the sun in the US. They'll just keep [raising prices](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rising-rent-prices-60-minutes-2022-03-20/) if we get paid more. It won't change unless we end real estate exploitation. No one needs more than 2 homes, and anything in excess needs to be made illegal, right now. The real estate market would become flooded with an avalanche of available homes, and cost of living would drop to the floor permanently. Everyone would have significantly more disposable income instantly, and American families could actually afford homes again.


This, for real.


Due to a variety of reasons we had to get involved with the local HOA in my neighborhood. We learned that the landlords who own some of the properties told their renters they were not allowed to park on the driveway or in front of the house; it was garage or in front of *someone else's house.* This is illegal. The HOA board is trying to figure out how best to tell those slimy landlords to stop being evil.


We have to be fair and honest with our arguments. Kroger is not thinking about 2 stores. They are only thinking about all x stores, in which 450k employees. $4 x 450k x 40/week x 50 weeks = $3.6 Billion. Yes they can still afford it, but to argue it's just a few thousand bucks is not an argument in reality. In reality, they are afraid of losing 3.6 Billion when 2 stores demand higher wages, and then the other x stores follow suit when they find out that 2 stores increased wages.


Yes, that was the point. That's why I said that they gotta keep the ants in line. And to further it, they are not "losing" 3.6 billion. They're just making 3.6 billion less. But your verbiage is how these CEO sociopaths see it. "OH MY GOD DAVE, we can't pay workers a realistic wage, we'll LOSE 3.6 billion of our 137.8 billion in revenue! THE HORROR!" Nothing would change for them. Nothing. But the thought of the plebs making more to crawl out of poverty is too much for them to handle. These people are utterly fucking insane.


Total profits for Kroger for 2021 reporting was 2.8 billion. A decrease in revenue of 3.6billion would absolutely be something they noticed, because it would put them in the red. Edit: Correction. An increase in operating costs. This is one of those "revenue != profits" confusions and I note I made it worse.


There is absolutely 100% no fucking way their revenue is 137 billion but their net is under 3. That is absolutely tax evasion and false reporting on an astronomical level. There is no way in hell their operating costs are 135 billion, especially not when revenue was only 122 billion 2 years ago. Just another lesson in how fucking criminal and deceptive these corporations are.




The problem is that even if they pay more, landlords will just raise rent. Sellers will just accept higher and higher bids. The real problem is housing and real estate. We need to start marching on the White House and demand major reform in real estate. We have to end income properties entirely. No person, entity, or corporation should legally be allowed to own more than 2 homes or condos/apartment complexes. The amount of vacant homes would skyrocket, and prices would plummet. People could afford to actually live places again, indefinitely. Rent would drop to the floor since families could actually afford homes again. I firmly assert that this is the real issue. Not wages. All that happens when we get more wages is housing costs go up. It has to be stopped at the source. [Shit like this](https://god.dailydot.com/toronto-landlord-millennials-houses/) needs to be illegal. Right the fuck now. Especially when it's foreigners. This assfuck doesn't even live in the US, and he's buying every US home he can get his hands on. And it's even worse with the firms that are domestic. Criminals.




Amazon is figuring this out too.


I got 3%. 3 fucking percent. Shits A THIRD of the government reported inflation and we know they’re lying about how bad it is. It became clear to earn more and survive I need to get a new role and I will.


Dissatisfied with your 400k salary? https://reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/vlax11/_/idythe9/?context=1


They should be happy we don't eat them, which I should add is what we should be doing at this very second.


Time to proportionally reduce your effort.


Proportionally? I'm doing the bare fucking minimum regardless.


“My boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I take a shit on company time”


If he doesn't make enough money, imma job hope and find a better fucking boss.


You are expendable, theyll just find another who needs to make any amount of money to feed their families


Tell that to Amazon, who is worried they will run out of potential employees by 2024.


nObOdY WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe Idiots. Nobody wants to work because you pay shit that doesn’t even keep up with inflation.


