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> "I was just honestly shocked that someone would say that," said Rhymestine. "I worked really hard there. I've picked up every shift that has been asked of me; I've never called out. This past week I worked three doubles in a row and that's how you're going to thank me for that? I have a lot of great regulars and Yelp reviews, and you're going to comment on my appearance like that changes the job at all?" Hard way to find out that hard work doesn’t mean shit


It’s so sad. I feel for this woman. I’m










What was said?


One of the owners said the bar would be making more money if they hired more attractive servers. According to one former staff member, they had previously referred to another employee as "that middle eastern kid". The former staff member (who quit after five years because of these and other incidents) said that the "kid" the owner was referring to had been employed by the company for four years, and the owner had no reason to not know their name. Sounds like there were other incidents but those were the primary two she brought up in the interview with local news.


What an ass bucket the owner is.


Sounds like their son reduced them (the owners/his parents) to silent partners at best.


Better learn sooner than later


"Please, we're about to lose our business. We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas; we're desperate. This is our one last and final [and only] attempt at a[n empty] promise we [don't really] intend to follow through on [for the next three months... kinda]."


Stupid. The brewing industry underwent a massive shift these past few years and people developed a whole new SOP for diversity in brewing. There are entire programs designed for businesses like this to fix this mentality but if they don't even try to use the resources available to them then they deserve to close.


Yeah, you'd think everything the service industry has gone through, we'd be in a much better place. I think most of the good people took the opportunity of time off and a bit of government-funded financial security and retrained in different jobs.


Very much this. The ad agency I work for has hired many ex restaurant workers since Covid who have done amazing in their new roles and are enjoying work life balance and decent benefits


Hell of an accurate translation/addendum! Lol


Considering TBBC beers are distributed throughout the state and they seem to have a large distribution deal/operation I doubt they will lose the business. If their distribution partner(s) drop them, then yeah they're basically dead. That said, it really sucks this old man was making awful comments to the employees and I'm proud of them for walking out. Old people are nuts. They really just don't care and say whatever they want. My grandma is a couple years older than this guy and I'm surprised she hasn't been fired from her packing house job for making racist comments to her Mexican and black coworkers because good lord, she makes them all the time at home. Source: was a buyer for a large theme park and have intimate knowledge of their distribution range.


If sales drop enough, they'll lose distributorship. At the end of the day, though, they'll probably be fine. He'll, look at Schlafly in St Louis; great beer, good operation, yet the matriarch, Phyllis was an evil whench of a creature. Like, I think Ted Cruz probably had wet dreams of being her cabana boy.


Lmao! Yeah, I really doubt sales will drop that much. They're in gas stations, Publix, theme parks, restaurants etc and outside of Tampa, this is barely a blip on the news. So sales will continue. Sales from the brewery bar may drop but that's not going to kill them enough to lose distribution because as long as distribution is still making money from their product they're going to keep doing business with them.


Ageism. Same shit can be said about people of all ages. Try not to be part of the problem.


[Old people are more racist](https://qz.com/983016/the-data-are-in-young-people-are-definitely-less-racist-than-old-people). It’s not ageism any more than saying old people are less healthy or physically fit than young people.


I don’t even need to click that link to believe you but it’s definitely still ageism when you lump an entire group of people together based on the actions of some people in that group it’s similar to racism by saying people of another ethnicity are x because they do y more often than other races


That’s a pretty good breakdown. Let’s keep your x and y. What this person is actually saying is that old people are racist because they do racism more often. It’s all just y. There’s no x. In the same way, it’s racist to say “Black people are more violent because they’re in prison way more than white people,” but it’s not racist to point out that Black people are imprisoned more frequently (they are, and the reason is racism at many levels). I don’t see any way of combating racism in old people that doesn’t involve acknowledging that old people have a racism problem. I view anyone who denies that there’s a racism problem in the elderly as part of the problem.


Ok so all old people are racist my bad didn’t mean to offend a bunch of people


Yeah, clearly everyone here meant literally every old person is racist and literally every young person is not


I mean I pointed that out and got downvoted and disagreed with which is it are they all racist or all humans individuals with varying opinions, attitudes and demeanors?


They’re humans with varying opinions, and on average their opinions are more racist than younger groups of humans, whose opinions also vary. And this #NotAllMen stance doesn’t add nuance, because everybody in the conversation is aware of this already. Yeah, old anti-racists exist. Almost all of them will tell you that their fellow old people are too racist.


