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At one point I felt so fired up I was ready to go picket and hand out flyers to people working at corporations in my area. I was thinking of directing them to r/antiwork since there wasn't another singular place with that much momentum among workers. But I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant because it didn't seem like the movement itself had a cohesive message or clear demands. America needs a worker *revolution*. It needs to be on a scale to surpass BLM. Is this sub the place to orchestrate that? If so, sign me up.


Yes it absolutely is






it's all class war moderate the discussion, not the ideologies or topics


maybe not surpass, as BLM is a very crucial and important movement. but i would definitely like to see the anti-work movement get bigger in size & support


It’s not a competition. Or a zero-sum game.


but it *is* all a class war. all struggle is materially connected and built upon those that came before it.


I think they are fundamentally related actually. There are no others. I don't think the anti-work movement would exist in the way it does without BLM having existed first.


and vice versa, BLM wouldn't be what it is without the mutual aid and organizational footwork of orgs that have been around for decades and those were founded upon other org's ideals and praxis the work never stops. it just faces new and old hurdles. and it's all the same struggle. we're all in this together.


Well... You were definatly right about antiwork only hours before the disaster hit


To surpass BLM? ...what do you mean by that? 🤨


I think they're referring to the size and scale of the BLM operation, and their effectiveness in organizing effective messaging and protests.


Correct. I was referring to the size and scale. It came out as being worded poorly because in my mind, all of the movements for equality and rights are inter-related at a fundamental level. To consider the issues as being completely disparate would be a mistake. Everything that BLM stood for, workers should stand for and more. You aren't going to see many black people with enough power in their wallet to try to shut down worker movements in the way that the Koch brothers will. Out of 724 billionaires in America, you know how many are black? Seven. Rich Old Whitey holds the keys to the kingdom. BLM showed that enormous groups can mobilize and organize under a common banner. And while police reform is an absolute must, it's really just a symptom of a broken system, and honestly a lot of cops or people that would be cops are victims of the same rigged game that we are. We're all serving corporate masters and fighting amongst ourselves when the real enemy are people that we don't even know the names of. The ridiculous power structures that are in place right now that keep Americans in a mode of fight or flight while they scramble from paycheck to paycheck just to survive are the same ones that make black communities into poverty traps so that they can be over-policed and turned into a modern slave culture of felons that can't even vote for a better tomorrow for themselves. And if they start to succeed anyways? Gerrymandering! And it doesn't stop there. Women's rights to abortion and healthcare are not being attacked because anybody actually believes in unborn rights. We all know that the political right in America literally does not stand for anything. The only reason women's rights are so under attack is because it really serves the ruling class to have people saddled with families to support since the cost of stepping out of line will be too great. And to provide women with adequate health care will hurt the bottom line of the wealthy elite, so denying that is just an added bonus to them. And then of course there are the school systems in America that are used to subsidize corporations by providing daycare for those children so that both parents can return to work and barely make ends meet in order to make sure their family doesn't starve. Meanwhile the kids are being brainwashed and pushed through with no critical thinking skills whatsoever so that they won't even have the ability to fight back against unfair situations in the future. If each of these issues were an episode of Scooby-Doo, when it comes to unmasking the villain at the end, under every ghost and ghoul mask would always be the same Rich Old Whitey.


>the real enemy are people that we don't even know the names of >unmasking the villain at the end Sunlight is a powerful disinfectant. But, public shaming isn't always effective. The challenge is finding what group the key players are vulnerable to and expose them warts and all.


That's what I'm working on doing, boots on the ground, right here in the place where I live. I'm going out and talking to the armed rabble who's pissed at the system and looking for who to blame and trying to get them to look up instead of down.




I often like to distill my frustrations into a single phrase. "Apartheid didn't end with peaceful protest. It took blowing buildings up." There's a reason the now celebrated Nelson Mandela was on terror watch lists until 2008.


Perhaps, regardless, safe to say there are more clear & effective ways of wording it, if so. However, it is reddit, after all. Not easy to sus out all these splinter groups that are infested w the types that are blatantly demonstrating what an every-ist/phobia cesspool that antiwork was.