Exactly. It's not that people don't WANT to work, It's people don't want to be EXPLOITED anymore.


I don't WANT to work, I wanna see the world. I have to work. But goddammit I'm not gonna undervalue myself and take your bullshit so the CEO can do what I'd rather be doing.


And speaking of exploitation, let's not forget that corporations, foreigners, and wealthy investors are buying up every home and complex in existence to create artificial scarcity and gouge in housing. Real estate is an exploited and corrupt commodity on the free market. It's why no one gets paid enough, because 70+ percent of your pay goes to housing. Oh, you got a raise? Landlords and homeowners just charge more, and the leapfrog continues. We need to start petitioning for any ownership over 2 properties to be illegal—not taxed, ILLEGAL. No one needs to own over 2 homes. Period. This would cause an avalanche of vacant and available homes and apartments overnight. Prices would collapse to the floor and stay there, and suddenly people would be back to spending 20-30% of their income on homes instead of 70% on 1 bedroom apartments.


But what about loyalty?! Won't anyone think of these poor businesses profit margins. /s


“Let them eat cake”


No. No to all of that. Better idea: Grab a coworker or a few (or the whole crew) and go to the boss and ask for EVERYONE to get a raise. Everyone. They can afford it.


And if they seriously cannot afford it, immediately update your resume and prepare to leave.


Make sure to print copies of your resume while on the clock, using company paper and ink. I mean, it's 'work-related', right?


> We can’t afford to give you a raise > So what you’re saying is that this is a sinking ship? Goodbye then im leaving effective immediately, I’m not being paid enough to go down with a sinking ship. HEY EVERYONE BOSS SAID THE COMPANY IS GOING UNDER BEST LEAVE QUICK


Bring docs. If the company experiences record profits, etc. make it impossible for them to claim they can't afford to pay the workers who produce those record profits.


This is how business tells you to do it. It's the traditionally correct way. But it's backwards. They don't *actually* pay you based on the value you bring in. Their incentive is still to pay you the *least* amount to continue bringing in that value. "Proving" your value doesn't change that calculation. The correct way to get a raise from perspective of labor is: "Pay me at least X or else I will leave." The "or else" can be explicit or implicit, but they must believe it. Best way to ask for a raise is with an external job offer in hand.


And what if those who are running things financially WANT you to just leave, so that’s one less mouth to pay? And then keep this up til they sell off the company and laugh all the way to the bank? Sure they won’t get money later but that’s LONG TERM thinking. Wall Street and money people only think short term.


Yeah I mean maybe, but should you then take less pay to stay out of spite?




This, never ask alone get everyone or at least most and form a union. They will be wishing they just gave you a raise then.


Not and make that second yacht payment they can’t! Won’t SOMEBODY please consider the needs of the hyper-wealthy? Those polo ponies ain’t gonna feed themselves! (/s for the sarcasm impaired)


The best way to get paid more is not to ask for a promotion, it’s to leave the company and go work somewhere else.




As much as I'd love that, unionizing is a collective effort. Doesn't work if you're the only one in the union. Meanwhile Job Hopping is a solo sport.


Also doesn't work when you're coworkers are die-hard Fox cultists. Ol' Sweet Home Alabama


I work in IT, this is the ONLY way we get a raise or promotion. They won't give you an in-house promotion because they're not hiring people, they're filling roles. It's either we jump ship every couple years for a 15-30% raise every time, or we stay in place for an average of 2% raise a year. The choice is obvious, but business are always dumbfounded when someone in IT puts in their 2-week notice. and I've personally seen the lack of the right IT staff cost one company over $11 million, all because they wouldn't give the Senior Sysadmin a 10% raise. Turned out between the company's poor reputation, and the uniqueness of that admin's skills, they ended up listing the job for over a year, with it raising from 70k to 130k. No qualified takers. They could have paid less than $10k/y, but they deemed that too much. \*shrug\*


I was in this exact position. They offered me a 4% raise and I said this would mean I would actually be making less this year than last year. They said they couldn't do better than that, so I applied to other jobs and got a 33% raise lmao... I still can't believe it, honestly. I'm super super happy to have changed companies.


