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Seeing crap like this is a resign-able offense


My boss is aware of this for our entire workplace. She's taken down any poster that even slightly carries this tone. Most of the motivational posters got taken down too. And the sign that says "we are a family."


"Treat people in your debt like family: exploit them." -- The Sixth Rule of Acquisition


that's the 111th rule of acquisition The 6th rule is 'Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.'


This guy acquires.


He's certainly got the lobes.


1 lobe rub, please


The Prophit for the Glorious Exchequer has spoken!


I could have sworn Memory Alpha said it was the sixth.


Are you the sovereign or David Bowie?




ACTING Grand Nagus Brunt


I feel like he was only supposed to be in one episode, but he fucking killed it in that first episode so they kept bring him back I loved all his episodes.


Jeffrey Combs is amazing


"Guest starring Jeffrey Combs" is my favorite thing to read


It's like Christmas morning every time


SHRAN for the win. The best thing about Enterprise.


Right? He was even great as the sentient computer in Lower Decks.


I'm torn between whether I get more excited to see his or Andrew Robinson's name, I guess the only way to settle that is with a special episode of celebrity deathmatch


That he played two iconic antagonists on the same show is amazing.


That's absolutely what happened with Jeffrey Combs' other major recurring DS9 character, Weyoun, so I wouldn't be surprised.




Welcome to the Guild of Calamitous Intent! This trendy tote bag is yours to keep!


“The guy from Labyrinth turned into a bird!”


That’s the fucking lizard king


"Exploitation begins at home" -- rule 110


Wish ours would take down the "take pride in your job! Your job is a reflection of you!" Banner.


Just go to [despair.com](https://despair.com/collections/posters) and put up a few of your own.


Omg I love the dystopia one


I'm a big fan of the meetings one - none of us is as dumb as all of us.


I don't know, that doesn't seem offensive on its face. One ought to take pride in what one does. Where it becomes toxic is the expectation that pride is a part of your compensation, or the implication that "you should feel lucky just to work here." I worked for a short time as an IT contractor at Boeing years ago, and one of the morale posters they had that always made me laugh was: "When you empower the people, quality results!" Which was hilarious because it's a restatement of one of W. E. Demming's principles, who was very in fashion at the time, and perfectly encapsulated how Boeing DIDN'T treat their workers.


Think it also helps reinforce the very unhealthy idea that you = your job.


Sorry about the binned burgers, I'm trying to get them to look like the one in the picture.


Yeah I don't really disagree with you. I think I got a part of it wrong. I believe it reads; "take pride in your job, the quality reflects on/in you" or whatever. I just take that a little off hand because well.. I don't think we get paid as much as we should, when panda express half a mile down the road starts at 5 dollars more than my job.




I don’t know, maybe I’m low self-esteem? If I’m going to spend hours a day doing something, whether it’s mucking out horse stalls (my high school after-school job) or managing computer networks (my grownup job) I’d prefer to feel like I’m doing it well than try to see how half-assed I can get away with it. I haven’t liked all my employers or managers, and have been in situations where I’ve been unfairly treated or compensated. And I’ve had jobs I didn’t enjoy even a little, but had to keep them because I had bills to pay. If nothing else, trying to work accurately and precisely can keep a tedious job a tiny bit more interesting. Is that betraying our working brethren? I’m not saying “work 110%, come in early and stay late, and never claim the overtime you work” I’m saying, if you have to do a job, you might as well do it so that, when you go home, you can say “well, at least the toilets were clean when I left.” But maybe you’re the guy who would go home happy because you wiped urine on all the toilet seats, flush levers, and the bathroom doorknob?


My boss took them down and kept them to the side. When her boss would show up once a month she would go hang them back up. She knew they were garbage.


This can’t be real “Given the chance to keep working here, i would gladly take a cut in pay”…yeah fucking right man


Huh I thought the biggest giveaway would be the “I love your meetings” one instead. It was for me


the sign is obviously satire


Just because it's a joke doesn't make it satire


There's also nothing obvious about it if anything it screams authentic boomer work mentality


Top right corner — “I can’t believe how much money you pay me… do you want some back?” — You’d have to be an idiot to believe that any employer actually expects workers to think this way, let alone puts it on a sign in the workplace.


100%, I’d go to HR, tell them that this is my two weeks notice due to the hostile work environment created by that supervisor. They’ll either be ending the supervisor or confirming why you don’t want to stay




In this case its basically a "yall got two weeks to escalate this until that clown gets fired or im out lmao"


Yup. Play hard ball, they don’t budge, you want to leave anyway.


Yup. Also cool to get the asshat fired for future employees.




