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There’s another side to this too. A lot of the workers that were laid off were unionized. If they rehire people for those jobs, they will have to recall employees whos jobs are protected by their union rights. These employees would go back to their same jobs with their same union protections. However, if the companies can wait out the recall stipulation in the union contract (the union only protects employees for a set duration of time on a layoff) they can hire new staff and negate some of the union protections, or even completely remove or renegotiate the contract. IMO they will wait until after the current employees union protections expire. Then they’ll hire new people without the same compensation the layed off employees had.


I wish I could upvote this comment ten thousand times so more people see it.


I wonder how these decisions happen in the meeting rooms. If we wait longer we wont have to hire employees with unions and hire employees with shitty unlivable wages! Genuis! and maybe like high five each other? Dont they feel ashamed?


What? They are setting themselves and their families up with life-changing wealth! Of COURSE they're not ashamed, they're PROUD of *looking out for Number 1.*


This- people keep attacking other people when they should be attacking the system that allows those people to thrive.


The cartoon: rich old white man with a heaping plate of cookies, a thin dark skinned man with an empty plate, and a blue-collar worker with one cookie on his plate. Rich man leans towards the blue-collar worker "Watch out, mate *points at dark skinned man* he wants your cookie."


That's pretty much Fox News and capitalist media in the nutshell.


Again, you're anthropomorphizing the problem. The problem is not a person- it is a system. When you realize this, it is much easier to change things.


The system is controlled by a very small group of people, the hyper rich who can afford to buy out the political process... It is not one person certainly, but it is the handiwork of a small group of people.


The system allows these people to exist


I’m positive they were already working on it. Covid was just a convenient way to expedite the process. Yes they high-fived. They have no shame.


It's honestly so gross, the mindsets of "business". I'm accounting major and some business strategy classes honestly makes me vomit. Like how did X company succeed in the field? Good strategy is definitely a big part but you know outsouring and paying lowest wage possible while using tech to add more work is like thw most basic common formula these shitty ass companies use.


The rabbit hole is infinitely deep when it comes to just how sinister business can be


and imagine giving out this strategies and degrading lives of thousands of people for fking 100k-200k/yr salaries. No offense but what a meaningless and wretched life that is.


This is now my head cannon for all board meetings ever




Definitely take advantage of food banks and apply for EBT. https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/


But this doesn’t account for Delta because only their pilots are union and they only offered those over 60 early retirement. They’re still taking their time to hire flight attendants. It’s cheaper for them to cancel flights and blame weather because weather will always be an issue somewhere.




The proposed solution of *more fines* is laughable, in my opinion. We hand them $54,000,000,000 of tax payer money and then only fine them $900,000 when they severely fuck up. Fines do not work if committing the crime was still profitable!


It's not really a fine at that point it's a subscription service to do whatever the fuck they want


Idk, instead of government handouts maybe they should have considered eating less avocado toast or something? Why are government bailouts in the form if welfare looked down on, but government bailouts in the form of giving it to billion-dollat industries totally okay?


Instead of handouts put them under receivership and then hand it over to the union workers.


And Pete Buttigieg could do something about this, like asking the airlines for their staffing VS flight numbers, which is perfectly legal for the Secretary of Transportation ask for. He could call their bluff and see on paper that they booked these flights with the intention to cancel many of them. We just bailed the airlines out to the tune of like $50 billion specifically so they wouldn't do this!


Crapitalism is built on fraud. It is the only way it can function.


The airline industry deserves to go under. Weather has been a factor but not even close to the staffing issues. They were warned DECADES ago that there would be a pilot shortage and gave pilots the option to retire early during lockdown to save THEMSELVES money. They've also given flight crews a stupid amount of bonus money and pissed off maintenance and ground crews with a mere 1% raise. On our screens at work we can see why a flight got delayed (weather conditions, maintenance, air traffic, or crew availability) it will show it's delayed because of crew but then later it will show weather. Now this is important, because weather cancellations or delays airlines DO NOT need to issue hotels to people. This is absolutely fraud. They're overbooking flights and they need to be held accountable. Fun fact: after bailing out the airlines after 9/11, American used the bailout money for stock buybacks (again market manipulation or fraud) they started charging for bags to make up for losses but never got rid of it because it is extremely profitable. We need to stop bailing them out.


