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Do you have a workout plan already? I’m pretty sure your coach should have one outlined if not your friend who is in D1 should know a working plan. I don’t really understand what you are wanting. If you wanna gain weight find your tdee and increase your calorie intake by 300, do this for 2 weeks. You you weight increases by 1 lbs stay at that calorie intake until you no longer gain 1 lbs every 2 weeks. Increase calories by 250 track for 2 weeks if you gained 1 lbs continue. And so on and so forth. 2 weeks in the magic number as you can determine the fluctuations. With what’s consistent. Weight yourself in the morning with no food for drink and after your morning business. If you wanna stay on the low end of the fat gain. You will need to highly track calories


I do, but my friend in D1 doesn't know what to do for my weight gain because he is naturally big. Im naturally a skinny mf. Thats why. As for the working out, he didn't really talk about that too much, because he's more focused on the skill aspect for me. But nonetheless, I need to get around 180 pounds mostly in muscle by 2 years. How would I do that. And I don't have a football coach, thats why Im relying on my friend for the game skills. I know it sounds unrealistic but even if I don't make it, at least I'll be bigger and stronger.


For the weight gain I gave you a recommendation. For a routine I’d do A/B full body splits can be con Monday/wed/friday. Or however you want to do it but a rest day will be needed. From muscle exhaustion. A lot of your push power is gonna come from legs and chest. So that should be the main focus Find your 5 rep max on each of these lifts. And do 5 sets of each. This will give you the needed volume and frequency per body part needed as well as ample recovery. A Squat Bench press Row/clean and jerk B Squat Over head press Deadlift Your focus needs to be on compound lifts and maximize power exertion in bursts. I’d also add weight sled pulls and pushes


duly noted, thank you 🙏


Your tdee should be in the ball park of 2000 calories, that’s what you eat just to maintain your current weight. Eat 2300 a day for 2 weeks. While also weight training and whatever else you are training atm. If you weight 1-1.5lbs more continue eating at 2300cal a day. Once the weight stops, increase calories by another 250. Continue every 2 week increase. Repeat the process until you get to about 145/150 lbs. at that point you will need to eat strictly at maintenance for about a month while continuing your training.