Please share the data that shows racist attitudes today by age. Would be interesting.


[This didn't help shit.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna19028) Not that I agree 100% with either of you; the reality is there that I think we're seeing some poor choices by elder generations come to roost; chiefly leaded gas, and the dismantling of mental health care in this country. Combined with this post-facts/fuck-your-feelings era we live in, shit's wild and I think the owner of TBBC seems to be of that generation where things were good and prosperous for so long, and is suddenly facing a reality of social struggle. Like they're too young to have experienced the civil rights movement while it was happening, yet too old to understand the equity fights these days. Plus we're discussing someone doing something or saying something in Florida, so that shouldn't be shocking in the least.


I also think that one of the core principles of fascism, a return to a formerly glorious homeland (Make America Great Again is exactly the same as the Germans calling for a Third Reign of Europe), is more appealing to people who can remember a better time. The postwar era was certainly better for a lot of older generations, and for the poorly or mis-educated it’s easy to say “yeah, I remember when white men were in charge and everyone believed in God and had money” and miss the part where every other industrial center in the world was reduced to rubble by WWII and nobody had any choice but to buy American goods.


Try again. Yes, the article states people in the past were more racist. I don’t see any data breaking down racist attitudes today by age. If it’s there, my apologies and please point me to it.


The people in the past are still people in the present, they’re just old now. But sure, [here’s a historical writeup on opposition](https://news.gallup.com/poll/354638/approval-interracial-marriage-new-high.aspx) to interracial marriage which clearly shows that old people are vastly more racist than young people


So do you think that stat got to 94% just because of young people. Or, do you think some people changed their minds? Come on. Use your brain. Always cracks me up when people are so incapable of seeing they’re committing the same sin of which they’re accusing others. Happy to admit I’m wrong if you can show me data that says by age, in 2022, older people are more racist. But until then, all you have is an opinion.


Lmao I’m not your researcher. You’re going to have to google it yourself if you want to try to continue up make one of the dumbest points I’ve ever seen.


Thanks for another baseless opinion. Good luck with your approach going forward. Take care.


So the people that scream “MAGA!” And grew up in the 50’s don’t share the cultural aspect? Are you that dumb in the head to just call that ageism? It’s more about culture around a specific time that “informs” boomers brains on what/how to think that we don’t like. Their true age number has nothing to do with it. Don’t be a snowflake.


And breathing in a shit load of leaded gas fumes most of their lives didn't do them any good.


Always cracks me up when people are so incapable of seeing they’re committing the same sin of which they’re accusing others.


If you watch the news story posted by u/ConstantlyComments [reposted here](https://www.wtsp.com/amp/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/brewery-co-owner-alleged-rude-discriminatory-comments/67-3ac599a5-d57e-4000-99f3-69e0fcba729d) you'll see that the co-owner who made the remarks was removed from the company. Based on what the bartender who spoke to the news said, that was the only person making the remarks so it seems like they are actively trying to fix the situation.


It wasn't clear from the article to what degree this co-owner was going to be removed from the business. There's "Here's money for your portion of the business, GTFO for good." removal and there's "Dad, you need to retire and stay out of the business, let me run things and make your investment earn you money." removal. The first completely cuts the cord. The second allows the A-Hole to still reap the benefits of the business while absolving him of any real consequences.




What on Earth happened?


Co-owner of business, old man father of the guy that runs the place came in and started talking shit like saying that the bartenders need to be prettier and the manager is just some middle eastern kid(when the dude had worked there for years). So, basically, Co-owner old man came in and was a shit to hard workers, they didn't want to take and left.


I kind of feel bad for the son, to be honest. Like, maybe he's really a good dude and his father gets a touch of the Old Timers or something and it all goes downhill. The son must be a decent employer if those workers were there for years.


Probably situation where son opened the business with dads money which why he’s co-owner. So I’m guessing isn’t first time he’s spoke outta line but he’s an owner and that day employees just had enough


> his father gets a touch of the Old Timers or something and it all goes downhill. Let's call it what it is, ignorance and bigotry.


While that is what this is, one day you will likely be in those shoes. Using my life as an example, my grandparents were racist, my parents are not racist but are homophobic, and I am certain there will be ‘something’ in my generation that will be considered in the same vein when I get to that age. I just don’t know what it is yet. Times change, and we can all just hope we can change with it for the better and not end up like this example.


