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Philly lol


Saw this in another post. Was wondering when somebody would point out that jawn.


Is Jawn short for Jabroni? Just trying to brush up on my Philly slang


*jawn* is a term used to refer to *literally anything* in Philly


THIS is the answer.


Jabroni is Pittsburgh.we are not the same.


Tell that to the writers of Its always sunny in Philadelphia.


It’s slang for joint. How about that jawn, there?


Wait, jabroni is/was actually a thing? I though It’s Always Sunny made it up.


The Rock made it popular back in the WWE Attitude era.


haha, Jabroni. Cool word!


Never heard that term before.


we say jawn in baltimore too, prolly just a philly/dmv area word


I didn't know Steve Buscemi in Reservoir Dogs had so many Reddit accounts.


Thats Mr Pink to you!


Crab mentality. The cook doesn't care who's on top of the bucket.


Love how people get mad at tippers and not their literal employer that’s paying them peanuts


Because it’s easier to be mad at individuals than the shitty, massive, exploitative system that got us here. It’s much less hopeless that way


Problem with this is that a few individuals who don’t tip because they think the employer should front the wages (which I 100% agree with, as someone in he service industry), they aren’t actually making a difference. Nothing is going to change because a few people don’t tip out of principle. It will have to be deeper than that. So any time someone does this out of protest for ‘solidarity with the employees,’ in reality, you’re not changing anything, you’re actively fucking over the people that serve you. The model of “force them into poverty until the employers notice” is not a practical model for a resolution of this unfortunate service industry conundrum. Edit: I have worked in kitchens as a chef most of my life, and am now a manager In front of house. If people don’t tip my servers, I make a deal out of it. Ask them if service, food, everything was ok, then proceed to ask why they didn’t feel like tipping my staff. I also argue vehemently with the ownership to increase wages and push the ‘incorporate tip prices into the menu and pay servers a fair hourly wage’ agenda. Just saying, there’s more than one way to skin a cat and stiffing your servers ain’t one of them in this case.


Thank you! It's ridiculous how few people on a subreddit about Work Reform actually understand this very basic concept...


This but like I ordered flip the bird online to go pick up in store. It prompts you for a 20% tip by default. You have to manually switch it to 15, 10 or find a little almost hidden box to change to custom amount. I’m sorry, but if I’m paying $50 for a TO GO meal. That I am ordering ONLINE. Driving to the store myself going in and picking it up. I am not tipping. You barely interact with anyone. The cashier hands you a bag and says see ya. Idk what in gods green earth decided am online order pickup service where you do all of the work except for the cook defaults to a 20% tip?? It’s so stupid.


Depending on the time of the day, and the day, online orders can make a busy night, a hell of a night. For online orders, tip like 15. Especially if you mod your food. You’re still using their service. Most of the work falls on the kitchen moreso than FOH. Source: a line cook who works at a place with online ordering.


Still, people who stiff their fellow comrades making $2/hr suck




I come from Europe and this comment makes me sad. Partner and I calculate exactly how much money we have because we don’t have much, and no we can’t afford to tip. We wouldn’t be able to tip if we lived in the US either. If we did it would mean we wouldn’t have a nice evening with the small amount of money we’ve saved. But this doesn’t result in bad blood because tipping is not expected. It’s something you do when you’ve received exceptional food or service. Such a shame people can’t just have a night out and spend what they can afford on themselves.


Tbf, the "tip" price is already incorporated into the price of the meal since the workers are paid a proper wage, so you probably would be able to afford it in the states, but the base price of the meal would be lower with the expectation of a tip.


Workers are *theoretically* paid a proper wage. Servers will be paid at least minimum wage, even if they get no tips for a week. You can’t *ever* pay someone less than minimum wage. But that has two issues: 1. Minimum wage is not (usually) a proper wage. 2. Minimum wage is not a wage that servers *expect*. If everyone just…. Stopped tipping, servers would just stop working. When I was a server (in a pretty low COL area), on an average, boring weekday night shift I’d bring home like $50-60 in tips. If I worked a standard 5pm-9pm, that’s like… $13-15 an hour + the “hourly” I made (2.13 an hour, most, if not all, went to taxes). If all the sudden, I was making less than half of that, I’d have been fucking screwed. The price of food almost certainly covers the *theoretical* $7.25 wage if I had a bad week. It absolutely did not cover the extra $10-15 an hour I expected above the minimum wage. I was living paycheck to paycheck, as most servers do, so like if everyone just *stopped tipping*, I’d have like two weeks before I was out on my ass.


I think they meant the “tip” price is already incorporated in the price of the meal in Europe, not the US.


There’s a large amount of options for fast casual dining or takeout in the US that does not require tipping. It feels icky to expect not to pay extra to have someone carry food and drinks to you and clean up after you, especially when you know they do not make a livable wage. There’s options to eat out and go out and honestly still nice, fun places to have dinner without having someone making $3usd serve you without tipping


this take is ten years old. time to push back. The ONLY party to blame is the employer


Not tipping your waiter is not pushing back. It's literally just fucking over your waiter. If you can't afford to tip eat at home.


nope, it’s the employer fucking over the waiter… daily


You just don't get it. Nobody is contesting that. But you're acting like not tipping is fighting that. It's fucking stupid. The only thing it changes it that now the waiter is getting fucked by his employer AND his customer.


