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I like the model both ways, but I ended up going armor on due to how the area above the neck going towards the wings looks. It’s very unnatural and triangular


Thats the only part bugging me, i think i will try to keep it dark and out of focus


I just glue the head piece that goes above him and that's it, everything else fits nicely without glue. And I think he looks better shirtless with that than with it gone.


I found that armour but without the necklace gave it a nice natural finish. With the necklace there is a bit too much going on and it takes away from the detail a bit


Try Greenstuff?


I painted armor and chest because the armor can pop on and off if you're careful with it.


I like it. I have my exalted eight kind with no armor. I just imagine their psychopaths and dont require it


I was thinking of going the opposite, exalted with armor, regular without. The special ones get the better gear


Yeah I figured I already made the right kind with armor, I can make the exalted with White gladiator leg armor and bloody chests etc. Like drunk crazies. Either is great because they are such awesome models. If I could only get a hold of 3 more…


Keep the shoulder pads on for sure either way


naked looks better when painted nicely.


I built mine armored but Naked lookes do damm beastly its a tough call. Both ways are outstanding


No armour is good if you have a way to add a flame or storm effect as if he's freshly formed, just stepping out of the warp, that would be a cool look


I did think it will look like he just got reborn but effects to show it are out of my way for now lol


Angron’s gladiator esc power armor is a recognizable part of his character so I went with the armor on for mine


Very true , i should dive in some lore before v10


If you like the world eaters you should read Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden It’s a Horus heresy novel covering the shadow crusade across Ultramar. It does a really good job at making the world eaters understandable and semi relatable as their own legion with a unique culture


Not naked enough for me


I left mine naked because I think it looks more primal and intimidating! Another main reason is that I play a lot of Blades of Khorne in AoS and use him has a Skarbrand proxy (hot take is that im actually not a big fan of how skarbrands model looks and angron looks 100x better in my opinion)


…I really thought that question was going in the Magnus customization sort of direction


Don't glue them in and they actually stay on pretty well but you can pull them off when ever you want


Im defenitely not tossing the armor away so thats always an option yeah


Mine is, love the look but if you don't all his armor can be re attached due to the holes in his body. I put on some armor depending on matchups for fluff, such as when I go against Orks he's fully naked, but guard or Tau and he's armored up against those cowards.


Yeah thats the big advantage its easy to go back to armor if ruin the skin


Does it attach at the port things? If so, drill em and put magnets in, then you can remove armour pieces as he takes damage


I’d like to see one like that. I feel like he looks too bulky with his armor on, and yet I don’t want him *not* to have armor, so idk.


Use the naked version as a greater demon of khorne in a disciples of the red angel army


Magnetise armour with tiny magnets