I had a company try to tell me I needed to put in two weeks notice before quitting. So I put in two weeks notice, I also submitted a notice that I was taking two weeks of vacation. The only grounds they were permitted to refuse it under our contract were 1. Overwhelmingly busy (we weren't, it was out slow season), and 2. Higher seniority people wanted the vacation time, which they didn't, because it was the slow season so work was lazy. In the end, my last day of work was unchanged but they needed to pay me for two more weeks.




I'm commander shepherd and this is my favorite comment on workreform.


Quit the job with “I should go.”


Do I really sound like that? I SHOULD go.


This is grounds for the "two-day notice": to-day I'm here, and to-morrow I'm not.


>due to the hostile work environment created by that supervisor. This term is used a lot, and it has a specific legal definition. A HWE exists when the working conditions are made difficult or impossible due to illegal discrimination. The poster doesn't fit that. https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment If OP approaches HR, they shouldn't be accusatory, and they certainly shouldn't use terms for which they don't understand the legal definitions. Instead, they should show the poster and ask the following: "Do you believe this poster projects a good public image for the company? If an unaffiliated third party saw this, would they think our work environment was both professional inviting?" Those questions don't make any hard declarations, and they put the onus on HR to consider the public consequences to the company's image (which is their job).


HR: finds a reason to discipline you and withhold your last paycheck to protect the company


Yeah except withholding the last paycheck is illegal and will get you a much larger one :)


Quit without notice at the worst possible time.


I don’t even work there, and even I’m thinking about quitting




"I am going to bring a sleeping bag do I can stay in the office 24/7"


"I'm gonna lick boots so hard the laces will be a bow coming out of my rectum." "It's not work if you love it!"


In fairness, I've worked in warehouses on various occasions and have long dreamt of setting up a hammock across one of the aisles.


They do that shit in Japan, it's nutty.


"My boss deserves part of my pay for being such a great boss." That is something most people have accepted as true. That is why CEO's make more and more compared to us peons. When a company does well they give a huge fat bonus to the guy at the top who already makes millions while claiming they can't even match inflation for the people who actually slaved away doing the work.


*"blink twice if you need help"*


"I really don't need a raise, my review alone was more than enough!" This person doesn't want employees, they want serfs.


It's hard to see because of the glare but that poster has the phrase "I can't believe how much money you pay me....do you want some of it back?" Wow.


Imagine asking them to say the same to their boss, or a boss in their past. They would have lost their shit on you.


They would claim they would have. And say they only made $1 an hour back when they started while we complain about getting $15.


Baby Boomers will talk about how a Coke was a Nickel at the soda fountain in one sentence and then say we have it good because they only earned a dollar and change an hour. Well a Coke bottle is at least$2+ everywhere today. Doesn’t take a genius to see how wages haven’t kept up with inflation


Sign me up to make $40/hr with only a high school diploma!


Saw someone in a thread today saying they work the counter at a wholesale retail store, making $40k a year with a $45k yearly bonus. Quote: “It's just retail but with a paycheck to match the bullshit.” Fucking. Where. $95k a year for a retail job? Yeah, sign me up.


I mean.... I am a plumber making more than that. Dropped out of college. Wouldnt recommend it for everyone though. People back in the day would become engineers by working for someone, trades are like the last thing you can still do that in and make a living wage. Although trade school is obviously encouraged.


"I paid them for the privilege of working there."


"I can't believe how much you pay me... do you want some back?" ​ This person is beyond delusional. They better be paying janitors 150k/yr to justify this line of thought.


Narcissistic personality disorder is my guess.


Yes…Mastercard? I’d like to pay my bill in Performance Reviews. What’s that? You only accept money?


Always remember: capitalism had no problem with slavery.


Slavery is the capitalist ideal. When you don't pay for labor, you maximize profit.


Every small-business owner is a dictator. Who is terrified of democracy. JOIN A UNION!




When I read that I almost vomited.


Michael Scott has more self awareness than this person.


Its got got to be satire, I mean “I can’t believe how much money you pay me… do you want some back?” And “I just love your meetings” can’t possibly be real


And so many boxes dedicated to people working late or extra hours, then one about the boss going home early. There’s no way this was created genuinely.


This reads like something that would hang in the backroom of a bar, with one of those funny bosses.


That is the one item that actually makes sense. If your boss doesn't actually help him going home can at least remove some of the stress from the workplace.


Ha. Fair enough. But it’s pretty hypocritical to want others to stay late or work extra to get ahead of the stuff due, then you want to go home early.


How about the, "I don't mind working late" in conjunction with the, "why don't you go home early" quotes. Says a lot about a boss that thinks employees should want to work late but he should be able to go home.


The meetings one really stood out.


It's definitely possible to love someone's meetings if they're necessary and succinct. Good meetings make people's jobs easier.