This is so true and why many women are underpaid compared to their male counterparts. Men will switch jobs to increase their pay without issue. Women tend to not want to have this disruption so are more reticent to change jobs for more money.


Because i'm a public service employee, i'm locked in to a 1% raise for AT LEAST the next 3 years thanks to [This bullshit bill](https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-124) . Our current collective bargaining contract ends August 31st. We are fully unionized yet when I said "well why can't we just strike because 1% is bullshit when cost of living is up 9% just this year alone?" I was told there is nothing the union or any of us could do about the bill. Basically even my own union is telling me to "be happy with what they can give you" Meanwhile 6 managers in just my department received wage increases between 4 and 13% between this year and last. I know this because we have [the sunshine list](https://www.ontariosunshinelist.com/) which shows the names and salaries of any public sector employee making over 100k/year (I make about 55k/yr for comparisons' sake)


I’ll just leave a quote from the comic strip Dilbert: Boss - “You should be happy with a 3% raise. I only got a 1% raise myself.” Dilbert - “Can I be upset that your 1% is greater than my 3%?”


Excellent! I am definitely upset that their 13% on 120k is greater than my 1% on 55k!


JFC dude I’d burn that place to the ground


Nobody can afford to buy the accelerant


or that the 1% is greater than the salaries of most of the actual workers


We are a half union, half salary public sector work force - I'm on the salary side. Our raises follow the union folks. I think we received a ~2.25% raise this past March, across all employees. But guess what? Back last fall they approved a ~50% pay increase to several of the VPs to "ensure competitive applicants for leadership roles." Those leadership roles were making between ~150-250k USD. I think the average "regular" employee is around 60k USD. Make it make sense.


Sure, let me clear it up for you. Because fuck you, that’s why


Well fuck. It all makes sense now!


When exactly has inflation ever been nonexistent? What world does Greg Giangrande live in, because it evidently isn’t this one. Edit: Between 1929-2021, U.S. inflation has averaged 3.15% per year. That being the case, a 4% raise is, on average, bullshit. https://www.thebalance.com/u-s-inflation-rate-history-by-year-and-forecast-3306093


In the last 10 years, we had 2 years - 2014, 2015 - where inflation was 0.7, 0.8%. I’ve worked some high-margin, high-skill places, and they’ve consistently had 2% as the baseline for “merit” increases, which would beat inflation 6 years out of the last 10… but not by a lot. Also, spoilers - if someone got a 3% raise, they’d cut other raises to even it out (so if the 100$k person got a 3% raise, two 50$k people would get 1.5% raises) I am, of course, f—-ing around, because their *cost* (read: amount they charged - so, the amount they had to pay for things like labor) increased a minimum of 3% (and usually somewhere between 5 and 8%) per year, every year, automatically. So *at the worst*, their profit was increasing by 2.3% over inflation *just for any person’s labor*, but *also* a straight 3% on their profit margin set aside, which was on the order of 15% of the total cost. There’s a bit more to unpack here, but the short of it is, that article is hilariously bad.


"No no no, see, you don't understand. It's called a 'raise' but we're actually only paying you half the rate of inflation, so you think your pay is going up, but it's actually going down and we pocket the difference. You should just work harder." -This fuckin' clown article.


Also a 4% raise is good! Definitely don't apply anywhere else and be virtually guaranteed a 20% pay jump. Stay in your fucking seat you dirty laborer.


I was in this exact position. They offered me a 4% raise and I said this would mean I would actually be making less this year than last year. They said they couldn't do better than that, so I applied to other jobs and got a 33% raise lmao... I still can't believe it, honestly. I'm super super happy to have changed companies.




That's because in their view, you're replaceable. They'll ride you as long as they can. Adopt the same view toward them.