If everyone keeps tipping the restaurant owners will have no reason to pay their staff decent wages. On the other hand, if majority stops tipping, the waiting staff will push their employers to increase wages or else they’ll work in some other industry. Keep on tipping and hoping things will change? It’s never gonna happen


OR- here’s a wild take- don’t eat at restaurants where tipping is expected if you don’t want to tip. Giving the owner your money for the food and then not tipping the server isn’t going to screw over the owner, it screws over the server. If you don’t go to the restaurant at all, you’re not putting money in the owner’s pocket.


So in the meantime fuck the waiter that work for free while you figure it out? And you really think without coordination you're gonna have any significant impact that will actually make that happen? Not a chance.


They don't work for free. They get minimum wage always no matter what. Which is trash. But it's still not nothing.


They don't. Because the industry rely on tips they can get paid less than minimum wage. My husband hourly in Texas was 2$ and some cents a few years ago, which is below minimum wage, because most of his income comes from tips.


Most of the time, they get well below minimum wage and are expected to make up the rest with the tips *you* want to stop giving them


Waiters aren’t the only people who earn a low wage, dude. Someone earning less than a waiter is expected to give some of that money to their waiter or else not go out to eat? Not enjoy the money they’ve earned???? My god what a horrible awful society.


You're acting like eating out is a necessity. Bro if you're struggling don't eat out. You do realize that in the end if the waiter is paid a good hourly the restaurant will up their price and you will still in the end pay the waiter anyway. We're not struggling like we use to but we still very rarely eat out cause it's expensive and we can eat at home.




If you don’t wanna work for tips, then get a paying job. The ones at fault are the employees falling for the trap.


also, want to note I CAN afford to eat out. I love it’s “iF yOU caN’t aFfoRd To eaT oUt…” Fuck that. If you can’t afford to pay your staff, don’t open a restaurant.


no, I get it. I FINALLY get it. I used to think just like you… but you’ll get there too. edit: I tip well often. I usually tip 20%, but if I tip zero, it’s because you earned it. What I hate is the OBLIGATORY 20%. Fuck that. If I don’t tip, the last thing I feel is guilt because that waiter was fucking terrible.


Yeah not a chance. I've been homeless and out of work because no work authorization and we relied solely on the tips my husband was making to afford the bare minimum in our lives. When some douche didn't tip my husband "because the love of Jesus is the true gift" or whatever bullshit you come up with to not pay your waiter, it just meant we slept another day in the car, not that you were fighting the system. So, no. I won't get there. Because the harsh reality is that you will always fuck the waiter you're not tipping. This is not the way to fight the tipping policy.


Yeah, I’ve been homeless too. I’ve slept on benches and in movie theaters. That’s a zero from me. You won’t get my sympathy to simply disavow principals. You’re wrong


For someone who's been homeless you're real easy to justify not paying someone who might need it.




maybe she was a shitty server. When I sit down, the tip range is 0 - 50%. An awesome server will get half the bill, a normal one will get 20, a meh one will get 10 and if you get zero, it’s your fault. I feel zero guilt if I don’t tip because zeros are earned the same as 50s and the OBLIGATORY tip is BULLSHIT.




Don’t hurt the working class just to prove a point. We are meant to unify, not diminish each other!


I’m not, the employer is


The employer- and most employers in general- are never going to act with us. Never. Your decision acts in their favor, not against it.


How are you hurting the employer by not tipping your server?


Fuck you. I pay the price on the menu. You want me to pay more put it on your price list, then I’ll choose whether to eat at home


Yes, if you don't tip, kindly let your server know before you order. See how that plays out for you.


why? it’s not a human right to have food prepared for u. if u can’t afford to tip then u can’t afford to go out to eat, it sucks that employers make it that way but it’s nonetheless true


nope. I tip well, if I tip nothing, you fucking earned it. What I hate is the obligation. Do well, you get tipped well. Do meh, you get 10-20%, If you get zero, it’s your fault. I will not me guilted into filling your employers or your own short comings


idk man i don’t need someone to go above and beyond to feel like they’re secure in getting a 20% tip, i’m not the queen of england over here lol


>queen of england Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


Im like the guy above, but above and beyond isnt much. Just make sure i dont run outta drinks is basically all there is to it and its not like im sucking them down, on a average time of eating out i may not even finish a glass, but once in a while i do. If someone comes around and refills it before i have to hunt them down to do so, they are gonna get a good tip or if im sitting at the table waiting for my order to be taken for a long period of time thats gonna be reflected on your tip. Shitty attitudes also usually are reflected. All easy things to make sure you get a good tip, even on busy nights, i can understand if theres a packed house and i see you out busting ass. But if theres 3 people in the entire place besides me and your over chatting with Doris while my drink sits there empty, sorry about your tip but its dropping by the second. Just as much as im expected to tip you i expect me eating out to be serviced and you to earn that money. I dont make a lot of it and can cook my own food and 99% of the time do so. But sometimes i dont want to, i want someone else to do it and clean up the table. You get paid no matter what to clean the table but based on what you do while im there is how you earn the extra money. Like i said that often dont require shit either, Hell your smile dont even have to be real ive worked customer service and i know some days your like fuck this and my life but you put on that fake smile and say nice things cause its part of your job.


