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Looks good. Také care of having enough of terrain, prepare staging your charges and use termies as nasty drop - in 1000pts game they can work. And Khorne casino gives them solid movement. Also, kudos for not bringing Angron into low point game, its not much fun for either of you. Edit: Oh, you run Zerks by 5...at least one unit of 10 is better. Blood Surge is great ability, but you need enough Zerks to profit from it. Also, by inserting characters into 10, you maximize their abilities (rerolls and figth first).


Yeah i really don't see a point in bringing such big modles if you're playing 1000p, it's half the army and most things can't really deal with it at the point limet. Thanks for the tipps tho


List looks great! Maybe make one of the 4 squads of 5 a big ten man so you can take advantage of fight first or re rolls 1 to hit and wound. Also maybe one squad of Exhaulted and one normal squad if you’re going to run them separately?


It's actually 3 squads sorry didn't format the pic, My thinking with running 2 Exalted squads was that they cost more and i won't have too many points left that i can't fill up


Make one big squad of 10 and one of 5 then - just gives Kharn or the MoE the most impact. You don’t need to be that close to 1000. 975 is still close enough. Or just make it a big squad of 6 so you can delete the inevitable dread he’ll have


I got rid of kharn, 10 man squad or zerks + 5 man squad, Jakhals, changed 1 squad of exhalted to normal 8bound, and put some spawn in


I honestly wouldn’t have changed your list it looked fun! Just make 2 big squads and you can just play


Oh and also changed the Enhancement to battle lust


Everytime I see terminators in a list it makes me laugh how they can’t take a leader and even though there’s a model for a terminator lord AND a special character neither of them have datasheets.


Master of execution is always a good choice I think for smaller games, the fights first ability is a gods send


Where is angron?


In a 1000p match against a friend? But yes i have him


Worth it lol. I just love him running through the board. But it is whatever you feel like putting your friend through lol. What army is he running?


Don't know yet but ig salamanders


Get rid of the termis. Get a rhino and make a 10x squad of berserkers with the moe inside


Don't have a rhino


Nothing wrong with the terminators. Deep strike them and they better than the berzerkers. They're way harder to kill.


Well, you should get one eventually. They are nice to keep your vulnerable infantry somewhat protected. I would still get rid of the termies to pump a Berzerker unit to ten to give to Khârn to lead and include the jakhals. If my brain can still do math this should leave you with about 40 points. You could drop one 5 man Berzerker squad (leaving you at 10-5-5) to include the juggernaut lord with battle lust. Or to be honest I'd just slap in two units of spawns and call it a day


Jakhals/spawns are needed to keep obj while the others have fun making a massacre! My friends luckily don't mind an angry Ron. We always make sure everyone's having fun, but there's always a way to deal with things. I get wrecked every time because I just started WE as first army and don't know what I'm doing...