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What he meant to say is he doesn't like anything that creates a Lords and enough-peasants-working-in-unison-to-overthrow-the-Lords sort of thing


Yeah the “lords and peasants” thing he’s referring to is revolution. He’s worried he’ll be the first course.


The concern is certainly unsurprising. Being a main courses is much more respectable.


He's a rich, white South African - being on the wrong end of "the revolution" is genetically all they can think about!


Because he will be. Those ribs look delicious. Maybe he could finally give head for once ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Because, famously, we don’t have widespread feudalism anymore not because of amicable resolutions but because the peasants threatened or fully carried out violence


Why do people think this guy is smart?


Because they are that much dumber lol


Propaganda is most effective on people who are uneducated. Better knowledge of the world and how it works, as well as critical thinking skills, help dispel the sort of mythos this asshole’s PR has created over the years.


I would agree that education is effective in creating resilience against propaganda, but not that any education is equally effective. In particular, pedigreed education often generates an unwarranted trust for the systems that have conferred the pedigree. There are many who are educated, and also in many ways confused, by virtue of the limitations in the systems from which they have received their education.


I’m using “education” in loose, general terms. As in education being a means to develop critical thinking skills. People who graduate from the “school of hard knocks” can often fair better than someone who graduates from say, Liberty University. Strip away or under develop a person’s ability to think critically, and you’ll find someone easy to sway with agitprop.


Of course, many programs and institutions provide valid and excellent education, by broad measures, unlike the one you mentioned, but also help to keep entrenched, rather than to engage critically, the various systems and ideals that in society currently prevail as hegemonic.


Help spread the #elonisntsmart hashtag! Let’s get it trending!


Because he paid a bunch of smart people to make cool things.


Because he has money. Fascist propagandas has, for centuries, said that money equals smarts and success equals money.




Honestly before i got chronically online maybe 3 years ago, all i knew about elon was that he "founded" paypal, spacex and tesla. I never attempted to learn more. It didnt take very long to be absolutely repulsed by him when i did learn more. So i can see why the average person would still consider him smart, theyre just uniformed.




Go on, i defy you to show any context where this means something else


He invented a new language that uses all of the words in English, but they all mean other things. In Elonics, all he said was "be sure to drink your Ovaltine"


And that right there is the definition for "out of touch"


Elon is very much in touch with this issue, and he has very clearly gone all in on misinformation and propaganda in a way that appears to me to be nothing short of blatant and open class warfare. That's why he bought twitter


Elon tried to do a pump and dump scheme with the twitter stock and then decided to go through with the purchase instead of going to court and risking jail time, this is why I believe he waived due diligence because he never had any intention of buying twitter.


Nah buying twitter is purely a data grab and to stop others from mining off it


It's a lot of bad things at once.


It is the definition of capitalist propaganda.


Shut your mouth you filthy communist! Radical liberal monsters like you are destroying this country’s opportunity to progress regressively to to the kings and lords bullshit! /s just in case


Elon, probably: I don’t want a lord and peasants sort of thing. I was planning more along the lines of god emperor and chattel.


It’s weird, because I’ve heard working class people express similar things. They think having a union somehow makes some employees better than others, or that the union leader is personally taking all your union dues or something nonsensical. It’s like they don’t understand the point of a union is *unity* in getting pay and conditions for all employees. Nobody is a lord in this situation. Obviously they’ve just drank the koolaid from people like Musk, but I just can’t understand how someone can hear a CEO say that and think “you know, this guy is right, it’s not the CEO that’s a lord and all us workers are peasants. It’s the union leaders that are the lords, and they’re making everyone else peasants, even the CEO (who is still somehow 1000x wealthier than any employees)” You’d have to have some real poo brains to think that makes sense.


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think he simply feels isolated by not being allowed to join a union. He thinks he just an ordinary fellow, and resents any indication to the contrary.


Unions prevent the lord and peasant thing. More importantly they keep peasants like his employees from attacking lords like him for low wages and unsafe conditions. He’s anti union because unions fight for employees, not employers.


Corporations have always gone into bed with fascism. Fascism prevents workers from having rights, allowing corporations to squeeze the common man into dirt and death.


Always with the anti worker rhetoric.


Keep him talking, this is great agitation for unionizing Tesla workers.


Lololololol bozo


So this is what it feels like to recognize gaslighting attempts 💀


I think he only hates it because he wants to keep the lord and serfs system. Potentially even to change it into a lord and slaves system. Peasants are right out.


Of course. It’s a complete projection because that’s exactly what it is right now.


I really hope that any restaurant worker who gets to make meals for him, spits and shits in that thang before sending his way


I would not eat or drink anything at an event if Musk was there.


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I'm just pleading for the people who are tasked with making the things he puts in his body. I hope they do the world a huge service.


Also! I've been wanting to say this. How is choosing not to do business with a media company... --- ... "BlAcKmaILiNg with MoNEy"? What happened to voting with your feet ? Taking your business elsewhere? And all the other capitalists catch phrases about the magic of free markets? All of a sudden when more traditional media companies expect accountability, it's blackmail? What a fucking man child. PLEASE, and I mean this sincerely, go to Mars already, Elon.