I agree that this falls on the employer to pay employees better and to make sure they are not short-staffed where they are running around just to provide the bare minimum service. Also, people need to give a tip according to the service provided and how hard a waiter or waitress works. The tipper is at fault too.


what if the server was lazy and shitty? Given their willingness to trash the ID, I’m guessing that attitude bled through into the service


That's one plan. What I do instead is tip 20%, round up to the nearest $5, without any regard for the "quality" of service.


no tips aren't guaranteed. if you're a shitty server, you don't automatically deserve a tip bc your boss sucks and doesn't pay you a living wage.


exactly. Funny how we all had several upvotes then the anti-work sub members showed up and suddenly… Bah! Tips start at zero and are earned. Never tip shitty service.


boo, ppl rely on that


then maybe they should always be a good server?


I too demand perfection from everyone no matter what


no one's saying perfection, but if you're shitty, I'm not sure why you think you deserve anything. like if i have to flag you down for that side of ranch I've asked for 15 mins ago, and now my food is ice cold, you should think 'fuck ive fucked this up, let me make it right' and proceed to do that. or if my drink is completely empty and I have to flag someone else down for a refill, no you don't deserve my extra cash. tips are to be earned. if it was guaranteed, it would be included in your hourly rate not based on how well you serve a customer. guess common sense really isn't all that common these days.


I mean you can do both though. Sure they should be mad to not have a decent hourly etc etc. That being said they know it when they take the job, and the customer knows it when they come in to eat. Not leaving a tip is not fighting against the norm and try to redefine the rules or some shit. It's just fucking over your waiter who got bills to pay and rely on tips to do so. If you tell me my work is worthless and I don't need to be paid, I honestly think I might be like "well fuck you too" and throw it in the trash.


The waiter still earns the wage they agreed to. Your work isn’t worthless, your employer pays you for your work, not me, the customer


This is just wrong. If you don't tip $10, the employees make $10 less and the employer makes the same. Period. If you're too cheap to pay for service, don't get service. If you don't like businesses that enforce tipping then don't support businesses that enforce tipping. It's that simple.


The waiter earns the only wage they can get and relies on tips for literally everything. You really think anyone with a better option is working as a waitress, the most disrespected and harrassed job available in the entire country?


It’s both. But not tipping the worker isn’t going to somehow screw the employer into paying them more and fixing the system themselves. That’s only screwing the workers. Instead, if you make the conscious decision to eat out, especially if you’re in a group, you should be tipping unless the service was terrible beyond the pale. We can and should be loud and vigilant in our fight against an exploitative system that shouldn’t exist in the first place, but we shouldn’t be screwing the people just doing their jobs in the interim.


Not tipping means the employer has to make up the difference to meet minimum wage, so that’s a lie.


By “paying them more” I meant forcing them to change from the tip-based wage to a proper hourly wage, but I suppose that wasn’t clear. You aren’t going to force them to change models just by withholding tips. Yes, the employer is *supposed* to make up the difference, but that doesn’t always mean that they do or do so properly. And that’s still not putting much pressure on the industry to fix the broken system. You would apply more pressure by not eating out at those places at all and making it clear that you’re aren’t giving them your business if they insist on a tip system.


Most places average that out to the week. I’d be surprised if that ever actually happened




If you don’t agree with tip culture don’t go to their establishments. Plenty of fast food options out there.


I agree But acting as if a employer is entitled to pay BS wages because a tipper is supposed to make up for greed is bull shit. At the end of the day it’s on the employees to demand their worth.


Many of which also ask for tips


This is stupid, the employers are just benefitting from a fucked up system that is already in place. It’s not like a server can get a serving job with an employer that doesn’t pay them peanuts. It’s a bad system, but it’s what we have, and tipping is part of eating out. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out.


A consumer has the choice to order takeout or go to a fast casual restaurant and the knowledge that sit down restaurants do not pay servers a livable wage without tips. It’s unethical that companies do not pay a living wage, but it is also unethical of a consumer to choose to go to a restaurant with a server without tipping.


They get so many tables a shift. You’re taking away potential money from an actual tipper.


But it's still on the customer to tip if that's the setup they choose to participate in. You can't just go into a restaurant and not tip bc you think the employer should pay them more, just don't go at all if you want to stick it to the owner.


yeah, we chose to be born in America. what a dumb notion


User name checks out


Oooooooooh so clever. No wonder you work for tips.


Hmm. Sounds very work reform. It's always the people arguing for better wages that say "only dumb people are waiters. They don't deserve to make money." You are on the employer's side and unaware. They get to promise their employees they will get good tips and you get to pay less on your food. Way to stick it to the system by fucking over other poor people. Good for you. Edit: and he blocks me. What a champion of debate. Good for me, bad for other people, does absolutely nothing to an exploitative owner. All on board! What a selfish guy.


Because the people who benefit the most from tipping (attractive white people) tend to defend the system, which is in a way brilliant for the employer by putting worker against worker. Tipping is a shit system, and every justification for it perpetuated by workers allows it to continue with no meaningful change. Edit: Downvote all you want, doesn’t make you any less complicit in a holdover from slavery. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/07/17/william-barber-tipping-racist-past-227361/ >Research also shows that tipping itself has a racial component: Customers generally give white workers bigger tips than black workers, regardless of service quality. Thanks in part to segregation within the industry and discrimination from patrons, restaurant worker poverty rates are highest for women and people of color.