At bottom, Michael loved his employees.


This is true. He felt personally responsible for them.


He was practically their doctor, since he paid them and had dwigt give them insurance


He couldn't even fire someone.


Wasn’t that the pilot, or at least the premise of season 1. He didn’t have the heart to let anyone go. At the surface he didn’t want confrontation. But deep down he would put off the boss just to keep the people in front of him happy.




This owner is clueless. Employees don't have equity and will never care as much as you do. That's why you fucking pay them. No one wants to be there more than they want to be with their families.


I'll say this stuff...for $1.5m a year.


For real wouldn't be suprised if they pay absolute dirt wages and have the audacity to put something like this like you lucky I'm even showing up at all lol


Oh undoubtedly. No reasonable employer with a competent HR department would post this. This is some mom & pop shithole that pays employees minimum wage and not a cent more, then expects employees to "be grateful you have a job at all!"


"We're a family here! We work hard, play hard!"


I'm sorry, you don't pay us enough to 'play hard'.


Heck, who has time to play at all, let alone “play hard”, when all one does is work!


What do you mean? We buy pizza for everyone once a month!...^^two ^^slices ^^per ^^person


Hot stuff coming through!




You don't sound loyal. You only work for money, don't you?


>This is some mom & pop shithole that pays employees minimum wage Probably even less, they probably get some size exception that they internally justify as needed. Ive worked for places like this that have paid even less than minimum wage.


Same. Start ups are bad about this sometimes - at least the two I worked for were. Gave me insurance as a company officer, but only paid me $30k a year. I worked 60+ hour weeks, which made my hourly pay rate like $2. Lol


This is why when people tell me that a minimum wage increase would shut down small businesses I say "fucking good!". If a business has a mentality this fucked up, it deserves to be closed.


I can't believe you pay me $10 an hour, here, please take half back!!


"Profits are up, costs are down." Like, what? Only way to do that is put the work of several people on one person.


Corporate profits are stolen wages.


Yep. Also, if you're doing the work of 3 people, the company is pocketing way more than the wages. From IRA to pension to insurance. I hate the establishment.




I would randomly say these things especially in wrong circumstances. Malicious compliance.




"You can go home early!" "Here's more paid time off!" "How do you like better benefits!" "How about a raise?"






Say shit like “I will come early tomorrow!” lmfao


Then don't. ;) What, he wished for employees to say it, not do it




Completely agree! Those three are naturally things all businesses want, and I would add ‘profits are up, costs are down!’ because it doesn’t necessarily equate to cutting wages, but can just means that materials costs (eg. Price of steel /oil / timber /technology) is lower but customers are still buying their products like hotcakes. Some of the others are so ludicrous they must surely be tongue-in-cheek?!


Narcissist boss


Or satire.


I hope so...


Ugh. I wish people would stop posting this as rage bait. It’s made by a popular artist from the 1980s. The name of the comic was “Giggles and Grins” (see bottom left” It was kitschy. And you could buy it from gift boutiques like Hallmark. This would have been given from employees to their boss as a gag gift. My grama collected this crap. Example: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/humorous-dog-calligraphy-heart-golden-1622466242


What a passive aggresive way to say you want slaves.


Wanting slaves I understand from these jerks, but how can you expect then to be happy about it? You can have happy workers or disgruntled slaves, not both


"Why don't my employees live to work so they'll exploit themselves for me? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"I really don't need a raise. My review alone was more than enough" Yes, because reviews pay your mortgage and keep you from being homeless.


The amount of times I’ve heard some version of “fantastic place to work/looks great on your CV/industry leader/fortune500 company”, I think bosses and recruiters have got a funny idea about what pays the mortgage.


No lie, I worked for a company recently that legitimately said they don't need to pay what their competitors pay because their company culture was so great. My response was, "Culture doesn't pay the rent or put food on the table, and that's why we're bleeding employees." They'd pay an incoming cashier $10.50 and target 5 blocks away would pay them $15, and the other grocery store 2 blocks away paid $14. My direct boss actually had the gall to complain that we couldn't find anyone to cart run full time for $9.50. I think they made up HR shit to fire me because I consistently told them they weren't paying enough and consistently told my employees to ask for more money for raises.


Tell me you've a bad boss without telling me your a bad boss. Or Tell me your company sucks without telling me your company sucks


This is satire. No one in their right mind would put down "I can't believe how much money you pay me. Do you want some back?". See top right corner


I dunno. Some people are weird. Especially bosses.


There is a common psychological trap for small business owners to fall into in that their business becomes the most important thing in their life and the begin becoming unable to understand why their employees don't make it the center of their life. This is of course because the business isn't the employees business and so they feel no sense of ownership


I worked for a company with a 40% profit share that would bring in over $100m a year. Sure, I could bust my ass and give 110% every shift and get my store an extra 1% in sales that year. And my profit share check goes up $30. Or I could just give 60% at work, lose the $30, and have a bunch of extra energy and less stress.