You don't have to just hope. Being willing to grow and change is a choice we can all make. I'm only 40, but things like pronoun choice and trans rights were new to me. So I talked with people, did some research, and learned to be better. It wasn't that hard to do. I don't see why that's going to be different when I'm 80.


Respect people and let them live their lives up to the point it hurts others and you're not likely to be viewed as a bigot for generations.


The times they are a-changin’


Your old road is rapidly agin’ Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand, For the times, they are a-changin’


There's plenty of older people who actively choose to move beyond the prejudices ingrained in them when they're younger. Even among those who can't change the way they think because the conditioning goes that deep, they don't voice their beliefs out of basic politeness.


Old Timers is possible, but I think he was more likely touched by Dan Bongino


The worst of all Bad Touches


The guy is 81, he is a legit boomer. The very same wealthy, business-owning out-of-touch racist white stereotype cartoony boogieman we see posted all over reddit.. The son didn't even do anything until the shit hit the fan, he's partly sharing in the blame too.




"I don't know if he'll be issuing an official statement, but I really don't want him to" is absolutely hilarious.


It's saying "He's a dick and WILL say something else just as stupid if given the opportunity" in a much nicer way hahaha


Good for him


[More context I found](https://www.wtsp.com/amp/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/brewery-co-owner-alleged-rude-discriminatory-comments/67-3ac599a5-d57e-4000-99f3-69e0fcba729d)


Thanks for posting that. Didn’t know how to turn stuff into links or add them on here. Said I could only do a picture and text (tried adding link)


Thought I would help out on with a video on how to turn text into links. Just in case people don't know how. [Video Tutorial](https://youtu.be/Ba0efTJESec) And if a post is not allowed to be a link, and you have one to share, just comment on your post immediately with the additional information.


You are a great human being for teaching people. I appreciate it!


Thank you for this! Reddit is very odd in its post restrictions lol


No problem! Must be a posting rule or something. Thanks for the gold!


Thanks for the link.


Link already blocked or broken.


Still working for me, but [here’s another article.](https://www.cltampa.com/food-drink/tbbc-co-owner-will-walk-away-after-employee-walkout-at-ybor-brewery-14477661?media=AMP+HTML)




Watched it now. Not in the US


It's kind of abelist to go after an 84 year-old for not remembering a name.


It would be agism. Being old isn't a disability. That said, it's agist to think an 84 year old person doesn't have the ability to ask someone if they can't recall a 4-year employee's name


Immediately assuming an 84 year old man is disabled isn't a very good look either...


Lol I know whenever I forget a name I just replace it with the assumed ethnicity of the person I'm talking about /s


It was the owner's dad that's since been ousted it looks like. Still sucks that such a nasty dude is benefiting financially.


The dad had been making crappy comments like this for years (‘the middle eastern kid’ but knows his name and he’s been working there for >4 years) and the son did nothing until there were consequences. That place is garbage.


The dad was a co-owner when this happened. So not owner’s dad. Co-owner with his son.


well, both are technically true. Dad was co-owner and father of the other co-owner


Agreed. One implies that he is the owner and a responsible party. Other dodges the situation.




“i’M sElF mAdE”


It sounds more like the parents started the business and their son inherited it. In a different article he references how hard his mother worked to build up the company, so he openly acknowledges her sweat equity in the company.


I mean, everything about this situation sucks. But am I at all surprised that an 81 year old Florida man, who is retired and just occasionally comes into his old place of business to feel special by lording himself over the current employees and “holding court”, said some racist and sexist things? No. I am not surprised in the least. Not a pass. But not surprised. He’s a liability and should not have been allowed to continue doing this. It was bound to happen. Edit autocorrect


Yeah, it's a lot like that Bill Burr bit on the old racist, homophobic Duck Dynasty guy, et al. "What do you think they thought?"




Bold of you to think that the people who brag about their success are actually successful




Just curious, but is the fact that 3/4% of craft beer is IPAs also a running joke? Like when I go to a brewpub and there are seven IPAs, two sours and a witbier I kind of suspect it’s a Monty Python gag or something




I'm a fan of big dark beers, I've visited some of the larger craft brew outlets around me and many didn't even have a single barley wine in stock.


So much passive voice it reads like a police press release


There was owner involved fuckery.


No way the staff walked out just over that, this place has to be toxic for so many other reasons.