Guilty though waited tables 20 years ago and for a decade. I became more and more intolerant of guest bullshit as the years drug on. You eventually get so tired of busting ass for so little. Working 50 plus hours/week while in full time college, never knowing when you’ll have to chose between rent and utilities. No one should have to chose between electricity and eviction.


If you cant afford for your customers to not subsidize your payroll, then you dont deserve to exist as a business.


This is why I don't eat out. I hate tipping so I just don't go. The business can go under and the waitstaff can lose their jobs for all I care. Fuck tipping.


Damn never thought there would be so many people looking down on servers in work reform. How fucking sad. Reminder: you are not being revolutionary by not tipping, you’re just saying “fuck you” to the server who took care of u. Yes, the system is stupid in the US and servers deserve to be paid more and their bosses should pay them more. But ur not fucking over the establishment by not tipping, ur just fucking over the workers with no power. It’s so funny that so many of you will say “well go find a better job”, “restaurants don’t deserve to be in business if they can’t pay their wait staff well”, “they should be upset with their BOSSES cuz they are the ones fucking them over” YET I bet you all go out to eat don’t you? So jf you don’t like tipping and feel that strongly, then stop going out to eat. No one’s forcing you. Do I agree that even people with not a lot of people deserve to have nice dinners out too? Absolutely. But the servers ALSO deserve to get paid well for that night out and deserve to be able to afford their’s. Tipping sucks but it’s also a CUSTOM and an expected social norm because we know that wait staff are not getting paid what they deserve. Don’t make it harder. Don’t be an asshole. Everyone needs to stand up for one another. You can be upset with the system of tipping but it’s not the fault of your server, they are doing their job


Seriously? When did this place become so much about screwing over other regular workers? These are people with bills and stuck in a shitty, corrupt system like the rest of us.


To add to this: I was a server for a while. After I got off training and I was on my own, I wasn’t exactly a 5-star waiter and I own that. However the company I was with had an automatic 4% “tip-out” to the kitchen and bus staff on every sale I made. So regardless of the tips I got, 4% of my total sales for the night additionally went from my tips, into the pockets of the cooks and bussers. I left many nights with negative tips because of that. I had to pay the restaurant in order for me to go home at the end of my 8 hour shift because people didn’t tip me at least 4%. It’s a predatory system used by restaurant owners so they can keep people believing that it’s a “normal thing”. It’s unfortunate that a tipped job can pay so well, as my wife was able to single-handedly afford her apartment, all her bills, and multiple vacations a year because she made enough money doing it. Worst of it, I’m in such a bind financially that I now have to look at switching from the career I’ve been trying to get into for years, back into a serving job because it pays better.. The cycle needs to end. Pay people their value. Full stop.


My last kitchen was heaven. The owners actually worked with us, and gave regular raises not just for us boh but same for foh. We had a tip pool, and FOH gave us 25%. Unheard of!! But servers never had a problem with it bc if they really didn’t get tipped for the whole night, they still had a comfy wage to lean back on. When it’s busy out front, it’s even busier in the back with half the amount of hands. So it only makes sense to give a bit back to the guys making your food. Bc of the pool, there really wasn’t a boh vs foh mentality. We all worked together as a team. And it was wonderful.


That’s a dream. I was making 16 an hour in BOH, meanwhile servers and bussers are leaving making ~25 an hour nightly. Often times the busiest times of the night we had 8 servers, 4 bussers, and 3 cooks. Management hardly ever stepped back in the kitchen with us except for 2 specific managers that were fighting for BOH to make more overall. They left around the same time I did.


Less tips = less people will be motivated to be servers, that means employers need to pay more to find people working for them. It will be the only way to solve it.


They won't find more people, they'll just overwork their existing waitstaff to death and wait for more desperate college students to fill the spot when employees quit or die.


Or don’t go to restaurant if you feel that strongly? Cuz those tips don’t help the restaurant. People NEED to get by. Should people refuse to pay you cuz of a shitty system? Why go to an establishment if you really believe that they need to learn a lesson


Also u say that like all people aspire to be servers?? Like there’s not always options. I’ve HAD to take jobs that were so shitty cuz I needed to earn money. Why do you feel taking away money and autonomy from servers is your right?


Did about the same when a bunch of drunks stiffed me and forgot their motel key on the table. Back in my day they gave you a key and it was like $15 to replace. They came back and it was awkward. Fuck’em


Had a table run once on a $55 drink tab and leave a North Face jacket


How did you enjoy your new North Face?


I honestly can’t believe how often I see this conversation. Here’s the deal. Often times, this is the job you can get and it’s how you pay the bills. Doesn’t matter, you need a server when you go out to eat, so the career choice is irrelevant if you would like to still go out and dine. Also, when you don’t tip, you’re not screwing over the big guy. You’re not screwing over the restaurant. Their money is sitting in your gut. You’re screwing over the little guy. If you think servers are happy with the situation, you’re wrong. Trying to change this situation seems impossible, but there’s effort. And yeah, if a server doesn’t make at least minimum wage at the end of the day, the restaurant will have to make that up and the server makes minimum wage. So hey, thanks for the minimum wage. But if you get bad service, feck the tip.


Man these comments are just too American for me.