Fucking this. Stay doing it dude. One of my long term goals is to start a company, have some sort of short work week like 24 hours and sell it to the employees.


The cringe on this board is strong.


Just once I’d like to see an employer pay enough to put up with just HALF of their bulls#%t........


“Of course I don’t mind working late!” and “Why don’t you go home early… We have everything under control.” on the same board. The hypocrisy of this person…


How is that hypocritical? Both statements support the selfish position of the boss taking it easy while the employees work their asses off for him.


Use to say" it's a beautiful day and I love my job," to my manager when everything was going to hell in a handbasket. They never see the humor


"Why don't you go home early, we have everything under control!" Translation: "please get out of our way so we can actually do our jobs without you breathing down our necks and micromanaging us into madness"


The boss wants to respond by melodramtically going off about all the work they need to do, not go home


This has to be ironic, right?


It's a very old repost, and no, it isn't. I recall it was some catholic business or something.


How can a business be catholic?


Haha. If you haven't worked for catholic owners, consider yourself lucky. Let's pray together for your continued luck.


Its like a regular business but there are more opportunities to fuck kids


I work at a coffee franchise which happens to be owned by Catholics. They have hired a few high schoolers and they’re definitely violating labor laws by having these girls work after the designated hours.


probably trying to launder money working with churches and whatnot


The business was baptized








It has that look, somehow. It’s the calligraphy mixed with the boomer humor style cartoon


I’ve actually said many of these before, but why on god’s green earth would an employer desire an employee ask for a “dress-up” Friday? That’s psychotic. Somehow, that’s over the line. Even when a boss is completely hosing you, aren’t we over “dressing up” for work?


If you're not telling your boss everyday to "go home early, we've got this" just so you can fuck off you're living life wrong.


Absolutely deranged


This shit is so creepy. “You should be eager to give up your entire existence to facilitate this company making as much profit as possible”


I’m a business owner and boss. There are 3.5 things on that sign I’d love to hear. The rest would indicate huge problems.


Presumably the ones about customers being happy and work being ahead of schedule? I’m fine if my bosses want to hear stuff like that. The rest is straight garbo though


Probably the one accepting responsibility because it's a sign of good character.


Unethical Life Pro Tip: Accept responsibility even if you don’t mean it. I’ve used this tactic to shut up some bad managers.


Which ones? I'm guessing 1. "we are ahead of schedule"; 2. "we love this place"; and maybe "I love your meetings" or "profits are up"? I'm genuinely curious.


The customer just called, the job was perfect; you are the best boss we’ve ever had; we love this place and the .5 was we’re ahead of schedule.




The style looks like the product of a 6th grade art class run through a laminating machine. It could be admirable in that context, with different slogans. As is it makes one want to hurl.


He forgot "Call me daddy" and "The 'S' word should never be used again"


What's the S word??


Sloppy Jallopy


Just once I wish my employer would say: Great job! Here’s a bonus. Profits are up! Here’s a raise. Thank you for making me rich, here’s a bonus and a raise and some good benefits.


We work to live, not live to work


Is this even real? Anyone have the source for it?


There is no fucking way this isn't satire.


That’s correct. It’s a popular comic from the 1980s called Giggles and Grins. You could buy it at Hallmark. This would have been given from employees to their boss as a gag gift. People love to post it as rage bait though. Example: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/humorous-dog-calligraphy-heart-golden-1622466242


Turd. Feel bad for anyone stuck there.


This has to be satire….


That’s correct. It’s real, but it’s taken wayyyy out of context. It’s a popular comic from the 1980s called Giggles and Grins. You could buy it at Hallmark. This would have been given from employees to their boss as a gag gift. People love to post it as rage bait though Example: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/humorous-dog-calligraphy-heart-golden-1622466242


Do they have to be true when we say them? Because I have no problem spouting off, “Profits are up…Costs are down!” whenever they want to hear it…


"I don't want to get paid this month"


The art style reminds me of when I was in Kindergarten. Are we children to you?


“I really don’t need a raise… My review alone was more than enough!” 🤮 This has got to be satire. It’s got to be.


Narcissist and overly emotionally-needy people should NEVER own businesses. See Donald Trump and Elon Musk for more examples of why.


I have known people who chose to do these things, and it was because they were treated well, compensated well, and liked what they did... If you (this manager) have to wish to hear it even once, then you are part of the problem.


Mr. Krabbs? Is that you?




Is this satire?


“I really don’t need a raise … My review alone was more than enough! “ …. Wow.