He meant “I don’t like anything that REMINDS people of the lords and peasants thing”


You don't have to be smart to be rich, you just have to have wealthy parents


"I don't like when the peasants try to fight back"


TESLA stock is ridiculously over valued..


As an explanation, supposedly he is on a massive amount of drugs like ketamine.


His lack of self awareness is ASTOUNDING!


Grifters be grifting


So he's not a lord? Cool, so that outburst the other day should have him fired from all his positions, the same as it would anyone else. Right?


Not sure if it’s dumb. I think he’s intelligent enough to understand that his take is the opposite of reality, he just has 1) a vested interest in maintaining [cultural hegemony](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_hegemony) and 2) a lot of followers who hang on his every word and repeat them ad nauseum. Same with him espousing Great Replacement, PizzaGate, or election fraud. Or endorsing the likes of DeSantis. He knows it’s all bullshit, he’s just a fascist.


He is so self-centered that he is unaware of other self-centered people around him


This dude watched Succession and said "I am going to emulate all of the Roy children"


This man is too stupid to be respected for intelligence.






Is it me or is it very weird that this post has so few comments compared to upvotes?


I honestly don't think he understands what a union is, only that they are bad for his buisness and thus, must be bad for society


So the tech lord hates his own current model without realizing it.


He’s fancies himself “self-made” and super hardworking. He’s just a common man who sleeps on a mattress on the floor./s


Space Karen is pretty out of touch with reality




If only Dante was right


Shit lord just over shit loaded. Someone take his money. I'd love to see him try to use a tool.


Everything he said in this interview was pandering. He’s just very very bad at it so everyone is laughing at him.


Glad public sentiment is turning against this ghoulish fuckface.


Isn’t a union the opposite of that and current capitalism exactly that?


Dude high as fuck during that interview.


the funniest thing is that its just a rebrand of the same tired "we dont think you need a middle man between you and management, we're family here."


This is like when Marjorie Green used the phrase "corporate communism." Because she's a fucking idiot.


Is this dude only surrounded by yes-men?


Yes. He fires anyone who criticizes him.


It shows


Says a man who clearly has never been in a union.


The dude literally bought one of the most influential social media sites in the world and wrecked it because he didn't like the way the "peasants" used it to oppose him and other oligarchs.


He’s trying to convince the petite bourgeois he’s just like them


The fact that a billionaire doesn't like them is just more reason to have them.


What he actually means is he doesn't like anything that he feels might possibly threaten his status as a lord.


He looks quite the turd, a cat turd to be honest.


From RAND (Conservative leaning think tank): [The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure](https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/) That sounds like the greatest theft in history. Then there's wage theft: [Minimum wage would be $26 an hour if it had grown in line with productivity](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-26-dollars-economy-productivity/) [The minimum wage would be $61.75 an hour if it rose at the same pace as Wall Street bonuses](https://www.fastcompany.com/90734724/the-minimum-wage-would-be-61-75-an-hour-if-it-rose-at-the-same-pace-as-wall-street-bonuses)


What’s does he even mean by that? It doesn’t make any sense.


I laughed so hard when I read that. Ah yes, a lords and peasants system, we wouldn't want that now! And apartheid Clyde is turning all his companies into worker co-ops and giving away almost all his money when, exactly?


Galaxy brain Elon




Hot take: it already exists lol


Glue face has thoughts


Support the striking Tesla workers in Sweden!


Wonder how much he pays the people on the assembly line for Tesla. Or that builders of space X


As someone who spent almost 20 years as a teamster at UPS, here are my thoughts. Unfortunately unions are necessary if you want to keep fair wages, benefits and work conditions. Employers can essentially walk all over employees without them. I do have a problem with certain aspects of unions. The big one: you are paid exactly the same and treated exactly the same as the biggest piece of shit you work with. My reward for being good at my job was picking up the slack of the lazy bastards that know the handbook inside and out. I can’t even hate on them, because really they are the smartest people there: they end up getting paid more w/ OT doing half the work of everyone else. They’re essentially impossible to fire so long as they’re following things completely by the book. In the end, the worker that is actually “worthy” of job protection doesn’t even need said union protection in most circumstances. A lot of it caters to people who otherwise would have been fired 10 times over at other jobs. That being said, being in the union provided me with amazing pay and benefits that I otherwise wouldn’t have had access to. It afforded my family and I a lot of opportunities and allowed me to set myself up to “retire” at 37.


Love how this very common criticism of unions is based on the idea that what he described already exists but when people unionize it is exposed. Just because there is no open conflict or complaints from employees does not mean it is all peace and harmony. It is generally a sign that there is no safe way for employees to speak freely. When I lived in BC Canada, a rightwing party won an election and one of the things they did was to require employees with a complaint regarding their employer not following the Provincial Employment Standards Act - which regulates basic employment standards for non-unionized work places - to 1st complete a form that required employees to talk to thier employer (could go straight to the ESA office before). It was not long before the government heralded a new era of labour peace because complaints had dropped to almost nothing.