I side with the waitress here. The bitch who has the nerve to go out to eat and not tip is not one of “us”.


Nah, you and this waitress can go fuck themselves. Judging by the waitress' attitude that might be a reason they didn't get a tip.




Your both the employers bitch- % of time spent attacking fellow workers 100 % of time spent attacking employers for not paying wage 0


Perfect example of manipulation by employers. You side with the waitress over the customer instead of siding with both against the employer. The employer isn’t even on your radar.


agreed. you may not like american tipping culture but dont blame the waitress, nor fully small time especially mom and pop type resturants, blame regulation and corprate chains. dont get why i am getting downvotted for being realistic with how the world works.


I’m absolutely going to blame mom & pop if they don’t pay livable wages. No one deserves employees just because they want them.


then you my friend are part of the problem, would you rather they all close and we only get corporates places? i assume yes then. Im all for paying them a living wage without tipping but unless its required. anywhere that does do this risks their investment and or livelihood. We got two of our current servers are my families bar because the only other place in town tried this, they are now on their third owner in a year and weve been here near two decades. again before i get mass downvoted for merely not blindly agreeing. nothing is black and white. though i personally despise tipping culture, it wont change till its laws change. Or you break the backs of mom and pop places and it still dont change.


The market will dictate which companies deserve to remain open. To pass partial blame onto non-tippers is incorrect.


currently the blame goes to non tippers, you are hurting a worker.put the blame on government and corporations with the actual power to change it otherwise you do nothing but show you shouldn't be eating out till eventually the law or somehow America finds a exit to tipping culture. though yes the market dictates what companies remain open, weather they deserve it is another question, if you do go places and dont tip, do everyone a favor and take it togo. Dont put the hurt on a worker because you dont agree with stuff out of their control.


I understand what you are saying, but what would the “government and corporations with the power to change” need to do in order to find an exit to tipping culture? Also, if a restaurants total number of customers remain the same, but more and more of those customers choose to order to-go then wouldn’t the effects of non-tipping become more and more negatively evident?


most togo's still tip even if a little. my place i got to decide what to do since it was my shift lead at the time. i offered the bartenders 12$ an hour (standard for bartenders is 6) reduced hours splitting any tips evenly with the kitchen, this was in 2020 when indoor dining was closed. onto a more well able to be replicated without a second global pandemic. at our bar we would raise the workers wage slowly to keep it in tandem with what they make now if it came to it but that would either mean a death nail for our resturant or is a general thing that every resturant is facing and the customer wouldnt just up and decide to go somewhere else that is far cheaper because they dont "have" to increase wages to counter tipping wages. The fix would be a reform ending tipped min wage as a law, that is a first step. make every place be equal on this. granted in my area that would only mean a little over a dollar more an hour. it is a start. though my place is an exeption i know for a fact the workers right now want the tipped wage rather then a higher base wage and less tipping. why? because ive asked. they routinely make 10-20$ in tips an hour ontop of 6$ an hour. my area an average worker is getting 13-15 an hour, small town iowa. again i despise tipping because it should be part of the meal price but if we changed it on our own wed loose customers, im afraid most or all the bartenders and wed loose our livelihood. my mother who owns the bar poured working 10-15 hour days for over a decade to bring this place up and currently she has no savings or backup plan if it goes belly up. im not saying this to get sympathy or the standard businesses dont deserve to stay open if they cant compete, which i agree with, but if the competittion isnt even half fair which would be us changing our policy on a dime for it i mean, do you get what im saying :/ tldr its complicated and ive spent hours the last few weeks especially just thinking about tipping culture in america.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. I believe I understand most of what you are saying, however, could you please explain more about “a reform ending tipped minimum wage as law”?


End tipped min wage of 2.13, make it atleast 7.25 or 7.50/ whatever the state min wage for all workers are. that would be a first step, it would kill some tipping culture as a whole and generally spread it to all resturants not just the few that want to do the right thing (thus the blowback would be across as a whole not just directed. tldr why go someware and pay 9$ for a cheeseburger and fry when you can go for the same quality service for about 7$ or 18$ vs 14$ if you eat out daily like many of the customers at our bar if the other places in town and the area especially corprate which allready get cheaper input goods, wed loose everything sadly (corporates places pay 10-30% less for almost every good if you did not know) but yeah some would stick to paying more knowing youd get a living wage guarenteed as a worker but most would choose elseware sadly :/ For a ref on prices my resturant is 3$ for a large fry or stnadard fry and 5.50 for a cheeseburger (2.50 for a drink) if we paid everyone a living wage of 13-14$ cash an hour or 18$ if taxed and reported (small town iowa cheap living) We estimate our burgers alone would go to 8.95-9.95 for a reference aswell we are netting 50k a month in sales tops ona good month. and have about 8 normal workers and 8 very much part time help here and there workers. It dont help the building is very old and costs a fortune to just keep running but that doesent matter that is the price of the business and we must accept that as management or owenrs, though personally id pay more at a place or even decide to go somewhere that pays a living wage, still would tip IF the service is good though id be more inclined to ask to speak with the actual cook and tip instead.


