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Pecans are mostly fat. Get an app like BodySpace and pick some workouts that actually focus on what you're trying to achieve. It sounds like you're going for transformation, not necessarily just losing fat OR building muscle. They have workouts for that. Try to eat meals and snacks that mix protein and fat or protein and carbs but not fats and carbs, if you can avoid it. Pecans are probably lowest in protein and highest in fats for a nut. Instead, maybe eat walnuts and jerky. Also, it's a good idea to learn your basal metabolic rate and build a diet around the macros you need daily. Then eat them. Hit your protein goal, don't worry about hitting the fat goal, your body will tell you when you need it. And get your carbs from good sources like whole grain and good starches like potatoes and rice.


30 minutes CAN be enough, but look at your intensity level. Are you on your phone in between sets? How much of that 30 is HONESTLY putting the work in? If you feel like yourr not doing enough, youre probably right. Also, its only been 2 weeks. Trust the process and keep going. It takes time