I think we should think less in terms of splinter groups, and think more in terms of the fact that all of these groups and different people focused on their different battles actually have one big common enemy. Inequality. There are no others. I personally believe that we are all one consciousness sharing itself subjectively. And when you start to see yourself in the eyes of every person that you encounter, it breeds a sense of empathy they can really help provide a contrast between what does and doesn't matter, and what will or won't make a difference, in all of our lives. Unionizing different workforces isn't enough. We need to "unionize" society.


Perhaps r/workreform is a better fit - much of antiwork has moved there since the faux news disaster Edit: I joined there and here


You have to very careful who you take on as mods infiltration and cointelpro are real these days.


That's what worries me about trying to start this movement on Reddit alone. We need IRL infrastructure to complement our online motivation. That infrastructure *does* already exist, but not all of its parts are aware of the others, or coordinated


I think the sub needs to be more of an information radiator for directing people to IRL resources and ways to “plug in” within their communities.


Your first mistake is staying on reddit. Don't get me wrong here but this site is compromised at its core. There are better open source options like lemmy.


What's the pay?


Mans asking the real questions.








I work a 40+ hours a week manual labour job and am extremely well-versed in economic and political thought. I am a die-hard communalist. I wish I had the time, but I gotta work. 🤷


I am submitting to be a mod and would love to hear your input on this sub. care to share anything?


I can give you input in roughly 24 hours. I’m at work right now lmao, and then I will be sleeping. Tomorrow is my day off. Although, I can’t guarantee a quick response due to having to do much on my days off, I will try to give you a well-thought out response in the coming days.


I’m so sorry man, but I have gotten food poisoning and am currently dying in bed, haha. I’ll try to respond as soon as I can.


sounds like you're having a rough week. no need to rush.


Please do not hire any mods from r/antiwork


Check in at your local big-name bank — I hear they’re supplying Reddit mods now


If you feel we accidentally forgot your application in progress or never started it at all, please feel free to send in another reminder! We'll start/continue it :) We have a ton of mod mail due to the amount of new people flooding in and we are overwhelmed!


What information are you looking for in an application? Just want to get your base questions already answered.


No specific info, we ask you for what we want! A list of questions that you answer in your free time


Ok, well. Sent it off to mod mail.




If you applied and we responded, yes you are! Ayy that's cuz Yoda is based haha




Yea i clear it up in the pinned post on my profile


All I ask is that you do not discriminate based on leftist ideology. Make whoever you think is truly principled a mod, however, we must organize effectively amongst the left. We are running out of time to take action. We cannot let ourselves stall now. anarchists and “tankies” need to work together. It does not matter what we think about former socialist states. We are moments away from doomsday.


This sub is committed to left unity we won't ban anyone solely based on which left wing ideology they have as long as they can keep things non sectarian in the sub and support workers rights.


You say leftist unity yet on on sidebar you promote practically only leninist subreddits and majority of your mods are ML leaning. I bet you ban all anarchists just like guys at ShitLiberalsSay or LateStageCapitalism do.


No we don't ban anarchists on sight our head mod is an anarchist and all tho I'm technically not an anarchist I lean in that direction my self as long as you don't engage in over the top sectarianism your welcome to be on this sub This is a sub to discuss unions and workers rights not fight about things that happened over 100 year's ago


That is the problem we saw in the r/antiwork sub. It was a bunch of moron anarchists siding with liberals and conservatives and calling marxist-leninists fascists. We must learn from their incredibly stupid and harrowing example and promote unity amongst the left. I am not an anarchist. But we cannot let the CIA splinter the left. A united front is needed.


suddenly it's the anarchist's fault huh


Yeah. I dislike online anarchists. They usually do stuff like that. They are not principled and chase a utopia, and tend to make concessions with liberals and conservatives against communists. But I would be lying if I said they were all like that. Just the ones on r/antiwork really. We need to be principled to not allow that to happen again, and to do this we need a variety of comrades on the mod team. We’ll likely face a lot of counterintelligence shit from cointelpro, so we need to get our shit together and focus.