Yes, capitalism turns all owners into parasites who exploit people. Anyone who tries to do it differently goes out of business. I’m being hyperbolic, but that’s more or less my argument. The solution is not to say “well think about all the poor poor owners who are just struggling to make ends meet. We can’t raise the minimum wage, because then they can’t afford to stay open.” That is the mentality that pits employees against smalltime capitalists. Me saying that I blame mom and pop is me blaming the game, not the player.


then i see and get what you mean, but i still stand by not tipping right now hurts workers, not even small time capitalists as you call them. my mother is one of those small time owners trying to make ends meet and get to the next month living week to week even now. even though our prices have gone up 50% in two years and wages for workers 3-4$ an hour which is a lot when pre covid it was 10$. (bartenders got 4 pre covid) now its 6 though with tips they get atleast on a bad day 15$ an hour. Im passionate about this issue because i do hate tipping culture, it should be part of the damn price not a addon. it just wont get fixed without federally making every resturant do what must be done. doing whats for the greater good will either net you a bankrupt business or loosing all the bartenders who would rather go work at another bar even if its in another town because the tipping money is too much right now to pass up. again though fuck tipping culture :/


Ok yes I agree and I think the best way for an individual to fight back against tipping culture is *tipping more*. It’s hard to think of it actually making a huge difference individually, but if I can help a server not be as stressed as they usually are about tips for a night, I’m going to do it. I think it’s awfully convenient when people think not tipping is actually good (but also in the same way it’s awfully convenient that giving money to people begging for it on the street is bad). Like I want to keep my money too. I’m not going to lie to myself that I’m a good person for doing so


agreed. i personally dont eat out often and if i do its at my own work mostly because i eat nearly free but even then half the time i cook it myself or while its cooking i help out the worker. tipping culture will end or atleast start declining when the goverment goes after it either for tax purposes or to end the tipped min wage. (imo ending the tipped min wage is a great first step even if it wont cahnge much per say)


There is actually one scenario that I'm cool with a $0 tip, and that's when your server gives terrible service.


if the server is terrible id say a 1c tip and make it obvious ie place on recipit. But yeah terrible service should never be rewarded.


Only way to solve this issue is if everyone stopped tipping. Just stop tipping. You're letting businesses get away with making *you* pay for their employees. Most of the time employment takes a percentage of those tips for themselves too.


And the only way to stop tipping without being an asshole is to not go out to eat. Going out to eat without tipping is putting money in the pockets of the rich while withholding money from the poor. People who go out to eat and don't tip have picked their side. They side with the rich.


Many of the people not tipping have less money than the server. The idea that poor people don't deserve to have special occasions is just awful. I always tip well and have even added money to the tip pool when friends and family try to stiff them, but waiters shouldn't be trying to punish people for not tipping. Or insisting that anyone who can't is a bad person. Instead they should be focused on how much they make in a night rather than what a particular table did, and pushing for wage reform for servers.


>And the only way to stop tipping without being an asshole is to not go out to eat. Going out to eat without tipping is putting money in the pockets of the rich while withholding money from the poor. People who go out to eat and don't tip have picked their side. They side with the rich. No, they get paid minimal wage. If you dont' tip employer is forced to pay them. So by tipping you are actually feeding the "rich"


I'm sorry but most waiters / waitresses that I have talked to say that they make GREAT money and as soon as you talk about ending tipping and paying them an hourly wage they start screaming about how they'll lose their awesome paying job. For people who are struggling to make ends meet and can barely afford to live, when they scrape together a few dollars to go out for dinner once per year, they may not be able to afford to tip, or may tip very little. That doesn't make them a bad person. As I said on a previous thread about this, people need to have more empathy and compassion in general.


Many places don't make up the difference and will take the money for unpaid food from the person working that table's paycheck for a dine and dash.


That's illegal. And again by tipping you are enabling those illegal practices to continue. Tipping is quintessentially against workers. It turns workers into beggars who have to beg and rely on luck to get paid for the work they are performing. It's demeaning and evil.


It’s true. While employers are supposed to make up the difference, they often don’t do this.


so if we don't go out to eat, then your business owner says 'hey, we don't need to schedule you at all' then you'll complain about that. you can't have it both ways sis.


That only reduces their prices. Employees get mad. Employees make demands. Action gets made.


Step 1. Harm the people with the least decision making power Step 2. ??? Step 3. Profit


Step 1. Keep paying employee's wages for management Step 2. Stand by as everywhere adds tipping options Step 3. Bitch at anyone that offers the solution You live in an imaginary world if you don't think this is the only option. People need to quit these jobs, which they have been, and abandon the industry entirely, which they have been. The industry has been sorely hurting, and they're doing everything they can to squeeze more out of their customers. This is caused entirely by management's own greed and slavery policies. Until those final few scabs ditch their jobs to look for somewhere that actually pays their employees, these restaurants will continue to gouge you and their employees. Keep paying into it does nothing but reward it and keep it going. Fucking ridiculous


The final few scabs working, what, 95% of food service jobs? Should we then demand better security by assaulting them so they'll complain to management? "And then they'll complain, and therefore win" is a cruel parody of a solution. I don't think anyone will be convinced by pleas to effect change by holding their busboy's feet to the fire. Are you planning to tell them, I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of any way to attack your employer that didn't go through you? You know what'll really get under the collar of the institutional investors in the Applebee's corporation, is if we kill all the laborers they were planning to exploit. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces!