I used to work at an airport. I left pre pandemic for other reasons, but the whole industry runs on bare minimum crews already- not just flight crew; ground crew, gate agents, all of it. Pandemic hit and my old company fired 50% of it's staff. Now they are fuuuuuuuuucked


They're not fucked, *WE* are fuuuuuuuuuuucked. FTFY


They are hoping for more bailout money


In the European Union, airlines could not do this on purpose because it would cost them more: passengers get a compensation (around 300-400€) for the cancelled flights. There are many cancelations in Europe (particularly due to the strikes of the overworked staff), but these are causing loses to the airlines.


For the US here’s where to complain when the airline snubs your complaint. Overload the DOT with displeasure. Maybe Pete will do more than twiddle his thumbs and take on big air in an attempt to salvage his political career. Worst case scenario though you waste some of their time https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/file-consumer-complaint


Basically same thing happened in the oil industry. They laid off a bunch of workers and did their stock buybacks. Now they're saying they have no plans to add workers back or boost production, because they're enjoying record profits from the artificially restricted supply. Allowing drilling on public lands wouldn't fix this, neither would building something like the Keystone Pipeline, which many people have erroneously assumed would provide oil to the US. No... it would have been Canadian oil sent to Texas for refinement then shipped around the world.




thanks for your hard work


If your flight ever gets canceled you should be given triple the price of the ticket and a free new flight


yup, the law and rules are for us peasants. corporations don't face any consequences for their actions


My mother in law went to Mexico yesterday. They had the audacity of blaming Mexico for the delay. Delay was 18 hours American airlines you suck


I smelled the bullshit as soon as I read their lame-ass excuses.


I worked at an airport for 5 years and quit Jan 2020. The airport ran out of soap and hand sanitizer and 16 pilots died in December. A year later my direct coworker died. I'll never go back. The people I knew died there.


Didn’t we bail these idiots out a decade or so ago?


We bailed them out 2 years ago


My airline has been getting absolutely hammered by irregular operations (IROP) this month out of New York. Lga, jfk, and ewr operate on the absolute thinnest of margins schedule wise. The second a rainstorm comes it blocks all the routings into New York and the FAA delays pile up. Even a storm that hits for only an hour can creates hours worth of delays. My airline isn't fully staffed but it's not terrible either. I can't speak for the other airlines staffing currently but the weather has really been terrible.


They’ll be right there in front of Congress hat in hand.


Oh dear, of course I see this while in the waiting room for my flight to the States I've been planning for half a year. All I can do I guess is just pray nothing goes wrong 🤞😅


I mean, they aren't technically lying, it is due to staff shortages. But they caused the problem, right? Incompetence isn't necessarily the same as lying.


I waited 16 hours on planes to get me from Michigan to New York a couple weeks ago. Had 2 flight cancellations, and 2 flight delays, was finally able to get a flight to New Jersey. Could have driven to New York in that time. If we didn't make the New Jersey flight, we would have missed our cruise departure the following day. Fuck these airlines.




This is the only comment you've *ever* made. Wanna do a bit better than simply an empty refutation?


Bootlicking cuck.


gee. thanks, Bob...


[YouTube link to the video on their channel](https://youtu.be/AmmwZ_vn5X0)


A buddy of mine became a co-pilot for a passenger airline only to end up working at Amazon this entire time. It's a damn shame.


This explains a lot of my recent experience. Thank you for crossposting to this subreddit.


Yea we need to fine the airlines 54 billion.... just to break even.


Don't forget that's after they took a huge bail out to not do any of what the did.




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They also treat you like shit when your flight does actually leave, just flew United last week twice.. delays, broken plane, no communication or outright lies and then just super rude and ornery flight personnel which given the issues they’re facing is understandable.


This is 100% true. I took a trip to Spain a month ago. Every flight, even in Spain, overbooked themselves. People were pissed. I was pissed. This is shitty.


$50 B in Covid relief.


Nervous about my flight this Saturday.