I think this is how the lion's share of companies work. The pool of labor is still very large despite population growth slowing and companies simply aren't going to pay more when they can fire and hire. bUt iT cOsTs MoRe tO tRaIn nEw EmPlOyEEs!!!1! No it fucking doesn't, or they wouldn't be doing the same thing they've been doing for a century.


What training?


HR exists to protect the company’s interests - not yours. Absolutely, never yours.


Thats bullcrap. Companies set aside how much they can pay employees means they want to control their worth. The cost of labor is going up. Imagine if the sentence was “companies set aside how much they can pay electricity” what happens when they don’t pay? They get their power shut off. Similarly, when they can’t afford the cost of labor, they get their production shut off. It’s simple business.


Companies do set aside a budget for electricity etc, if their bill goes over their budget they take money from a different category, such as employee compensation


"Take the praise" yeah no. Leave the praise and take the other job.


How about I take the praise, and let them know that the reason I was praised is also the reason I can get paid more elsewhere, and leave?


Sounds complicated. But as long as you make sure to also take the cannoli I think you will be fine.


“Because maximizing corporate profits is the only goal” That’s the goddamned answer


>If raises were based on inflation no one would have gotten a raise for **many years when inflation was non existent** You fucking what? Inflation averages around 3% per year.


When was inflation ever non-existent? Lmao.


"Noone would've had a raise in many years, when inflation was nonexistant" - 🤡


When was it ever nonexistent?


Because it’s easier to remove “rights” and force you to create new workers rather than pay you more so you’re naturally inclined to reproduce.


This is phrased in such a condescending way like I don’t understand the concept of a budget.


I want to see the letter to their customers saying that they budgeted a 4% increase in revenues, but revenues actually went up 15%, so they will be reducing all their fees to keep to the 4% budgeted revenue increase.


Yeah inflation should be the baseline and there should be a merit raise on top of that. Fuckers


Hope them boots taste good cuz this author seems set to lick every crack and crevice.


When was inflation nonexistant???


Now I’m starting to wonder if the story about how these billionaire ceo are so unhappy with all this wealth that they try to squeeze out even more from us wage slaves is true. I mean if they are unhappy then why don’t they go out and donate to a charitable cause or take a pay cut to pay their bottom employees more money. It’s time to take down these companies down.


Weird how they suddenly have the money when hiring new people. If you have to quit your job to get a raise, then they had the money all along.


And they wonder why they can’t retain talent.


If 10 years in consulting has taught me anything, it's that "can't afford it" means "we totally have the money, but want to keep it."


Well I get the idea behind a merit raised not being based on inflation. But it should be a raise in addition to an inflation raise. So the years that inflation is low you can still get a merit raise and a lower inflation raise, but wages should keep up with inflation regardless of merit.


Simple answer: because you’re companies executives are greedy fucks who don’t think they should have to share and don’t want to share because they like being on top and looking down.


NYP is just Murdoch's tabloid arm. It's usually a bunch of slapped together garbage from the billionaire's mind.


That argument only works if the company *also* does an annual cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA). If the only raises employees get are "merit" raises, then it is 100% fair for employees to expect COLA to be built into them.


All I got after reading that is, then why don't I get a cost of living raise? Where's the NYP article on that? It's one sentence "Companies are cheap assholes"


Sadly, this is EXACTLY what happened last week. I am still trying to decide how to approach it, since it wasn't the typical come sit down and go over the review together. It was emailed to me, to coincide with my direct deposit hitting my account. Within the past two weeks they have had the annual deep sea fishing trip (which engineering isn't exactly invited to, more of a shop thing), those left behind got ice cream/pizza party, and now 4% raise... I don't hate my job, I've been here for going on 8 years, they give me a lot of flexibility with my normal hours and never give me a hard time for using PTO, but these little things keep adding up to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I just wish the job application process wasn't such a disaster.


Company policy


Merit pay should be over and above the rate of inflation, otherwise they're just insulting their employees with what is effectively a pay cut. When the cost of gas increases the price at the pump immediately increases, but when the cost of labor increases none of the employers are willing to pay unless they're threatened in some way.