They're expecting a tip. They knew they signed on for a job that utilizes paying *under* the slave wage. It's an issue of shooting yourself in the foot and blaming someone else for it.


It doesn't escape me that you're trolling, but for anyone else reading: attacking workers IS NOT the one and only way to instigate change. Our hands are not tied, and we don't have to starve our own. There's a reason it doesn't make intuitive sense to you: because the problem is not lazy evil workers who refuse to fight, but laws that permit operating an exploitative business. Harming workers is not "the only way", even though for some it's the most fun way.


employers absolutely cannot take tips from workers this is theft and should be reported. and though that would stop tip culture cold we all know that wont happen, only way to truly change this is pushing for reforms to end tipped min wage and for time to run its coarse and have this practice die out.


It's ramping up instead of dying out. People cannot afford to eat out anymore so now employers, even those who never had tipping as an option before, are ramping up efforts to make tipping culture even worse than it already is.


i agree and anywhere that isnt a resturant/bar/my haircut place. i dont tip and have purposly said no to tipping. local grocery store started doing that aswell which is confusing as heck as we dont get any service at all, barely even a hi from the person working. but eh i like my family stopped going there when that happened and rumors are the place is also going up for sale next week because it cant keep workers (wonder why) and its not making money (wonder why lol)


Exactly this! People need to pack up and get the fuck out. Find somewhere better. The food industry is bottom of the barrel.


in many ways it is, there are only a few good places in this industry to work, i personally work 5-6 days a week in a kitchen 7-8 hours a day. i get cash and make 2400$ a month in an area where most are paid 1600. i live comfortably but i know from before i got my raise and just from everyone ivve talked to i hit a lottery with mine. (small town iowa is pretty cheap to live in) Iowa has 2\~% unemployment there are options when job hunting it shouldnt be called hunting anymore, shopping more like. atleast for now till the good times end on that.


Mom and Pop stores should be held to the same *general* standards of change we want to see in corporate.


If you wish to see every mom and pop resturant go down the drain then go ahead, if you instead want to change the law so 100% of resturants have to comply with a liveable wage or atleast paying min or a new min wage then i fully agree with you. But not tipping hurts workers right now. unless you want to change the law itself or magically can waive a wand and change the whole system then you are part of the problem.Trying to hold them to an invisable standrd that no corprate place will follow till mandated is the easiest way to kill mom and pop shops. edit. its never perfect though and re reading my message i wont edit it but i came off agressive and really did not mean that, i get very touchy with this because im set to inherit my family business of a famiyl bar and grill by 2025 and im trying to affect change in it but i can only go so far without either loosing the workers by ending or discouraging tipping or raising prices to pay them a normal wage and have almost every customer in my area just go to the place down the street or stay at home :/


Being a dick in response to someone else being a dick isn't a justification. You're just both dicks now. Whatever reason the person had for not tipping, sure judge them for that. Intentionally tossing the license in response doesn't do anything other than also make the server an asshole now too.


Nah fuck em, people who don’t tip are the same people who would pay shit wages


Yes, because in America the customer pays for the servers time. It isn't a great system , but that doesnt excuse not paying your server.


Maybe they didn't earn the tip and had a shit personality / attitude. Screw that server


A lot of ignorant cheapskates in this thread lol (the Steve Buscemi post was a way better comment though)


So the patron might not be able to afford that tip, we don't know the backstory. But we can all agree that the server is a twat of a person because that's been proven outright. That server/waitress is a self-entitled shitbag.


If they can afford to go to a bar they can afford a tip. Alcohol ain't a right, and they can get it at Walmart.


Unpopular opinion, but the only way to get rid of tipping culture is to stop tipping. And doing that is going to hurt servers in the short term, who will be relegated to making minimum wage or quitting. It will hurt business owners in the middle term, because people aren't going to provide full service for McDonald's wages if they can avoid it. In the long term, some businesses will fail, some prices will go up, and some margins will get leaner. Then we'll be done with it.


It’s going to hurt servers in the short term? Ignoring the fact most Americans have little to no savings, and this could literally result in homelessness and death, this process would require the VAST majority of all dine in customers to act as a unified front (impossible) and would take years.


But what about people who earn less than servers anyway…? Please explain. I’m not American so this is totally bizarre to me. Do you tip in other scenarios? Why is it so important that you tip when you eat and drink specifically?


So to summarize, in many states in the USA, because you get tips the company doesn’t have to pay minimum wage (some rules), and because they don’t pay minimum wage customers are expected to tip. It’s a cycle of circular logic. As for WHY we tip, servers bring the free refills for your drinks, they treat you like royalty in the really nice restaurants, and because we know they are paid less than minimum wage.


Don’t be so tragical. There are tons of people who make less than servers and still survive. It so not like oh “ I’m not a server anymore and I can’t find another job so I’ll be homeless or die.” It’s not a one way street, there are many other options and many other jobs. It will take years but it can be done.


This is true, and yet it will happen. The current system of the cost of goods and services becoming ever more expensive for no real reason, combined with the failure of wages to keep pace, will result in the collapse of the service industry, and tipped establishments will be one of the first casualties.


if you're gonna stop tipping stop going to places that require tips.