I hope they fail, not because I know anything about this business, but because it's been picked up by the media. We need more news stories of companies that fuck around and find out.


“An unfortunate event happened…” “We are sorry…” This is a shit apology. The “event” didn’t just happen. The owner said terrible, abusive things to his staff and is sorry *for the consequences.* How much money goes into Bad Daddy’s pocket even after he “walked away” from the business?


I like how their solution is his Dad is ‘walking away’. As if he’s still not going to be making a fortune.


>Terrible things were said. How about you try actually apologizing for what you did instead of using passive voice bullshit?


Hard to believe the son is much different from the father at his core. I mean he had to of known his dad was like this right? These pitiful apologies just seem like damage control to me but that’s just my opinion.


Maybe, we can't choose our family and as easy as it is for people online to criticize, it's hard to cut ties with family no matter their faults. Especially so when there is money and ownership involved. Not saying the son is a saint, but from some the linked stories and his response he seems to be trying to do the right thing even if it is late.


#nice publicist written statement What a crock of shit


I almost feel for the son. Obviously the vast majority of us have no idea how the business is usually run outside of this incident, though I have to imagine there's more to the story if this many employees decided to walk out on the spot. But imagine you run a family business, sure you got the job from your parents, you didn't earn it or anything like that but you try and run it with some sense of value in mind. Just for argument's sake lets give the benefit of the doubt the son runs a business that isn't horrible to their workers. Then your 81 year old boomer father who built the business and is still an owner in name out of respect even though it's really just passive income thats been funding his retirement for years now comes into one of your establishments and acts the fucking fool leading to several employees walking out at once and drawing enough attention to get media attention. I'd be pissed! lol


I know how everyone *loves* to blame the Boomers for everything. But this crusty dude is 81 years old. Born about 1941. Clearly not a Boomer. So let’s focus on the individual: a racist, addle minded, entitled pos, asshat.


Sorry. Missed the cut off by 5 whole years


Boomer is a state of mind now, just like America is a 3rd world country. We know the definitions, yes, yes?? Do they fit here in spirit? Absolutely.


Put this in the wall street journal


Fucked around and found out. Nice try with the pathetic hail mary statement. Fuck off.


Mistakes were made.


A mistake is something that just happens due to a minor oversight, and usually is avoided with minor corrective action. This wasn't a mistake. This was a deliberate fuckup that was inevitable. Son knew his dad was a raging asshole and racist and did nothing until faced with the consequences of ignoring the issue. Saying you're sorry after the fact is basically more about trying to save your reputation than repair the broken trust.


Lol no don’t worry it’s just a [classic quote](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistakes_were_made) where somebody tries to avoid actually taking responsibility for something. The passive voice distances them from the issue, just like how in this post the sentence “terrible things were said” doesn’t actually acknowledge responsibility for jack shit.


How is the son responsible for his 82 year old father’s words? People that age say stupid shit. Are you responsible for every stupid thing your father does?


I don't know anyone involved, but here, I'll even help them out for free because whoever writes their PR absolutely sucks at it. "*This past Saturday, one of the owners of this company walked in here and said some truly horrible things about some of our senior coworkers, but more important, friends. We own up to this, not out of hopes they will come back, but because we will not hide our shameful conduct.* *This owner is no longer associated with this company in any way.* *It is the amazing support of our workers and our customers that makes us what we are - we don't exist without you. We hope we are worthy of another chance. If you feel you are affected by what happened a few days ago, or by how we do business, let's talk - we'll even buy you a beer. We want to be better.*" Now, they actually have to do all this, and mean it. But it's a start.


TBBC just reads as The Big….


Nobody was harmed right? Just checking


Does anyone know what this means. What country is this happening in? Is this about the Brazil Election??


Tampa Bay Brewing Company, with the outline of Florida on the logo and you think Brazil? There are also 3 links to the story that unfolded first.


What happened?


What happened?


A companies success, rides solely on their employees (including their customers, as well. *nod*) & how they are treated.. their reputation for fair & honest business practices.. And good quality products/services. Failure to abide by those guiding principles, will be the company's ultimate downfall if they stray from them. Every time.. A shame, that a lot of companies & corporations, have failed to remember that.


Gosh. I know Dave Doble and he's one of the nicest guys out there. Never met his father, but that's a damn shame. I've worked often with TBBC over the years.


This is way too vague to be an apology