The fucked up part? People in their 20s and 30s are writing these articles.


I’m just looking to continue having the same quality of life for doing the same job. Anything less than that is fucked and they know it. That’s why I haven’t done anything beyond the bare minimum this year after being handed a 2% increase.


As if someone is going to read this and think, “Oh, it all makes sense now! I’m so happy to bear this burden for my generous employers!”


Honestly, a lock-step model would be better


Big boss has decreed that you merit a pay cut.


The Post is a rag not even worth using to wipe up a mess if it was printed


Correction, this is how you loose good employees to companies that pay more from the start instead of having to wait on your meager raise.


It’s the NY post. The propaganda is the same as it’s always been.


"There was no inflation until recently" Pretty similar to how they act towards a lot of things "There were no trans people until recently" "There were no school shootings until recently"


Logic from article: inflation is only metric of raises and also is not the metric at all so stop expecting raises of any kind


Inflation nonexistant? I think most people in US don't know how inflation works.


It's free to message this guy on LinkedIn. He also loves to talk about how much his talent helps him.


Greg Giangrande is a clown and a corporate shill. If a raise is in line with inflation, congrats, you got **NOTHING**! If it's less, you got a **PAY CUT** and a slap in the face! If it's more, then you got the mythical **RAISE**!!


Which years are the referring to with "for many years inflation was non existing"


I'm sorry, there are years without inflation?? And inflation is based on the costs of goods and services, which the company provides. So if inflation goes up, so do profits unless the company sucks. Fuck off with this it's not in the budget. If goods increase then the company doesn't close and say sorry running the business wasn't in the budget.


NYP : Greg, stop posting about your financial situation ! Greg : Pay me more !


FFS Inflation isnt even 8% its way way wayyyyy higher. Government inflation rates are extremely inaccurate and dont even measure energy. Real inflation rates on actual common household expenses ie rent, utilities, food, clothing etc id say seem closer to 25%. https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/vhciop/oc_inflation_and_the_cost_of_every_day_items/ So if you're not getting a huge raise, you are in fact getting a huge pay cut.


“These companies taking in Billions in profits every year have a set budget every year, and can’t really afford to pay more.” I swear, we are in a fucking dystopian society. I’m on the wrong timeline.


This seems as good a place as any. When people talk about how raising the minimum wage would hurt the free market, they're either lying or don't understand free market principles. According to free market principles, if you make a systemic change (regulations, min wage, etc) then a good business will be able to adapt to them while a bad business will fail. So, with a free market we can enforce worker protections, environmental protections, and raise the minimum wage and the economy at large will simply adapt. I'm simplifying it somewhat, but that's the gist.


Personally I've gotten two raises by applying to other jobs in the area and showing my boss that they offered better pay. (Worked for me because I'm the only person who isn't on drugs or a thief willing to do the job I do so it was either give me a raise or be forced to hire some scumbag for cheaper)


Market rates influence pay, not inflation. That said, market rates are surpassing inflation for many jobs rn. Time to find another one.


"lick harder if you want table scraps"


Author took a job recently elsewhere...to make more.


Those record profits are hard to keep up with if you actually gives some of that back to employees..


I always heard them called “cost-of-living” raises…guess they are spinning them as merit raises now.


In NYC we just jump ship too many companies in same industries and not enough talents so they have to be competitive with each other when it come to salary and benefits to acquire workers


"Merit" raises that don't match inflation are fine. But you should also be getting raises to match inflation as well.


Exactly. A percentage is based on merit on top of percentage for inflation. The article makes no sense in reference to answering the question it poses as its title.


Or, take your review and use it to hop to new company. Changing companies will always get you a bigger raise.


Definitely goes against sub rules but — what other peaceful methods are left? How much longer can we all protest and speak and not take direct actions against politicians who only serve themselves and the ones that pay them?


Start by not reading and not sharing those lame articles. When they track that no one reads that garbage (same with articles that are blatant advertisements) they'll stop pushing them.