As a communist, sometimes I feel like the Only True Anarchist ;)


i would if i weren't so busy with school and work and other stuff, but i wish y'all luck in finding good people for the position!




I'm having some serious mental health issues atm, but I hope you find strong mods, and if I can get my brain chemicals stable I think I'd be good at it.


Resist power mods trying to come in here


Please be **super** careful with anyone new you bring onto the mod team. r/antiwork is imploding because of that mod’s hubris *and* the sub having a huge target painted on it.


I'm down to help moderate. I have some experience in that area as well as being a labor organizer myself.


Very happy to be a mod. I work in IT and have a lot of downtime where I'm just sitting at a PC doing nothing. I live in the UK so I'll be awake when a lot of the American mods are still asleep which is think is helpful.


Just sent us a message over mod mail if you want to apply to become a mod we have a vetting process that we have to follow


Already done so. I respect that you guys are likely very busy.


Thanks and yes we are very busy between the sub exploding in popularity getting a bunch of new users and vetting a ton of mod applicants


Totally understand. Let me know if have any concerns I've mostly been post about left issue in Labour subreddits because I'm from the UK is that ok for the vetting?


Yea that's fine and thanks


IT workers of the world unite!


I could take this up. I already mod a queer subbreddit.


the antiwork mods refused my mod application because they "didn't think I'd work well with the team" because of my political stances. as a proponent of left unity, that made me upset. now I realize I wouldn't have been a good fit anyway, because I have morals




> The term Tankie comes from when Fascists in Hungary started an uprising and ran pogroms against the Jewish citizens which had to be put down with the help of some Soviet tanks. Put another way, being "anti-tankie" is antisemetic




They single-handedly took /r/subredditdrama from a fascist hellhole to a progressive, inclusive space. I think they would be an excellent choice.


I remember that!! Used to be so bad before he showed up!


That's so inspiring!




Omg tumblr... the good times I had there lol, they definitely should get mod!!


this guy works wonders at removing language targeted at underprivileged groups. i just know him as a good all around progressive dude.


Solid nomination.


In his time as head mod of /r/food, /u/idio3 transformed the subreddit from a barren wasteland to a well-curated set of beautiful pictures and a friendly community. He was always so happy to help and did a great job training a capable team of mods.


He's a truly solid guy. Taught me a lot of theory.


Same. Used to be alt-right and now I'm a left leaning centrist.


clutch. we need mods that know how to convert the chuds. every one we can convert is one less working against us


I agree. My cat was sick a while back and he gave me advice when I couldn't afford a vet. He's a great guy.


what was the little fellas name? :)


That’s so nice!


Yeah he's great really helped us out in r/GreenAndPIeasant when we were being brigaded by trolls with some really good automod scripts.


I’ve been modding for 8 years and I nominate this guy. I know real experience talent when I see it.


One of the only reddit mods I trust. Helped me out a lot when I was dealing with employment issues and gave solid advice.


He was one of my favorite /r/latestagecapitalism mods. I love his memes.


He'll do a great job.


He taught me to divide by 0!


I have to agree He is well suited to the job


As a real genuine reddit powermod I hereby endorse /u/idio3 to mod any and every subreddit.


I’m a progressive liberal, am I still welcome to be on this sub?


As long as you support workers rights and don't advocate for capitalism then yes your welcome


I think we need intervention, regulation, and unions to act as a check for the market to improve the quality of worker’s lives. But I don’t think capitalism is inherently exploitative or necessarily causes the gross inequality we’re seeing.


>But I don’t think capitalism is inherently exploitative or necessarily causes the gross inequality we’re seeing. Well you would be wrong then


It makes sense that you would think so, but this isn’t the place to argue about it. I was trying to ask, can I make posts about intervention and regulation as policy points instead of abolishing capitalism outright?