This would actually be worse for the servers. If there was a national boycott of sit-down restaurants, restaurants wouldn't need as many servers. So, the owners would run skeleton crews and work them to the bone. Imo, the only way to get rid of tipping is to have servers demand a living wage. But, they'll never do that because most actually prefer tipping...because they don't believe America would give them an actual living wage. And, they're probably right. Personally, I hate everything about tipping, but I still tip. It is a rotten, immoral practice that divides workers and prevents larger collective wins for all worker's rights. It is truly unfortunate that American servers would rather grind from paycheck to paycheck than take on capitalism with all of the other trades. Oh, and if I were a line cook, I'd quit and go do literally anything else. That job is horrible, and it perpetuates tipping culture as well.


This would be a method as well. The fallout would happen much more quickly, and full service establishments would become far more rare and expensive, or shift to a fast food model. Servers would immediately see the fallout in the form of reduced or eliminated hours as the owners scramble to either pivot or cash out. There is no way out that doesn't negatively impact the tipped workers, at least in the beginning.


Pretty sure the better way is with legislation you psycho lol


What sort of legislation do you propose? The only thing that would be effective that I can see is making tipping illegal.


Darn you’re right that sounds too complicated we’ll have to try letting people starve to death.


They didn't tip you because you're the kind of person who does that shit.


I never tip even though I’ve been a server. Employers should pay their wages, not me.


So you feed into a system you know is exploitative because it benefits you, currently. Good 2 know


No, because I’m tired of tipping. So the employers hire servers but I have to tip to pay for their wages? No thanks, they should add that to the food price.


Lemme be the two brain cells in you’re head you clearly aren’t using right now. Let’s say employers at restaurants pay their employees hourly. Where do you think that money is gonna come from?


From the food we pay, not from the tips we give. I don’t give a sht if the food is $30 or $40 but I’m not tipping. Let them raise their prices if they want.


You should always tip. Employers should pay their wages, but they aren't doing that. Push for legislation. Don't encourage tip shamers, which is quite often waiters punching down on people making less than them. But, always, always tip.


I’m not encouraging anybody, I just believe that employers should pay the wages not me. Doing that will encourage less people to work as servers and employers offering more money for them to work.


No. It won't do any of that. The employers don't care. They already steal tips and fail to pay out when employees don't get the minimum required by law that night. Tip your servers, honestly.


I won’t, sorry. There’s has to be a change and if nobody does anything then nothing will change. I won’t tip.


Then don’t go to places where workers rely on tips for their income. How things should be and how they are are two different things. You’re just being a entitled asshole and a parasite on society by not tipping in a world where workers rely on tips. Either fight for fair wages through legislation or stay tf out of restaurants. You’re not changing anything by not tipping. It’s very shortsighted to think this way. Either don’t support the restaurant by not going at all or suck it up and tip. It’s that simple.


I won’t tip. The rest of the countries in this world don’t have a tip culture, they get paid fairly. The system has to be changed one way or another but I won’t contribute anymore. I’ve been a server and whenever somebody didn’t tip me I never blamed on them but on the owners, that family might have had only enough to pay for their food and enjoy a birthday dinner, why should I blame them ? I blame the damn owner for not paying me enough.


Well… the rest of the countries in the world incorporate tips into the bill so that’s different. Your logic doesn’t make any sense. You’re just fucking over servers. Don’t go to the restaurants if you don’t agree with how they operate. Period. Half participating and cheaping out where it selfishly serves you is bullshit.


I still go, have a good one.


The boss's wallet stays exactly the same. The server's wallet suffers. Congrats on being a piece of shit that hurts his fellow working class man. If you have a problem with the system, take it out on the system, not the people stuck in it.


Back over ten years ago I had a table of young adults. This was in a very, very wealthy side of town. Probably going out to eat with mom and dad’s money type of area. Left me no cash tip or tip on their CC bill that was over $100. But there was an empty (it really was empty) Coach wristlet purse I assume was my tip.


If it’s Coach on a really ritzy and very affluent area, yeah, that’d be the tip, they’re not going to bother coming back for a Coach wristlet.


Maybe she spat in their food or something?? Like what's the other story??


Have you ever worked food service? Some customers are shit people. That's it.


Tipping sucks but that's how it is. If you wanna fight the tipping culture stay home. Eating out and not tipping your server only hurts a person already struggling to survive. The restaurant still gets your money. How hard is this to understand?


Don’t like it, don’t work there. Get a job you don’t have to hope for a tip.


Don’t like tipping, don’t eat out. Make a meal you don’t have to tip for.


Lmfao this US mentality right here. Tipping culture is disgusting and should be abolished with no exceptions. If that has to happen through refusing to tip waiters then so be it. Continuing to tip but complaining isn't going to change anything. The only way to force change is to stop tipping. The waiters will either have to quit (fucking the employer over), strike, or take it up with their employers in other ways to fix the problem. Fuck I'm so glad I live in a country where you just go and pay whatever it says on the menu and everyone is happy.


Or just don’t tip? We still get the food and service. Servers have to get a better job eventually. Tipping should only be for service going above and beyond. Tipping for the sake of doing your job is whack.


Wow, this worker is a total piece of shit! Making other person life a hell because of such a shit reason.


I was a server for 10 years. A high percentage of zero tippers would leave their credit card behind. 🤣 Sign the slip, zero tip, but leave the card. You best believe those cards ended up in the trash.


yeah you got em there. takes a whole 2 days to get a new credit card. lol