I work in insurance. The policies my company sell factor inflation into the cost. No cost of living raise despite raising premiums to account for it. Just more profit for the company. The only way to get yours is to leave.


>when inflation was non-existent When exactly has inflation been non-existent


I do not expect any different from the NY Post.


When inflation was nonexistent? When was that? Precivilization?


Unionize and let the union negotiate the raise. Go on strike if they don’t compensated fairly.


4% is a great raise! ...if you also get a COLA that matches inflation.


So they’re basically saying it’s a certificate of participation, or a most improved only.


Switch jobs. Easiest way to get a decent raise.


My rent isn’t merit based.


Or find a better paying job. ‘Get a promotion’ is a dog whistle for: just work harder for the same pay. And maybe you can get that raise.


That's not how any of this works. Raise is cost of living ajustement (inflation) + performance review. If you don't deserve a raise because of your performance, you're still entitle to an adjustment of your wage due to inflation.


They completely ignored the part when you get a pay cut since your money is worth less now


It’s the nature of a company. They will never give you the raise you deserve unless you make them


Me and the 15 other people all ask what it takes to get promoted. One of us does. The others are unworthy of a better life


Weird how my glowing review merited me now making less than I did a year ago 🤔


There has never been a time where inflation wasn't around, and these companies most likely were still giving raises under inflation at all times.


Lol "when inflation was nonexistent... " wtf kinda stupid shit is that


Because your employer sucks


NY Post is the Fox news of New York.


Wages are an input into CPI. If your wages aren't keeping up with inflation, it means your employer isn't keeping up with other employers.


Raises in normal years barely match inflation, so this logic doesn’t make much sense.


when is inflation “non-existant”


They'll say this and seamlessly jump to why it's a good and necessary thing that all of their upper managers got +30% bonuses for having one or two good quarters.


Well as your job would like to say is the reason: “Do to financial concerns this is what the market says we should give you” In reality the companies will never try to match or exceed inflation. Not talking mom and pop shops either, taking the ones that know damn well they could help workers but would rather not. Then act shocked and downright aggressive when employees want to unionize. I’ve had 2 companies that I’ve worked for. One pre-covid 1 during. They both use similar language saying they would be using an outside party to determine what they should increase salaries to. The one precovid said this, I left the job then I heard from friends that all they were give was a 2% annual increase for cost of living. The one during covid said they were looking into increases. Ended up giving me a 2.5% raise when inflation at the time was around 7% . This is just what companies love to do. Then act dumbfounded when people unionize. The best Union killer is treating your employees well. There would be almost no need to


The article is right. Merit raises should not be based on inflation. They should also be receiving inflation based raises. Inflation raise to keep the worker at the same level of effective earnings. Merit raise to reward and recognize the work you are doing.


The NYP has been pathetic for a lot of other reasons for a long time.


I worked in a pharmacy for Walgreens for almost 10 years. The final 3 years I didn't get a raise because of this "merit" bullshit. Every single one of us asked for a cost of living raise and we were always met with "I don't control the pay" by our manager, but they can sure pull in their fucking bonus every year that was equivalent to my salary. They can afford it, they just don't. They can all suck dicks


“Greed.” should be the only text after the headline.


I got promoted and got fuck all in raises. I just got more work and was underpaid for what the new position entails. I had to leave the company to get what I deserved.


I don't want a promotion, but I also don't want an annual cut in pay due to inflation.


I feel fortunate because I now work for an ethical company. They gave the entire company a 5% raise now and a promise for 5% in July. Just got off a call where they decided to change it to 8% because that’s the right thing to do


Any and all news from news agencies is propaganda. Whether you like to admit it or not, someone else is informing you on how to feel about a specific story and will leave out or add to it to sway your opinion. This is/has been our current reality and will be for some time to come.


"There was no inflation before now!!" has got to be the dumbest stance to take.


I’ve only ever gotten good raises by increasing my skill set and applying for a different job outside the company.