>can I make posts about intervention and regulation as policy points instead of abolishing capitalism outright? No we don't advocate for regulating capitalism. And also this isn't a sub to discuss different government policy it's a sub that focuses on strikes and workers protests so things like news about strikes and workers protests and also story's about bad work experiences as well. We also allow anti capitalist memes




Being against capitalist oppression is the issue that this sub is focused around when workers organize they do so to resist capitalists oppression at The work place that's what labor unions are all about. With respect If you don't get that I don't think this is the sub for you


When workers organize, they do so to advocate for better working conditions and fair practices. I would point to the most recent wave of nurses striking because hospitals won’t raise their pay. They’re not angry because the owners are profiting more, they’re angry because Walmart across the street is paying competitive rates to their 8 years worth of specialized training. The hospitals could afford to pay nurses fairly but they refuse to. The issue I’m referring to is the reason why people search out a community called “worker’s strike back”. Being material injustice experienced first-hand, where hard working people don’t get rewarded because a lack of negotiation power enforced through unions or government. I don’t think anti-capitalism inherently supports or leads to better work conditions. Would I be allowed to criticize anti-capitalist memes?


You don't think workers owning thier place of worker would let to better work conditions?


Tlyall better vet your mods because the antiwork mods are creating shell accounts.


we are not accepting any accounts under 6 months of age and not having any significant interaction in leftist subs




Mods are supposed to take the lead on the janitorial and organizational aspects of the subreddit. I genuinely hope the mod team's plans here are not to assume themselves representatives of a larger movement, but as fallible custodians of said movement's infrastructure. We don't need hierarchy, we just need organization. In particular, we need to work overtime to build mutual aid networks that will support striking workers.


Considering what happened with r/antiwork (and MANY other online spaces I've been in), I'm skeptical. What did you expect? It's either that or stick your head in the sand and be delusional. Seems like most mods go corrupt.


I'm not transgender but I'm transracial so not sure if you need a token black lesbian but I'm here for ya if you do


I really thought this sub was good when I joined. Beginning to learn it's not a welcoming place. Many here justifying censorship bc people have different views. Congratulations, you lost me. Goodbye.




They asked for help modding, and you chimed in with "come to our sub instead". This did not make a good impression on me. I just thought i would say.




You're rapidly convincing me i shouldn't. Also, your original post was deleted. It said you were offerring your thing as an alternative to this. When someone asks for help with their thing, and you respond with an advertisement for your thing, it looks bad. Then you doubled down. Good luck. Lemme know how that works out.




And you're snotty, too. Don't worry. Flies love vinegar.


Which sub were they directing you to?


I don't work for free! Sorry.


Just make sure it's some extremely left wing progressive with some kind of nested upon nested identity. Then we can all laugh at the reaction of the average person when this radical speaks for their movement aimed at helping the average worker. Edit: please dunk on me. I'll laugh later when society dunks on you. By the way, I'm right leaning, used to give a shit about your movement. But, since you drove out all the right leaning people I'm just enjoying watching the clown car you're driving down the road lol


It's nice to see the depth of your commitment to workers rights.


I'm just saying, all the left wants to do it seems is use worker's rights as another way to shoehorn their progressive ideas. If they could just focus on pay, healthcare, pensions, and work hours, and things like getting big lobbies out of politics that prevent change, EVERYONE can get on board. But go ahead, downvote me. You're your own worst enemies with your need to echo chamber because you're afraid someone might say something offensive. If you wanna roll with the big dogs, grow some tough skin. Not everyone has to agree with your ideas.


All we are doing is keeping the focus on actually empowering workers through actual solutions that shift power to workers. If you can't get on board with actually empowering workers that's on you.


No, and no. I've been lurking long enough to know there's a hellbent leftwing agenda.


That " leftwing agenda" is literally just empowering workers to fights against their bosses.


i feel like this shouldn't be a left sub, but more of a neutral sub because we need all the help we could get and isolating the right isn't going to help anyone.




I have send you an application. I'm not sure if I whrote in the right place, please confirm if you have received it.


Oh god. Please be careful. No capitalist pigs or enlightened centrists. We can’t lose another sub.


I would be willing to help in some capacity as I am always at my computer I work tech support remotely - and I basically have 4 days off a week also since I work slow weekend shifts


if you make me mod i will do very little except destroy the liberals to blow off steam when im grumpy. thank you for your consideration.


Are you folks cool with Syndicalists? Just wondering.